/ PAP.F SIT A nn \ c CONDENSE! 20,000 LI UNDER 1 I to the hafcl meti i rr Accirc ster* IIere we r ILAddlld Land. As we wc masked men ea and drew us dot 17 % what we now sa hut a strange kli pup en a begun the strati remarkable char I illlc back of the mon- tnln Nemo. *' were Joined by Ned gee now how 1 re resting there, eight treasures of i me through a hatch the national < vn Into the bowels of feel It?" w was not a monster. We bad now ud of sea craft. Thus the Nautilus, ige voyage with that was a voyag< acter who called him- hut not so fo? nti LAlltAOinn IXEiWa, liAI but nut now. IW you , . VIK,. . with these and the other | UAINIbLk my domnln I could pay js^ ^ debt of France und uot r been six months al?oard .He I* H?< For me. the scientist. It l.on^ ,|u e? of ceaseless Interest; * * fV?n?nl! iiml \pil I.unit NtASIKK, S. U. ; THINKS WEST a strong IOING DEMOCRATIC |J7iso ! worhl wa rk In Washington Aft or Soorotsi uriH'y; Talks Intorost- thusod <>> ugly Of Alaska. was part FR1P A appeal throughout the west. IWIItl I his sentiment among womiiid among veterans of the WASr particularly." Harisoi iiy Daniels said he was on- Railwa rer the fkiture or Alaska and "Tin icularly impressed with the | road ri lY, AUGUST 6, 1920. ax IIAItHISON talks ON thk ItAIKOAl) a\vaici> 'IIIN'G'l'ON, Aiik. 5.-- Fairfax ii. president of the Southern y system, said today: tremendous Increase of ratines. authorized by the Inter i By JVLK! Coudrimalion by J ? self Captain Nen i vkrnk wonderful ship Nautilus. lamrn B. Connolly The NaUttlUS | steel ship of 232 i beam und 1,5 feet was his Brim i ) tons deud weight. we had lei India, one Inside the sphere anil T-shaped Irons, which France antl tl ?f almost uncrushable We were pur? t-as driven by electric sh|p. Flying est I pleaded with Cup-: \V\SH1N our liberty. i ' ?. ... . , tendaneo u to my ship without Inwlll now reiuuin here." : v< n on* a * answer. i11 Juu,,t tli 't the southern heinl- ! an<' :l ,r'h were In the waters off 1 H?hl and 11 he British Islands when , ka. Secret a: sued hy an armed war- desk here t no colors, she attacked retarv met crops ho GTON. Aug. G.?After at- SU()n w|? pon the Democratic con- g(U.t,s j? our of Pacific coast states. t|tct<>?i bv trough Yellowstone park of inspection or the oil " ' ilneral resources c?f Alas- *^r" *>an 1 ry Daniels returned to hisi^ll,u' all(' oday. The Tar lleol sec- I 'J1'* sun s nint'Kniinpr limn tlilu nUnr. I ' !< ^ *" saw. I hat Alaskan crops state (* be shipped to the United comple great quantities was pro- manag* the secretary. 111 was rop season is short," added ?'xP<-ns' els. "and one must plant in ni,n,8tr I harvest in September, but colu'er' 'lines for 18 hours daily and duenre ow amazingly. managi OHiincrce com mission seems t<> to the cycle of governinpnt anient of the railway industry, necessary to carry the sculp ??t [>s. set up by the railroad mint ion, but it must cause grave i. as to its economical conseIt now remains for private ment to resume the practice. %iu*r (or the tar j enplnes of tremt ke followed in the ! which could bo (oot.trp. of the ,n enab,ed hpr lesion (Th? have round (ho idle t*<* or under the uonriti of (he She WUS fltte law . oleaaant oo- workln(j an'd lou raaloa Cor (he . nanderiiK icm*?- Hbniry were bo (Ion. The opera morals, literatim nud the atase n(- punpe. There I traded him, but Xv11ll a luminous l( ma* not Ions ' ?ndous power. Tanks once. Her filled or emptied at from our Iroi to cruise on the sur- Captain Nen > water as she pleased. ?i am the opi d with all kinds of oppressor. T1 nging quarters. In a country, wife, oks or^ the sciences, mother. Whj e of almost every lan- vengeance?" ,vas a drawing room lie called 01 celling which served tllus sank boh cannon shot rebounded i Iloon amj " hull. Alaska cro] 110. pointing to her, said: ,. . ' , ... . 1 t lu' glories tressed. and there Is my I trough him I have lost ran<|om toP children, father and ' should I withhold my wa> Secretj Ing the ailt nt his orders. The Nnu- Greeley. It )\v the sea. We felt Iter venture, lie a Iked enthusiastically of ' 'Ie l?s. I)einoeratic prospects. tion is 51 of Yellowstone and other l,,ost r,>m ies. ? laska, young man." Is the I try Daniels |s paraphas- | "Oin y ire of the late Horace' Private ti ' a younstcr is seeking ad- '* " reP" alth and fortune the sec ! yea^ of iverninent experiment sta- com wonder and in charge oT the "a,,t arkable fellows 1 ever met." ^,11 many > erence die Drawing Powers. tjia( f|) mi draw?" an applicant for It , .... ine POH utorstilp we i asked 'CVrtaln?sl llie candidate; "at ten!1'" age I could draw elder; ai Pfospei peiiuve eirieiency and seit-renitlatlve, which distinguished lortean railroads during *<> .ears, and to justify the prelof the American people, for I'm of administration, hy makisilile not only the success of lividual companies and th?* *iIy of tlieir loyal employes. to which hla Hhlmn; for which, honrvfi * time table and nit eatiflc preparation I way. Such Imaiclnn made by wrltera fro thoae of H. ti. Wei before be dlacov- ?'?" ?s ? muwu, eretl a fleld which intelligent hand be made bin own. r|ne treasures of that of Imaginary sh ? , f voyafcm to aity , 1 impoMMibir piNci'M pr?c*6? ovory \ Jin r iul?cbt direct him, tJltinn : lllflO fUlil >, he had prepared admirable Stntl ide all aorta of ael- . a the moat minute lm.H7.e. ? prv.it ry trlpa have been From the llisii m Hon.er'a daya to ,0(, fo .,iatf,,rtl Is, and the icutdea in. Mini inio which an rushing fnrwa hail gathered suhma- steel rnrn plot the world: the rnrest emy. Throng nil colors and beyond saw her dooi et.v of undersea vege- ratlines, cling itings of the masters, gling In the si ics in marble and on. organ piano. 1 saw capta ile of her a staircase and kneel be ii or dock from which woman and tv rd. felt tlu? shock of her r,.taiv js a cine the hull of the en- , ,am, ol up,, h the class panels we ... I limine ned crew crowdinc the .... inc to the mils, strnc- 1 x mi. The Nautilus passed n",s< ?t tin are coiim I in Nemo c" to his room ticket this I fore the portrait of a "How a la co little children. "How Zj|v in<|iiin booster of Alaska as the |on?l ortuity. ; Hn In fere to politics. Mr. Daniels chant:*', i spa per men auditors that I could < yonnt: men of the west hetnu a t< o vote the Democratic * small * rail. ixit the older men?" bree- ^ lltth d a correspondent who in a forb piriiire; hi nrieeil. ll nilllil- " ' ?m| with I'lilitifp1; lit sixteen, iluotioii IICC ; lit IWelltV, II hill llf CX- (it Sl'fV If I were mi actor I believe h?> tr:u Irnw tin* largest house; Intl. railron< i?in Iter I inn content to draw p,.,., , tl alary I" . , w night. Sparing Grandma. tlltions ? miss was clawing around otire. iditen box one tlnv In the al>- anil s i in rales, by an enlarijoinent ice to thi' public, su?-h as may cil through tin' old-fashioned il statistics. \o utio can oxlis to bo accomplished ovei considering the practical con . but a start can bo made at Kelyini; on the co-operation linnort id' the emidoves t'11 havr larludrd nni-b Kll. Dantr. Cyrano Snlft and Dunlrl Or brrn morr mattfr ^rllllnnt In rarrylnjc tbr marvrli of aolr nnr hnvr hrouicht J delightful day drrai all. Prrhapa tbr moat tboar to tbr "Crnt "Krom tbr Kartb to ?y Tbounand l.rnRui perwonnKen mm Vlr- 1 ":s, l??> de HrrKrrat', Dean thick glusspv. < rue. But none have helmsman. tilP Ot nl *l*Ct "P mnrZ trio sparrhlijrht off the matter, and nee In the present Iho silip in r ule? Verne and hln pint form nlso Wll nn to the mind, of storei! a lonji-bo famoua trip, were Onptnln NpIIIO er of the Karth," l?Ililt. with palp the Moon/' "Twen- the flnp tnptT htl pn Under the Sen." , pariiy pncioscii ny '? Mini, hio oairo was for tin* Wo stoatnef lior oontainod an oloo- tho Norwogla! t?? licht tin* courso droadod amok lark wat?ts. On this itsolf all float! s a plaeo wlieroln was ?was It an a at. to tho whirlp< was tall anfl robustly- sho whlrlod. skin, lofty hrow, and ,,1? strain: wi inds of a highly norv- pullod out f # 11.. ui.nl... I.'?....i. Inni'-lurnt uns now lonK: ne crie.1 out. h;,H |{(>pu ,i, j I north, to that part ??f . Secretary II coast where lies that stroin which draws into sll!,rl> inqui njr tilings. The Nautilus ,l"'" explai cchlont??was drawn in- bee to!. Around and around ini: hahits < Even her steel hull felt cant the wa b could hear lu>lts heitm I mini; up t< rom her Birders. Tin- "Evervwl torn from its; nlnpo on lean loaninus. ' sonce of Ilaniols starod at tho mothor. > isitor for a moment and aocostod nod that whilo old men what art' , , that box spootod to ohanfiotho vot- , nnswonH, ,f a lHotinto, it is siuntd- j prohnl,ly iv t ho young follows a to ji,low wit >r Co\ and Hoosovolt. ; ________ toro 1 wont in tho wast her mother when Iter grand- niatiaut vho saw what was Ink on, Wav Sv her rather sharply: "Gussle. you rununniilnn around In for?" And little Miss Gussle : "New. ?raadmit. It will ^ he Just as well If you don't at I am after." 'iiHMit of tin; Southern Kailsteni will make t lie effort." Unexplored Arabia. rnbiai there is a tract of uncxTerritorv nearly live times the Creat I'ritain. and "Around the Dayt." All the Inna kaon the talea, n kaotr the laat nnint / churl StroKofl." He died nt A mien baa Ionic been polo 10OS. I WAS loaning fc board bulwark, CAtl KAOMA tAA World In Elichtr """ " ....... .. unicrn of (be world KlIBllsh. Oertnai nd moat theatern Well. Ho may d, bo well aa ".Ml- |,e muT have he a. where hla home ^ WI1S on No ted out, March 24. the coast of .Taj stranpe captain oners for hi in to irwnrd on the star- "Ami now," he >, my servant Con- R. N- E. nod o ? fathoms. T h?nvi t. ??r r i ciM ii, ek and hurl have hoen thirty-five, whirlpool. I en fifty year* old. When T enn iveniher 0, 1SP.0, with I.olToden fishe win in view, tlint this Land told us we were pris- So ended do with ns he pleased. leagues under nddPd, "our rdiirse is of Captain N ur cruising depth eraft 1 do not ? von to tln? rniiiiiirouu fill shin enli ed like >1 stone Into the ' "" ' lost consciousness, le to myself. I was In n ' rinan's hut. and t'onsell s,'n'iino were chafing my hands. '' XV;|s sP"'i our voyafe of 'Jo.ihmi a w'nr g?>v< the sea. What fieoaine tills the lull eino and his strange record dut i know. I hope his power Mr. Monsevt tiiH'riM I tliik niMnlct rntn tol.l tin1 tliry would vot?? Hoc?sf?vi'ltsaid tin* s?'c- ' was milch iii11>i ossi'd uiili k ill muoiiK ill'' ymiiK inrti. tanooiis. Kvoiyboily lik?*s rnor ami (.ovi'mor t'?t\ li'Tauso in> niailo a ureal nu tlio Irving war days. To di s w k! There Is the flections." ? for!" he cried. j We remained sea monster, or what surprise av hich we had been dazzling light brc 5. It made off as that only glass pa ve chase. Through- a sea which wj and next day we either side by iped. It stopped, gleams from the i to crpun pinsp to tacle! An nrmv rs and your own re- <1vpii as I ho| philosophy an mute, not knowing conquered Ids raited us. Suddenly a Copyrleht, ike in on us. We saw 'The Boston r nels separated us from is illuminated far to Worth the the powerful electric : "Although 11 i ship. What a spec- i movies. I'm a of undersea <*ri?ntiirn? ! *? ???? nm ivnn | ? 1 I I 11 M I I * 1 ^ if ho lived, that his ouf |n th? , id poworful will finallv , , , Sonet :rv desire for vengeance. , . While older by Post Publishing Co ... , 'ost). All rlKhts reserved. *"XV1 1 election, lie Price of Admission. ?'ratie party i frequent patron of the ''on vo,Pt frald Mr. Jlhway is not 11 tianilier ? llil no 1 1 n ttto*ion " Prnm 11* aiso cri'imy appreciated ,\ est tt'lu'rc 1 have been." ?| Daniels sultini11?>?1 that 111011 are less likely to it'll ts In this or any other 1!>L> lid not expect tho Demo- J? to sutler out of propors of men who have been in I campaigns. lint 1 Iwv 1 t at greatly reauce 'i.'krts on sale daily at all s ihcr d< Mil. wit h tinal ivt urn 111*11 1>1V1UM I " j men." said vinoed linos cod him what he cot out _____ that gave him the great- ; lie said, "A nap!"?BlrHerald. 25 O LAND & STERN IN ION JL ..in 1 in-.uu 11 will )UUII|; tho secretin y. "1 am con- I, ?ovelt and Cox will make ' Health vi ^ Columbia, S. < > 4^4 4^4 A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A J ^ 0 a PViiVnnr: nguiiv, I I t a rrir v Iw Was Mise a I see our way. V which fired -dass ed with oleetricil touch the most p him." A connectii with water let i j thus equipped, v ; of the clear ocea ! wiU? ease and wl That hunt was Ve carried air-guns , bullets heavily chargty, which had only to owerful animal to kLI 1 (Continue* ng compartment filled is Into the sea. And ! 'im* immediai .adlng on the bottom j hds xyas advin, we killed our game his return froi thout danger. j ing today that i but the first of the been assigned CABLE AT MIAMI 1 Frnm Page One.) ? itelv. Secretary Danied ?f I lie orders upon ve r in Alaska. In annouiie- 1 the five destroyers had 1KTV( to the patrol duty, he 1 KI-R Flic intelligent life in the body >us system. :OPRAK-TIK controls all body processes thr LAV UV > > ?% ough the brain and V" > > I Mrs. F. M Palmer, Okla "From the tered into ... 1 lookei from one mi next. I suffe back and b< pain, until lif a misery. I i. Jones, or I HI I | wonders of the ..writes: I HI I! rushed. sonietiu time 1 en- l(| SJI | sometimes under womanhood Ml (fl our fiRht with tl 1 with dread I H which once in n 1 onth to the I I the Nuutllus. T xed with my H B a wonderful peai iaring-down R Rj i tain Nemo show* e to me was [AJ|| 'n whose jaws i would think IIII i perhaps 500 p. cruise. Oinvnnl wo sai,| that the lies on the surfaee, |?rPsj(p.m U(.r the sea. There was nP,.Pssarv to He Immense devil-fish jh<, hit pre school enmeshed here was the visit to Itear Adniii rl fishery, where Cap- dant at Key \ ?d us a mollusc with- the destroyer vns a pearl weighing iianiels said ii ounds. Some day he |,js sonjor> p, i instructions from tn?# Z 1 A o to use any moans nal c< prevent the landing of V ( ral Docker, common- M spine Vest, is in command of ??? force, but Secretary r e would be replaced by >ar Admiral Anderson., f SlITO Interference of transmission of olumn is the cause of disease. 'hiropractic eliminate:} this by ; . by hand, without drills or knil I'he acconipanyinjr picture illn on nerves and shows the rea. nerve force hy slightly displa Lid.i list in to norma! relation do "e. thereby restoring noinal con strates some of the many ailm son for adjusting the spine, no ced joints' of the spi ^placed .joints of the dition and health. Y* ients caused hv presmatter in what nart % II ? could not 11 P3'" any loi liWJ gradually got 8 Nothing seer I | me until, on? 8 1 decided to II TA; endure the III would return in tger, and I I ?? worse. . . IWI Uvnlue- WeJ ned to help | U'ontr-sunken ship * . drowned crew sti II of some. We h H I Islands wliere t irri I tucked hy the nnl iVJJi j trie current turm m ^ i and hQwIihg ci I pluck that treasure, commandant ; py year was adding to sited the skeletons of rVmFS||||, s, the corpses or tlie II clinging to the hulls NOT TO 'I unted in the Papuan MIAMI. Fli he Nautilus was at- Suited States tlve savages. An elec- port today ui I'd them back shocked |Jje irtitlsli ca e they could cllinh lnnAit% ? ?t Charleston, S. (\ of til' Y CAPTAIN TOM) 'ICY l,AMtl\(i CAllM'. Y i., Aug. G. While the ! ?? destroyers lay oIT this : V uler orders to prevent hie layer Colonia from X j...... . w.. e body your ailment may be. - He: il t? h"S. eye diseases. deafl ? wi\?ncfk, lacial paralysis, locon Throat trouble, neuralgia, goi Slagrippe, dizziness, bleeding froj gums, catarrh, colds, etc. 1* ix'ss. epilepsy, insomnia. totor ataxia, etc. > tre, nervous prostration. 11 the nose, disorder of JL CM The Worn \ n ahoaniI H H B H When of t 1 H H B Sfl Nemo had him h , I I H I I in the South 1 1 rross I HB IN petrified blood. I II H i solemn sight * ; with the dead ho t T and all trending HI S 1OU1C way from the sti j MUlUill^ l/II he erew died Captain Barbadoes-.Mu urled in a coral glade from the Hrii 'iiclfic, where was a j ington were n ral that looked like | consul Iluhbni It was a wonderful. I of th(. c<)lon|, see the pall-hearers ' IIsregIl|;(l his dy on their shoulders. . so reverentially the ' ' 1 nmn ' lip to the conii ccme- an< lllR ,'lfc c' imi cable, instructions [ :ish ontbassy at Washpceived by llritish vice- j ?* r?l to direct the captain 1 ?$ a upon her arrival to orders front the West- + legraph company as to 1 j j "-.v...:. . x J _ Itronchit is. felons. pain betwc 9 rheumatism of tin1 arms and sli ter's cramp, tunsilitis, etc. I Nervousness, heart disease*, as cu 1 isis, difficult breathing, other g Stomach and liver troubles, en X on tin* soubler blades. loulders, hay fever, wri- V* . ? tlinia, pneumonia, tuber- ^ lung troubles. JT ilargenient of the spleen, "I took* IIII Mrs. Jones 91III say, "and u M U greatly relie I I truthfully saj I I not a pain. I I "It has n< I years since 1 VOl and 1 am a . ? tery. where at t JUT bottles, ii?|| the body was Int goes on to An knelt in pn ras not only II HI I was lnst to ved, but can U U "Your dead sl< / that I have I I reach of sharks," I I back on the Naul aw been two I I "Of sharks an 1 tookCardui, I We voyaged ui (till in good ffljjl to the South Pol lie foot or tne cross , > ne * oionu erred and covered up. here from Nc ayer. Captain Nemo and orders is* leave. J understood to pp quietly out of the w#rk a, onrfl ' ' sal<1 whon we working ut a, dm'en." he replied. mlle nder colossal icebergs Rear Admit e and all but perished the seventh it is expccieu 10 arrive j >wport News tomorrow IjHf oied to her captain are ?* direct the beginning of , on landing the cable. | JL rst beyond the three 1 * >1 limit. T al Decker, commanding ; ^ naval district, with | V * pleurisy, and a score of other tr Call stones, dyspepsia of the * shinnies, hiccoughs, worms, etc. rltriuht's disease, diabetes, ski tions, and ail forms of kidney d * Appendicitis, peritonitis, luml oubles. upper bowels, fevers, T n diseases, boils, erup- ? isenscs. JURO, paralysis of the 1 health. . . vise any w to use Card sufferer fror trouble." If you suffi from womar It you feel t good streng 4a IimIM cm ti 1 would ad- II n tnere, escaping r oman or girl III *" our 'a?t brea lui who is a Ull exhausted. Wonc n any female Ul| trom fhe Red f MFr ranean by mem . j H | tunnel under th? ?p?in?u?a |l| h(.fore tlle dlra)I ily trouble, or H ipj,ere we wltnpf he need of a H mjujon dollar*' thening tonic U from the Nautili MirnMi^Aani III! M1 n JI^ rom an icy lomn omy neadquarters th of storage air was aboard the s lerful was our passage hjR flaRboat< f tea Into the Medlter- , ? .. . . . . trolling actlvl is of a subterranean , , Isthmus. (This was I'ocal "'N0' iK of the Suez canal.) ,on company. ised the transfer of a tensive office? worth of gold InKots operation of us to the vessel of a knowledge of at Key West, Is here V cout patrol Zumbrota. ind is directing the pa- jk* Hies of the destroyers. ^ als of the Western l!n- i which has prepared ex- f i here in anticipation of ^ \ cable soon, denied any ^ the decision of the gov m tower limns and reet. Constipation, rectal troubles, i ^ disorders of the pelvis. A slight slippage of one or hot likewise produce sciatica, toget of pelvis and lower extremities. % sciatica, hluthb-r trouble, yr t th innominate bones will X her with many diseases T i HI PVVUina up j I HI system, tak IHI of Mrs. Join III Ad* Hbell I n I *- ? t# ?j UVJ DcltCV? XI w ^ II Anp? MM UrCCK UIVIT, e the advice |H Whence came tt. Try Car- IH Later we learne< >ed her. We IH In Vigo bay. < 111 help you. II the Nantilna cai L Here In 1702 a . HI leon8 were sunk UffflltS HI a^nhen treasuie j,g H| 11X14 a half lat ___H | nnderaeas came R whenAHA* U ?\1A< ; ernmeni to n this store of gold? cabie. nn the Spanish coast, 1 he ('?,on'1 ne to rest on bottom. ry'nK a'8? fleet of Spanish gal- telephone cal r, and here from this Key West an< more than a century It is stated Ik er this ruler of the ^ the approi and helped himself government. Kim nnn. old up landing or tne A a Ih said here to be carilpment for a submarine ^ >le to be laid between ri Havana. This project, +? ire,, also has not recelv- ?? Te ral of the United States y BERTA SCHI PALME mporariy located at the McDow >e secured in town. Phone 440C *ANER, Chiroj R SCHOOL GRADUATE. Farm on Chesterfield road, unt ). >ractor X il suitable rooms can | <* 4 minions j? Ov VI IHtMt *' * W Ufl I ___ ere there,7 Mid Cap-1 ^ ?ewe -8 page*?f9.00 year. I Y ^ ^ ^ | / ' -1 J J M 4 M 1 f. ' v.^