The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 06, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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FRIDAY, AUGUS I T 6, 1920. THE LAI> \ fCASTER NEWS. LANCASTE r s. r v. 'V 'V ** ? J ;-y(t ' * , V * >s VJ w. >1 1 v * < OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCJOC s Air Messeng \ By VIRGINIA A. TEI iCopyrlKht. l'JZO. Wmtern New. wrote upon i i tin-so: "Tlio kiiinnpiHl ?*lill?l ferS i i Itrlll, iiiul Cordon Meiiil ] [ om-rs. fourth story, .'Mil i i Notify flu- police." tHUNE ] | To I'iicli can I In- tin aQQOQOO< i K'I'lltu. tii-il it to tin- t impcr Union i tilt* }!POUpi*i| li;illoo|o 1 llw.u.. I.. ..I. r Iiuntlrfii LOOKEO L|KE su of Mr. Arnold i lire hold |>ris- Little Wonder Courtrc I'roiid uvrnue. Ic Over Co'ored Woi ular Appea ?*d 11 |il<?oe of | * lircad of ciidi Purine a trlul of a and sovtM-Inu lh?* criminal court dc tdoiidl c i ?r Another ML I KuUdLd two rata get on t t get Iter one of thei >om Was in Pan- evidently thinking t man's Spectac- h|IM ranee. colored man In HELD BACK TIN recently on a . . I Annnnnrinn Unne a _____= feature is that If i o the toin the ii<lE'S PROGRESS CTIIE I :tl I MIKI r a mm |M M date (or re-ele ^H^m Representative I the Democri For House D. P. Baker I1VIW Hn"?> D AliK TUKKK ctlon to the House of 8 subject to the rules itic primary. H. H. HORTON. of Representatives. unounce the name of s a candidate for the Gordon Month tried t<> i< on >i casual stroll us he home of Lemuel Todd. It traction he could not res married sister of the wen It the place, pretty, graceful t lie had a fluttering ho| might he In the roomy gar serve him, hut as his scanned the grounds he si w- nf? <aiii h i?ok tli?* man through tli** window ov passed the I nttlc messengers, held an at- ; Cordon did not exp? 1st?the un- | fn,tn his experiment liy owner of- as those which Anally ikidys Todd. ! |,q| t?. discovered atnh ?e that she ! ,,f night. lie lay down 'den and oh- : r,.st. to he aroused at t eager eye attaek on the door. It , liw only the Accompanied hv three > i-iiiMt- iei iihim' i rimrm; hi runnier, in er .">0 of these I erable nervous tenslc : room, the result of r? et any return i tieen made that some until morning, (o start something," r deflated might j outcome of the cuse. I the darkness was crowded to capar on the floor to police officers were nidnight hy rii the room, vas hurst open, i At an Impressive m< Hirers ami en- tef??nil?ni ? ? ?! on ?.. lere wuH consul- ?? """ >n In the court- 'n 'mP?p',nc# murks that had ; ant's Oth? one was "koIiik egurdless of the , corta'n village The courtroom no* ')OHSt ?f a "Ity, and several twelve ocloek ar stationed about P1"'?8* used to te ! mount the berfry an oment. while the bHI twelve times. * ? ,.i. would know that li > Mexican 8ervDutiea. W In northern Mexico > H^r town clock. When I 8he took s7 rived the parish got well. II his servant to id strike the church Many wome o that the villagers I ^/ny^olna t was hilfil noon. I Into U'nmur kSAMnKH caster county. HIbBI ? For House < ELLA-VITAE and r,u. ? If she had taken Citizens qf I TAE sooner, she haw townships i broken down. j m . ? n in the prime of T' M* Voder to ?ade this mistake. *er P?unty for girls have started Yoder is a fan ihond H n n rl I rn n haH Osama lives ucm LUDpledging him to abide le Democratic primary FK1END3. of ReprevenUtiTci. ndian Land and Waxpresent the name of the voters of Lancaa' representative. Mr. ner, public spirited.' i?ui>y carriage of tli<- lufi heir of the family Just liedgcO At KOIIIC distance, C(l(|l|( versing with the gnrdcuci w.ik teni|Mirurlly forget f charge. All automobile s curb. Gordon had known only a few weeks. A yo clean, clear reputation an mt *? ?! ?"<l j ri'ssinnly curry hip t Iwyoiid 'lie iiis iirins. Lemuel Toihl room. lie showereil blcs t'islily eon- ltiule upon ttoploii. lie the nurse , woutnls mill instimtly < 'ul of lier tuoil nt tlie "Your balloon inesstn (ilml.VH for hrini1 obi hero!" be 1 mm man of J :ir,, |,,,t burt biolly en< I prornisiim hospital, but my wife little Infant in a commotion was hea mine into the courtroom doors. Int sinus and irrat- the nervous spectnt discovered his large colored woman irdered a taxi- one hand a formlda Colicemen ami deteci ires did It. you and rushed her Into t exulted. "Vou wlfore they hegnn nigh to need a weapon. It was not and sister are plained that she had c " miruo m <111?|, _ rd nt one <?f the ?f J'1* nelj? 0 the midst of *'uwli. noticed th ors walked h : <xv?'lve "'''look had who carried in tnes lute. Thlnkln; hle-lonkiii^ rllle. priest's watch wa lives seized her (aervant] tn outside r?Mitn; ',e delayed in examin'nx the The inozo ahswerei loaded. She ex- Is this waj 1 teen in luveiiile tells nie It Is time hbors, who had a ftuS&dtt at for soine days period. struck a few inlu- 8T E LL A - VT g thrt perhaps the suffering w< s slow, he asked J*8?* .? h helped them > why It was that happy. striking the hour. BTEL.LA-VT it ' your druKfc . that if the ft ': The padrecito help you. hi ( to strike twelve; money you j .use their mothers progressive. an em at the critical tlaB gentleman . represent the ian half a century . TAE has helped lUfe* " e P,eC >men; helped them rules and abidt ealth and vigor. primary to koep veil and _ rAE la aold by F?r HwU8e lat on agreement Conscious of rat bottle doea not ful nnH will refund the I"1, and coni ?aid for it. , body to meet d a high toned Chrisl, the kind of man to county in the legislate him to follow the ; by the regnlts of the MANY VOTERS. of Representatives. the need for a forceiervative law-making the unusual dpmanrfu hi 11)? pr had luvn n<'i'i'|iU'<l jis a \\ l?y l In* Tnihls, ami t Daily 111 1(1 feel III llOIUl> Will-Ill' culled. Hi- iiiiw ciuitiiiiiiwith no rcasonalili- exeuse Itiu a late afternoon tall, proeeeded -< feet when a s Word startled ami halted I "Now J" 1* nr?i>.-iul.iil C....... (iicsMon. i?** capital nur?--. and > ? ortliy nucst j?. under ??,ir < 11: i * I iiunl** Mn. wi?l | iiikI -iK-iisr : *r ver lie lilid A Mi->ful week f.?11<?\* <1 Ills walk. to a rapturous courts! for vcntur- Cordon M -:it!i ?i> dl lie IiikI not convnli 8'. lit. loto laid harp hissing destiny with that of tiiin. GIudy* u arc iroiny to court in a case in wli euro until you been used as evidence aiti." Ilcfora Koing home I. tlu? preface ioci'lod to hoar some 11:t:i11 1 when in the murder cast'. ! ?.< burin d as a were sunt out of the I < snoutotl hi* murder trial was rosui tin* beautiful u? News. V/~l lch tJie rifle had l ul J'1"-* ?* I ani to lhe rook tells mo i , slip said. she ' have to eo i <>f tlu- evidence when I get hack at *he and her rille "Kaiii It makes the ?u!ldlng, and the tned.?Indianapo- Hotels ii Plans are under providing the large e???_ Tokvo Yokohama. start up the hichJer i Thacher to K"'t tlie tort Ulan. Chattwnoog after tortillas, and Had Ner id elimh the ladder noon late." t? 11? b*r rxperi lowing;: "I (?1 that n J a nan tbow- who cufl< " Japan* what your wot ' consideration for ha? done for _ ~:?i, . r t . Dmoui h?a?hi' r < Ities of Japutl down in h?-s) Kola* and (Nuk:i? tninr adviae<J MEDICINF f"rt of rec?nstruGtI | respectfully an voui Headache as a candidate found stllla-vitaE ! resentatives f< rine the needed Sh>* and pledee hhr imce in the k-ttcr lot- | the Democrat" I should tell you and . ' rr fro:n f?ituile trouble For Huiiu> i drrful STELLA V ITAE ? ' " Ir.e. I rjffered from ( iteCOKDizjnp lies and waa all run l and ability of ^ :h when a friend of thilv reureKfni me to try FTr.LL.t- : - represen! on and progress, we nounce R. S. Stewart for the House of Rep>r Lancaster County, i to abide the result of primary. CITIZENS. Of Representative*. the high character >V. P. Robinson to wort Lancaster countv in f11 <I lollowiiiK it t w<? Mi? ii i w?T?* swarthy, tla>hin^ *-\ mii:u'*'stiny Hi*' 11:iii*t?i t \ j 111*'111 iiiaik' a ilnsli tmxai hu^K.v. Ik' snntrln**! tip i Infant, wraps an*l ail. I inn, plunuiic thrtiuiih growth ??f tin* lictlir*' ami I s?? that it forinntl a frw passaui* f*?r tin* ?*th?T. II* ti,'.:; ha just wanted etl fHlows, t Mir of Possible Explanation f <1 the hnhy an,;e of Watch Hai I In* utr Dr.wneJ on Simpl? li.s eolllpMll tin* HI.rolls Pupt. .!. H. Outlier n i**I<t it :i>-i< 1?? Steel ? o|ii|>:my ht?> estn jivenirt* of price store for iiis l'j tli men ran thus eir< tim\ct>tiriir the TO KNOW Tn ia.Hfringe <*iii< director of tti?? I<11 r<! cr Nonappear. Iairderello, Italy. dei d Suddenly ment nnitli tlie naturi i Farmer. of Lardorello f??r < I?n\ver. His exj?erlnie f the Oarneple ressfal that the eomp till hed a cost- power station at Tair?! Mt workmen, units of 2..VKI kllow '.(teal tirofiteer. wort snvs Tlio lilt Oiratll. , , F ri t'onti. general wi,,, '""re hotels, lorello works 211 recoiltly in Tokyo ' !?! ?! to expert- f'ral manager <?f il steam springs I'Urvnu. He said, htaining motive w?uld he some tin uts were so sue- tels M r** erected, any t.iillt a largo made to relieve tin lorello with three oity hotels l?y it atts each The travel in the oou iKtrntiwI Ijimlmi hllVe room to spar it WU8 announced I * ,1 by D. Sliono. gen- I ?i>y * *?!. 1 e<j the Japan tourist I % however, t ^ it I UH^iitinf l ?.? te before theT^o- I J**"., "Efforts are li.u^ female trouliNi. e congestion in the ; I *?? ,or *rorJ[^ iducing guests to ntry. wliere hotels I e." It is proposed the General A ho siinung to do mo his candidacy included to try it. and resell tat ives. S a iJiort time, I found, _ y, tuat it was the Tory oratic ptimarj. H-dod. 1 am now ao I tbat 1 gladly recom- | Kor House vrrv woman who haa . . . stella-vitae win I hereby am all that you claim " date for the T. T. D~?*. Torn. ^ tjves {Qr Lanc?J myself to abitl ? I Democratic pr Bsembly, we announce for the House of Repubject to the Demo- j MANY FRIENDS. of Representatives. tounce myself a candiHouse of IterresenLaster countv and pledge le by the rules of the Imary. to the waiting automobile, to Ihe front seat :ii ?I seize Tin* other almost throw I on i In* roar s?*ai, for his :n soizril hy ?ioriloii who, in corning an a< t of kiilna|il after him to 11machine "You villain, what an* ; he shotiteil. ami ^rappli man. lie at the wheel r? t >!! sprang On.- .if the Iim ;il protii <1 th.' wheel. Oursler if lie \\..u!.| i.< li?- liiili.* tip- Cost-prJee store. :is it \ rut haM been with the other stores' j a llasli Mis- Oursler answer.-.!* in;, lui.l run "Will I shut tip .utr c eh? Well, that is aim toil up to!" (|ti.-stiori I ever hearM. I with the naive a question a ached Mown furtner's." leers asked Mr. Ne.vs. was begun In 1 t --hiit tip the laved hy th?> Kuropea vas interfering unit was started In II irullts, hut Mr. er ti<>n was cotnph year. I'our overheat ost price store, volts curry electric r ut the tuiivcst I-eghorn, IMouiWina u Yes, it's as holes bored to the mil s the young ets. which vary in <b?| to 4!>." feet, are lined I!H4. hut wjts de- ,rt ^upp'y wireless n wiir. The first com ins l??:itcone in. and tho pow- ?f uiiof;?-tipied room ? ? 1 in th?* same tels. Tin* matter i i lines at :m;.?nk? with the c<m>panie* urrent to Siena, n?l The The U&u lurn! steam pork- Mj( says in the [ith from 1PH feet marked Mrs. Fiehl with Iron tutting iM.r readmit. that information to In- bushels. Our 01 erning the the acre. and is in the various iio- vegetables was s under negotiation Our intensive fi profitable." al Thing. j Hawaii Le paper, here," re- | Historians of Is, in the midst of | assert that an in a debate in con- ! was the first go' Its yielded So bushel*: J. RC I the amount of smnll exceptionally poo?f * ? I1'? inning has been verv' ^ e hereby 3 ter as a candi I he office of s I County, subjei d in Prohibition. Democratic p the Hawaiian islands desire Mr. Hun Hawaiian monarchy aBa'n to sho* rermnent In the world t'on at )Y CUNNINGHAM. >r Sheriff. innounce John P. Hundate for re-election to herlff for Lancaster :t to the rules of the rimary "'action. We iter to allow his friends r thei^ high apprecia? a faithful public offl for a heavy wrowh lying bwuii^' it with a savage \vl don fell partly within tli less and stunm-d. The ot not stop to push Gordon machine. "Go," he orilereil sharply frere, and pulled Gord"ii the machine, slamming sh It was an hour or more sit his feet, The young farmer's? ilrl and <Jor- Iteer. e cur, help- "A yaunc Pike count her man did plained Mr. OnsW-r, "?ti out ul" the l???|Ulr\ otlice in a Pitl nnd asked : IT to his eon- " 'This here's the Itiqi i clour Into It?" nt the door. "'Sure is,' said the later vlien clerk. - " sni<l the prof- sixteen inches in dlutt Is* cleared of pas hef ty fanner," ex- to the turbine penera ilkeii tip to the ? Isburgh station Clemenceau ar The latest Cletnetici iiry oilice, ain't is going the rounds < is to the effect that capable young annoyed because a t boring garden oversh Jeter. The stentn press Hon. Benjai ore It is curried alHj shouted?" tors. "Iion't bother t< It. Debby." interru] id Heaven. "The hffTiorable di miu anecdote that when lie shouted >f the boulevards he keeps still."?K the premier was "? ""if'" NO LONGER RE ndowed his. The tnIti lilawhuw rose to put absolute Katnehameha J rend the rest of Ignited Hawaii. |?ted Farmer Fields. I conquered all th dn't say any wore an edict imp..sir than he does wheo altlea were drai ansa* City Star. stripped of his | sonal, and was < FLECTS SOUND ; ^ v,!.-. . . c?r' WHO has i prohibition Into effect. kjnd and fear, the C?r??ot, first king of official du In 1705. after having sheriff for ano e other Islands. I?*?ued tc prohibition. Its j>eu ?tic. An offender was F??r Houm? property, real and per- At the eari ilriven from his village maqy friends, tin cloth. i myself a cand foreign nations forced , Representation always been prompt, ess in the discharge of ties, by electing him tber term FRIENDS. of Representatives. test solicitation of my I hereby announce idate for the House of j 23 from Lancaster ttorunn aroused to consci wns still daylight, the a which he found himself 1 small aperture tip near the admitted llyht and air. II heavy and hruised. The door to which he staggcrc* mi kii'di on its inside and of heavy timber. There \ gaseous taint in the air. a ill lit tPlliUllI t<l II tttll 1.0 of uiuqh'xh. ll "'Wb!!,' snld thi' ?*1k partmeut In nr. 'about eight hours mil bui one took my new watch <1 celling that to get my name engrn lis head felt gratis so's It wouldn't room had a I'm kind of tired of w d. hut found I want to inquire is? it was mud* In the engruvin' trade, vas a queer Pittsburgh engravers o lid this ilor- sump'n'?" e county farm- tree was the propert ago si gnzaho fnthers, on whom own the street called, politely explal ived on It free titude to the church tret lost, and hut he would regard aitln', so what favor If the Jesuit f Is there onrest down the tree, "becuu anil are all the from seeing the heav ut on strike or fnther who received 1 courteous arid was n y of s?.me Jesuit I _ . . , ' , , u M. f lemeneeuti De,tct Which Mai Ininw that his at- j room "Whi.p, wuk uiu'IiuuiioaI Has Been It ns a personal others would rut Affording to tht se it prevents me the "wh^P-ring gal ens." The Jesuit Slates Supreme ro him was very inated- 'J *** p nuch llattered by w*10 C3"C" * 3 "" * T_ ? a ^ flit . Ifcupr on^f -w Je Supreme Court* f Was fteuWiT In ering Gallery" jrreat war, whet Remedied. the army train ? lands, prohlhttlo Washington Star. lien*" of the United Why Hair urt has been eliin- The |m(r net hlef Justice White China. Is in a st rhispering gallery.** complications er -ami its jple County stlhjc flfce 1 Sands ontil i,n* Dfemtfi i, with the opening of i inc camps on the Is n went into effect. Fo I am a cand Neie Arc Dear. the offlc? of ( business of Chefoo, to '^e ru* ate of chaos owing to, ma,T* iused by buyers from 1 1 !? to the rule* govern- ?' iratks primary. . - ; wM RAY V. FAILE. " T* r Treasurer. ;4I idate (or re-election to 2ountv Treasurer, subes of the Democratic T. L. ftlLTON. L ? ' r' ' ??? ! * * ? |U 41 lll?IT? VJ1 steel reservoir. Attached tlu? wnll were a dozen elu balloons, ns many as twent anil fully inflated. 11 was lnlse that the den in wh , little Marjorle, too, prohahl lives, belonged to men \\ , business of mautifaeturini the red and blue jrlohes. From liev.iiid a nartitii I'll" " "Oil ?l to tlooks ill isters of toy Foch Saved th< y in n hunch M. I'olncnre, as pr* easj to viir. French academy, had tl i? l* he, and cotnlnjr Marshal Foch ' y, were rap tiler was a member of ho cande a ?ncl. in the course ol u or Setting sa!d: "Field Marshal Freni m In- iniiM point of moving hack I the premier's call. . 1 the offending tree si " . **' ? . removed, hut he ndde -.dent of the sn,?e of thl. eoc,t.slus, .e task of we!- M le i?re,n|er, that when that sot- vou w|n not see , ' the academy ;Morninp post. f his remarks h was on the H'8 "Coll lis henvv artll- During debate in th Je promised thnt ,u " "viier iu r.ait inuld he speedily dent of the capitol d. with the suave "The situation i tic: "I am afraid, unhearhle, a result , Just the same. ">* Appreciated win leaven."?London that from one ixl the otlier tiiere ej described as a uhl ege/* which spotH'h In tl ? . . tone is magnified e New ^ r.rk st-ite , , " oll.l Oll.l ?tl ? i .. I 4t? ?ii ?uous, supenn- f shanghai going he said: I in the region of s at times almost I compotjr.g with which will be read- | these had contra r?n it is understood price has increat of the rostrum to i :ists what may he Lon0 r spering gallery, by | prof. II. L. I ie most modulated versify of Kocht and carried front j rington Bolton directly to the mukers! Po, Chlnjrchowfu and thus The friends the firni3 with which announce him cts. Consequent! r the t^e officer of s w*d about 300 par cent, dicial circuit. etained Properties. *wl 'alrchild of the Uni- i I hereby an *ter and I?r. H. Car- date for the i of New York found Lancaster cou r Solicitor. * of J. K. Henry hereby for re-nominatioa for olicitor cf the Sixth Jur Trwuiurcr. nounce myself a candi- WM office of treasurer of ^ nty in the ani?roftrhU? catch tin* strident tones men who had hrouttht hit termin^letl with the h?\v of an infant, 'l itis hitter its if hy lnii^ie. Cordon tli desolatet I father ami Cludys, who fairly wi?rs|tl| cliild. It seemed that esea prison place was iiapossi couhi not he inert, lie < of tlio two lorv ami tinjr n ii liitlo-r in- ! rushotl t Vl::fui?rtini:h?? wailing r\ hint to you. if ?> mal iiroii>o<| wi':ikiii'>?,' >??u i|o<*laroi on^'lit of Itio oarrioil nwnv llko a v uioilior. of Ko??f* at :i!l co-t^ vm il t! ? littlo wImmv ir I*: I will tin l>o from hi* tl??* r'ulit hikI ? n the le I'lo. I.nt ho. troops." As \mi >poko yi lisoovoroi! a "f papor to tho <Io*k retreat. You assembly oiip <ln.v. \ :ni<! -umnioneil *'ns a member of th k?? known your member arose to a 1. 'we shall lie snna! privilege ami eisp of straw. <'ornell had won tl tr First corps I'oUBhkeepsie, aiMitu - If attack on urniluate of Cornell, it with French reminiscence meeting u took a sheet nri-im; to tell tlo* mi : hastily you muter. Smith final! vhen (!ov. Smith that n sst;*t b; at hotly. another en<j t<( jps question of per- > xp, u?-ri tnto the en announced that , tli?* court at the <>t !? hout nice at Tlio acoustic pre : that lie was a court room li This started a sju,i-.mi-j. w!? :? tl other members (r.,| portion of tin nie of their alma proofed ami the ce lv rose and an- Brv imti ?'>" in in nil* imiut, mi tl?o sands at Rue y one Judge i?t one a high musical t r Is magnified anil |n pss-l. They ? r of a member of sand and took I her end." ' Falrchlld put In iperties of the Sti- u sample, but el Hve been very bad stance the sand .e roof of the eeii i for more than tit * eapitol was tire Professor Fail llings of the statu- Science, saying k.-iway beach emitting election, subje tote one summer day 'n? the Democ collected some of the 1 It home, where I'rof. a large class bottle i tcept for that one in- . * hereby an has been undisturbed at? 01 l*ie ?* irty-tive years. COUDty\ rrtiil.l ?ri,..s do* to 'he Tw.o that on Deceiver 2. ct to the rules gorern- H ratio primary. H O. RODDEY BELL. H or Auditor. nounce myself a randi- H Tice of Auditor of Lan- H subject to the rules of c primary. S. FUNDERBURK. | t stnplnddor, it uml window, ami nsmndlng it four storios down into a htivi-t. A protruding ro. from III*1 s? ml story, hut was too saaill for liiia through. Tin- building at of tho inl or sooting slreot? oucr rot-ognized, and \%as olde that tin* ono ho was er the hii:h Rfriblilwl four lines in w could look Hear your thought and ; noisy luis> note to the field mars >f extended It, thought : niotnetit, e: the window fleer, arid said to him: to erowd out this order.' Disaster one corner ?? ' at Coast.n0 in Wak< a i ? to d? Passengers on one of in was .m f?rrl_ K. ... .. ., lueh you made nminced: k-oii handed t!i?> "I ?"t ? prnduate o luil. I!,- read "What college is t died a staff of- "Fulton Fish S Co and carry Work. was averted." Mean Con : of Boat. "The politicians wl ihe Hudson rlv. ?> feminine L- ....... ... I "W:jc* Is that?" courtroom wore f the F. F. M." character of tin- n hat?" > the surface snund-r larket."?World s [ >rem<' court has 1? trouble from that flection of wound t >ment. celling. This def III have one com- remedied at a cost ballot." ou|?i?"ui*" ism'J, lie |niured tireproofed. The bottle idtu ? stu laterial used made when quickly co etlectiu?. The Su- out its charade! nl a great ileal of ible at a consld time with the re- since lie spread 'rum the spherical and bundled it ?H't has now been lust its sonorous of $10,000. " j ANXOIT. the contents of the | p< ckinp and found that } I hereby am mpresscd it still tuve date for re-elt ristie liijfli note, uud- Auditor for L? erabW* distance. But jpct to the ru it ??ut in u ?ir.v room Primary, considerably it has "?i Quality. j FopC | I hereby am SCEMKSTH, i date for re-elt ? Clerlr nt >r Auditor. nounce myself a candi- H action to the office of ancaster county, sub- \ H iles of the Democratic H JOS. W. KNIGHT. lerk of Court. 1 I nounce myself a candi- V I action to the office of # * - ? I'.road avenue. A sudden inspiration a He took out liis enrd ease. With hits of pasteboard, to take advulitage of the , 1*1 . _. In the sumin?T,of V.?li? t uno tn him. taolo of n ratine sailing well stookeil ajj ,j|C WJy nthe lliistetiinit nny mean*- of propuMo waning 'lay- was a qm rltsl many. Tin* more tiood that the online ?h< smooth water direetly boat, hut roilf- off to o ronoli tt'?vi? iimf ?ii? n the odd spec- '*?W lu v,r *' : in their wake, *oleriver, without ..... n Wlint made F!GHfltfG RATS W ?>tlon that |iuz observant DO New Form of Trap I not k*' p to the Docks Said to Ha aft tin- ferry- ifying Su ne side, in the . i.Mlu Tt I <x l>?inniil.ul tl War D J sw.j'l the silent .... , , ? Although Moder medical swlenoe \\ MTM mad^'IOU pll*l>?l wonder* d i/ITIl VARnlSH in eradicating or ? > that have previous Used on London armies, it mnintai ve Had Gtat- resulting from the i cces-i. , cases to disease th tire* compiled hy tl ?i,.. * ?-? ? i&ability. For % [i Medicine credits We hereby an "Ith having accom- as a candidate fi uring the lute war '"'rate in Bufor reducing discuses ,<ir county, subje ly .avuged fighting democratic prim ns that disabilities: *?r are due in nrnre! an to wounds. Fig- hereby an he Knglisli rninlstr\ ^ -^'^e Sow ell a * nffiita Af ChA?l<r * laafctratc. i subject to the i nounce J. A. Carries primary, nr the office of mag- ? ? d township. Lancas- For C ct to the rules of the ; We hereby ary. FRIENDS. as a candidate of Court for L Sheriff. 'ject to the ru nounce the name of , Primary. r a candidate for the | tur Lancaster County. rules of the Democratic PAUL MOORE. ' ?| lerk of Court. announce E. J. Bailey for the office of Clerk - e .ancaster County, gables of the Democratic ? fcl MANY FRIENDS. i ne next time you buy caloni . ask for kicked u|>. They also i _ canoe did tint hut: the l ICl and tluit often it otls course itt a cotisidi though it traveled Just ferryboat. According the Seientiflc Ainerieni ~ the mystery, the canoe A position on the forwnrd ^ and kent it mII th? uu intircd that the <l??oks ronluin about ferryboat close. which attack praln, led Its mysteri- cargoes, causing a hoi rahle distance per annum, a socictj as fast as thf to exterminate tills d? to a writer In the congested stat l who explains made their schemes h always took a " new benefactor lia side of a wave with a "trap" that 0| Th? bility of nutting arnib .... or pensions snow i 1.0(10.000 rnts, slons eranted (low food, and other 1018. 58 per cent t it $2,000,000 los> i disease. Tubercttlr was established plaints were respo struct! ve eneiny. I cent. rheumatism f e of the wharves heart disease for 1 ^operative. Now Incomplete flirures s come forward i cernine American |h'ns up a |h?ss| ; 7.710 cases dealt v ?S of rodents out I ' ? ?llltC Ul UUCIIU 1 tint of nil the pen pledplng htm to n to September 1. Democratic ] tvere on account of ?sls anil chest com | . nslhir for 11.2 per For House of or G.S per cent ami j I hereby annoi J.O per cent. Only ? are available con W exi>erience, hut of : Wgll I L rtth by the federal j A ur noiii-Hsier county, ] r11 abide the result of j We announc primary election. : Caskey for re-< FRIENDS. | Lancaster cov : rules ffovernini Repro sent* t Ives, unce myself a candi Po I hereby ant I li" '# 1^ date for the < ^PJ J Lancaster con: r iwnnfr. ' e the name of Wylle Q. election as Coroner for V inty, subject to the g the primary election. VOTERS. r Ooronrr. tounce myself a candl>ffice of Coroner for > ** nty. subject to the (alotal A "* \vavi> carried the .cano . surf carries the Hawai board. 3S ** ** Italy Trama Blind Italy has about 1.So" J All of these are being t f ful employment. In hi , Ing lost their sight. a n e along as ~th* j of ?>o*?ne*s. The ^ inn on his surl Traps are , near rat holes. The eardbonrd rovered w varnish. The varnlsl I Soldiers. heating Its container 1 Mind soldier*, till the varnish beet :rained for use- liquid, when It Is sp Idltlon to hnv- of an Inch thick on umber of these , hoard or thlcklah cat cess employed 1* j 101ft. by far the ci placed alone or i doe to dlnease.?lc trap Is made of j ith lithographic Penitentiary F i is warmed by included In the In boiling water arnor of the Edmoi >mes sufficiently ada), penitentiary read 1-10 to 1-8 Mt penltentlarW pieces of straw- paragraph dealing -dhoard. roeasur- ??? * * u|f to January 31. j renter portion were tilth's Companion. J^ ^ J arm's Success. ' When the bod] report of the rot- i iwi movement nton. Alberts (Can-' j| usually in I to the superintend- \ wwra are OH) s is an interesting | ^c<| oroens 1 with the farm ? rules of the D EATH ? . _ I hereby am y begins to stifian date for re-ele becomes painful it . Magistrate for mticstion that the 'object to the [ of order. Keep Democratic pri iesithy by taking emocratic primary. \ M. N. JOHNSON. lounce myeelf a oamdiction to the office of Oille Creek Towaahlp, i re lea governing Urn mary. H* M. CTJL.P. a ^ % The purified and re calomel tablets tha nausealess, safe and Medicinal virtues n ed and improved. I innominate soldiers art fined or lep?. Several ins a , have been invented to < lens blind soldiers to nure. these consists of a llti ..tery and a belt encirc ?jj and containing small ne vice play a, a record tha *i*? ferent need)* {o priqj* Mid ao the blind man \ t* without art us j ing about 19 to- by 1 enious devices i of about 1 In. Is left assist the arm- and bait placed In tl read. One of t>oard, where It adher* tie pocket bat- Bags of 60 at a tiro iing the cheat cured. The medical etllea. The de- for the port of Londc t cause* a dif- ably of tbf afitklote Coy each .latter and flea* It a* his o reads. tM* tails stick an. n . . OIWnilHMW miTlfMl 2 in. A ma rein ? ? w,? ? ? clear of Tarnish. ^ aorn, w<,r .e center of .he ,h, L? J""1 with eratlfylne re 'J10*? J*T" f?" small aerenee. nfte r of health ?(nbblr plow t 5 -a. rtow a net to thi rat thleC ITroro |U acres of PlOloa that owe ? kaahrl. .n the the bo.rO they on at tne pen I ton , K|M^|1 mining operations e under cultivation a iffl if and were fanned suits. From this BED r buying a tractor Tin anrtiTO awiuli it a coat of $1,S14. btadfef ani profit of $4,191.17. PhmooS since 1096 wheat we thrashed hasp iogood baah acre, and from 11 <| Opto iPfUmL W? hereby Knight m i ei I IM ?t Matf?rate i Alhyttta rd ?-i 1 . I kewfcr uu h 1m,4mm riphtf ^ tor the ? ft?e| m npndtahi Buford townsl announce . I. 8heHey indidate for tfce often t rKUBtpQ. * . n ? ?' ' I ' ? * * p cJL~*r-v't u.' : I-. - - ' ' Jf?L v jr " immHm jT^tttaurr I ""*? ? > ;f 5 V V 2|rf, . . , ; ,