The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 06, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUit " ' THE LAI \ ^CASTER NEWS, JLANCASTE FRIDAY. AU< 3UST 6. 1920. TheLancasti (SEMI-WEEK Established It 1 Published Tuesday a BY THE LANCASTER NEWS I I jini'xstcr S rNews subscription is about t j |in the remittance at on I issue of the paper will ?2. I *. , , , . , I Now. bear in mind t! nd Friday into effect October 1 COMPANY. 'time, subscriptions wl (\ at Ill) n?>r vp 11 r 1111 :o expire, send | larger things. The re. so that no j of going about thing be missed. j development of the bis rule will go bring little or no resu Until that Organization?an or >11 be received "PeP i'l it?much id anhHcritiorx Dlished for the good < haphazard way I h in tlio way or J , com in unity will i 300 pain lit*, but through i gai oxfordi (tani/.ation with I dllCed tO . can bo aoconi- j I . ?f the town, and ; I ?~ s men's Douglas and Res, $10.00 and $11.00. Re $7.98 All men's straw an hats go at one-half pric< id ?anamj^^\ ^-1 GEORGE BULLA ( Editor and Muii The News is not respo lews of Correspondent rational articles on topi interest will be gladly SUBSCRIPTION 1 will be permitted to tajcer subscription not more in advance at that rat* nsible for the i ;s. Short and Hut on October 1. e^ cs of general whose subscription is i received. ... . . . vance will be dropped PK1CE: and after that, they w extend their what is for the wood than one year for the good of evei and child in the town rery subscriber Let's boost! not paid in ad- ?? from the list. SCISSORS AN1 111 be dropped j the town is ry man. woman i __ ! ^ ' ) PASTE. ? binson LANCASTER'S . Cloud LEADING STORE Co. lasn in .mva One Year Six Months NOTICK TO S17BSC The date on the labe subscriber's name is tb< piration of the time pa subscriber will pleasf promptly of error in dai rvu v % i\?ri.tiifrvo $3 00 ?n date ?' <?xpiratii l.OOl notice of expir ! mailed about fifteen d 'KIBKKS. I 1 bearing the subscription expires. e date of ex- ^ iid for. The |)K<;iN STOKY XK > notify us tes The next serial stor I in The News is "The H Etna an. I His C'Imm'IsImm at ion will he (Columbia ays before the The secret of tl campaign t,hat Wi Harding is making f VT wki'K ;the secret of his pot of the league of nat y to be begun . . , going to keep It. tlue Moon, by Four centuries agi 1 Sevret. SlatP.) In g mg ip magnificent i I and furnis irrei, OamuUel | the price t< or president is i lit ion in rpsppct | n6W6St HI6 ions and hp is j" | ciate SUCh i) a baffled and . | ; through our stock we find v hing goods and we don't wai 3 them to move them quickly rchandise. You will have ti values we are offering. ire have left several odd lots it to carry them over. So w . You will find in these lots t i see these goods before you of clothing e have put his season's can appre 2 m % ?\? .aii? niviin The Lancaster News ? advertisers a larger cii Lancaster and Lancastei any other newspaper. Entered as Second October 7. 1905. at the Lancaster. S. C.. under gress of March 3, 1879. limn a 4 TT/ivuin ;uarantees to I)av,d Anderson, a rculation in "pearlliunter." All s county than hunters have had recorded in r.ction. hi Class Matter | has found in the Anieri Postoffice at , act of Con-1er il Iiew 4yPe' a fres The scene is the Wabn n n 4a.ia diana: the time the la story of the I tantalized electorate orts and kinds ' Warren upon the nn their prowess from him, but in ... , centurv civilization 3 it tliis author * . man of his secret. can pearlhunt- senator Hardinu | h inspiration. j main in secret sessu isli flats of In-,"" his front porcli I te forties. and ( ni??ntwhile he mat would have put I t'k and extorted j ' this twentieth J ^r'X rou can't rt>b a : ?u eposes to re- 1 MIfcJ U I ?n with himself i 0UF/1 jl J the next three t?'s words public IsJV p| ' Men's Made by the ver S13.95 and $ 1695. 11 Men's mohair si Kool Kloth Su y best makers. Li^ht and dark nits, regular and slims, $ its ; colors, $9.75 16.95, $19.98 r numi, AUiii ni A I.ITTLK TALK \YH SAY S(?lKTHINCa OF TO OI K SUBSKII The Lancaster News its subscription rate or The cost of producing i n, notwithstanding intric KKKIN \VK much dramatic action. IXTKKEST period so dominate liKllS. . J that no other time an will increase ! he conceivable, i October 1. I Hut the paramount i a newspaper |'he pearlhunters, in 11o his visitors, ate plot and However, the Gran the place and more secret than frat the narrative , * The Cotton < d place would i (Abbeville Press a | More than seventy interest lies i" vjn0 county have sii the reckless, nity bond in favor o <1 Old Party is , Wk I iljfi ernal. ml Manner.) ll I T? men in Abbe- j -~g^ V) llkJ I :ne?l an in?l"in- I //A ?11 j l f one of the i l||? ' !Alichael-Stern a serges, eassimeres ai 0 Good tailored ai J- Me ml Premier hand tailored suit id worsteds, $57.50, $15.00, $ l!l.5l id K?od wearing suits $25, 55, $5 :n's Odd Pants s, made of j ) up to $62.50 9.50. $42.50 nas increased to sucn at ihis step is necessary ii The News may continue provements from time t keep in the forefront of South Carolina country helieve The NeWs is the paper in the state and w t extent that '""'Kfruus nreen <>i ri\ ii order that mode of life and their to add im- Pation. out of which ( o time and '"anee crowded with a the list of w'th mystery, vital wit papers. We ennobled - with true | best country j hero, a youth of twei e believe it j "The Pearlhunter." div rer men. incir lianas in me county strange occu- guarantee the payniei levelops a r<?-ithe sa,arv of a 1,01101 sent here bv the I'nii ctton. charged 1 . J . . partment ot Agriculti h drama, anil tion with the proper Heroism. The ; Clemson college. An ity. nicnamed fitted up Tor him am es for a giant | for ,ho Kra' WIIIt'll IS HI j * * it of. a lid pay. | ^7/1^ 1 grader to bo tod Statos l)o ire in connecauthoritios at office is to bo - - ..1 1 every facility I ding and proper i Men's ser>re and $ $tt.r?o, $7..">o. $: ... . # I fancy worsted pants, most any S.50 up to $12.50. color or size, SI is worth all that is char and more. To keep up with a doesu't require any grea energy, but to lead the p the aim of The News. V the time in the not far when we were nuttlne m ?ed for it? mussel with the peru and finds in it the ?rei procession looks like a full moon t amount of T,ie oolebration of the rooession is er'np about the sale, tl ^e have seen *',e Jewish pearl buyer, distant past Ike hero and the atter ore into thp lynch him, his escane : liar markinps | some idea of the bt it pearl which j rived from the empl in a cold sky. prader may be/hail wl find, the dick-|ties of marketing cot , , ! ered. At times, as e 10 murder of abouts knows, there is the arrest of onp Qr tWQ buyers on npt made to cotton market. Thes? ind the man want oottnn a! nil tim 'nofits to be deloyment of a w|[ itju tht' difYirulton are consid veryone here; not more than ' J the Abbeville /\ ' men tlo not b* i?i :i ii. I m:inv / Men's Hosi One lot of men's good, serv hose, pair 15 cents. Good heavy navy socks, pa! I-n.w* i:?u ui?i. ery iceable black r 25 cents. . . J l __ News than we were petti set a hiph standard for tl then set to work to bring up to it. We maintaine dard when the financial not justify it?we kept al propose to continue to njx.out. We hunt which follows, tin le paper and 'he real criminal, inak< the business 'he story. Interwoven d that stan- hi action is the myster returns did ,ro's name and place, tl head and we '>" career and name of keep ahead, man called "Red Mask. ? discovery of [times will not buy ex i only part of i *on lliay be hud ut a .. times they are not in with the rap- t , j certain grades of catt: y ot the he-j * For instance one da he personal!- j farmer residing m the highway- (brought six bales of c "the identity |vl,le" Three ba,es we - . . I grade and three wen :cept when cot- I sacrifice. Many I the nvvket for I in at all. j iy last week a I ?ar Abbeville | _ . otton to Abbere of a good j ? of a lower ! \10r.'i= felt T [en's Hats li u t c I > lit it* ill nnc m?\/1 *i ! I 1 Illl' nr?lt' l\?>, lllcltK, I lit \ van. This is a regular 50c sc 5 pair for $1.00. Men's good silk socks at $lj all colors and sizes. Men's Undei i 1. ? > in Ki corciouk. 35c pair, 00 and $1.25, wear ?.. : 4 ^ *? ? o p i iiui is wny it is neceasa our prices in advertising tlons and job printing. * It may be of interest I meriber to know that t '( ?prtre of the white paper I of The News is more th one-half cents?to be e> ry to adjust 01 uie "wild Man ai subscrip- ward, who befriends thi when he is the object to the sub- hunt, he market David Anderson has in each copy beautiful romance and an one and the covers of a book, tl :act, lnclud- of a people who once w id His lovely gra,|e. was told b> e Pearlhunter lower grade of c? of the man j wanted, but the price * cents was offered. Not cept the price offered, woven into a . . ... , hauled to Greenwood ftjed between cents per pound more le personality the lower grade, and ere numerous pound more for the li , A?1V,II CT I VII ' the buyer that , _ . . colors; sty let j ton was not of twenty-five The well kn< carinu to ac- and EtchisOl the cotton was Ajj men's where piitht . . ,r , .... at one-half t was paid tor three cents per il^her prade\of i IIUVO, Ul (?IUI Mil > to suit any size and age man. )wn brands, such as Mallorj, ti hat, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, straw and Panama hats to go he original price. 11?? \A/r\??l r 1 IVJ1 IIIVI4 > lUttllMA U UI1HM *1.18, $2.00, $2.50. Men's Ottis shirts ai 1 drav Wilson liros. elastic seam d Boys' Depart 1 >Ull.S,3? I .? >, vers 98c. . . . rawertf $1.50 ment Ing the freight, it is 1.6 printed papers are deliv< cents each and on some pay as much as one cent i 'circulation of the paper i increasing, and on this bs money on every subscri n Al nrnn/1 a I ****<?? cents. The hut who now exist nowl ered at two the memories of some < of them we parents. In doing so h postage. The valuable contribution n< s constantly erature but to the folk isis. we lose cal lore of the nation, ber added. Readers of The News iOVP/1 V:t rinnu cofinl >ere except in jcotton. netting the far of our grand-I more th,rn ?,M* hutulr. ? u? , dollars over the price e has made a . ... 1 beville. "'-only to lit- W|!? ? hor and histoid- tninli' have liopii offort over the country, an who have en- niight have bee o.the fanner wouli iner something V O ed and sixty offered in Ahe this cotton ? .,1 buyers ,11 . SweetrOrr (I still blither! hea\> ^hite ? obluineil. All ! a" madc 1 1 do in surh I Hijf lot Hl(! I C'O / W\ . ..x I 1119 ailU TT U1IV Shirts union made overalls, made of back denim. The best overair $2.95. til's heavy work pants, a rejju.... ..4 *> ? A/1 j iin ( n uvt 4 uuoiur^n Beginning October 1. subscription. generally, v a year; to subscribers ' their paper by city carrie year, and to subscribers first and second postal z Here is something elsf the price of ed during the past yea rill be $2.50 "The Blue Moon" one < who receive the lot. It is iuterestii r. $2.00 per to finish. Th<j opening outside the appear possibly next Fi ones. $:?.00. ? i of interest ! IjKT'S liOOS . rn, . nwiI"""- < case would In* to write r will find in where saying he haul >f the best in her of bales of one g ig from start I number of hales of i ... and so on. and he mi chapter will i , ... . . . sale without having t< ton to find out what tain in other markets. T! Again, the farmers to buyers else- mr <p.>.uv vw :i certain nutn- I Men's kha ra?te. a certain $2.98 and $.'! mot Ikt grade. Men's exti Kht make t iio ! lar $2.00 val haul his rot- J Hoy's tfOO( he miKht ????- i I $1.00. $1.50; .right pool .||| UL", ill ki pants, unusual values **at .50. ra heavy work shirts, a rejru- i lie, at $1.48. 1 khaki pants, sizes :? to IS at ilflcl $1.1 ), t T? 1 ?* HiivmchiM/vn 4 jl y I ^ i to the subscribers: On O ^Till put the subscription oh a cash-in-advance bas the paper will be stopped of expiration of the time This involves no question credit, but merely ellmiti and load. It is quite of ctober 1 we ! ' n**re are a numner i list strictly ' should be done right n< is. That is. . *er *n the accomplishm on the date an organization of busi i paid for. fessional men could be i i of personal Lancaster is cramped, lates trouble 'n a growing notion, but ten the case to expand. What is ne< it tilings that .hundred, or several hu >w in Laneas- j cotton and say to a c< ...u- i I well sell you a certai ent of which ' bales of cotton of a new and pro- and |he (rade m,Rht b of great help, whole before there Is The town is shipping. In this way t has no room n?t called upon to ] sded Is boost- vlce8 of a buyer nor e1 ntireu. nates 01 m. >tton mill, wo in numbor of certain grade, I M\ e made for the any hauling or We carry < the mil! would sortments of pay Tor the ser- found. If yt ren of a grader in this depai ? ? ? ** ? i Inn lr?f mi 9 A U1 1119111112(9 ? epartment one of the largest and best as' men's furnishing goods to be ou are not already a customer* tment, you are losing money. in'o riroaa ohipta 49 Hfl vnliinu . , i gc^_<l I fc S?v- that ther paper is sent to t . for some time after the < the time paid for; the su geta and Anally, whei tlon is called to it. he is . impression that he has he *ets mad. Result; ~ am .. M ? 1-T* a subscriber er?! Folks who will ti ixplration of and work Lancaster ai bscriber for- new people and new in ir his atten- can be done only by c i under the co-operation of all the paid. Then operation can be brouRl The News better way than throug ? ri/%llo ! /Jit inn nf Iho llllQllloac tor iiitti maiier o^cuu alk Lancaster coujd be marked by t.l nd bring in anfj jt would be elimi dustries. This pense, adding it to th o-operation? 'or the cotton. The . ,, ? the country will be ah people. Co-1 . adequate supply of c ,t about in nolway an(, thp number h the organi- | employed by the mills HI A n an/1 oil ! alio non/l ti-L 11<> #1 St* III** CUUUIft vr??v ?vrw b?m le grader here, at $1.48. nating this exe price offered mills all over le to secure an otton in this of buyers now can be materiKvr?lro?*t? oq n "?? o vt* vsjsj "im yta.vv voiu^Oy When school time comes y have your boy ready with al strong clothes. Our racks art all the good things for school in and let us fit your boy up. Boys' school suits, mad< strong; beautiful patterns, $ $12.30, $14.95, $16.95, $18.95, ou want to 11 thq rood i loaded wKh we.u\ Come ? rood and 8.95, $10.00. mtkKf!* an ciimiiy anu m or two. We don't wa mles and we need All th can get. f t There la but one waj the matter, and that la in , Anybody in the world News for. any fength of t nt any ene- citizens who have the * e dollars we town and community merchant's association, r to look at trade, booster club?it i this light: what it is called, can get The Let's get together a ime desired, matter over; have a n velfare of the bo dispensed with Inr at heart?a Many other advant l.?,. . ?oat themselves to tl , board of . , and think. What we matters not marketing facilities f the employment of th nd talk the ? ?,ftP towards net tin neetinc up In i VftTll'l. gely also. aue? will 8URIiohp who road need 1? belter | 1 or cotton, and | e grader is but 1 I reaulta. JL - 111 1/jc3 Boys' Udd r Made of serge and fancv rr sizes, $1.18, $1.08, $2.18, $*2.0? Hoys' blouses, made of best able material, light or dark i $1.2.">, $1.18. Ilnvc' i?m.' ,.1.. . e ants lixtures; all <. $3.48. Kratle washolors, <)8c, If we are told to send It or a year, we will send 11 or a year, and then atop The label on the papei date of expiration of tt for. I,ook at It.- If the ror In the date, we will i. correct it. If It la cori six months, the court house and h : six months, ness men get tip and I It. views; form an organlzi r shows /'the era. and If they never le time paid more than boost, 110th re is any er- been lost and much wl be glad to gained, ect. and the Organization is necei avo the busi- | Prof ? v coolny. express tli* 1 r uyrholoKist and healei *tlon of boost- jas the miracle man ov do anything wi" he hi the city Sa ... . !7. for one week at i Ing will have t ? ., ... . Lancaster, h. t. All II have been , m(v|jcal ^jence Invltf jail free will offering, ssarv for the 81-St. world's famous ^ . hotter known One lot mc or the country. ! regular $8.5( turday. Aupust | $0.50, $}' 75 1 Central Hotel. Big assort cases beyond ii? the Vei ^ bes d. No charpe. \J\$5.00, $5.50 I No case barfed. n'rt silk shirts, very fine grade, '), $10.75 and $15.00 values a#t and $10.00. inent of dress shirts, made of <t percale and madras, $2.50, and $4.00. *.????.-?, I'uiiltr HI fUTge mixtures, ilSc, S1.2.~>, S1.1S. lloy:*,' made c. ., prices. v We have a verv large sto: wash - nils. all new raodoH | colors, Si. IS, $1.1)8, $2. IS, S2. and lancy tfo at sale 'k of boys' i (>a dutiful i'i ! 5n- J) * / * / .1 - f v ? , I - - - J - * ^ \ ^ I \ /