j^fcpAY, SEPT 16, 1919. ItL!- _ It ning WE are now i Now these a1 years to give tion of it's c< YOUNG M The smartes SLANT PIPED OUR LINE I should you a our VAST li MEN'S SIL1 and tbe THE PRICl merchandise we < raging in ah kind: AT OUR LANCAS'i OF INTEREST TO TH1 BY W. F. HOWKBL, COUNTY I'KKOINO FOB K more eggs are not produced in morning uth Carolina is the overfeeding of It would rn. The fowls are frequently kept shorts w I in unsanitary mite-infested houses.' mixed wii or roost in the trees, or the Itock suits, contains so many different kinds and pes of rhlrkens it is impossible to (iliAIN < feed or manage them intelligently. Cleraso These unfavorable conditions should In order l>e remedied says Prof. F. ('. Hare grain dea of the Poultry Division, who makes and other the following suggestions. have an There is one constituent of food themselve that has an important bearing on of gradini production and the development dards foi of chicks. It is called protein. and oats. Fed from it Is made tire flesh, feathers, 11. Seeds blood, and the whites of tho eggs, demonstri If less than 15 per cent of pratein is the Comb present in the ration, the hens lay of the Ui few eggs, while the biddies are stunt- Agricultu ed. become stupid, and die. this demr Corn or hominy contains only a grain ins| little over 10 per cent of protein, so ed with e that unless the poultry can supple- and appli ni?-nt their supply of tills constituent licensed g from bugs, worms, or meat found on markets c the range, we should provide the SuperviHk hens and chicks with foods that con- ed corn a lain more protein. This is exactly same way where many persons fail with poul- show how try; they feed their fowls in the A more winter, when there are no buga. the set of equ same as in the spring, when there gested by are Insects everywhere. Agricuitui Buttermilk and Corn. Where hut- to Federa termiik or thick, sour milk, Is avail- will also able, the simplest and best way to In ordt I provide me needed protein and bat- tion thor< prop the ration, is to Rive the layers are Invite and growing chickens all the butter- grain to I milk they can drink. Feed whole or order tha cracked corn onco daily In warm the grade weather, and twice dally In cold own gralr b weather. If the hens range around Kach <1 tho mule* lots and pick up waste will he n food, omit tho feoding of grain? exactly ni simply putting out pans of butter- any lnsp< milk. largo ma All Grain Ration. A balanced re- grading e tlon for laying hens can be secured jing classi by feeding twice daily equal parts grain, pu by weight of corn, peas, and oats. J partinent This food will produce eggs in win- grain and ter from well matured pullets. | trlbuted. Middlings and Corn. Another aim- display si THE LANCASTE1 s Ynn 01 By L. HIRS eady for you with our F/ re not styles from Paris. You kn * style any thought. The fact is, 1 inceptions, and WE HAVE THE1 [EN'S SUITS of S t line of expert tailoring ever shoi POCKETS, semi-lined, with BEST/S1L of MEN'S suit: nticipate such purchase. IT will ne of BOYS' SUITS and KNEE C SHIRTS, the renow Shoe that's hard to wear C Q lir/i OVA AllAtm/* am l-l -ik-r nc aic quuuilg UU 111 carry, will convince you th s of commercialism, is THI ORES. WE PICK ? HIRSC i (Federal Grain Supervision Work, j The importance of these demo i strations, says F. L. Harkey, Ako in Marketing. has been emphasiz ji because the U. S. Grain Corporate I is requiring the proper appiicati< el for obtaining eggs >n,of the Federal grades by count to feed wheat bran and | |jUyerg in order to properly reth mixed with water each i ,jlt, guaranteed price scheduled to t and to feed corn at night. ^ local points. Properly applied grad be preferable to mix the;jnsure a premium grade for pi I'th buttermilk, but shorts, niium quality wheat. One object th water will give good re-jj])fl demonstration is to enable lor < wheat buyers to be 'fully inform i as to the grade requirements. HADING AT STATU FAIR ?? n College, September 8?' JOHNSON BLAMES that farmers. country PRESIDENT FOR H. ('. lers, millers, county agents, persons Interested may (Continued From Page One ) opportunity to familiarize is with the correct methods! or. every violation of natural rig g grain under Federal stan-Jand self-determination, every oppr? wheat, shelled corn and sion of the strong the weak. Native leral Grain Supervisor, K. the President remarks that seei will conduct grain grading treaties hampered him at the pea ttions in connection with conference and embarrassed the wht ined Agricultural Exhibits settlement. Inferentially he conced lited States Department of the wickedness of those hamper re at the State Fair. At nor embarrassed to such a degree instration a fully equipped to cause hint not to stand monful >ector 'office will be arrang- and courageously for his often *. ixactly the same equipment pressed principle. Not only did ances that are used by the abandon his ideaism, but be becar rain inspectors In the large surrender his ideaism. but he becai ind offices of Federal grain a part of the secret treaties he d >n. Samples of wheat, shell-' nounces when he united in makii nd oats will be handled the them the basis of action at Parij ' as in actual inspection to| ^ the grades are determined. THE FOOD CONTROL limited and less expenaivej RFPM p&ucr ilpment which has been sug ^ ' HAS BEEN I AS, L 1 the U. S. Department of _ . Provides line of g,?,DOO and IN re. as convenient to anni? 1 grades at country point*, | \ ear* In Prison for vlobe shown. lutlon. tr to make the denionstra-j Highly practical. farmer*! Washington, Sept. IS.?The hou d to bring samples of their bill extending the food control a the demonstration booth In to penalize profiteering, as request t factors that determine by President Wilson and Attorn s may bo indicated on their General Palmeras a means of redi i. | ing the cost of living, was passed lay forma' demonstrations the senate and sent to conference. iade In the "open school,"; In addition to penalties? $5 0 i would be in the office of fine and two years' imprisonment action department in the for profiteering, hoarding, destroy! rkets. Befeides the grain or monopolizing the food and oth quipment. type trays show- necessaries or "making an adjust ?s, grades and varieties of unreasonable rate or charge," the b Plications of the lT. 8. De- extends the law to include wearl of Agriculture relating to apparel and containers of food, fee grain grading will be dis- and fertilizers as well as food, fi and photographs will he on fertilizers and agricultural much towing various phases of cry. The life of the proposed li ft NEWS, LANCASTER, S. C. JGHTtc CM & SPIN ILL UNE of MEN'S ow that Paris has been too bu* Paris is now looking forward tc VI FOR YOU. >T?LE and VA1 / le to administer the law through 'he Close to schc es agencies of voluntary "fair price" Two lots o ed committees. All of the house provis- N'ice. net. i is ions designed to extend the open of an put this hous llyj "put teeth" in the law were adopted on t>nf* >x- by the senate. Five-room he1 - . ceiled overhe no more r ats boztz I-, 1 ^ investment ft l ng or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. Store room It's a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg. From $10.1 {and prove it. Rats killed with RAT- Six-room h I SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Guaranteed. Mr. J. K. J 2.V. size (I cake) enough for Pan- This farm is '" try. Kitchen or Cellar. room dwellin | 50c. size (2 cakes) for Chicken shed, five ten vo House, coops, or small buildings. small barns. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all 70-saw gins, 'farm and out-buildings, storage build- H,8t claRS con lings, or factory buildings. VRn *>u-v 8,1 I Q/tlrl * * I huiu ?iiu uuiiranicpn oy i>anoaster| Mrs. Lauri iHO Drug Co. and W. S. Stwrman & Co. t Wadeaford r< lCt| " 7 5 acres in . price that I ; ov PROFESSIONAL CARDS NEW YORK for tl LUE. SKIRT EFFECTS, WAI< WEAR. Y of YOUR insp if unn . > J VU TT Alt V*CL11 ILK-OVER SH< AND" ; well as on all RING which i 1NG PRACTi S WE OF1 SOUTH CAR iePlyl .ive Wire in Rea 'If It Can Be DID?PLYLER 1 wo miles from town, on public roe:1; cr leap at known as Oaskey place, 2 1-2 miles I ome good bottom land; only $26 per belonging to Mr. W. 15. Plyler, one in lurch; almost new house and barn, tiu . This is a bargain at res known as Hunter place, two miles res on crossing of Liberty llill and 15ro ml and church. $40 per acre with ter n Last Knd, $60 each, 40 x 200 feet. ilmost new 4-room house with hall; 1 e up for $1,500; house and lot for onlj >uth Main atreer. house and lot, almost new house with ad; Can't be erected today for $2,000 room bouses that rent for $4 per moi >r . . . . . i on Midway, nearly new 900 to $12,000 worth of lots in town, ouse and lot, fine location, only .... Helms' nice improved farm within tw one of the best bargains that I have g, big barn, cow shed, garage, cotton iant houses, two of these houses have fine well of water. In house and machl boiler, engine, belting, etc. All of thes< union Soil is red clay loam, which is lings being considered Price $75.00 pe \ Connor's plantation seven miles fr )ad. This farm has some very strong branch bottom. The bottom land ah isk for the place. One mile to school i dwelling, barn, three tenant houses, t 23 2 acres, priced place of 50 3-4 acres owned by Mr. ni Mack place; 2 miles from Tabern; >m and kitchen, well and ood spring, i 2 stalls. This place has over $1,50' t/lace r acre buys Mr. Mobley Parks' plant ilace has five building, 20 acres pasti bottoms Pon t wait long on this plar dace that I can sell you for $20.00 pe jsvllle. 1-2 mile of Spring Hill Church t iltivatlon. about 8 acres bottoms, 4-roo d pasture, 130 acres in this place. See ' ' .4 fy /" a PAGE SEVEN I >w AREL ast four lie crea5T SEAM lection and see 3ES other is now ICED 7ER 1 ler 1 Estate WILL DO IT" eek runs through $6,000. from town; some acre. ile from Antioch ildings are easily $5,000 front town; onlv $3,800 wn's Kerry roads. IDS. -2 acre lot; Can't f $1,500. Located wood fibre walls; Only $3,000 for ath each. A good #1,200. $8,000 $3,000 o miles of town. It has nice 6house and buggy three rooms and nery. including 2 > buildings are in the best that you sr acre. oni town on the land with nearly am* is worth the tnd one-ha'f mile r ibout 20 acres in .$in.r?0 j>er acre. Sanford Howell, icle school and 4 00 bushel rapal) worth of build. Price $2000.00. ation of 264 3-4 tre 3 good wella, e It is cheap at r acre within one ind school. Nearly ini dwelling, barn, me aft once about