The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 18, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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k PAGE EIGHT. " *? COU^H MURDER T1 : BEGUN THIS IV ? (Continued from PaK< HIAL didn't know whether h< lORNIMr them or not- 1 to,d them if he needed the 3 Five) tlt<1 not to put tliein 01 THE L 3 would need I commission-shall opt him to use and nullify the sent in, bnt if he ineut of this court < n some other ant shall thereupon ... I uMnin (liuKt nil... r... ANCASTER NEWS, LANCAS >rate- to A^AAAAV :ence and- jidg ^ und the defend t be confined tn W ? STER. 8. C. r? n. FRIDAY, I m$M$ i. i r HARCH 18, 1921 x i thought it necessary for after Blackmon had stopj the road and the othei Never habitually carriec Never made practice of ca tol until day Blackmon s on road. On cro88 examination I irt&iu tiiiu iu IUI uiu d protection "Will Hackney came ?ed him on at Marshallsville on c r trouble, asked me If 1 had anyt 1 a pistol. he continued. "He sale irrying pis- opening a store in A (topped mo would pay me full vi foodstuffs I would shi >y Mr. Mc- asked me another tim< ?v? ?V?1V Iioiituuun 1UI into my car of his maladieB unt me trip and ment of the said psyi hin^ to sell," appointed he shall i he was Just permanent normalit) labama and Mr* McLaurln wu ilue for any Penitentiary in Coli [p him. He abide results and e: > for a rain- yided in the above 01 l"e lICJIilHUM' J VB m il In tbo ??'Ik V 11 chiatrlsts herein be restored U ?*> > s taken to th" ^ imbla thoro to i ~~ Humiliation pro j ' rder. ^ nasier 1 ^HE BEST PLACE paruneni : TO SHOP AFTER ALL." xores | { ? ljow witness saui i nere witnesses against Black 11 grand jury. After March several conversations \\ 111011 about the indictment the witness was mixed ai Said he carried the pist fateful day as protectio: Ulackmon if Hlackmon him. Didn't hear Ttlapkr ivere uiiht coal, OUl l aiun I nave ion before 191S? had McLAURIN ENTER ith Black _ . OK GUII/TY^ SE 5 to dates. ol on the (Continued From P: 11 against | attacked ja i,oa^ of speclaBsts i? noil SI1V ;i i _.w_ ...ill "tit-. HOTV TO <?KT UICI ? OI T OF A ',S PLEA A man tolls of i NTENCED star,r,l poor 20 yoai retired with the co tune of $50,000. T ige One.) acquired through ind conscientious effort t< i m ntal d indomitable perse vet Mr \I.?I X Ti l NKWSIWPKI, I MM 1111 editor fhi J rs ;iko and h:^ iV I m for tai) K? tor ? his money was vrstry, etv-n >n:- ?* ) Rive fit.I valiu \ anefe. <i'id lii< | YEAR1 f REAL m >r | r word before he grabbed m nioti was cursing while corr the street, I didn't knov was cursing. I told him n on me. I could have run would have avoided the 8 As The News goes to pre o'clock Mr. McDow is c the cross examination of tl . eases wuu \>m va?ihh? ie. Black- rjn to determine his nt ling across Mr McLaurin loft V v who he Bennettsville last fall o ot to come and a note was found i and that )mnk ju8t across the It hooting. !,Caroltna that day. ind as at ^jr yioLanrin had comnt oncluding wa8 located in Atl tie defend- 1ofor. death of an uncle win ental status $49,999.50. lis home in no afternoon The News?8 p?K? 011 the river in North icating that | Uted suicide. 11/ 1 JUT anta several VW till j loft tiie edltoi X ? E M a.BO yrur. A w\l? iALMY SPRIh fGj ant. which will conchvde and argument of counsel this afternoon. Presbyterian Church (Written for The Ne The Youing Woman's will present a Paseant ent Never Knew'' at the manse itr? on-j the easel""'*" will begin Bennett8ville, March B. MoLai^rin entered Notes guilty to an indictment ws). convey every possible ch Auxiliary nection with the failure itled "We tual Savings bank of Tuesday and the Bennettsville ? comnanv. Juden Rowir 17 Thomas 8TRAY|CD FKOM MY a plea of night black cow. tip intended to ed off scar on rigl arge in con- reward. W. J- I of the Mu- LOST, STRAYKI) O Bennetsville One dove-colored 1 Warehouse right ear off. scar tan lmnosed rd J R- Evei HOt'SK LAST s of horns saw- X ht lilp. Liberal Iammond. R STOLKN? lound. Tip of on bark Re ? "all. Lancaster ECIAL SHOWIN CONCEF BLOUSI G OF THE NEW TIONS IN I WEAR EST I cTcuiii(t, maitu iiuu, m This is not a play, but a pi signed to be inspiring an tive as to the conditions of en in the heathen lands, rendered in costume by the of the Auxiliary and this i meeting, to which all who ested in Foreign Mission ? U ClOl'K. ' ageant de- 11 sentence of (en year d instruc- 8iKned the following on the worn- "The defendant, Thoi It will be Laurin having been arn s members indictment charging bre; 8 an open etc ? and having upon tl are inter- ^'8 counsel, pleaded gu s are in- indictment and having . - son ton no, J hv lh<> nnurt i ~~"" . I Route 5. s and then j ier: FOR MA LB?ii.OOO 11 n Mr- oat8- ?ne cft mas R. Mc (hy hay $J ?& huJ algned upon ; ^ Porter, "At the ich of trust., ? He advice of FOR SA1/R?<iOOD ?w . 0?I,| * and yorns? calf Ah( ilty to said, caster Route x been duly I ma nie "" v U SHKI.S KKI) V r cholcp tiino ?? ldred. Carne? ? dopot." 4L'-2t Y - > MILK COW el Nelson, | an4 L' -11 ..... _ " ?T? At every spring season, the not felt the need for seve have made pood use of th their blouses are now shov This special display and sal offering to solve all your collection of models tV?n* i ire is hardly a woman who has iral new blouses. Those who eir winter suits will find that ving signs of wear. e comes as a welcome occasion, blouse wear problems from a maHp nr? nf irnnriruf f.w * vtit'u. i rus inviiiiuon members o/ other chtirche As each organization church has already made offering for Foreign Missl will be no offering at thl as had been announced. The Woman's Auxiliar spden did justness meetinj includes s. counsel. Messrs. T. I. R< of the ?w<?n8. havinp raise a special tion ot lhr> defendant's ions there ,cgal responsibility by s meet in p suff,cient to satisfy this the question of the defe y had a should be fully and S at the ,nvestlgated and inquir i motion of th?. dpfonilar < ii-i ? r. Ul( I 5gers and J. j Jersey rows with v< d the ques-1 8ale- r?"nor ?">? sanity and JX)ST?OXK KKI> <'(1 testimony tie brindle; horns i court that bob-tail. Reward ndant's snn- Arthur Bunch .548 thoroughly K()|t SAI.K?OVKH ed into, on roadster, five-passe ??'? miincoi Iv naintert ;inH M'.MI Kit KS|I t lung calves for 41_2t > XV WITH I.ITsawed off and & for return to J Midway. 4rt-.1t > LAND CLUB- t n*er car. Newrhniil.wl o...I I crepe de chines or unusual novelty silks in rick suit t tajreous purchases, we cai ually low prices while the % - ?C4I1W weight?and most interesting ones. Owing to many advan1 afford to quote these unusquantity lasts. Priced $2.5* 0 up | manse weanesaay afterm ports of the year's work and our hearts were f thanksgiving as each cin man reported that her c been faithful in prayer, ii In attendance and in g auxiliary has an enrollmer members. The Young >on. Re- .. ,, _ . the solicitor consenting, were read , , .1. IA. hy ordered, decreed an llled with .. . . , , . , that a commission, consi cle chair- . .1- v j le8S than four expert < :ircle had .. . . . i interest P8ych,atrl8ts. two of wh ifts The de8l*nated by the def forneys and two by the 1 ? 8 * y this circuit or hy the al Woman's . . . . . . eral of the state, and i it is "here- c??d condition, n is nere George B. Craven; d adjudged . sting of not I REDUCE COTTW md reputed 50 per cent., cut om shall be in half. Plant W >ndant's at- Cleveland Big E solicitor of tjuce 75 per cenl :torney gen- nflve fine see^i at n rasp thev ol at m\r fo rm i n . UOUIEU Uliw III I A bargain 4 News office, tf J ACREAGE T fertilizer bill 1 /annamaker's loll and pro- v b as much. 1 60c per bush- > nnt. I ' NEW GI Quite a large number of w for dress fashioning now, well under way before the rw\ l' 4^ "* /4 ?virv<i4 rv ** n IA 1 rt 4 NGHAMS omen will buy their ginghams and tret their spring sewing season opens. It is by far tne u: A- j- oa-?- i? * t I t I Auxiliary oas twenty and Age circle about ten. 1 gifts to all causes for amounted to more than sand dollars. The regular services wi] at the opera house nex Our church being still c repairs. the Teen fall to agree then a fll "he total chosen by the four, is her the year appointed and directed to one thou- the mental condition of fendant and as to whe U be held | ^ legally responsil t Sunday. Lctg and if said comm losed for | maj0rity thereof shall 11 inaid defendant he leeal ? ^ I |M v ???J i?l *t* Ail ? th shall be | J. Roy Cunningh eby created,| ??? inquire into j the said de- | ther or riot 11 V A W )le dor his I I M I ft I ission or a I LLvlilL nd that the I lv rpsnnnsl- ; m. any vjuitlllliy. lam. 42-tf ^ ADsIf J ! mjjuai aim scuniuic t and fresher than they will son. A visit entails no o invite comparison. Priced 15< mug iu uu. ,(oi.ock? are larger be at any time again this seabligation to buy. In fact we c, 20c, 25c and i % i 35c i* 1 EXPRESS EMPLOYE! ON TRIAL IN ?.Con led i^rom Pat Dunaway's and the next ti him he said. "They fit pre Another time I left with hie that upon the filing ^ with the clerk of,this co MACON" f serving of a certified c upon the superintendei One.) j state penitentiary and o 'Carolina State hospital, me I saw! or other proper author! !tty well." ! institutions that the sai Dunawav1 he mnnferroH tn tho ! their report _ . . , . , Debtor* ami ( iurt and the ... , All persons having opy thereof estate of Mary 1 nts of the ceased, will make pa f the South to the undersigned, a ., , having claims again respectively. wfU p%8ent game du ties of said ItU1 d defendant Kxecutrix Estate of Cr...?K r-?-? Dow. deceased. 'redilors ^ claims against B. McDow, de A yment at once JE nd all persons i st said estate ' Iv attested. Jfc . Tl! McI)OW. V 1 Mary B. Mc- ?* Fashion Answers Th Prices W STUNNIN e Appeal For Popular rith These G SPRIN< t ? ni v ji a t a dozen overalls, a package and a package of shirt them for him to sell for m? "Once I put off some cs wife was doing some presi i of pants i Una State hospital or soi 8. I left stitution selected by si i. trists as hereinafter pi ins as his there he confined and t ervinf?. I (such time as he may be the said psychiatrists to to normality, j; "It is ordered furthe ?*""v" March 18. 1921. tie other in lid psychia- NOTICE OF ovided and STATE OF SOUTH reated until County ' of La Court of Comm adjudged by Euza u Kirkland. V be restored Scrotia Cook and Plaintiffs Vs. r, That the Ellison Laney. Rustei 4 2 41 wf HALE A CAROLINA J .ncaster on Plena /Mile T. Kelly, J Annie Bobo r Laney. Perrv cu Models that can rightfullj frock are vieinjr with each c charms and convince you ol As an artist paints his maj worked. First the inspin Alb r take its place over a smart >ther to show you their various ? their value privin^ supremacy. *terpiece, so have these artists *tion. Then the development ? * ? A *5a Jjf said commission be and i 97 thorized and empowered said defendant to such pi times as they deem advi: servation in order to 0 conclusions in the pren quire into his mental the present and to give ion of his mental cond s hereby an- Laney and George to take the : ?nt?. laces at such i PursUant 4rt i,n ' laces at Burn ; March J7 192J mad sable for oh- stated case by Hon. reach their Circuit Judge, I will Uses, to In- arictIon at the Court raster, S. f\, on the condition at ^ April, 1921. during t > their opin sale, the following ition at the wlf: "A,l ,hat parcel Luney, Defend- A nrdcr of dat? le in the abmfp A> Ernest Moorej ,X, sell at public thouse in Dnn ?& first Monday In lie le^al hours real estate to I or lot of land. of thaj inspiration throug able and the most skilled And with all the care thai coats distinctive, moderat mount in their minds. H< can only be appreciated b: h the finest materials obtainworkmanship. t was exercised to make these e prices were always paraiw well this was accomplished y a personal inspection. J* -T T ' Y You'll Sing . Different ' If your home burr without insurance yoi * ??-?j A time of the commission rious offenses charged ii ment during the year I imo i,p?n tiv * ftC commission or a m; of, if the said commii 18 down find that the said defenr j'll Stop n< McI-a"r,n' was ,e*a ? i ft sible for his acts as ch . iyui? auu suuiue in n t of the va- j c'aBter< county and i n the indict , containing one acre, 1920; that 'And bounded now or n?,iln?. I by lot of Oda Sadc: findings or' .. - - * ?. i. * i Moorr; West by lot ( ijority there . ernpoon. Kaat by 'o RHion hIioi Id i wiliams and South lant. Thomaa Thp sa'n? bI,nK kn" ,, . Kellv lot. TerniH of y '"eapon- p,m ??er to pay for p.* arged in the nlie stanms. !#? u>wn <M i.i<n ) -t state aforesaid more or less. JL formerly No".1 & ller ami Paiss T of Henry WIMi- 1 t of D. Reecr I l?v Oav ?tr?pf J I wn ns the I'o* sale cash puripers and rove i THE VHLLINEF Smart is one adjective to t , NEW IY MODE ise when describing inese hats. ?' %r T y O V S T i?J Mining auuui gUUll Get protection now Hartford Fire {In! Company and clinch Insure your propei protect your hard ear lars. Good business r iuck. indictment, the sentei in the 'n case shall be su set aside and the And turance ltlCk. rty and ||5 neddoi- { rnrp < If mandq US H 1^1. . ice impcseri PJ spends un.l H InN),s ings of this Plaintiffs Attorney EiBraiaransmraraiafEfafai SCHOLAR SHIl UTT, MOO"*1'. >> 1'Ierk of Court X r f. 42-3t raiaiaiapi. 2 ?s 11 Beautiful is another and 1 Each and every one of the crown to trimming or tilt c new millinery modes, you word that means most. ow priced is pre-eminently the m is exclusive; individual as to >r shape. I f you love to see the will enjoy whatever time you Priced $4.9 I 5 up % A that you do so. We c most reliable fire insu the world. 'i * Insure today?at 1 fice. * f &?I >ffer the | J T . ranee in |1 Twenty I 11 Standard this of. I j Apply at i i PRESIDE ~ree Scholarships for 1 [ Entrance Rn ance to NT of ERSK1NE COLl Ij 4 Women, j j its. I} X f i f Lai .EGE ! ? icaster De partment 5 * X j tares | f uucasier insurance < IRA B. JONES, J LMMMtov, 8. 0 < j ... ?eocy I Box I SuaniaiiiafEii Wes uaiaianmBBniziaBB t, S. C. [ % Pho1 raraaiziiui i?e No. 258 Lancaste ,r> S. C. |