The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 18, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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, t f f J. vf AGE FOUR TheLancaste RNEWS and criticism. Whil THE L e he does not matter; but is cor Kiw ts something crook ' * \ . " * ' * ANCASTSR yews, LANCAS ivinced th?t there J Preebyteriai ed. For Ustance.1 < vvrittan < ITER. S. C. n Church Notes their teacher r?r fi?? vA..n\ thro? u-nekA. FRIDAY, , after her absence of dele at 1(] with n full att?>ndunt')- that the I MARCH 18, 1921 ggggy i o'clock tonight Indicate Jordele military comoanv ( SfiiHl- w KKKI Established 18 Published Tuesday ai BY THE * " LANCASTER NEWS t Lancaster, 8. GEORGE BULLA C Editor and Man Lim?) 8ire?D uiu puini* it to ~~~ true that the Anti-Si 52. ad Friday nettled because the li O.UPAKY. eJ S,ale8 rUnS C?n" C. repeated contention tl 'IIAVKN sesses no curative fe tiger. | "The law of the la ???? 0f medical opinion, t uliuucouuuai'i.' . although tho propc aloon league la the iegi8iature aw of the Unit- u,ia measure, It h rary to its oft poople in North Ca hat alcohol pos- ?ng along the same | Carolina folks go latures. ln South Carolina nd. Irrespective now there are fuflrt lolds that wine The oil companies >sit ion was sprung While Mr. II as a South C'aro- WOrk of rej as developed that the church we ) rollna were work- vtceB In the ope i line. The North ^ay school last t theirs through. a8 smoothly Jas i It failed. But attoudance of 1 her developments. tion8 at both n doina business In ?? ivi i un ncno; j * ~ orton is engaged In aI,(1 r?P?rt8 ( minting the walls of jtalne(1 lntere' are holding our ser-1 WOU ra house. The SifnSuoday moved along i possible, with an 16. The congrega- (ContlDUO aorning and evening . .. tlnued to Oct >f good work and hiih- has been ?t while she was gone. with troub - , ingham uiii IK IS DONE SESSIONS COURT! ?n | Augusta, d From Page One.) .payor whoi . (and who in ober term. In another | ' nfour Ins culled out in connection le on the Atlanta, Blrmj Atlantic. Installment Plan Oo., March 15.?A taxso total tax is four cents isisted on his right to pay tallments and who bought Toe News is uot respoi lews of Correspondent! rational articles on topii Interest will be gladly i , SUBSCRIPTION P Strictly Cash in Ad In city and county, excep delivered by city carri . , . _ . in .postal zones 1 and Delivered by city carrier nslble for the , . 8. Short and a,ld beer and even :8 of general medicinal value. 1 ecelved. ! . . .. main reason for the 1 RICE: Anti-Saloon league, il Ivance. . _ , . .. 1 "The Anti-Saloon 1 t those 1 ier and tally, does not expec and~to~^*^ tration to proceed n whiskey are of North Carolina ha 'herein i3 the the ,ax in ful1- It criticism ot the ",e [,rocec,l? ? thing like $750.( t is said todav. tl. course tlhe com pi league, inciden- the 1 cent a galloi t this admittis- tors, and equally i tore obedientIv lributor8 ??' c?"< " Burners. The thl: _ - Dcrvinio were ,ve agreed to pay especially for th is estimated that of u,e church, a aggregate some- people did theli >00 a ve?r. Of having entire cl tnies will collect a8 ushers, chol a off the distrihu- was on "The L of course :he dls- There was uniw set it off the con- service, ng is dend easv. I >uu. me lauer was caBe chargint e Teen age members property mul ,nd these young peo- Snipw> was c r part beautifully. (ln} the cour large of the service. flne of r etc. The sermon public works. ittle Captive Maid." jual interest in this Military C Macon. Ga. s the disposition of a money 01 or lien, upon which throe centi onvicted earlier in the here today t imposed the sentence 1 walked int< 200 or six months on \ collector c: ' and made i address as ompany Oalled Out His name i , March 17.?Long dls-I dor for one cent and paid s to pot It was revealed when a long, lean farmer n the office of the deputy ?f Internal revenue here hie return. He gave hi* Lincoln county, Georgia. *as not divulged. postal zones beyond tl ond, per year Six months, one-halt the No new subscription er shorter period than si The date on your label on which your pap stopped. TO ADVERTIS1 The Lancaster News g i/lvarHeorn > In w<vrki> nl?< le sec- in respect to its comi S3 00 "above rates. Preceding. The attor itered for a said to be "notor.iou x months. .. . . . . is the date the ^astiry head f? er will be the stock of the ove i company. And liquo SR8. with the bootlegger?: uarantees to i_ such be nossiblc* m iianris than the jjpf t^p next quest ney general Is Will South Carolln sly * wat. and ?as a cent a Kallon , , North Carolina 1 ormerly owned .. . 1 hardly be so you ? rholt Distilling jwatch and Bpe r still abounds Carolina people gel i becoming, if er than the North ore ?n,i more one meaning will I] Jon of Interest Is. The JoP"nK a people get their *smcheaper than the people? It win ^ ,ftn notice it; but JL _ (Tnless the South % J ^ t their fr.-u cheap- V ^ Carolina people. >e that Soith Car- ?? Bible class preeted | tance telepho xJman-1 ne menflag?8 from Cor The N?m W alkup AN?8 pnff<>N?92.AO year. Co. I ?:? utci nccia rt luigci til < Lancaster and Lancaster any other newspaper. Entered as Second C October 7, 1905. at the Lancaster, S. C., under (tress of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, MARCH l u laiiuu in * ' county than bold. | "In this connectlor llass Matter loon league regards i Postofflce at: act of Con- that even Uncle Sam ed as privileged by th 18 199! to 8erve the fh'rsty ( . ; Major Scanlon of the , olina people will road tax without rt i, the Anti-Sn-iflt for their roads. t as significant People deal squarel . Carolina people? is not regard- _. maybe no. The p ose who desire .. , ... thig very scheme w >f Washington. plp of both North C i Rolling Field Carolina pay some I be pavinp that ?ce1vir?c aiy bene And will the oil ly with the North Maybe- bo and % robabllity Is that 111 rnahe the peoarollna and South *5^ two or three rents ! T II K S II O ? ( w 5 l< V ===== t Y Y ? Y A. THINGS COMIN Now that the grand recommended that the < the board of county co "employ an architect \ get up plans to enlarge house," it looks as if tli 1,.inrnstor mnntv hai?A U! l?Jr station reports thi jury has stolen 30 five-gallon i :hairman of tainers of pure alcohi mmissioner.- professional and exp at once' to Tito major estimates ? the court- these 150 gallons at ie people of; "The bootlegger. 1 it thieves have mor<* Per gallon f wooden con- I wo'^,d have Pay : scheme does not 1< " reserv?<i t?r | Yorkvllle Enquirer, erlmental use. ed. thr- value of I $32S ~ " ? T"K IH MO lowever, as a ^ j ^ or pas than they ^ ' otherwise. TIip j jL ook ritrht to The i J It looks crook- ^ K i;|: tia Asm r M, ? RMO rN\ a public building of whic feel proud. The pram only recommends that t be enlarged but also "pu to-date improvements foi the officials of the cour v.'ise to make our old and Ill I'l UO^Cl I ? WO'IH. Ul CApUl l UIIU :h they may many times that sum a jury not his 600 quarts of alc< I he building i tting in up- ' CROPS GO WIT r the use of An important opin t; in other down by the sup I out-of-date South Carolina Wed iuon, win net I ! Obsorvm in return for] ..paw whRt ,s nf >hol." | "An advertiseme 'of a pretty Rirl eati 'H L \\l) , 'inp. or driving snm ion was hand b0<l>* wants to sell.' nessean. renio court of _ nesday affect- j One Pll it Pan I A A i advertisement?" nt is tlio picturr ? J? rip. wearinp, hold- ^ ethinj? that some- V* "?Nashville Ton-I^ it Tlrnlty j V nd on every other occ i Frocks our big collec 'resses find the utmost rasion demanding refit Hon of Coat Suits, Co favor with the entire f inemenl v ats and public. * ==== 4{* > courthouse up-to-date an Meaning, The News not only caring for actual hut beautifying the build Possibly, the grand jury rebuilding the*, front, resi concrete floori, the wall nnoothltf In ^ i id modern." j ing the sale of lan< interprets. ,'10re is at the time of I necessities. crops. The cas< ling as well. ^ or^ county and was had in mind an<* ^ Smith agair urfacing th? head. The supreme s, etc., and t'ia' when a citizen > nlppp nf In 11H I Vi ? I upon which ' thought there in your town for the sale grow- . , to merge into one. e eomtM from -There Is." begun by J. N. "What's the ileli ist J. H. Hank- "They can't deei court holds purchases a j Tlir MNsli ?r Un *?/? ol.,. WHS & movement all the churches* ? v IVT lie which one."? I ^ / > u? lllusli , A ..., V Beautiful iw Coats i ts Pfi! in iuv piuutr^a ui tiou and rejuvenation a nient, the old chewed-up come off. Naturally, one of the fi to come up is "Where k to come from?" The put up the money, of eo . rcironsiriic- *- ? .....v. .UG ii(1 enlarge- 'he 'a"(l at tIi<* time, i i blinds will w"itH the land an chaser, unless otheru rst thoughts wr'ttcn In the deed of * the money ease is of considera1 people will unrt 'he court sets do urse. Who- 'he matter, which u mi: ? i u|i ui - *?*v#.v* me on) iiii f there he any. | The i.olor toft i^ut on the should ii to the purI? showed for r.oe spedflrally Scalper iruns'er. The hie importance Sn "How do the jor '.vii rlie law in ,?. thejr little two-r ill liavu a fcr apartment?" am HI II15* love, % 17 her cheeks: i JC lor of Ills mat I J several weeks.-- V f h^ V * * f\p Objections ^ IIC |n"(M SPom to like | ^ oom kltchenet'e V Ifl ! )u will appreciate e variety in both sign and material the New Spring Ml I mil I ISlW I ever heard of a court wasn't paid for by the p that is a matter that ci arranged and "strung c term of years so that i pinch." The legislature can provide for it?pi #M A AAA ? a m house (hat reaching effect. Tlio eople? But, v'?usly hinted at su in be easilv 'n other cases, it is >ut" over u ?ninion handed down It "will no? kind, it is claimed. 5 next year The Cftse grew out ossibly for!of certa'n lands in Y - a rnnpf nrdar T IT r court has pro- "Oh. thov have r |oh a decision P'aint! Judne. Raid, hut the (Vrtaln is 11 ?; first cf Teacher (after h ' As we walk out of the selling day and look aro" see on everv hand ork count/ by Pup,|_.'Gloves!' lanlrhan .1 k/\lnr? io room for com- * Cc H so ?sson on snow)?j yj on a cold winter & md, what do wo' ^ ?" ! ?% ?Life. 1 )ats 10.00 to $39.75 jfffl - lau.wu, inure, n necess; ^ f J t > ,tho\ Meantime, the co can go ahead with the thereby comply with th the grand jury, which once.'" ^ The Jail? Well, the < lot may be sold for suffl iry?out, in - ?. - ^ mmisslonera i a??nt In the cat work and wer? bought by J. n. e wishes of Smith and they pal i say* "at.on November 9 and J the same day. Bank old jail and dortook to gather th? cient money the P^c?. he having lauauonu uriu^ ?? ie. The lands * ' Mrs. FlatbuRh? Smith and J. ,j|re yon any notl< Id for tha land about to leave?" died the deeds j Wrs- nonsonhurs head then un- ^ not,ced UB at , . Statesman. ? crops left on had the land The Retor ity One O ^ "Did your cook r ;e when she was ^ I?"No she hard- ^ gjw : all."?Yonkers V I Snappy A M :oat sun etain their shape because they terials that srive Service and Pr s I are Fashioned iced very Spe- 4^ with which to build a i the courthouse lot, wht grand Jury recommend* It looks like things ar to come our way; that ii wise. We haven't heard of that train yet, but 1 near jail on , farmed by tenants di eh also the The Plaintiffs, J. D. i. N? Smith, then took beginning Bankhead and to gel s Lancaster- cr?P8the tooting A special referee cv3*ve got a ,to ^ear the oaae and 1 - tlio AVAna nfa?a iring the year. "J wouldn't be Smith and J. y?u!" . . "That's the onl action to stop i you ve said during t possesion oLjf yotv were I you < I be a fool."?Phil was appointed Ledger, ho decided :hat 1 There Was (A *kA A a fool if I were y sensible .thing V* *m : this discussion. V CI certainly wouldn't EM ladelphla Public a HPtI m Reason || 9.95 to $4? rx * *1 1.95 i 17 . T notei ana a new courtho are in prospect. J PRESCRIBING E Dispatches sent, out 1 ington state that the op former attorney-general , ell* PAlmer, that doctor iiS3 and jail """" *""> ? ant, Bankhead, who land all year, the r lEER before the sale tn N from Wash- plaintiffs then appeal Inloft of the cu,t court and the A. Mitch- was affirmed by the s may pre iw H'O UCIOIIU- I IIT1T, - . Why do you ti had had the ron(| hOR f^at cot ent being due j the missus, rathe: ovember. The right of way is on led to the clr- undoubted! special referee ca,m,y* "Ab '?r 'the reason is plal > circui4. court . this epitaph whirl newspaper recently irn out for every V W nes along?" tald V 1 r crossly. '^*he ?* 1 rs. Isn't It?'' ^ j >'!' answered he. JXL ' our turning out, 1 nly suggested in. ^ h nppeared in a V , Uh [. jwi Dresses th{ W. are su New Spring L/resses ana V it win favor because you car it&ble for every occasion by s< \ Dresses all Moderately Price V aists i buy Dresses ^lectingione of ?? u > .T r r' ' scribe beer with four pe j r. hoi means nothing to tl South Carolina, or Nor 'or Virginia, or in any which had statutory pr^jf,to the ttt^f the a States became a desert. ir cent alco-' The cas* **? the ie thirsty in supreme court an th Carolina bunal ho,d8 th?t the other state pr?Perty of the 8m! prohibition tree8? ?otton stalks. < 'hole United ,n* been conveyed 4 Only nine de?d? The defendan " " ' - *" elaimln? fiirth n appealed to|"Aere lies the bod d the hlRh trl- Who died inaiiftal crops are the way? .. . . He was rlpht. d< Ith.. the land. >p,d corn, etc., har- But j^.g jugt ag ^ ill In the one wrong."*?-B it is estovped ?r~+ War iAr intorAar lit 7 of William Jay. A ning hit right of & sad right, a* he ? 1^1 ad as If he'd been jT oaton Transcript. V Plain ned J Casio EW SILK i. Fancy and Embroidered Silk n at Great Value Giving Price? HOSE c Hose for every oc- ^ t~\ aiaies, 11 u nam, are an ruling of the attorney '"r "The opinion, thereto dispatches, "1? not of sc . portance either to the the great balk of Ame who would substitute 1 strong llaucr that Is eciea oy iuc ? -general. l.he cr?P* or renUre," amy the The OP1?10? was by J ich rital im brewers, or SCISSORS AN] rlcan people i?eer for the ''It Looks C srr where ob- (Yorkvllle Ei ? " Clergyman ?(wh the conrt aaye. next t0 slightly in Fudge Frater. "Do you allow a di ? Conductor (low right bo long ae yo > PASTE. ?Gargoyle. Real Pui r00ke<1" "Perhaps the P* inulren __ o hu ?at down X itoxtcated man)? jT unk on this car?" ^ 1 olce)?"It's all ^ ^ u don't pet noisy." JT __ | = lUlimcnt A n/iltv for bootleg- & ^ LOO $1.50 $2.00 I $2.95 $3.48 f 1X7-11 ry I tainable. "But the Anti-Saloon In arms, and its legal rc Wayne B. Wheeler, last statement of complaint There is a nigger , In connection with 1 league is np gallon gasoline tax preventative. poaed Jn fhe gouth ies a formal lature. The York1 and protest docs not know the in .? ... Rtnji Is not severe In the woodpile . .... I "It Isn t," repllf .he one cent ai,, , ^ .tlelop. "A bootle t a was pro- ma^e tQ C?ro1l?. iGKls- Washington star. rllle Enquirer ^ wardness of the rJiiic Xrws-*? |i enouKh." id Uncle Bill Hot- X ^ RKer o'lKht to be J !g own llcker."? V Sell I V * Vaj^aaj )>rcs?f2.r><) year. ^ < juinaii t Foi TV CUltUJ. r Cash I P V/O. I For Less ?