Ir nilMI, AUliUST 6, l\ \ CONSIDERABLE FIGHT IS PREDICTED BY ( "lloyx, I Am Itraily For tl??' Fl? !!? Tt'llx S?'v?*r:il Hunilreil City Di'intHrnlN. >20. placed the amount from Incom conservatively at $30,1)00.000 The wa?e award of $000.0 a year, one of the causes for ;ht," advance, also will result In pro it a certain return to the gover for It places most of the railro THE LANCAS1 e taxes (TICKETS AND MILEA O.kmo'U i ADVANCE NOT a ratp j * idUcitiK I TIm* !.<*.<'. Makrs Itulin nniMtlt. ' Ti*an.H|>oiiaiion I'uri Iium?a?l phi- ! f?n. Arc KffPct rER NEWS, LANCASTER, S. GE I entertained that the marl VAI in w? iting for the decision rates to inaugurate a pet ward swing, the ease K As To prices went off when pr< <1 lie- applied, caused a general iV4> speculative sentiment. C. '? cet was only ^*nor Cox then will d' on freight ceptance address, 'inanent up- The Kev. Martin N? with which Angels Roman Cathol sssure was | to deliver the benedlc revision of is a Republican and cl the governor. ellTer his aciville, of Holy A^w ic church. La tion. Dr. Hale lose friend of fll DAYTON, O,. A UK- 5.?A IIKII message to Democrats and Uepi cans was given by Governor Cox, former's presidential nominee, ii address today at a local Democi picnic. Speak tug from a roped arena, boxing events on the picnic progi ^t'n- i' i.ii? ployes within tli?? jurisdiction tint; income tax laws. Amounts l<" ubli- most of the workers will be the | but, it was pointed out. the r i an labor army numbers more ratic 2,000.000 persons. Kroin this 1 officials believed the taxes wo forjgregate a "substantial amount ram. ably $10,000,000 or more." of t he j fh'd on' WASHINGTON, Auj;- 5. small, j tickets and mileage books b< ailroad ifor<* ,hG higher fares alio' than r(,u,l* 'ust Saturday become lumber wi" I,ot ,)G valid when the n? uhl a;;- ul,*s Kn Itito effect, it was si . prob- a' the Interstate Commerce sion. - ?? i. n Contributing causes tc -Return ward swing wan supplied Might be- favorable tenor of the fn iv?mI rail- |n>aviness of internatic effective tanccs. and unsatlsfactor w selied- uatlon. iid today com in is- WANT STRONG POS , , ,, TAKEN ON THE i the down by the un- Peculiar Wilt ireiwn news. An elderly Frencliii nst 1 remit- dead In his house ut I y credit sit- Ardennes. A search pers failed to reveal under his bed, a piece i 'ITIffcV discovered, with tliev; ?i i iu.> | on lt tn wblte chnlk I. E A CI IE i property to the I Upneld. 111 II U R8 | J /I || l> I'linorlnv i.l-m.lit i?-, ? mi irais aiso are studying t n the offoct tli?' rati? increase \x i uhf.on revenue produced by the III- and miscellaneous taxes. I'ra< ad- all of the excise taxes are ha si the percentage of the selling pro uler- jthe so-called luxury tax and t yard it as certain that more r " he will be forthcoming as the pi to IIHII- j ?'??> u.v luMinunnKiu nn II havo problem ?r tirkots pure! oxciso 'ore '"*w fares arc mai rllrally ,,Vo "for tlielr of I dat d on a '"''nK worked out. it was su ?'s as 'Mission ottielals emphasize hov ro- ''v,,r. that tr; . 1 tor tho ovenuo I'firos would not ho porinit joos of ,f"' otToctivo tlato for tho n< It i? ovnoi'tofl tlinl :.ii in ii uaiiui'* liuseti be le opera- Hotli Democrats ami e is now Writing Oovertior <'o\ lid < om- Strong Stand. <1. liowpresent l>\YT(>\\ Ohio. Auk. t?mI after I ?r l'*11<*rs from rnan> |{ej w levels. 1 u,*'l us Democrats urKin ugh many proe> ttie user XT P&wlealy. pain altar a raw an da upon 00m or dries. * - ,* several hundred members of tin* t'lty Domoeratic (' 1 til> of the city. "We need make no defense." governor continued. "Ours wil I lie offensive fiulit from the |>< II inl' to tlie end. and it will l?e a siderable tight. Make no mis about that. 1 have the faith in that there will he triunmh of i 0 w. w... ... w,. . . t.|| ~ ?l. t|D. (jom ; ^ AMKKK AN RED CROSS ,h? ! TO LIVE RURAL 1 l.C j L:'M 1*1-0^1.1111 I'or 1'ul.lic Il'-altl. an con- : . tt.tiIIit \ Welfare Is Now V I ;i ko | ,nP ' I'li.lcr Way. rlKlit ! v he issued permit! ing the rai refund the amount paid f< IIKL1* ''""pons or unused mileage mutation hooks or that p; , ,, will he allowed to use the 1 ( ??mpayment ot the additional ^ authorized. , I'liless untie su? h method i>..- i '*d it was pointed out. ti .\r>ni?>'i /\ ii*;. ' !'irv'" communities and towns of le< *"r 8.(tOO population benefit in SJ,-N large part by the public healt community welfare work oi tin w'" icati Red Cross. Almost all < lisan ii?>d Cross chapters liav ",l' rural sections in their te ; Therefore the Rei| Cross rut the|vlr,? i v 111 a he purchased for future usr is i nan verv which would r li and ',os,P?n,nB * > ' effective da A flier- 1,1,?h,,r farosi?f the e some KATE DECISION EFFI rrilory. jN STOCKS SHORT al ser- _ in largo '"B. Ms Republican oppor osult in "Many are from Demo te of the Governor Cox. "and stat so?- a fino opening. Man; from Republicans and I looks as if the indcpendt can vote which has foil LIVED Br eat interest this whole I tion. is thoroughly dissat .. Do Kindly Act f i rats. -ai< Manners are the n e that the> Hon ; nn<] there Is a \? y others are a kind word, or of doic t certainly which greatly euhanci nt Kcpubli- What seems to he done owed with or as an act of coi lea cue ques- , sen reel y accepted as isfled " ' Hn* nu*n who in iracef ul'ry. . t Muiit <>f ne- ln * flaT or tw< i.hiin-nt I a nliery-maker ri| ax c?f spanking even feeling it. 1 ?.? I. kind tiling Mr- Corn and the ir a kind ininj# ery Minions wh< s their valiie. corns the "Gets-It" with ? Rrmlpe, *?,fhec'??J?n"8en8 xlesrenslon, ia "Gets-It." the ne ? favor Yet anteed money-bat IH ,r" . costs but a trifle a Wle themselves Mf*d by K. Lawrence > too lift the oM fht off without Phat's the last of last of your miso have loat their way say it la the e way to get rid ver-failiriB. Ruar:k corn remover it any druj? atore. & Co.. CtiicttKo. governor cont inued: "We've won before in tlio ? kind of a fight. \V??*11 win auuit cause we're right. "The- opposition lias been mm ?is. and the advantages that it given will he re-counted in the * ing days ahead of us.- The op tien apparently had adopted MrP-lly. tli?' puiposi' of rui - \ it<> is to ;i>sist p?M)|?U? to not ' 111< 111< Unaltli. wealth and noss. In ttns purposo puldic instruct Ion anil fct'iinral ptlur 'lls pr.orross ??f lioth rhildron and play a l?iu part. Horroation is fonnil to < llw. til i'i*nct iimiiIc ill r....t lit.. M:ilk<'| Itoiiim d I'mlrr h'ltMti .il s?T, inir (irtltiN For a Time lit <>iif <>r ** l?al>j> - Soon K\luiU' health NKW YORK. Auu. 5.?. atioiiat ((I i,UvinK ortlors at the o| ail,ills < ,|i| i y's market. caused l?y I i m late Saturday of the ! >ne of Commerce commission to u il Of Ituy- Governor t'ox also an it Hull R^neral policy of non-lnti Democratic primarv fiuh our a statement declarin An influx not take sides in the T peninu governor ' letist 4O0.U00 deaf in Ch y teleirrains 500,000 hllnd. pearly Z> rxi mougn mey capacity, their B<>ld 1? Lancaster i ?s to render " 8 ^est . ? i F. Mackey Co., rtanle.?Samuel 0 : Company.?Adv. - Orient. blind nnd at w ilna. Iixiii' has I per cent or the , I irrii md recommended corn remedy by Standard Dru* mc 1 vourse of doinc what we farmers to do of plouchinc around the stu of seekinc to avoid the things perplex. "It is with tho opposition p\| vncy pure and simple They a?t? to appeal to this croup, that i; -and other croups, without the si vst consideration of the creat me >1 sed is lack of sufficient piav-lire f nips. ? hildreii anil social lite !??r the t hat Picnics. pageants. dehatitm hasehall leagues. ronmiunit % [?ediand olht'f social events whi' l nipt t lie people of stirrounding coi roup ti? - together have been nrtani; mht carried ?n under the guidance liace Cross rural workers to treat ',ius a ran* increase. soon '>r hausted ami the hear factloi adults successful of late renewed i' eluhs. on prices, sinning Representative railroad s i bring proved from 1 to 1-- pol mmuni- sympathetic trains ol larg? :?'d and tions in many specialties, b' of It**d stocks were singled out all villi- "hietrc" fur thftle ?v.? # i was ex- and letters urctnc hint to 11. usually posing Texas tact ions, am ts attacks papers on both sides had inc his support, tucks itn- The coventor spent se nits, wit It in his newspaper olTice propor- on correspondence, and ; lit special sonal visit to the Monlgt hv the ty tair crotinds. where h< Illd Ml** Cip- l"-l'u.u.ivu ?'i v-uiru i? ? I .hat news- |,ul'-v defective, usuall: , . blind. The natives of t h?-? n claim- , , . , . . . ? pie, instead of being upes of imagination, at veral hours part physically below 're. working Jorlty of them are ma after a per- diseased and marked t miery coun- are common. ? will speak ? i" t'u > a* ! II r blind or half I he African Jujv i the lusty sar- ^ e for the most par. The ma- NOTI< lnourlshed sc4 All unclaimed ihyslcal defect* freight which has days or more at Li and other stations . AV3 | i rE. and refused been on hand 6<> mcastT, S. C-. on the Laneas thereby to tm> perpetuity of our ernment. Our eourse is the str; course." TREASrRY WILL ALSO GET HUNDRED MILL l-Aiia lt ?Y??nu?? An a llcsuli Of I 111.. % _ 'r --.I . POVtape. In munv instances solvi tipht ... roational problems ami petttt pie together provo to be the a enltip of th<- community to nth j I ' I \I >rii?s as gram. s and nils Tin* program rails for ont low by Chairman MrMahon. c a"i. "m1 William A. Hale, of tH< .; y uil churoh of this rity. to f atl tirs Kansas a: nan of the ; ii'i'ii lnnir en r.m vi-rit inn villi tulln a hi i *i inn- a Terrim An artist was sketi introduction river lunik near two fr or the Ilev. 1 The artist w e Reformed I surrounded by cows w with his view, nnd he liver th<* in- ' , them tiwnv bv throv n addre-.-? of |hom bm thev" WouU, ison, of Ar- , length one of the an^le San Kranris- tlietn your sketch, old vv nn.l flnv- ca fitwl tha jr. Iter and Chester I hint; from the sojd to the highes lends who were urdav August 28t as at one time A p hlrh Interfered ? . tried to drive ring things at not budge. At Notice Of rs cried : "Show Whereas, one-thi man!' He did I holders and one-thi liwt lailway will he t bidder on Satin 1920. McLURE. Auditor. Election. rd of the freerd of the electors iii^ r an a r?ii^|MPnnu?i Itttll'M. WASHINGTON. Aur. 5. Inr il revt'Ducs. officially estimated 5 1 annualy, will aiccri he treasury as a result of the vance in transportation rates alia the railroads. The added ineonn the Rovernntent. officials said ton II ; com 111 tin fry progress have net jganized to work together wit reas- l,n,Hpd purpose of bringing [ at community up to the most enl je to r " wMfifMMHiaaH ijxhton-,? | musical J | boon I Z m nnttv { j inn 11- [ 2 nstrur- jp MeratfiyyHtitttiyys w ^of the ape of 21 ; Midwav School Disl graranura poflffoned the cotir Df cation to order an Qj mine whether or i Q* tax or 3 mills shal |f| real and personal p y purposes. Jn We hereby order years, residing in Lrict, No. 4 2, have iry boarrf of ed?*election to deterlot an additional I be levied on ail roperty for school said election to bo would be derived from incre transportation taxes which are by th?* public as well as t h roue I eration of the Income and excise visions of the revenue laws. Transportation taxes for the t year ending June :m. aggregated proximately $2H1 .Ooo.nnn. This was made up from the :i per eeni used ,ion ,n home nursinc. can* of t paid an<' first aid. In tlio larRi'r lot i op- n?**d r?*st rooms and publ pro-''?rl s,at'??ns is beiiiK met. '.uroiinds for tin* children hav iscal established and recreattonal | ap- ,M'S u,,rk?*d out for the year, sunt 'n order that there may I t tax rortetl eft on in carrying on tl he sii k J vnsthe p 1 ir coin- i IMay [ " p been | art tv i- J J c] ?e con- JJ lie pro- J 1 | hfln by the trustee I - school district. No. C Aup. 14. 1920, at tt T 1 At which electioi v ] ors as return real o J tv for taxation and 1 receipts and resist I shall be allowed to I . The opening anc ? in said Midway 4 2. on Saturday, le school house, n only such electr personal properexhibit their tax ration certificates vote. 1 closinc hours on fr??i?lit charges amounting >1 25.(?00,000. tho S per cent, ta passenger tickets supplying $ 000,000 and the 8 per cent, ta: Pullman charges producing $?>.; ono. Should railroad traffic rontinu its present volume, all of t amounts would be increased coi t(, u rains of ttio various welfare \ on in ,,M' rural districts. Ret 100,. rural soi vice helps the organ! v on a,r<>a*ly on "l'' ground Tbp 111 >00.- '**'' ,,i*' service is to lend everywhere and tako the lea le at w,u*re necessary, hesc ~ " on Recognition. ' The h Mt llioil In f liu ii- nrl/l > a pen- 1 m 1 <'ro*s ( zations ? * I'lli f j (! only i " 1 c I C When yoi Good for P ir printer, with a i oor Printing shrill? of his shouldi 1 j siihii oe me same f I elections. | I ? A. 0. F I* H E. C O. R. I County Board Notice Of Whereas, one-thl tinl/larc o n ^ ^ # Vt i a? in an general LOWELL. 'OFFEY, JELL. I of Education. Election. Ird of the freef.,1 ?kA pnndingly with the advance peri ed by the Interstate Commerce < mission in its rate decision last urday. On this basis, officials ol bureau of internal revenue calct the additional taxes will aggre $38,550,000. on freight. $18,700 on passe'nger, and $3,500,000 Pullman charges. nin" work themselves. Usually tl 'om-, thing* have to t>e lmpr?we Sat- folks. There's something In ' the nature ihut seems willing to ilate the nonsense of life much mere gate ' than It takes on Ufe'a respons ouo Call It what jrou will. The na tt won't alter the facta. u | only thing left Is to get under I I and carry It to success. You a he hes. j 1 a d upot I; says. I huiunc J full foi | ] r^ftdll) i 1 * i 1 > . * ibinties jI a a rename primer no \vi s or he will tell you that rk cannot be done properl; expenditure you eontemp For no good printer can affo n out work at a loss. And \ good printer he will not Ill HO j J be held by the trus the J | Lancaster school d r for 1 Friday- Aug* 13 1! [ j house. late. | I ^ which electloi rd to | ors aB return real o . - , | I ty for taxation and J 1 receipts and resist at- |#v shall be allowed to teee in Mid North llRtrict, No. 7. on &20. at the school n only euch electr personal properI exhibit their tax ration certificates vote. expfM'iA 10 oniain a iarR?? porno tho remaining 140.000.000 of t $100.000,000 ostimato. OfTi HbZbl Gregory Hroi r I temperature. On n tint ilny o fool very hot when 'he tmily ti ' 'a's ture Is quite nnrmnl. Apaln tieplnnlnp of a fever one may f fis In ttie ense of a etilll. Till I feeling Is ranseil hv tlie enuti tween tlie higher tenij ernture Internal nrpnn* nn>l still norm pern ture of the skin. 1 31 11 "i in ne mnj [ * i " prnponi* t j J tllflll ed oil 1H??] nt ,h'|f] extra presswn eel mid (S . ' s otiiiiy. ? rajMiy. I lie t* rust he- J ] wants vim ti? i of the 31 1 al tom- L * 11 i I tereiMT l?Ct Cj printing. Ill I "III I > I 11111 I 11? I > , 1 tt'l re cost lv material, , , " . Kll rk. or better tviiou 1 eol w dollars more lie ?ay may mean the ween imnd anil lmor 1 st? ikld npt eheap wirk. because (i\vs that the result will nc isisteut with his high stand Vour printer has a reputa must maintain; your tirm h; Hiding whieh should not be k? 1 l\t* 1 W? ^ * ho V opening anc + Ko, ? shall be the name ,T h,> | I elections. ards. | ] a. c. n I J H. E. C ation } j o. r. i as a J 1 County Roan! low- 11 ? ! closing hours as in all general LOWELL. lOFFEY. )ELL, I of Education. I-AXC AHTI II, X. f. ?POH. Automobiles Trucks and Tractors Sickening Discovery. Tho teacher Inn) rond a cliopt "The History ?>f the American i tlon" and Raymond had then h< word "breastworks" for tho fir Telling his inothor tho story v got homo, ho said: "When the got up In the morning and f Americans on the opposite ald< I hill, they throw un their break! ? 1 Talk it ovrr or frorn litnolu- ( " [>Hrd the f J st time, m | V | Lanca inw the J J b of tha P J asta."? Hi 11 1 with him. It would ]>r; ster News ( -?* im i in- ti|ritiirt* ?u inted matter. -o., Job Dep | L.UJY1 I j Why not buy 2! car lots, direct 1 I J> ( J save the discoui 'Co i ! wire for P^ces, | 1 of quantity and loLK your lumber in from mill and nts. Write or sending us list grade you want. Boston Transcript. 'garaizizraiziarazi ttizraamgijfEjaMiaii jmnmagrugnniam aaaarifil Greesvi w. w? tie, S. C. ^