The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 20, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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' PAGE EIGHT I #f , mii I Tur nxir I 1 11 Li Villi 1 PRICE STORE 1 OF * j LANCASTER 8^ iLditor With our minds still alert to our labors and hearts still strong in our faith we set our hands to the plowagain today firm in our determination not to turn bark until the end of the furrow is reached. This store lives and labors, plans and performs. conceives and achieves. Its uplifting and inspiring ideals are the giVlng of material and absolute worth for the price. We cannot loiter by the way each day and get as far ahead as the labor of the day demands. Hut each day must establish this store a little more firmly in the public confidence And we are keenly alert to accomplish our purpose. / ' in III a nemarRaoie w* Collection of For immediate selection the silk section displays a complete guide to the designs, weaves and colors to he chosen for the making of fashionable summer garments, whether for weddings, reception, evening. street, sport, country or travel use But a suggestion of what maj be seen is intended when wc mention crepe de china, georgette crepe, ehitTon voiles, marquisette, chilfon taffeta, faille Khaki kool, pongee and siM Jersey cloth. If prices elsewhere impress you as excessive there is disillusionment tor yoi in prices here?which are mod erate to a fault. i, PRETTY A '( AND MISS s7' /\ w.f r\ musl,n /" < \ \ in the 1 r M \ sum me I zu unless t - r. Iluiry, y / i); \ \ ' / dergar Ny. *:j y invite / *"* \' 1 sort me which T | / ' large i DO,YE soi t Hf Under-/muslins nainso< / \ 1 p resell 1 *1 T models bn d DESTROYERS SEARCH I NO | a FOR LOST PLANE N< :* s,roy st roy _ into Hairships of Seaplane Fleet Was tl). I(1 Forced to Alight Iletween Sta tion-. IT and IM. tllO ! Ponta Delgada, May 1!?. The cruiser Columbia at Horta. Fayal, lU-'.S' reported shortly alter noon today that she had intercepted messages \y passing between destroyers to tho ors a cfTect that the missing seaplane XC-3 jnt, < had been forced to alight between i stations 17 and 18 where the sea ron plane was heard from at t? 1 f? j0hn o'clock, (Ireenwlch time. Saturday m(M) morning. The Columbia reported o'clo that destroyers were searching for rf.p(l the flagship of the seaplane fleet. soinr ytie NC-4. which arrived rifely paya at Ilorta Saturday morning, reported today that the weather there was i(K\ unfavorable for continuation of the flight to I'onta I>otgada. j W L LJ I ? THE Lancaster "T . New York Sends These Exquisite Skirts We selected them from the lines of the leading manufacturers in the metronolis. They just got here, and we hasten to put tnem on display. i nev are me most recent styles, and supple- ' ment our already complete assortments. To see these lovely garment^ is to desire them; so we are naturally eager to have you inspect them. However, we do not want you to think that you will be urged to purchase. You will f}\ be just as welcome if you come merely to see as if you come with the express intention of j buying. catc J cent the 111uMin wi Lnil11Jilt or >k unvlorgarment is re- casions. Everj ted here, in a variety of an(l "high in (P and styles, and at a purchasing one range of popular prices. wireless message from the <le tniral Jackson, a er Harding said that the de Melville at Ponta er Fairfax was towing the N'C-1 cabled the navy port. The crew of the NC-1, crew of the seap erl by Lieutenant Commander on board the c nger, is expected at Horta on Horta. Previous steamer Ionia, which rescued mlral Jackson ha Ionia was bringit mander Bellinget I'ltOVKItS AltK SKA IB III NO . his crew to port. l.-lklt TIIL' ^ Wl' % V I.' V/? <1 ' ri\ i ii n i n wn i i ii.1.1 - > ashington. May 19.?Destroy- OFFICIAL SA ml battleships stiil were seareh- mf i> \TTI Sunday for the NC-3. flagship of " naval transatlantic flleht squadwhich. with flight Commander * Issued I II. Towers and his crew of four ship flout II has been missing since 5:15 an<* cl< Saturday morning when it rtcrl that it was off Its course Toledo. Ohio, "ii mile, from the island of sanction lor the d, Azores. plonship battle b and Jack Demps It \I>MIC\I. JACKSON fought at Bayvle IIKI'fHITS f'RKW NC-1 S.\KK was given by tl ashington, May 19.?Hear Ad- commission who c1 11 p?p immer bilks i:;: fasl gfk If? FOR WOMAN mer days and dainty wear are lined together [I mind of every woman. No r wardrobe is complete V it contains lots of cool, sheer white muslin un- ClH/uTCR S nients. We particularly A the attention of women ke to have plentiful as- The youthfu nts of muslin wear from coupled with tl to choose, to our present sirable. They i stocks. Every desirable diversity ot dai i:? k-:- school wpar fo ft LANCASTER NL\VS, LANCASTER, S. C. Department he Best Place to Shop After All/* % f Visions Lovelii ) Mil should like various l'a -Jill [ IftZU describe tt I know that l\ / convey in 1 I of their ai jtf comingness to fall bacl Y "Come to s ese New Spring Dresses Are 1 hv}' ' ? tually ever; the Prettiest Ever ion is rem hese pretty dresses are exact dupli- ^ hese pric s of hijrh priced models which re- purse, ly arrived from Par.s. They embody ______ newest style ide as which are very ular there at the present and should pp ticularly appeal to wotr.en who desire men?s evidencing the last word in lion. M.atei i?.!s are silk, satin, tal L, j;c? 'I lliil l VI 111?** I l v . , L I ILW / A es make of them values which will be fj=Ssfl^/^ d to resist. j SI 1.00. $12.50. SI 5.00, $16.50. ? $18.50, $20.00. S22.50 to $55.00. _ pe] .,1( quisite Laces and Embroide- their lorm . . amount of ries tor Spring sewing so spic am 'o see these pretty and dainty trim- they simpl iks. it just makes your finger anxious . jet busy on your spring sewing. Many 1 heir In nen, realizing the big advantage in <wd attrac t selection have already bought liber- all are end and have begun their sewing. It these been rht be well for you to make your plans t v?especially when such low prices as se have been made to indu&e early buy- st>" W1*h a These pric 5e to $2.50 a Yard. Selby and ] Spring Dresses?Sure to Win the ipproval of Every Mother 1, girlish appearance of these charming dresses, heir evident qaulity, makes them unusually deire in the most winsome spring models, and a wide nty materials is represented. Here are dresses for r street wear, for every day use and for dressy ocr dress in the entire collection is becoming in style lality. No mother therefore, will hesitate about or more at these low prices. 35c, 50c, 65c, 85c to $5.00. board the U. S. S. sued A. Q. Thaoher and his broth- rna i Del Uuda, Azores r er, representing the Toledo Athletic of department that the'club. acr lane N(%1 was safe The permit, calling for a 12-round 1 ruiser Columbia at contest to a decision, bears the nig- aea i reports from Ad- nature of Mayor Schleiber, ('. F. id said the steamer, Wall, director of public safety, and mmmm ig Lieutenant Com- head of the boxing commission, and \ of the NC-1, and |j,o remaining five members This action removes all speculation as to ^ what the commission would do in N< ri()N F OR regard to sanctioning the contest. | iE AT TOLEDO The actual construction of the || arena, which, according to present or the t hampion- j p|ang W|jj pavf. a seating capacity of letween Willard , r? ono ,.,?u tcmpscy. (jay Ricknrd, promoter of the contest, drove the first half dozen May 19. OWclal spikes tn the framework of the huge heavyweight chain i structure. He-ause Toledo lumber etween Jess W'illard1 dealers were unahle to furnish the ey, scheduled t<? be j large amount of material required, w park here July 4.jthe date for completing the arena o Toledo boxing ' },as been set back from 10 to 20 n a permit was is days, depending upon the arrival of xj] '! . 1 ii ii 4 4 TUESD, n. S4TI \tmrcG or K vu CHE RE of Grace and less?The New IL1NERY only by the in.lividof each model. vVt ... . ... .... Ivn men < xo ton you spout rr?< n ? shions?to minute!.. Neck iem to you. But we Regardless of it is impossible to ?.-> given to the , new spring am words a proper sense tume woma] tistic beauty i nd be- achieve fullest >. So we shall have tinction without dainty neckwcai < on the o.d plea. ments. however ?ee them personallydaintiest creatic ... r ... are widely varic ? < ' - no- ? VOM V ' P. ^ . ^ 41 woman but that y new millinery fash- among their m j-I displav ^ould lo\e to sei ' son. They evi es will tempt ever} prices. i?Oc. 7.">c, SI. The New Sprin Women's am e footwear styles for spring nineteen-] al debut. . We feel that they are due 1 OtvtxInnnA nil 4l -1 n^/inuBc rti>. ciiuuim. mid mey ueserve 1 span in their new attire that one wouh y not up aial walked rijrht out of their" fa nes are smooth and sleek, comely and n tive. Pumps and Oxfords, High Cuts ar owed with these qualities. And if shoes ming essentials appeal to you then we pay our store a visit when you wish to i pair to*match up with yourstreet or ev es are low indeed for shoes of such exce Queen Quality. Priced J Spring Waists Made Especiall By Charming Designs There was never a time when waists presented so many features of interest. Some of the A]* / K* most iascinating effects are I ( shown?dainty conceits in de- 1^ sign and trimming which can- I not fail to be hailed with en- fcJL. thusiasm by women who love pretty things. ^ The tendency is rather towards elab< those who adhere to simpler models will ideas in them also?tailored waists ma innovation either in fabric, trimming 01 itself.. Priced $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.05, ! terials. Hundreds of wagon loads gave Kicks planks were brought to the 600- $3,r>00 v\hi e site. $10 seatH f The first major reservation of men of Col ts was made Thursday Officials an order ft the Maubmee lt.ver Yacht club to make th t = C=E At Your Se We have put on a two-tori truck foi are now prepared to do yoim he;i/vy h house furniture or anything t?Vby movi You can reach us any timenJl'hone EVANS & w 1 " =5 / AY, MAY 20, 1919. ? SFACflON ?UR MONEY ERFULLY FUNDED 5 Dainty wear how much ci re planning of tne d summer c jsi can hope to charm and dist the aid of Our assovt, contain the ins and as they >d there? is no ; is sure to lind any which she I c adorn her pe - I dence these low I I in Oft to $2.50. g Styles in i Misses' TAR nineteen make for an unusual it. They look 1 imagine that shion plates. :raceful, smart ul Sport Shoes ordained with know you will present youreninj? costume, dent makes arf W.50 to $12.50 y Attractive "rv}i I ..... N. irate styles hut 1 find many new rked with some r in Jhe model $2.95 to $7.50. rd a certified check for eh will ko for $25 and or cluh members. SportsItunbus. Ohio, also placed ir 400 seats. They plan le trip In special trains. J 1 V 1V.C I r dray service and , lauling, moving of d. j 207. ILSON \ > v 3 A i t ,j