The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 18, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO f THE I | alieud 07 iiursey. ' I two or three times iANCASTER NEWS, LANCAS 1 1?h?1 to Wink ham want a to lalk 1 hffore I ??ulil real- ???ii ? ?? i ITER, S. C. fo you about tt. "But | ftralKut In TI I kn.... II...1...... I I'll I II ir thil tr FRIDAY, I ie "eyei. "You are not over Uie at a nth now. .1 Inutile You Inst what tl "*Y MARCH 18, 1921 I te were saying That "R wai I liev had exueoted?that n.? I m ECKEI ly make up my m was Malale Ann. I might be the nurs? I B had a nifty little li I B mop of hair, I was meant to be I wa* frlllevl and tr LVKw/ W"You poor, poo patting my pillow Ind that tie tlp-toer and for Cousin She looked as If she Norcross', we m e's understudy. She human soul. A aee cap on her thick has been appoir 1 guess fcer apron way out here fn nursey too. only It thing lias gone icked to a fare-you- road, and all of are getting reat r boy!" ahe cooed, perfectly heart-l Just like my grand- jt Was: It * i nuun, uiiimiir, uvm , n ?--- %Sheila's Rake and Mr. know Mr. N? ust never lisp It to a of us. and yo new general manager le?Ht little bl ited, and lie Is on Ills chI leave eve Jin New York. Every- Have you ev to pieces on the rail- anything like Mr. Norcross' frlenda I had to ac ly to resign. Isn't it ?n the other oreaklngT" thing you'd I >n so heart-break In* Hut at the Bt ?rcrosa better then any railroad wi u know that It Isn't the branch, and t like him to walk out ntuy with I rythlng to go to wreck, breath, er known of his doing "Then thi that before?" been appoli Unit that I hadn't; that. He nodd< hand, It was the very name of D1 east expect him to do. un(j neither ime time I had to hang hjg way w< us crooked In root and that u good man couldn't It long enough to get hla new general manager haa ited?" I asked. ?d. "Some fellow by the amuke. I don't know him, does Homack. He Is on pat now, they say." mother used to v a kid and had the mi "Are you still roa Oregon woods?" That brought m them, back; the o around In a forest having to Jump un big trees from fi "l:.""hln?me: . ,-hen I wai a little that I Just ga*i Limps or the measles. w<>nt off the ho< mlng around In the Ann's frlghtene< In my eurs as y dream, or one of back from sltpp ne about wunderlng ; of Douglas fir and CHA d dodge to keep the ailing on me and What Ever) I wasn't gone ?*d once or twice and on *? ">y ?>?**! ?ka again, with Malsle thing he had i little shriek ringing tell her the ti she tried to hold we "Every man Ing over the edge. time!" I prol Norcrosa to d( iPTER VI Mr. Cliadwlck ? Mr. Dunton t t Man Knows "The thing very long on this aec- be to go off til belief that It was the ?Mr. Nor I done: either that, or Chadw ruth. ventured, i reaches his limit, some "No. Tl ested. "What was Mr. |>r?-ii wiring u, I'd like to know; with ; any trace o getting scared out, and ! "Tell tfiei hreatenlng to ttre him?" where his |i he wouldn't do would "I know,' und leuve all of ills note of the crosa tiHKn't shown up at Ick'a Chicago offices?" I le telegraph people have ; everywhere anil can't get f him." n to try (lalesburg. That'a teople live." ' he said; nnd he made a address on the back of an 8YN0PSII CHAPTER I.?Graham ntd manager, and b>? m Dodds, are marooned at I In* with a young lady, and her small cousin. Ui ness a peculiar train he a special car Is carried < nMlfllHMHhaiilUkUM few weeks ago flSwi siding; but that IsnM not going to." Norrroaa, iaH> " . . . . cretary, Jlmmla If I had had the mOU8e' 1 mIght hRV tseen, tber wit- was no match for s ldup. In which j lacked the sense?It ttt- hard. - - . iiu uiurr WOOUI H0JVVE|| sort of feebly. BflEMMEB am ir i at San3 Creek **You ore In bwl I aaylng that Tm at conain Basil's take you to the rt sense of a field night, but when e known that I here to try to uch a man; but Cousin Basil wer icked It good and brought you home hulunce." * mr mine, i saia. ond excursion ir ind then: "Where though It was shaded electric I In the ajare room when I opened They wanted to Mrs. Sheila sit illroad boipltal that The change In they telephoned up made me gasp, find Mr. Norcross. pretty as she sal it right down and clasped In her with him In the am- ferent; sober, a ito the woozy-woozles, friends, Mr. night-time, und the uack, and all light was turned on alone. You I my eyes and found do, Jlnimle E ting by the bedside. "If you woi Mrs. Sheila sort of must have on She wasn't any less not knowing \ t there with her hands "I have," i lap. but she was dlf- I want you t< nd with the laugh all that you can i an Isrltt and Mr. lior- envelope. 1 the rest, to tight It out on the "dli know that as well as I gay. odds!" * "You've t n't take my theory, you an Intimate e of your own," I said; mle: haven' vhat else to suy. thing that < site flashed haok, "and more light < :> hurry and get well so I hodn'thelp me trace It out." I couldn't I I'tieii he came at me again, reel." aa a lawyer would ?eeo cloaer to Norcron In way than any of ua, Jimt you aeen or heard tomewould help to turn a little >n this damnable blow-up -outxlde of the one thing alk about?and 1 told hltn CHAPTER Il.-Norerost car stolen as John Chad magnate, whom he was tc City. He and Dodds re The latter offers Norcros hip of the Pioneer Short In the hands of easte headed by Breckenrldge dent of the line. Norcros Sheila Macrae la stopping accepts. CHAPTER III.?Dodds varsatlon between Rufus 1 tave Henckel. Portal Hit j recognises the 'lou'^ like your Wlck'S, financial ahnrtlv "V*...',! ?.,? ? meet at Portal 8n?rtl.v- ??utl *o n scue Chadwick. of your wuy to make s the manager- there is no need nf Une. which Is ",e ?s no neea or rn speculators, business was a Jok< ?^ralngPmat" fln,8h- 1 <lon,t know 1 at Portal City, cross came to get In was meant to be on overhear, con- The n,?hf before- ftt 1 Hatch and Qui- were giving him at t v flnannlpm in kA t.i at boss," he said 'ThHt night,' y< long distance out "It was last night > an enemy when on tiio. wasn't It 1 It. That hohl-np "i don't know an ?, from start to hut the night that iow you and Nor- burnt and cripple* on It; the Joke 0f your office stal John Chadwlck. aRO> You have be< i little dinner we nearly all the tlm he rallroud club, j "Burnt and crli ^tmr' win ??i nit" m say?" I parroted. look in theui a* : tliat the door fell become so wlw " ever fool her. ythlng about a door. "You ure feel they foutd you all asked, when sht 1. lying at the foot her. ra, was three days i told hv I gt en out of your head my hand hurt t e ever sltce." "You have had ppled? What hap- kind ?hi>?l(l?<i ft' niK KHI) iimi ti Jin i i|ii i If she haul s'iiilil4>nly "Yes, you. e that nohoily could stupid! even Ripley. They lug better now7" Rhe went east to ; found ine staring at Chadwlck. T! . ? Mr. Chadwlcl tensed I was, but that after he sent ne Home. Into the Cam a great shock of some some mines, i ||? hitrn .Tlimnlo " nha that Mr. Nor rrifii. mi, iiimi in The others are all so more of w Mr. Van Hrltt ami Mr. own in I ml. Insist that Mr. Norcross "You're ? see and talk with Mr. mle, and I hey have found out that Mrs. Maert ? left Chicago the duy been foul |> that telegram, to go up I you-weren't adlan woods to look at on Norcross >r something. They say ; "No; I ( cross has followed him. . went nwnr. iiiin n*- iei in*- nit n III110 hat ?aa Kolng on In his me of oh, In h way, Jimcan talk freely to you. te Insists that there has lay of some sort. You say present when Hatch called * at the office that night?" *ame In Juat after Hatch which they admit compile! kidnaping, their object Ch&dwlck from attending directors to reorganize th< Line, which would Jeopar< esta CHAPTER IV.?To curl controlled by Hatch and P Tewer corporation, Norc Citizens' storage and \V pany. He begins to man! lerest in Sheila Macrae, tliat Sheila Is married, b ? v: . 77. 11 c aaiu nitre never Ity In '-h Ad wick . , .. ... being- to keep hold-up that couldn t ' meellnA ?f A few of us go e Pioneer Short . . ? . ilze their Inter- ward and put up a J him over to Strathco to have him held up o [enclkel the>Ked "Mr. Chadwlck did roaa forms the joke!" I retorted, 'archouse comIfest a deep In- * know no ilitfn t \ Dodds learns we're ull anxious no -ut Ivtng apart . . f. ... . was a raiiroaa pened to mo, Ma I have been stood "Nobody knows; t together after- tors. We've been lob on hlni; sent ^ay you'd be nbl? nu and arranged yoi, tell me now, n the way back." j tolrt her Rn n't tuke It as /mumbling around the best I could. ; end that's why |imv tbe bendqunr w to dig a bola found me about i sle Ann?" rejoined, folding ; not even the doe- that the handai hoping that some easier. "The d< ? to tell >s. Cun't Does your head Jlmmle?" so that you can there was to tell. "It feels as It among the words in It," I said. " Then she told tne is nil right. 1 ters watchman had thing from Mr. midnight; with my ?jCot a word. lip the hed covers so und that is w eed hnnd would rest thing from hi >ctors nre all puzzle<l. "What do ; feci quite clear now? She didn't think?" j In the little ' I had a crnr.y clock i frlphtened lo? Hut the thinking part j Hut all she si lave you heard any- 1 hurry up and Norcross yet?" - i <-1in help." We have been hon- ! ' hi well ei hy they don't henr any- 1 "Did Nun Ini." you think t you think?" I asked. | "He told answer right away, and und luid mi pause I saw a sort of i way." >k come Into her eyes. ! "In a bus lid was, "I want you to mean by tl get well, JHnuiIe, so you I 'pioted nearly as I Dough now, if they'll let "So I Intel ro?? ku Anything to mako here hid been a light?" , mo il at Hatch was abusive ude threats?in a business dncsa way? What do you int ?". the boss' own words, as I could recall them. It did make a threat, thenT "u?i uci uuowuiu. i\ur know tills. CHAPTER V. ? Hatcl Dodds has knowledge ot ! el's participation In the naptng, offers him Induce Norcrosa. Dodds refuses office, he Is knocked sen ering consciousness, he le cross has disappeared ant have resigned and gone e CHAPTER VI.?Dodds cross uoea no I we had all been tal much nt the chih dii Si. that I swelled Chad wick kid- kicked the whole kt menu* to leave th fl Leaving the ,ne nre* iselees. Recov- "Of course, it was i&rns that Nor- , 41 . . . 1 Is believed to ped out. And your aet. night to try to hire m Ntrcross is unother. connects Nor- fujj nf good shorthand J" right hand Rcored ting a drop too n.s, ?f x iner that night." fo hp hurfod Tl|? up man-size and hn<1 ln?,sUM, 8nt, sttle of fat into that , hnd |)een hj l?ut there were no a Joke! I rip- lower hall, and no coining here to- nn incandescent II e away from Mr. entire office hulld) Hie woods aro "And you sav I' I men. Mr Hatch . . ?_ ?ed hluek and the I |ng thnt you co itly dend and ready when you shoul nmhulance surg*?on tG talk. Can't was still Insisting. lUMiieinhering nulling a live wire; tol(j me just l> wires at all In the hooks. I though thing stronger than lot jf | dared t Ight current In the ,jn So I just i ng. "I told Maisle ve h?>n he"e hang- j^|r Nor cross. I iiltl toll ua something ! ,n^ ^,,r U'K lil recover sufficiently , . ' <>,on'K! you, Jlnunle?" j 1 lioii: Mr. . , . i willi Cousin I what Mulsle Ann had i . , anxious to tn efore I wont off *he 1 ,t 1 might loll her a ! ?,u *M o. Hut that wouldn't | ,up? .aid: Of course .. ,, , , . . i soon alter si Ann all I kn??w about , i !/ ..? .?< anil only ml le left the office some 1 , , j Cnn you a< it ; tomorrow, maybe." ! I could, I Vain llrltt is down stairs Van nr|tt d tasll. He liiis been very , tlte Sttnd ( lk with you hs s??on as supposed h< e to talk. May I send to be the tlr the whole I Kald yes; and pretty mark. Mnl te went away, our cue that the bo ltionnlre came In. He HH he was Ill anything more?" tiut I illdn't want to. Mr. Ililn't know anything about 'reek aiding hold-up, or I f didn't, and I didn't want at one to tell him. Besides, business wan beside ths Kie Ann knew, and I knew, ms, strong and unbreakable In other ways, had atmply tiuod uisuppearance win Of Hatch and Henckel, a lng strength sets out to tery. CHAPTER VII. - Wltl road's master mechanic, line on Norcross' dlsupp follow a clue given tin missing locomotive. CHAPTKR Anil Sntnn f?>? >1 maciiinaiioni " ad on recover- but for the present solve the my?- stay right where I un subpoena can find t Kirgan. the wanted." podds geta a "That's all nonsena SmS"r?ughhei M-lf S'ouTe not too i know anything," he * out his heavy Jaw a I y wanted to give you rid of the railroad c lit .llfiA uiu on ny my eyeia I think I shall \\hut has heen g< a?where a court time, Malsle Ann me when I'm been here to see r She gave a llttl e, and you know nearly. Mr. Van much of a kid to every day, and son mapped, shooting j,ns been nwfu t me. "I merely to rf)nie alive." a chance to get "Hut Mr. Norr ollar, if you felt a<? !? ? ?? ? nreo, j little time befon >lnS on n nil that , , du,n.t k, ? ITssiit anybody nnr* * " i Mn . 'Tbpv wont to e nod "K very body, ou, ..Mr Hlplo Ilritt hns bean up UIltil uft,M letiiues twice a day. Mr Norrross W( illy anxious for yon <)f (,(|||rs(, , , .... . . knew all about to**? I queried. , . in?" . , ... ... ., ... WMIKtMl US IK p I uld?witli Mr. Itip- ? . ... i ., I lie had that i new where they were Turkish biMh .. , , . . ' scrub am' the hotel, she helped I .... .. . . V? How a., y says they sat in the ..... , ... ... our. "(Jlml t?, ten o clock, ami then > ,, ., rut up to his rooms." ! knew that Mr. Itiplev 1 ? ' ' ...... take more th: <h?? !" ? ruetinn; . .. of my size to . ner, I wnsn t go- ; . . lr 11 111111 *r I IK' m\Mivs nu;: ,i"si as 11 thn?>\vn up I minute stepped out of a somebody I wlipro ' -(VP ' ;icl ,. . o 11.," ,?? <! ! "Nothing 1 see you on earth again. j after lie li le more tit. tonight?" 1 longer our < I didn't think it would stairs agaii an halt a dozen fellows K>s KO f knock me out, hut I vie* arouiui for n !.*? will oii.I ???# Ills hands nn?l quit because had told him that Mrs. a husband living. So I that would help out," and ad talked n little while ?nly millionaire went down* i. 'unny how things change a person Just by giving "1 saw youa* ofiidV (ij street," was the way tl president bepan on me, took me etraipht hack woodi; ?tid a lumber en saw-fliers were at worl Mr. Norerossl" like It. I like a fig you've pot nerve. T .. . .. . sleep on It. Maybe S its the ferently in the iuornl e Re.l Tower ? ??s , and his voice ... . , ? pet off with a whole to the Oregon .. . . .. time I wus complet nip where the , ... ?,irL. , sober weighing and i v, here ii possible consequences the desk end I gave htlng man; and Slle shook her h ake a night and fa(tfl nway nm, joull th nk dlf- straight o it of the np* ting ~u.. when she chance for me to the last tlrae you skin, hut by this Jinimla?" e!y lost to any measuring of tl.e , 1 ? Mit1 . Leaning across \hn* ?<? * him a tinul shot. M h,,s lo SM end nr.d turn"'1 , I *"lhere was ! she was I..oniric .. , . . .. nection with Mr winnow at the set , , , wasii t there? 1 naked. M hen was .... ... .? Hatch had si saw Mr. Nomos*, _ ., . I guess the hos repli. I ? n\er n h!g scare -Tell rue ahou ush up mi* -if the and I told tier Jr inthor rue. But I j nmv |Ia,P|, hn(l ... ftw.e *..11. . . . ine on the (in inmo trouble In coiv- ,, , , , , all 1 nn<l?ex' . Hatch that evening, , ... undelivered te she nsked. .. . ^ . , , ? . i others that 1 line trouble?yes. Rut . s didn't have any," I 1 "V. . "Were in | t It." she eonitnnnded; I w<|.u. ' ist us little us I could; NV; , was *li? ?\ay hr?i an Interview with me a |iit|e jno "... ..." i"" them time est ion ruck. I Rave him pinee ami opt that thliiK about the After a wl locrtuns ami two or three wed Re that couldn't Rive him or ai.y- i?j, to ?lr?\ hold, Just i pretty had shape, arent knew?or t sted. harely poss rt he in worse shnpe." |,a,| been f he put It. Tlten he told jn ,|ie j ire than Mutate Aon hud: ? ? to sort of shake down Into fit themselves together, illo the chin edge of the ^ Mrs. Sheila hud boeu into me liegun to take t little. In spite of* what I thought I knew. Was It dhle, after nil. that there oul play of aotne sort? Irst place, something had I tola him that Mr. op-towr, and thut I did Mould come Imck to tl tliu night, now that it "My name is Hatch. Tower company," he g tEianJn or .two. "You.'rjt ?ud Liodds, aren't your I I admitted Jt, and h< "Norcross .brought y Xorcros* was Just as 1,e w?s #?t*t 11 n't suppose ho "Listen, Mr. Iiatcli le office ai;uin haven't fooled me for : was so lute. Your micas ljg. rlght_ of the Ited #ord That* passed" f> rated, after a Mr. Menckel that Mc ;,the one they the Ilullard lobby. A " told anybody yet bu e went on. hat If you go to mu ou here with him hoc! the railroad Inir up to ? >. . .. T , , ...._ li??r how Mr. N i, I suld. "\ou , . . omre uiavlto half u u single niln.ite. , ... ' T . I did. that night, ; I bennl ^ Mr. Ripley. The. etween :.ou slle to kll tndn'r morning In ..,,?.aus? llobo? " 1'** ' h'v?"^ a little Inter tltn 'Lt ?^r?!"! Mld- Mylng It ve * ,roub??'? out turning her he, eontpnn:,. I ll to v.? BHt, 1 IH'I ?|inr? >- | -:.t ZOS.i OJirlkT orrross hut! loft the j I was an ay. in hour or so before | "p wasn't u qi going up-town with "Why shouk i 1 asked her why asked, ow. She shook her i has seen him since ring with me, . t saine night," she taken Idea of h< ry softly und with- cross. You nit ad. And then: "Mr. Norcross has t ? tetter from Mr. . ? *- - in llit* t?\i'iiin?, wiiil^ iio^v i'lvsid^n . . , I *top a?l the 1 inrrel? she suggested.' .. ,, , i.... * ! -short Line un 1 they quarrel t I I uger could gel . . .... local capitalI head. "Uu are spar- ... * . . new Citizens Jimmie, In sotne tnls. , .. .. .. organization > ping loyal to Mr. Nor- .. . . . w i their shoes ui ?dn t. you know. Mr. . , .. i. . ... i move; ami 1 old me all about his i ' . i Iieeil UOtie I I Duuton had 'vlred to R sure ,j,|nj betterment work on the half-killed i til the new general inan- \ Then they [ mi the ground; how the stayed up < sts at the head of the until after Storage & Warehoinfc gone up to ver? reared plumb out of id were afraid to make a (Contlr iow the new'spatrt'ra all [o me ny somenoay: it was ; that I hadn't crippled and myself nil by my lonesome. had vald that the buss with Mr. Klpley that night ten o'clock, and had then go to ted. That being the lued on Page Three.) him from the West, did pay are you getting hei It was on the tip of cuss him out. right th and tell him it was noi ness. But the second t! Isn't u I ways as good a be) whispered to me t< and see how far he w< told him the figures >t In't he? What hi to court and swear ret** He waa half-way my tongue to when I got through ere and then made any sign that le of his husl- aald. After he was bought (which aense. Just a little. I s It's said to had made of myself. > lead him on mad Hear through i >uld gt>. So I he had taken me for my pay check. fool?the kind tha .. IvT Norcrow on hi. tie* out of the door ? j a ||t, . and ho never on , Hot(1| ? ? lie heard what I , ? h , gone I began to ? , ,?e ,,, ,ow big a too I h ? , , ,h m ""."a ! <????tog < ' ?t the Idea that lra|D for , Ka3, the other kind <X , stral ht ? t would., t know have |la? (1o , ne ntts sk the next morning, le typewritten note, ( ' ' j? d letter sheet, saymade up his mind Short I.lne wasn't \ and that he was <lng the midnight p In bed; I should t if hoth arins had even neen generous | mm hii m?> m i6t im needing anoth man. and I can afford bit more than that," They tell me you are top in your trade. Are ; offer?" I let hfm have It straij from you," I said. "And why not from 111 Here was where I i I.O/I K lr All M M. er ghortnnnn rouusu 10 ne sure u to pay a good of a big corpora tic he growled. Jown to tampering well up at the clerk unla'.s there wi >'ou open to un I to ho ?k ,od off hy It. I Stewing iiiwl slzzlii Klit then. "Not tsared around with tl desk for quite a lift |c?" remembered the t\v< flrSt the f,l, t that rd hav mi me presiuent (,een burnt to a >n wouldn't shoulders, wltrh a common "Resigned??gav is !*?me big thing j don't believe tin ute, Mnlsle Ann !" tg over it, I pot- she was shakii ue paper* on dm Htm without tuini le while before 1 I could see It. * tVlegruiiiS. and "I?I'm afraid i e to go and stick There were two t crisp clear to the ^ e up and ran away? it for a single niln1 I burst out. jr her head again, jffiv mjl *> ji ng her face so that t's all true, Jlinmle. 1 elegranis that came *| | |jv y ~~ ? ' t'ou iiiciiiv. Ail ui a ni angry at the thought tli tunlly trying to buy me aee anything but red, out, "Because I don't hi for nny strong-arm 01 know It!" For a little while hi at me from under his hi and his hard mouth w. m atro Inrht llna mith niut-ii i me inree-i>ia?led kni int he was ae- cross. When I did re that I couldn't the messn/es Into m and I blurted off the lights and s re out to work town and hunt for t itflt?not If 1 After closing the < office I don't recall ai e sat blinking except that I felt m jshy eyebrows, headquarters stair 1 as drawn Into groped across the 1< . mAAM IU?U Jk fe Sato Mr. :sor- to Mr. Norcross member, I shoved away; one from M ly pocket, flicked other from Mr. I> tarted to go up- Van Hrltt telling he boss. the messages wei ?uter door of the copies ef them th lythlng particular telegraph oftice." iy way down the It was on my t n the dark and that Mr. Norcross i ower hall to the two telegrams. I>e< the night he went lyl J \Jjf r. Chadwlck und tlie IfT I ^Kl/ih unton. I heard Mr. I J/UJi Cousin Sheila what re. He'd seen the at tliey keep in the |J tongue's end to say /' never had seen those //// ause I had them In / / / We thoroughly apprec changed conditions of to( desirability and necessity ness and production expa Every man owes it t( , iatc the lay, the of businsion. i ) him T^lII I wrinkle coming and gol ners of It. When he got ready t be wild, "You're only a t to get on in the worl I*m offering you a goo beat you ever had. 1 Norcroas anything mo Job, do jrou?" "IfkvhA nnt " uiruu "Hie UulnlUc UUUr lllttl Sfl ng at the cor- case entrance from t I had felt around an< :o speak again knob, something ha toy. You want know just what I Id, don't you? fraction of a second d chance: the as you might say, be 'ou don't owe re than your the grave, I hat that the door was ft and mashine mm flat veu ior mc amir- my pocicet and wa he street. When liver them when I g A found the brass Instead, I said: ' ppened, I didn't was why Mr. Noi n the tiny little hands and ran av that I had left. "No; I don't th itween the hearse sort. I know wh know what it wa A a vague notion turned around an< tiling over on me down among the and after that. Mir is on my way to de- / ot shot; but I didn't. 'And you think that "You Ars 8parr 'cross threw up his ray?" enough to say t Ink anything of the them. That Is at It was, and you stand why he s." and at that she *one?or at Ie d pushed me gently 'leves he has d< pillows. I saw how It * ?t-1- ? - ?? tn lifts! flitmo A1 ing With Me, JI mm la." hat I helped him maka why I cannot undershould do aa he has ast as everybody be>nfe." was. She was trying nlanatl/>n that n'nuM self and the public good tend his business and pi ing activities to the lii legitimate endeavor. We welcome calls foi financial or advisory, t "end. to ex- x rod ucnit of r help, o til is "That*# better. Put and come along with n aiiow jrou what I can d better field than railroa or ever will be. It'll p he named a figure tin made me fall dead out Of course, It was all The boss hud him on th< kidnaDinir business, w on your har everything went blai ae. I want to When I came to o for you in a seemed like an endt ding ever was. bed dreams it was bi ay you?" and the sun was shining it very nearly some filmy kind of < of my chair. big window that looki plain enough, west. I was in be< e hip with thuf strange, and my Itfc me for ? I wrapped up In a l< w ? ?- ??? it not won hi ik. than half afraid I life out of what hear a conflnnatlo ess succession of taking conviction, road daylight and right, brightly through "it was what mrtnln stuff In a about, that same t cd out toward the her?down In tl 1, the room was brought the flowei right hand was you told him will >t of cotton and von?" i wiiinptrrtfu, uiurv ? ? ? ?vm.? v that I was going to clear the boss, n of ray own breath- ftie Hatch crow And I heard It, all *be rcal reason , Malsie Ann ha I was telling yon about thwt; we evening, you reraera- tw<> selves. H ie hall when you down easy. "SI for Cousin Sheila. "Mr. Van Hrl it I told you, didn't those two teloji Mr. Noicross l< ?|/innuviuu iiiav Tf uuiu i and perhaps Implicate | ? d. I couldn't tell her I why he hod run away. | d been right - a* right ( must keep It to our _ ut I tried to let her JHE Itt hns told you .about 5? ;rains that came after J3W| rft the ofllce." 1 srih) *^E88yB / mm witness. And he was ti witness. "I guess we needn't I hushes any longer, Mr. hntdng np to him. " the sheriff, or anybody cross, whuf I Yoov. a I little train *?n!t!-nn tin ylng to fix the bandaged. I hadn't more thn liont about the rations move before Hatch," I said, -pie-faced woman in > I haven't told apron ntart to get ii) hut Mr. Nor- wa? Hitting by the ?out a certain she could rome over jt happened a ' hJ-dy opened a door ^ ' "No; I didn't I n ninde the first any real chnnee." I saw a sort of "Then unnielindj i nurse's <-2ip and mie; and that is } from where she resigned and col window. Before Brltt thinks it wa to the bed. eonio two messages fi and tip-toed in and .Mr. iHinlon, hnve a chance?not "S'?II coveting uj grams hadn't lie ' else told him. Jim- ' were probably the reason he hns j ''out right now ?e away. Mr. Van '"'hey were em s on account of the "'row up his hi rom Mr. Clwnlwick s?iy." and Unit is why he "No," slip i thf fact tlint tlie tele- j I ' en delivered?that they j L??hm? hi the pocket of my i f tfhetever that was. : \~ZZmm nigh to make any man ! inds and quit, I should ' insisted, Jooklng mo bmmhbh 2 * /