The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, August 06, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Five Mini I ite Chats On Our Presi By JAMES MORGAN THE L BEING AT STIl [dents a crime Court Of Appeal* y ANCASTER NEWS, LANCAwV |g ed on the night ; UNDER LAW ^^eTde m~~ Attorney E. S. F lustuliiN liDwrr Trt- niunufacturvr ai rER, S. C. 2 of the shooting and PRIVATE S in an unbecoming * _ mieil by testimony of 'arker. McBride Holt, id bunker, und other War Depart in? FRIDAY^ ANDERS inn TS THREE YEARS 'i>t Approve* Arlion Of I The J AUGUST 6, 1920. J \ -* V ! I 1 (nv nf (Copyright. 1930, by Ja AN IMM1GRAN O 1767?March IS, Ai on born in ty, N. C. 1781?-Taken pritor British. 1791?Carried Mr*, aldson Rohan mea Morgan.) icopy right. 1930. by T'S SON SLAYING D 9 U id row Jack. 1828?Andrew Ja Union coun> president. 1829?Inaugurated, ter by the ident, aged ( 1832?Vetoed bank Rachel Don- ing nulliflcal d.. imnal?l'p I James Morgan.) V11 RAGONS Q ASHEVIL.LE. N ckson elected opinion handed di States circuit coui , seventh pre* today, the district 11. North Carolina is bill suppress- sentences ot Gus 11 Lions. Re-elect- ton. niaintiffs in e Krom tireen- citizens. who throughout tin acted as gentlei . C., Aug. 5.?In an fj. A. Shue was >wn by the United testified to the rt of appeals here (hat ue saw sevc judge of Western ttie jail porch affirmed and the putting their fe? arton and I-eo liar- shouting, rror. must be exe said the soldiers Court marl I sir stay in Graham < amp men of high calibre. f ^ the only witness who WASHING! contrary. He saiil oruble discha >ral of the soldiers on with hard labo singing boisterously, Atlantic brant>t anil occasionally disciplinary bi J Y., was the st ial In Convicting V Jiu'kson Man. JulVlllJ 'ON. Auk- ?.?Dishonrge uiul confinement jw u, ir for three years at the who is h of the United States gestlon macks. Fort Jay. N. Nobody >ntence of the war de- h? him. " ? I iknown to the man suffering with indiknows it better than 1 i?ir \ 1806?Killed Charle in a duel. 1815?January 8, w tie of New 0 1817-18?Put down 1 Indians in Fl< 1821?Governor of 1 of Florida. O = , , ed triumphs s Dickinson 1833?Removed th . its. on the Bat- 1834-5?Brought Fi irleans. 1837?Jackson ret the Seminole 1845-June 8, deal ,nda- 1 7? the territory J jo ?q : f ACKSON'S admir al fnntK In l^ir nt,y* cuted te bank deposrite two nten we "ance to terms. district court on c I red. natlontfl prolil th of Jackson, it is alleged, tl-.-y vicinity or a still li ^ by revenue oil iters In his charge tc Istration stands trk.t jm,Ke 8tated , St'OTT FKKHIM >re convicted in the . OVKR SK harm's of violating OKLAHOMA bit ion laws. when. ?Kurly and ver were found in the returns in today luring a raid made give Scott Ferrli tor Thomas 1*. (J ? the jury the dis- ic contest Tor tli that their presence ted Seates sena HAS A LEAD Partment placi INATOIt T. I\ (i(H(K i d,'rs> w,u>- ?n , other soldier CITY. Okla.. Auk. 5. ... ? . ?, . . Jackson, shot y scattered anontrial ... . , . haplin. a citi s state-wide primary .... .... " iHeathwood. * the lead over Sena- , .... . Corporal Ktl ore in the Democrat- .... .... ny Fort.v-el e nomination of I'ni- . , . , ,, ready been se lor. accord ne to re *d on Private Hoy SanJanuary 1 it. 1 20. with If on'y s attached to (.'amp and killed William S. I ^ _ izen of Columbia, near JL^ fflW linoml Maston. Compa- * Ightli infantry, lias al-1 ntenced to serve one X he would try ^ BwuyjtoI d relief. Andrew jackso to red back woods til the heels of Joliu Quit: most cultured In all th the sharpest contrast the procession of presi The first president cabin, Jackson could n own even thut lowly c North Carolina forest, I w tui 111 in me iiiiu N, the unlet- Jefferson and Lincoli an, treading at nieasures. One of tin icy Adams, the throw of the United e line, presents That great instlt to he seen In after the Hank of 1 Idents. Jhink of France, was born In a log dangerous partner f ot claim as his government. It was Iwelling in the oly which could mal [)Ut entered the entcriirise (n th?? ?-m iciiuii) ui'iwi'ea . ..... . * . . at the still was pr 1 because of two , , . ? >se was the over- and t,emaDd<,d i?oni States bunk. convicted men titer utinn, patterned P?al and the case ^itKland and the Greenville. In th i an efficient but by United States 11 or a democratic ry A. M. Smith, of a money monop- who was sjttinK w te or break any Martin A. Hiiro. , mtrv* if hnlil I n ima facie evidence turns compiled I le explanation. The man. here tonig i gave notice of ap- cinctg out of 2. was sent up from eluding 14 from e opinion, written Ferris 5,2110: (Jo >istrict Judge Hen Charleston. S. C.. Unlucky I ith Circuit Judges April 5 Is th? >f Washington, D. compromise of 1 .> .? . 7., , , -voar '? t,le ir? by the Daily Ok la ho- . t . o.- . barracks at L lit. Sixty-three pre- , ~..0 . .. . . . <lueed t<? the i 108 in the state, in- ..... bly discharged Oklahoma Citv uivo .. , . , forfeit all pav ire 1,001. . to hecouie due matter. Day for Spain. , L|put i anniversary of the ceutly 8Pnt,.nf. Itredn, In lfiflO, when .. . .. ited States disciplinary . eaven worth, to bo ro- j This mi anks, to be dislionora- \ the ... , . Ktomacl trom the army, and to Htomacl and allowances duo or un(j tpr his part in the (icient i | all the rt It. Fowler was reed to lose loo tile-; in after s moral water dues not diKi'sting f?r the l, but makes the ' i secrete its own peppancreatin in a suf(luantity to care for food it receives. bout the man who, ufTerina for twenty world homeless and fat from poor Irish iininig ents had been in the eo years when the' father unmarked grave a fe1 Andrew's birth, leavii without a iHof or an ac No other among An received from the War o such a legacy of bitter herless. Sprung its grasp the tinunci rants, his par- lou ; it received and d iuntry only two revenues of the nnt sank Into an its deposits were puli iv duys before with only a fifth of ig his family pointed by tla^ gov< re. not under public cm terican leaders . When Jackson bega f Independence fight upon the bank memories as it height of its power. ;.TYif.. of'a;;.,';: A? istrihutett ?lt the S ' - 0,,,m 1,1,1 ion and half of ParaRraphs: lie moneys; hut, instant its directors ap- judge merely inst ?rnment, it was that the presence t titrol. | ed at an illicit dis in his audacious spicuous circumsta , it was at the js so fOUnd preset Acainst heavv . . Woods. of Marion. I the nobles of IIol Irms in the closing against the | Spanish outrage; , , name. The revol case the learned fo?owInR i>iiiltp ructed the jury xvjpe ol,t protest ?f the party charg- ish prosperity. itillory was a eon- . nee. and when one in land presented a pell- ,,Mr 'I" * Inquisition and the jan<' l'm'd S-V,M s perpetrated In Its tried and acqv It of the Netherlands, tence of Sand* 's determination to Sunders was ant lain, ruined Spaa- ffred the fatal which Chaplin led. Sanders hm ' j trial that he ti /"^"vl ! o.t th-.t lio cti.,1 ii uuniiiry oiiin-is. vcars, t. Private Jhiiusz was cure in lifted. With the sen- story.w rs the case ends. i which s the man who actuullv your rc t>n I lot into ttie car in was ririinu when kili-I Liberal admitted during the ! mailed red tlie shot but claim- ??f the .. r.... 1 found a permanent Sul-Fcrro-Sol. HU ith lliat of 53 others, <li in the booklet ^ will be mailed at quest. I I >ottlc *1'?) C> f'?r it .mv store, or postpaid itpon receipt ^ nequearneu ro .Jackson, struggle between Wh swept away his brav< both of his brothers; sci tired and left him, at ti the world. A rugged, roving wai tut Ion, he grew up as w With no hand above spirits led him into the Tlmt savag* odds. lie vetoed the 1? lg and Tory |n)? it; took his case p mother and h|S campaign for ittered ids kin- scored n complete v fteen, alone in strength of that poi j removed the goveri f of the Revo- ana j0ft the hank to i did as a weed, minions collapse, him. his high j por this action the temptations of htnl. After a hitter i ill for recharter- <! im,:?m upon h,m to the people In P,anatl?n P' re-election, and <lor ,he circumstan Ictory. On the (-l,so we do not tin nilar verdict he Is a violation of tli anient deposits contrary, was full) a slow and igno- firmed." P. A. Ilonham. o senate censured appeared for the , fitfht, In which . to roseiice thoro. t'n- *^8 icos of the instant l (I tlistt tho oharno | feet below t !i<? jt ^"V\ |rhi,,?^\I Hi*rauHi? or J9^QL3^^Q Homicide. tin PN "? "? ? " | re?r liulit on th?' 11111- 1 THE SI j Desk A tho seriousness *>f 'ho il 11 m? Iris IBHH ilvocuto of the' Sold '?>: ne Snn.l.Ms' part in tl>.? Mark,.y < M>f A A A A A J TL-FERUO-SOL CO. Montgomery, Ala. BIIEIllV llitluny IMiiii-iiiim'.v, .1. I'. I<aiiienstei', S. r. * /# _____ I ! f" h"*' ' iimrin It* ??tod States District ";;r Attorney William Assistant rnitmi Farming 1 ^rS^bTanil inn of the rase of al>out your farm, 2. M. Rogers, peti- has them about hi s. II. \V. Despor- We print forms i?r Richland ritun- business farmer sh< s21mc head) on Hammer Beliefs Co r # i To tlio 511 PI > .s a Business timm-h enomv to poiso ;iness it requires forms, lVlth ? |f| s that give you the facts just as a businessman' s business. I position of tin1 and letterhead:. (ever> ^?ys tlt.i juld have his own letter 's,vnr from pr mill Bond, tho Utilitv fr,M's *'u ncerning Sapphire. + PROFE hire has hr?-n ascribed ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 ts; that It is such an n that If put in a glass or venomous reptile it HH. ?f. !?1 tt. .lerome in Ills ex- l> > nineteenth chapter uf offi<>?> Hour t the sapphire procures 8: So a luces, pacifies enemies. ^: on t rhantmcnt ami obtains Anil b v T T T ^ SSIONAL CARDS ^ < :i:n: i rvnKitiintK Suiyron i. to 12:30 p m. r> r no p. in. V * OTloillt ft!.'lit E. ^I ffigf the United States f< \ in which the power 7 * " Business Paiier. the eastern disditia, respondents. fJ.t jhow 1 dlstrlrt court of J ir the eastern dis- |,.\X?\\STKIl X ina at Charleston. ? of a United Sr'.'ates defendants to the tentiaries for less dav was tested. rvl?Misi? from cs , giicrwl to Apol ou IT hat W? Cat . |nq(,|Pjng rf (| for 1 ou li XV11S ostv on KWS I'HIVT fins* iptlvliy. This u?'in was Oflu e ??v?*i to ami was worn when I'linne ie orncle at Ills shrine. ie?i a remedy 11 gainst i ? I 'l'lie News"::^r Lancaster Pharmacy ' Residence lt>6 j . ?8 l?:?-?rx?$2.00 year. _ | JHg??4 r ImBMI Andrew Jacki # on. B?I <'o!e Li. Blease a apperrnd Tor the K vjl j Untied States was , Fra~els H. Weston, ted States distrtet eastern South ('art COURT OF INQ in Old Age. mi C. T. tiraydon OKPra'^yhlln tfce ^ ropreJiflptPd ny ? of Columbia. Cnialfornoy for tho >lina distriot. UIRY ' t * VVM 1 IB K Cv I \ + 4.. A W i His primitive world, standards were 2(MX yea times. Drinking, and c> ;l>ling, cock 'fighting and young Jackson never to< . * rustic sport once staking his fll! on a throw of ' bully among rowdies, he stering way along a ros to l>e laid down on the n whose social T? . ? , rs behind the I ?'ck,f 'n" H. Benton, now a se horse racing* i *onrl- was hls ok a dare, the . T" hj his horse and " ,h,, r<""'r,ls ? h" the dice. A Jackson was equall went his roy- tor,nus ,n ""H'tinjr tlu ad that is not i Nation, although it tap of conduct ! mvn sert,on. fr " h,s .. from his own vice nr agonist, Thomas ' nntor from Mis- , ?lon, the rosolu- Whether S r drawing about fitted In Firing < <tvy black line. 1^,,, y bold and vlc threat of nnlll- G UAH AM. N. ( came from his court of inquiry a own party and ernor T. W. Hick? p?lil?nf Tnhn P , , ...i . ? 1>U VLKim i .olilVrs Wore Justn Molt Cumin)* to investigate f - us a course 10 rne >> nn< As he rose from a ch safidler's apprentice to ' and a judge of the Sup Tennessee, he cast astd tions of his careless ; never lost the spirit of or subdued his ungovei A bare catalog of his fights is too long to be m/M># a# tKom kn ?noo } itouse. i ? ? ... ore boy and a ^'n'houn. Shortly bet be a lawyer rntl?>n congress passe< reme court of i that was framed for le the dissipa- '> the new roanufactu fouth, but he I were sprlnjrir the clansman ' England. This hesto nable temper. , Privilege aroused the i quarrels and 1 ?Sr'cultural South, given here. In | At a Democratic bn H ?1 ???k ?v.? tneton 'In 1830. Pr? " nit? i vpuneu Kun i> fore his inaupu- I I)urham machin [1 the first tariff i .. j*. v. m Ruardinp three neg ftie benefit of rlnp Industrie!* county jt ip up in New mol) violence on t wnl of n special 19th and a muskec Jealousy of the James Ray. a Cirahi life and two other inquet In Wash- ed. hroupht its offii sldent Jackson nlnon UrltK/\nf enti.U ante uMwt'en me gun company, roes liehl in the til here against he night of July 1 mob, in which tin citizen lost his men were woundrial hearing to a *1 The Ind ian Knev^ I 1 I T I I 11IVOV vi iiiciu nc nao . conviction Rat he was name of his wife. T brought into question 01 characteristic Impruder fell in love with his Ian ter, while she was yet i other, and when he ra without waiting to verlf nor that her, offended nhfalnori a rilvnrrp In u 1 llic | - ? ? ? . _ defending the ; ros *n<l proposed tt his had been j Federal Union; It ily by his own served." Then Vice ice, when he ! houn got up and toi dial's daugh- j ?* the states. Thus married to an- i officials of the gov ishly wed her 'ssue across that dtr y the were ru- Question which grea husband had ^Sh* out In another g * neighboring Two vpnrs afterwn lis toast: 'For specific charges fil Tresid^t se frr ;hr :he, isted the rights had ,ired the,r 8ho the two highest catio?ernment Joined From start to fli iner table on a hearing, witnesses t armies would masked mob was fi ;eneration. on the night of the i rd n convention there wan ahunliite 71 lll(> *X VCIUIUI I'll < f-1 led by Alamunce machine gunners ^ ta without provo- J / lish daring the declared that no ? ormed in Graham shooting, and that w IV nn atirn nf m Lne Indian drank water that vas game he had killed; his 1 ie attuned his habits to tl Vs a result he was abundant! >r in the hunt. 7 fou lead a different kind ol jorious, vivid health. Adap bubbled from the rock. Hi bed, the hard ground. le rigorous, open-air life li ly healthy?tireless on the I life, but you can enjoy th< t your habits to a less vigorc is food ic led. march -?v I i same his ex-r state. After two years < tbe too hasty couple lei woman's first marriage been dissolved and thej si spectacle of themselve through another ceremo be united in lawful bond Because his own li duct had exposed his h wife to the slanderous :>f wedded life. In SouTh Carolina s< irned that the an ordinance nulllfyli hid only just for that state and f< ' had to make (he boundaries of th< s as they went lection of customs < ny In order to While recommending s. modification of the mpulslve con- Jackson appealed to t onest, derated the South Carolinans tongues of the (Ion which set all the >lemnly adopted mob around the Jt the tariff act eral of them admit jrhldding within tude of the crowd e statei the col- , _ , tulle. under It. Jal' on Sunda5'- Jult to comcre*. a offending tariff. Immediately foil he patriotism of 8l<>n of evidence tl In a proclama- A. H. Boyden. of J North and B. Toyster. of Oxfc ? T-? ? ~ II ill. although sev- , ted that the attl- ? surrounding the - 18th. watt threat- p owing the conclu- I le commissioners, / talisburv. General || ird. and J ml ere II. stence. Eat the right sort < laily, but above all?keep I egularly out of your body. ^ujol works on an entirely r nstead of forcing orirritatir ood waste. This enables the he intestines, contracting ar ! I - I food, exercise a certain a the poisonous food waste r Nujol will help you do this lew principle. ig the system, it simply softt : many tiny muscles in the v id expanding in their norma mount w noving ; i % ms the j /alls of J wayv gossips, Jackson was all sltive to her sufferings, at her over a bar one r up at 24 paces and sh< Mu> avenging husband, pistols In perfect condlt years, as Barton says, f dared breathe her na honor. Even at the sober ag the more sen- *t the South ringing For sneering tiered General Scott nan was stood threatened trouble; >t to death by forts of the dlssatif who kept his patched a naval flee Ion through 37 harbor, and only wnl1 or anyone who j overt act of revolt t< me except In J rant for arresting C ) other lenders. But th :e of forty-six, i fled their nullification. with cheer*; or- W..Whedbee, of t to the scene of consultation In the re-en forced the they left the r< ified dla- (jen informed the t to Charleston ted for the first that, n? veril'Ct W > Rive him war- unt" ,hir,>" ,hoUHa' alhrmn and the of evidence have I e mil lifters null!- typewritten form leaving the res- The commission w l( Ireenville. held a grand jury room. >oni Colonel Boy- P newspaper men on Id be rendered nd or more wort Is >een submitted In ? and re-digested, ill meet probably o squeeze ine ioou waste ai >f the system. ^Jujol thus prevents constipa ain easy, thorough bowel r be healthiest habit in the wc ^ujol is absolutely harmless Nuiol is sold by all dn ong so inat it passes natura tion because it helps Nature novements at regular inter >rld. and pleasant to take. Try jggists in sealed hollies onlv. lly out . j main- , vals? \ Jackson plunged Into a at Nashville with Thou afterward the distlngt; from Missouri, and waf life by two halls and ?entonr*a brother shot 'That was bis last persoi In a few weeks he was < bed of pain to tAkp part tercation between' the i tavern brawl I olute and patriotic pi irr H. Benton, high tide of popular 1 ilahed aenator Jackson's pre-emlne i shattered for country was rendere a sltfg which wltt) nullification. 4 Into his back, only the pretext," he rial altercation, and a southern confc [jailed from his abject. The next pr? In a public al- negro." Thanks to United States presslble conflict had esident riding ft within a week in 1 avor. their report to Gov lit service to the charges that the iJn h,H batt,e fired on citizens wi 'The tftriff was said, "disunion preferred by ?derncy the real county citizens in t >text will be the which was filed in I him. that Irre- contra?licted by Ci bf postponed and other witness* Raleigh, to draft ernor Bickett. militiamen had thout provocation Kty-six Alamance i sworn ^tatement he evidence, were ^ iptain Jim Smith ! I >s Who snifl Ihnt < I I hearing Nujol trade mui Standard Oil Co. (New Yotjk, for booklet, "Thi The Modern Method o) Miiinl rk. Write Nujol Laboratories, 'Jersey), 50 Broadway, New irty Feet of Danger". r Treating an Old Complaint /> rr # _ I I and Gf--t Britain and, *tlll (a a dllftg, he roaa t iiis country. * > v? k * * i. *' ... . H* ' , ' *V <wlth his arm 25 year:, until it grt oYlo battle for provr up nn<1 Join 1 East in saving the I ' ' . ft, ' at West should the Tirst shot wa9 hands with the army automatic pis Joiou. the machine gunne ? f not fired from an | I , ^ tol. Charges that | I r? were intoxicat Ml* M. Ml. Orr. jrKjr Kjvnscipa i ? i . non | '/ A / [