The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, June 13, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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; HKIU'llWX < W l|?. ^ PAGE TOO LANCASTER E(jl'AL SUFI R,' OITKKHS: President Secretary Treasurer Press Chairman Following close upon the great this actio senatorial victory the various state tain othe legislatures seem to be vieing with! our ono-t each other as to which shall be the wealth c first to ratify the action of our ua- the low< tional body in the passage of the wo- of il lit era man suffrage constitutional amend- Truly it went. j Carolina ' On June 10th three states, lllin-'looking ^ ois. Wisconsin and Michigan ratified office, rhe fedeial suffrage amendment. In J ^ ill =1-i Michigan the action was by unani- caster cm mous votes in both houses. j new " In Wiscons'n the hotise voted o4 r to 2, and the senate 23 to 1. ' his loval The 1 l!ini . = hou=e unaniraouslv , " It is hop. passed a resolution ratifying the, . . Z . ... rial cai.d federal Siffrnce amendment. One , i their po-: negative xote was cast in the senate. , as local Governor >:ii;th. of N- w York, lias attitude o called an extra session of the legis-j tftj< impoi o are promt or tin* confluence I Vvrr, ? <>1? doctors, drunni>t* and the public tlie paia??ii have in (MIO t hill and Fever Tonic. i>? a splen ?Adv. Tonic.?A <1 laiuitr . -*i ai > a a ay nicm Ju?.? lt>tn. surc'dl) for the purpose of act.on on the election o! ratification of the suffrage amend- ,\ny \r ment. In the proclamation the gov- aian sift:. ernor state- 'hat "New York should a petty be in the forefront of all measures trv a of a progressive charac- Democrats ter." not cairv Governor Allen, of Kansas, has speedy also issued a call for a special ses- jCan wome sion on June 16th The governor T?ent> wired the National Suffrage associa-, ?.t..te Kcis tion headquarters that he believed -x inter. a unanimous favorable vote would Great B be recorded. ; ir.g se..ts Iowa. New Hampshire and Minne-| .J sota promise similar action. ' r Suffrage is to be an import an* fac- , . ' be appoint tor in the gubnornator:al battle n . . , . s i s t a n t t ? North Carolina. One candidate. O. ., Max Gardner, has already declared himself in favor of suffrage. Ju iue Walter Clark leading the fight for ? > < suffrage. | and a r*" e South Carolina has the distinction int,r'n,*"n! of having been the only s'nte in the Cast wee Union to vote solidly against the franchisem federal suffrage amendment. As a and the \ u progressive and clever form?r raster woman lias - -id in 'h? pr* <s. <((?<( ),as ?? ? Inria. <1illi MISS LILI OF GOODS FO GOODS AND G ON MAIN STR B. C. HOUGH I SIMPSON COI AND THE NEV TOWN OF LAI THEIR PLACE ni n * ' * 4 ' i , I ?if',,y I. ..." the lancaster new THE GOVERNOR APPOINTS * n u;e league. members of his staff k ant Most of Tlictn Saw Sorvire in tin* ^ ,, l.nte War, Sonic Lawyers, ..Miss Margaret Moore ... .... J. Hankers anil Merchants. M:ss Nannie Hill Moor? i tena Mrs. S. L. Allen ? ,, T, . , Ji Governor Cooper on Fridav an. ..Mrs. Leroy Springs ... . .. lleut nounced the appointments to his personal military staff. While he did u was in line with a cer- not adhere stictly to commissioning r odious distinction which men who saw armed service in the inie proud old common- world war, the majority of his staff, njors?namely, occupying' consists of veterans, ranging from; ?st position in point enlisted men through various grades v in the United States, of commissioned ofhrer? nn oun< HAN ROBINSON, B. C. HOUGH, E. P. PLYLER At RMERLY OWNED BY FUNDERBURK COMPAN rENT'S FURNISHINGS BUSINESS AT THE SAM EET. THIS CONCERN HAS MADE APPLICATIC S PRESIDENT AND E. P. PLYLER GENERAL M/ /IDA m t -r t-i /-< -r-? ~ ? rur.rt.nx. ?n.rj?jJ2j XUU.NU PEOPLE HAVE ALR! 7 CONCERN PROMISES TO BE ONE OF THE MO! JCASTER. THE FRIENDS OF THE ABOVE NAM I OF BUSINESS WHERE SATISFACTION IS GUi A \yler-Simpso % S, LANCASTER. S. C. y of occupation. t ba'tVs in France. . R. McLeod. Hartsville; lcuten- Henry Watkins. ThirtiPth Hiviainn * 4 * "* * | v.umpuny a. iiMn 1 H. Xims, Fort Mill; sergeant' \V. F. Caldwell, C h infantry. j ant 317th infantry. N. Wright. Spartanburg; lieu-! T. H. Moffatt. Co nt coast artillery. ! 371st infantry, lines R, Turner, Bennettsville; i T. W. Dantzler, St. enant; lost arm in one of last' A. H. Marchant. O Gee, I wishf I Di an Ch ZCII loo In prink. |>pDCi Pepsi-Cola Bottl Lancaster, Soul ceme TD PRATT SIMPSON HAVE PURCHAS Y, AND WILL OPERATE AN UP ' E STAND OCCUPIED BY FUNDERBI )N TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE FC lnager. the new firm name wi] eady demonstrated their bus! 3t successful businesses of t ed are respectfully requesti \ranteed. I $ = ( I n tompa was a sad day for South The staff appointments so far anivhen tfc? fearless, forward- nounced follows: enator l'ollock went out of ^ W Moore, Columbia; adjutant general and chief of stafr. ffrape be an issue in Lau- ^ K. Babb. Laurens; law partner untv in the election of a ?f Governor Cooper. >r t succeed the late Sen- ^ T Lanhani, Spartanburp; major 1 ? Lancaster is indeed reserve, atid master in e<iuitv ofv Representative llorton in Spartanburp county. - pport of ?i>man -uffrace. Jesse T. Crawford, Anderson; id tbat our comir.i: senato- ?sJor 118th Infantry. . itv - w 11 op- n.y de la re ^ lb Workman, Greenville; major i ii :i *his viral <ju- st:on 118th infantry. :ffrai:ists believe That the K. A. Childs, Columbia: serpoan* f the candidates toward?306th regiment. Eighty-first division.! rtaht - bje t will most as- T. Stanton. Clio: farmer. an important factor in the Ldgar A. Brown. Barnwell; law-j r .i new senator. >'ericrican man opposed to wo- \:thur Lee. Laurens; captain ic- today is a man w .thout ^ ompauy I>. llSth Infantry, r every party in the couu- 1- L- M. Irbv, Charleston; capsuffrage plank. Let the ,ain ot H~fh enpineers. s*e that Republican.- do 1 Allen. Greenville; live stock ff the palms of v. torv n business.' List-no nt >' A met-- l>r- Janus A. ILavnes. Conpare^:! a ; state health officer. ne w.vxen sat in th* 4S A T Allen, Allendale; farmer. 'latutes .luring the past, ^ A Hyrd. Kdcefleld, banker. J. H. Park. Greenwood: lawyer. | ritain had 46 women hold- w T Greene, Abbeville; lawyer, in coun'y eour. i!s. Sherwood. Conway, lawyer.) L Carrie has th< dis- L W;l,us War,ng' Charleston; asbeing the first woman to sistant distrirt a^ney Kastern dis-j ed to the position of as- r',f:h - h:,.l pnn.Mpal in De- J Campbell DisseU. Charleston; * manager. 1 John K Hart, York: lawyer. Tenness ? as a . ? .. 1? n. ^ w Wannamaker, Orangeburg; ,f the board of aldermen. manufaoturor. ntly elected woman super- Herb(>rt ,.t,.plps Kstin. 8PrcPant " ' 'inn- '118th infantry; farmer. k brought news ol the en- a. M. Simpson, Chester; lieutenent of women in Sweden ant coast artillery. 'kon. K. li. McMaster. Columbia: city edltoi The State, former state insur- 1 proven it will Clirc Ma- ' ' mm i? and I rvrr, HPious lb :,r> (' Tillman. nw<> , Is and LaOrlpuc. It kills major coast artillery J e that cases the fever. Ii , . .,. , , , .. . , James \\ I'. rr.n. P.i-hopvill<; did laxative and general Vt lieutenant Thirtieth division, now in ' * FRIDAY. JUNE 13, 1919. i ' * ? tain Slst division. Helton; private Edwin I'. Lucas, Columbia; capnfantrr' Itain 81st infantry, hester; iicuten- _ ..... Dr. George \ Hunter, Prosperity. Innibia; major Johu D. I* rost, t olutnbi.i, assistant adjutant general, former adjuMatthews. tant of the Fifteenth division, with rangeburg, cap- rank of major. ?m * Tiarf a Mirdwl I HUVfl. u. J. ^JIVAWA >cs your nickel buy you coolness, pleasure d insurance against heat ? ccr up f There's relitf in sight! The cool tc <if Pepsi-t ola xrill make Old Man Humidity k like a frosty morning in Iceland. hot weather it is simply priceless Drink Pepifying, Satisfying, Stimulating PEPSI-COLA "It Mmkes You Scintillate " OLA ^' I ling Company I :h Carolina. I Jit l ED THE STOCK I TO DATE DRY I JRK COMPANY I )R A CHARTER I LL BE PLYLER I NESS ABILITY 1 'HE THRIVING 1 3D TO CALL AT I I ^1 ny I