The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, July 11, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR TheLancaster News (SEMI-WEEKLY.) Established 1M.11!. st ; Published Tuesday and Friday BY THE se LANCASTER NEWS COMPANY. Lancaster, S. C. ??? al GEOltGE BULLA CRAVEN (^ Editor and Mauuuer j yt The Newe is not responsible for the w lews of Correspondents. Short and 1 mtional articles on topics of general interest will be gladly received. th SUBSCRIPTION 1'UICK: , tn Cash in Advance. j oi One Tear $2.00 j QlZ Months ... 1.00 <a Entered as Second Class Matter M| October 7, 1005, ut tho Postotfice at Lancaster, S. C., under act of Con- jl>r Cress of March 3, le7?. j,j FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919. th go "Ifly Country 'Tis of Thos, Sweet Land oil A' I i^arfy.'' j sj( SENTENCE SERMONS. | i ho Only deeds gives strength to life; j fm only moderation gives it charm. llichter. x Where there is much light, tli?* j shadows are deepest. Goethe. ! tin lie who lives well is best preacher, i "U ?Cervantes. !,,. ! < li Man seems the only growth that' ' dwindles hero. Goldsmith. ! ''' to If a man's eye is on the Eternal h's raI intellect will grow.?Emerson. . I API 1 del lie who begins many things iinishos nothing.?C. Simmons. ' the The instinctive feeling of a great er people is often wiser than its wisest man.?Kossuth. wij What to ourselves In passion we 'rU propose, 1 h The passion ending, doth the purpose boi lose. ?Hamlet. for er It will not do to be saints at meet- (in !ng and sinners everywhere else.? Beecher. M as It is far better to give work which j is above the men than to educate the the men to be above the work. Husk in ' dlr pre EDITOIUALETTES. the th.i This is the time o' year when thejed ole swimmin' hole Is most appealing, see 1 ton Another hannv il>m? ni.nin tv.<> ? "" por signing of the pea re treaty is that we ,,H. ' will hear no more ot "snobbishness in the army." ^ j lira What is most needed in Lancaster she to help a Ion in reconstruction ami the development is more houses for new ' ma people to live in. sen I eye President Wilson is hack at home ed after a visit to some friends in Paris. in and one may he reminded that he is j.f( presh' . of the I'nited States. . We (1 ont>t if the lejuue of nations nai Is perfect in all respects. hut there' ts only a few of us who could have! done better than President Wilson, j ^ dir Now is the time to he hingcing onjv.e? your roads if you ever expert to brag ihV on them. Iton't wait until next win-i jon ler when they become Impassable. pjjf * I fag Water consumed indicates Rrowth.! the esteemed State tells us in a head-js,u line. It indicates the people arej'?r bathing oftener whlrh may be con-!''',, duoive to growth. 1S ^ aiiThere is one candidate out for the 8en state senate in Lancaster county, and j nig this ought to he some consolation to Vel the fellow who is always complaining f ,a that there is nothing going on. to I * he It is to he taken forgraanted that the signs placed on Main street v ill at least acquaint the motorist with '''' the regulations of the city, whether ' or not they stop the speedirtg l,,x - ant Richland county is complaining at ,,,,, the cost of a mile of concrete road |Mei the contract for which was let at cost eon plus 10 per cent. We know little of cost the merits of the case which has wit reached the courts, hut Kichland less county ought to have known better and than to make such contract. i firn jjfll' iniliHttMfon -It Tf >llt. Bl'ltlJCSOX. delivery tri It was related in news despatches | ed by the I nt out from Washington Tuesday I he would li iat President Wilson had in his pos- possible, ssion when he reached home shores The New le resignation of Postmaster-Goner- regard to 1 Burleson. The resignation was ca- ed by airpl ed to the president while he was cling by ai t in Paris, so the story goes, and itself with as offered in the interest of the at the satin eniocratio party. Possibly so. but people in tl e Democratic party will benefit no! motive and ore by his resignation tha i any, them in th her user of the postal department | look upon r. i.urleson's resignation wat be-J the horsele: use of the fact that he had made a mobile was iseruble failure as postmaster-gen-1 was conside al; because he stieriliced service in bility and s department for money; becauseJ Perhaps th? o telegraph and telephone under receive a wt ivernment control and Hurleson because of ntrol was a failure. j passenger. The eflieiency of the postotiice de-i '' 's douli irtment was 'way below normal.j phono was < d a demand arose for the removal j"v aI,(' the postmaster-general. He got grnphop t while the going was good. It Is j u pla'ne con tied that the president will con-|wt> ma>' ler the matter fully when oppor- :,s "H> auton nitv presents itself, though it is r?u<ls. '1 he pod the president will give it n<>| vantages ov rther consideration than to accept , P;,ssonger-ca inaptly the tendered resignation. tuet tha I tires, the jo "TliK TILLMAN." and the no "It was wholly appropriate," says) are eijmina Charleston News and Courier, may travel i tat the first destroyer built at the ;,l|t'>niobile. iiriesion liiivy vara SIMMllil II ;i \ >11 named af?or Sonator Tillman.|':MT'V't>g 1,1:1 i> Charloston navy yard owes much .. [ homo day Senator Tillman and the Ameri- . . . or, predicts 1 navy owes much to him. Fitting!,., ... " Observer, tli cnowledgetnent of this double .. I ities as a he >t is made in giving his name to I till lie liappv > staunch warship that slid down > ways into the waters of the Coop- 1 l,OSs',,|> river yesterday, (Monday). .makes ji fine It is to be hoped that the Tillman so,1H* ?thor I 1 be only the first of many war! Kvon thou ft to l>e constructed at the Kallv doesn' arleston yard. The few small jlas to <11-1np its which had been built there be e the construction of this destroySCISSC was undertaken were almost too y to be classed as war craft in this' le when even tho*llghter types such destroyers run to more than :?0tr irang ur| ' The linpre t in length. Hut the l.uihling ofj of (.oniniam, so small fry was a hint of what "to the efTeci Charleston yard could do and had greatly i dmhly helped to get for this yard: saN ',1K 'n ' . , I,, v voyage takin job of building the nilman. Now ? of the tune t a real destroyer has been turn-| require out there in lirst class style there The enthu ins to be reason why the Char es Ihe French f< yard should be given the op- ^Ii"'r',ans. tunity to build some more of 's >n nient, and F ?> 1 , , . mi % 111* lilM t was 'most appropriate that the what an imp it destroyer built at Charleston become. iuid have been named in honor of Senator Ni i tention to tin memory of the late Senator I-; 0?0.00?* by t n. The Kitted South Carolina navigating w ator will not be forgotten soon, that he couh 11 though no monuments are rear- 0<?0 appropri to his memory and no ships named Just i ist today the! his honor; but it is nevertheless , , for works ot ing that the .destroyer w hich was , . , carried forw nched Monday should bear his |,0p,. gotneth ne. 1 arouse the , - - ! importance c Tlt.W KI.INfi ItX Xlltl'I.WK. I Hie successful Might of the ISritish igilde across the Atlantic last ffMiin The federi k serves to strengtlien the lieliet i entered upon t in the not far distant future, a 0J( on ,jH. rney to Kurope may lie aecoin- healthful an died between the hours of break-' the da t and dinner, with a little time to 1 ,1,y not ob" iiig t he dalr >p in Condon and return in time , .. ... , * buttermilk is supper. Possibly this is going a roach of t le too strong, but its possibility Will If this not to bf questioned. That the amount to a piano will soon be carrying pas-'''''n ''u ,)% 1 the birdseed gers and mail to London over- . . . : struct much lit is a sure guess, and with de- should keep opmonts in the possibilities of air- mit the scho ft in keeping with those which P"lp"K. 'ho < lowed the first automobile, we may! ">rH Pi'hli J of the but to modest in our expectations that w)l.l( ,|1(1 lM| trip to London will be accom-j government, ihed so easily. j bureau or . ... , equipment o I he automobile, a few years ago a i inspectors, i uiy, only afforded l?y the wealthy.' rH An(j ,, 1 dark pessimism hanging overi have to be posed improvement and develop-' cans to serve lit of the machine, has grown into, heep the hi inion usage and has become a-ne-j B0,,rilty, among not only those blessed $?,.">Io.MO I h wealth, but also among those of Lancaster ler holdings in worldly possessions of auto . w 1 this year Is I in business. Why. nowadys, no . I Is added to l can do business without a Ford an(j niainteni - \ / fE LANCASTER NEWS, LANCA8TE1 ick, and if one had judgirst automobile produced, A CiLlMl'Sh .VI ave said the truck is itn- t.. t , , Short Items of Ii Here, There ai s will not get foolish in laving the paper deliver-! The annual sun ane or in regard to trav-ltearhers opcned at at Orangeburg We . plane, rather contenting I contlnue for four w tl.e train and automobile, > 30. The enrollnien e time not "doubting that days exceeded that lie first days of (he loco- session ?n(l Indlcai , ... , , , I tendance this sum automobile looked upon . largest for the pas e same light as we now course8 of 8ludy the airplane. Possibly j teacher training in ss carriage, as the auto-! chanics and home j? j4.. . ! ropnhir nnrninl #roi viiwoii in eariy stages, i . . , I teaching of illitem red by many an impossi- . ., , ; other practical v looked upon with awe. Wilkinson annou passenger airplane will the end of the 'Iconic less generous only "ion the National Increased danger to the Teache'8 in Colored I State Teachers' Ass ; their annual meetin 'tless a fact that the tele-i These gatherings wi ronsidered an imposslbil- from all parts of t 5wise the telegraph and ! who wl11 rtMiinin fi hone, so is the passenger ^u&nst 3. ^ isidered. hut by and bye. Petty thievery 1: them in the a'r as thick'niuch annoyance an .... , chants in Columbia iioldle is now seen on the. clothes men are al airplane has many ad- engaged In workl er the automobile as a j which tlrtns have re rrying vehicle because of wholesale merchant t the wear and tear on s,a,,on lft,l,nK of so , , , . said the thefts had ^ Its to the machine itself . , . . its of a day s t.uslne "esslty of smooth roads 3acl{3 of rlco ted. The airplane a!so:and other staple uany nines as rust as an stolen on oilier occn and this is a very inter- an' usually surcessfi deration in travelin* or mercluimlis parties are brought il a Ion* distance. i . . . , til eves are snre\v?l some senius will disrov- la hind. chants lose evervthl tlie Raleigh News and , , erang< s and canneil at water has some, qual- Gf co,n. rice and si verage. and then we can Retail linns report attain. The Raleigh pa-' Nothing. shoes am , ... ... . found in a five and t doesn t know that water drink when mixed with Jass Thompson, hings under arrest at I. _ ^ fortnight ago chars gh the country is dry le- over by an autoinobl t signify that a fellow P,nced ,n ,he York ,, been brought to th< L Paw-Paw. _ jail, it having been the spot on which >ltS AND PASTE. icurred Is in Chester fprobably be tried at court of general sej Ocean Shrunk. nox, wpek Thomp < Times and Democrat) J VJ,.irs of age and ,8 ssion or the ocean flight, afler tho killinR er Read, as he says, Uj only appi.ehended a t that the Atlantic oceanjaRO ,s wanled. shrunk." The enormous tho chftrRO of havln hue is astounding, the a ,nm,)or rnmp ,, g only a minor fraction ()f ,ho slato tnat a steamer would T A. Hightower, s siasm of the British and the Addison Mill. Ki or aviation surprised the over by an autoniobi Kverywhere tin- future StewaVt. a Warrenvi to for a great develop- afternoon at 1 o'cloe ranee and Great Rritain, paik in Kdgefield d war-bombing realize tho igh it Is not tt ortant faetor the air has hurt. Mr. Illghtowe | grandstand at tlie p i w. of Indiana, calls at- Stewart drove up am ( appropriation of $.130,- control of his. ca in* British for tlie aerial Hightower to the gr ork, and recalls bitterly, ing his legs. i not secure a $50,000, at ion for tlie American Reports received as certain as nations ex- Service Commission Ir future rests in the air, ?? ,h,? recent examl war and peace will he master at I.aniens ii ard with rapidity. Wo dorstood. that Jam ing can he done to mado ,hu highest m American people to tho 'hirksdale and D. M ii i ihs now development. "'K nexi in i ne or<l j Sullivan Is a gradu Unite,milk. Ver8,,y ?f So,,th Car< i State Journal.) hy ?nd al government has now a buttermilk propaganidea that buttermilk i-> (1 it wo.lld be well to .1 . iry interests It is prob- \% erved that in oncourng-i y interests the price or i likely to go beyond the bo common consumer.' suggestion may not quite eerernment has enough of on to oti - pep. the newspapers, 'he dubs and other formula- J c sentiment to take care then ttermllk will do to It will require a little department. with an f secretaries, managers, Monographers, messeng- 1,0,1 in on ion all these people will Bostonlans Democrats or Republi- there is more i the party propriety and Mostonlans. ittermllk from getting "mm Automobile I'ees. LANC county s apportionment mobile license fees for 12,510.80. This amounti the road construction I ance fund 1 ****" K. S. C. ?? , THE STATE. i utonst Gathered | id Everyvvlit'iv. inner session for the Stute eolleRe ? dneeday. it wl)Ij A 'eeks, ending July1 . t . t for the first few J I^OCaiC of any previous tes that the at-' mer will be the t six years. The Loans cover vocational Overdi agriculture, me- Bonds economics, tlie Libert, nlng subjects, the! Furnit ites and various Bankil ork. President Other need that at Due fr > summer ses-! Curren Association ofj Gold . I Schools and the Silver , ociation will hold; Checks gs at t he college, j ill attract visitors Tc he United States,' rom July 30 toj Capital Surplu r tho source of Undivl id losses to merand the plain pue Imosf continually Divide! Ing on cases in Individ ported thefts. A was at the police Savilljf me losses and he Time e uiualled the prof- p() ss. One day sev- Certific would disappear Caslliei goods would be: liond l isions. The police 1 Kesei'V ill in locating the e and the guilty j 1'() to justice. Some! and burn tho ST ATM Wholesale leering from onions. T>ofo I goods to sacks jju> ich staple goods. saVS ti the losses of true 1 goods usually [)ooks ( en cent store. who was placed Swoi lOckhart about a day of ;ed with slaying lie driven by Jim county jail, has Correct ? Chester county I'fc ascertained that the killing oc- VV. county. He will the term of the isions in Chester son Is about 70 i very feeble. He . of Jeter and was ??~ bout two weeks superintendent it Is alleged, on j about six years, g killed a negroi i the lower part ' nder the e( j needy schools a t | been disbursed t uperintendent of districts in twen , igefleld. was run John K. Swearln le driven by Jim tender.! of educat lit* youth Friday unexpended bain k at the baseball treasury of and painfully.| amount distribute inught seriously, twenty-one dietrii r was facing the county, ark when young 1 apparently lost According to t r. knocking Mr. by the state boal ouiul and injur- corrections, the c J Charleston count) J any other chaing front the Civil state so far exanti at Washington superior showing nation for post-( penal system is g idicate, it is un-( ton County Sanl ies II. Sullivan Commission, undf lark, with C. D. which it is. [. Norwood com- ler named. Mr.' Captain I. N. ! ate of the Uni- Regt., son of Mi ttlna, is a lawyer Moore of Inman, las been county overseas. ===== ^ ROST< built in ASTER DER "The Best Place * \ FRIDAY; JULY \ x \ Hank No. 33. / Statement of (he Condition of the Sank of Lancaster 'd at Lancaster. S. C., at the close of ness June 30, 1919. RESOURCES. and Discounts $686,11 rafta \ 17,4! and Stocks owned by the bank 136,1< y Bonds deposited 261,0! ure and fixtures 2^4! house 6,0' read estate owned 10,01 om banks and bankers 154,5! icy \ .. . . . #2,8< 2.6! and other minor coin 2,7! ; and cash items 3,6i >tal $1,306,85 LIABILITIES. I stock paid in $ 50,0( s fund 100,0( ded profits, less current exnses and taxes paid 40,5( banks and bankers 10,71 ids unpaid 2,5( ual deposits sub t to check $470,064.45 s deposits 238,619.24 ertificates of de sit 115,842.80 id checks ?,719.00 r's checks 381.18 828.6i leposit account 261,9." e for taxes 3,5( tal $1,306,85 : 0*K SOUTH CAPOL1NA, County of Lancaster?ss. re me came Geo. W. Williams, Cash if Dve named bank, who, being duly sv lat the above and foregoing statemei condition of said bank, as shown by >f said bank. GEO. W. WILLIAMS n to and subscribed before me this July, 1919. II. T. CANNON, Notary Public S. SROY SPRINGS, L. CRAWFORD, ADDY C. THOMSON, Directors. ^ ? ? - -^*r of education for < BUSINESS N( lualizution law for < otal (>f $58,120 has 1 ?K SAI.K?About imong seventy-nine Dnror pigs, two to ty-one counties by ol'l. \\ M. Morr Ken, state superin- '! ion. This leaves an ~ ~ ~ nee in the state S.XLK Foial ear ;,880. The largest ^00,1 ?s ?<>w ?nd gy Ml was $9,521 to sHl rheaP r?rtfMh. J its in Chesterfield J- s Walda^SA^int Mills, No. A 12. \ lie report just filed ril of eharities and haingang system of r ranks higher than ' :ang system in the urottorv tied. Credit for the ^ J of the Charleston I*AXC AHTK1 iven to the Charlestary and Drainage r the supervision of AutOITlol Truck? a doore, f>th Co., 2nd p. and mrs. w. m.| tractor* has rPtiiiTM'rt from I \ T ONIAN^v Shoes for Men. / The Hampl \ / A Blender, tapering toe. in tread and heel. Start: because it fits the eye. umart because it fits tt Tony Calf at fc $9.00 WRTMENT STOF to Shop After All." 0 11, 1919. 1 \ btisir . / f>7.82 30.52 (50.00 " 50.00 50.89 12.18 50.00 M.35 55.00 57.50 )7.1G >8.0t> >3.18 )0.00 )0.00 )0.00 L6.72 )0.00 >0.00 )0.00 >3.48 ?r of ,'orn, it is the ? >? 5th C. / / / /_ VfA jr. i^K|ftfpr?><l\ throo months * is, Lancaster 73-2t , rnollcK ^ranter^C Will\ 'Son n>4 filrtck. \ aster Cotton 7 3-21. r I fi , Bros ?. H. ? . ailes nd V / \ * ' /'/ \ ! 1 / \. y* A / ton I / Broad b a smart Stays ie foot. / \ * IES =J . Ifi