PAGE I'OUK THELANVASTERNEWS (SKMl-WEKKLV.) Ml , IkUMiiihnl UW2. McC( W. B. 1'ublLshed Tuesday and Friday tej. ^ BY TiIE Mrs. J. LANCASTER NEWS COMPANY. raining Lancaster. S. C. soem s 1 insisted UKOHUE ltl'LLA CIlAVEN homing Editor tuid Manager ; pigeon 1 bearing The Newi Is not responsible for the , views of Correspondents. Short and ' 1 am rational articles on topics of general arrival, cntereat will be gladly received. ,1 ? C'ARRA SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: I Cash in Advance. I SEL Om Tear 12.00 Oil Months 1.00 Conner t __ Entered as Second Class Matter Mays October 7, 1005, at the Postofflce atj Lancaster, S. C., under act of Congress of March 3, 1?70. TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1910. charged liam H. 1 IvVv the Banc t'lty. see 1 ' Caturegli my Country 'Tie of Th?#f Swoot L?n?< ranza-s of Liborty." i- from pro MORE BLOOD SHED IN tualnBt 1 The ui CAUSE or PROHIBITION mission tion, Mr. White >lan Named llickotts Sliot the Banc he claim lty Dry Officers on Raid in ((0() 0()() Virginia. lies of il j In 191 Danville. Va.. May 19.?More ranza iss blood was shed Thursday in the enforcemeat of the state prohibition iss,IO> 01 law when a white man named Hick- ''ros > etts was shot and wounded by agents '' 's a"?* carrying out the mandate of the law. in x%,,ich Kicketts probably was not badly roserve hurt as he managed to make his es- hills of cape while the four prohibition dcctee, h agents turned their attentions to ,>(* *be < Ernest and Terry Womack, two ne antotity groes. i of the co Prohibition Inspector \V. T. Shel- i ,f> ,nahe ton. with A. It. Jones. Willin Eondr Haskins and Clary Broom field, had 1 been watching n spot in Pittsylvania P?intcounty, about eight miles from ^ hen Chatham since Sunday under the bo-1 'a's lief that a still would he brought '"'"plaini there. From their ambush early primmed they saw a wagon being driven down ranza a the public road, and they could I threats 01 a large still in >t also some barrels ! ov,'r 1 Rising from their hiding place they<^ox"'nn ran towards tho wagon, but Rick-' W-'icn etts. seeing the oflieers. jumped '?ges. he down front tho wagon and began fal?i 1 running aw iv. Three shots rang KO'<' :M!(' out and Rieketts foil, hut ho got up T,u' K?ve and managed to reach some wood- 1 ,"5 l,:,nk where iio was lost from view. The 441'otit $'!J officers took charge of the negroes.' The broke up the still in the road and l?"?*d. wa poured out the beer in a ditch. Then Personal they took the wagon to Chatham, ''lining h where it is being kept by the state niles anil authorities. In the event of a con pensos." miction in llic courts the horse ami Henrinj wagon will he sold and the money ',,r put In 'the state treasury. _ Message SHOUT LINK UO\l>S K\TITI.K1> The Sa TO \ SIIAItK l\ JOIVT It \TKS wav on 11 Washington. May 1 0 -Short line organi/.atl Industrial railroads were held to he Carolina, common carriers entitled to d'vide npon it v joint rates with trunk line conneo- doulit as tions or to receive from them ah- adopted f sorption of "reasonable" switching public at charges, in a final dec'ston handed army pu down by the Interstate Commerce work, utn commission in the case of the Owas- in favor, co River Railway company, a short reached t lino road at Adhurn. v V . connect- ?d ' y oil ing with the New York Central and Then < : owned hv the International liar- after the vester corporation. in Franoi rt,,~ --! i -vi.i t., i u..4 lout rnun r THB ! Hawker's' G PIGEON CAItlUKS A j Conflicting r< iSSACJE TO McCOLL. ceived as to th> Hawker's bold ,11. May 15 ?Mr. and Mrs. the AtlantIc> an McLaurin went to Lancn j the time The C., to visit their daughter, 1 ' hfcther the ma mies McLaurin. As it was '^6 "oc?^n *0 A. . ... . mouth of the and the journey did not er.g afe, Mr. Edwin McLaurin ? 1 on his father takiug a One Soln pigeon wun mm. rati j x'aris, may l came promptly home. the newspapers a note from Mr. and Mrs. four will decld in announcing their safe I the city of Kiui arrangement cc Italy and Jugos .NZA ACCUSED OF CHKSTKH COIT ZING BANK'S FUNDS i.BT HIGH Chester, May county highwa Manager of Mexican Bank nounce(l that President Got $10,0041,. the contract foi ...... , .. .,i 9.6 miles of to OOO at One Haul. this city and tl by way of Lewi! fork. May 19.?Venustiano attributed to th president of Mexico, was lowest bids wei with "a collosal bank roba suit for injunction died AARON \Y ISI xpreme court here by Wil- SENT Mitchell, former manager of _ ;o de Londres of Mexico (Continued 1 king to restrain Alfredo . counsel here for Car- nr. Hennessee. "commission monetaria." Hennessee was t secuting a $140,000 suit for a time it wj he llank of Montreal. fHe. However. I onev claimed by the com- brought to trial from the Montreal institu- charge of murdt Mitchell alleges, belongs to existed between a dc Londres y Mexico, Hennessee was s Carranza looted of $19.- shies. After t in I!> 16 by moans of a so- Hennessee on tl legal governmental decrees. ;n, witnesses tes fi. Mr. Mitchell alleges, t'nr- men present at tied a decree abrogating til! direction of the ng concessions to banks of t;ion Alpine dep which the llaneo de I.on- metered the don exico was one. The decree, seqnently the lij :ed. gave the banks fin days a witness peenli to increase their tnetalic dew recognized a an amount equal to their. |>oys. All this v circulation. \ subsequent at the trial of owever, it is alleged, creit-i Pitts and at th ommission monetaria" with, here this week, to regulate the currency Wiseman is a untry in such a manner as and was called it impossible for the Banco trial of the Pit es y Mexico to maintain its to appear, setidi reserves at the required sick. An officei man's home and Mr. Mitchell and other of-' approached Wlsi the bank protested, the the house liut t continues, they were im- rived the withes by personal order of Car ml were compelled by SALVATION f death to sign papers turnthe assets of the hank to the treasury department. (Continued I released, Mr. Mitchell al-! was permitted to witness'.^, ,g over of $19,000,000 Inj h; ; f|. Silver hv the government. ^ if_ a rnmcnt dhl not take any of nu(| s securities, amounting to |)n| )n|(.h f.m t.OAU.tton. grat ulate it." Id and silver seized, it Is al Th(i of s used by Carranza for his tlonary foPreg> , purposes and "for main wJ^n hJg )ti is pollt'cal prestige, his ar- ()f th< general administration e\ ?*. 11 < I. r of the suit has boon sei ri ? m"s*tan U work of the Si ,??. I been its dispositl I'ioiii (iovrrnor Cooper. "il>s ,s fiir ?? I Ivation army has won its , w,'h hoys a lerit. Many years ago 1'iis ?xm?rien< ed chin Ion began to work in South ,MS- w,los** ohe t Most of us then looked j ith i 'lo curiosity, m open llearv ! to its value. The methods Are you a lov bund small favor with the 'r" *S0, hear large flat tlie Salvation a Sonata rsued its humble, helpful r?n toniorr 1 year by year has grown]'n ,'1" Central 1 It li;id a peculiar field; it | ,ori,lin- The gi lie n?an who was un'ouch ! n!ay som*' Popu l?er organisations. j our own great sine the war. and very soon! landing of American troops * " ? we began to hear excelits alto lit the Salvation ar-j RD D I without pomp. m;ii 11 with UI** f T II nee of self-seeking, the Salmy wis nuietly working. Spec ner in which the organiza ; d forward its service at ride attention. and then V^lirOniC 2 husiasm Tlie simple jbnrv. le unostentatious* etrorta ot | UH lization made It a favorite.; nlvation army Is now ask , g __ American people for $13.- j Ml* 11 J The campaign to be waged i y The sum will he ?_ isily The best endorseagency of this kind can warm commendation from |J||p? or j soldiers. I know of no ^ llCw Oil lat is held in more affection than the Miration army. (;||r<.,| Wi|h) ,v of the work done by this] ion in time of peace and in, . . iar; in view of the fact that 1-iOSS OI 11 ition army has a great field nued usefulness, I urge the f South Carolina to con iberally. and thus advance _ ? e of simple, applied Chris j Gov. R. A. Cooper. 1206 1 2 'arnes, of the IT. S. navy, mod after a few days visb r* a s parents, Mr and Mrs V/OllWl arnes. L????? I llf rum in ismuii iit-m in t-iifri uiui * - r? naitIcipatinn of short lino industrial in.v Stil roads in through rates should be out evide limited to a figure that will make ration ai possible equalization of switching The man charges to companies served by a Hon carr short line road and tliose served bv traded v side tracks owned by the trunk line w'de ent connection. in order to avoid dis eerily, tl: crimination against the former com Hie orgai panics. It was held, however, that The S: the lines "are not entitled to earn ing the out of the line-haul rates eompensa- 000,000. tion for the interplant or intraplant from Ma services, as- to which it does not act raised et as a common carrier, or return upon ment an the investment in. or value of, the have ts farilities which are not used by the returning public generally." j apeney tl "7~ ~~ ,Z~, ' | by them To tho ( onnty ( hjiirinan. We are lonkinp to you to put the' 'n v'p1 Salvation army drive over in your 0l"Kanizat eominunitles. Don't put the matter ''Ine 01 v off. Appoint your workers and see ^alvj to it that every one in your com- for cnu? W. S. Patterson. tianity. Chairman. Ross ( Blrtli. has retui iitorn to Mr. and Mrs. M. Polia- with hi koff May 14, 1919, a son. Oeorge C *" " [ LANC ASTER NEWS, LANCASTER. S. ( Fate Uncertain. being of thqpsokliers they jports have been re- formed a wonderful co e result of Harry i i'ije result is that the Salvi attempt to fly across . endearad itself to Hl, d it 4s not known at , enaeare? ltse,r lews goes to press I vision And to other units .chine which fell Into they have been attached, miles west of the KOOd name and good work Shannon was Hawk- , spread from every memt American expeditionary f tlon of Flume. Lloyd George, the mai 9.?It Is asserted by hour in Kngland today, w that the council of for a statement of the e to internationalize army, said: me because no other "From all sides I hear >uld be accepted by glowing accounts of th tlavia. which the Salvation army the welfare and to the < NTY UNABLE TO our soidlers. The praise IVTV IVA'TI! ll^V I l 1 > I . ?...? ? na? rvceivea nus oeen a gi 19.?The Chester me and I am sure the pub iy commission an- its part by this wonderful t was unable to let tion." the construction of ? p road between.| he York county line* Lack of action is e the four too togeher. from Page One.) , 1 Wf At that time Or. errlbly wounded and JkJHWV \s thought he would re recovered and was on the ? Mi . >r. That bad feeling tire Pittses and admitted on all I ^ JafcL he shooting of Or. he night of January titled that one of the yj^T * * ;x2L the time went in the THIS IS THE IN8UI ot and that after he DANISH r was close,1 8i.b. t Hl!> *-6FT HA rht was put out. but SKOYtlAAItlVS HAM) rg through the win- KOH $50, one of the Pitts Here is a picture of th iras brought out lint)? haI1(J be|onging to Skovg Aaron and Clarfleld Danish violinist who is to e trial of Wiseman tbe central ( jt his ,ho power aln ptnati was seen near ihhti?-?I!y to express thr< when the officer ar- vio|tll ,i?. exquisite beauty is was found in bed. VPloH8 ,0ne pictures w ? ? : n aver feels and sees as he ARMY IS the work of the masters. YINC SrPPORT vetment it represents a i work. Hut it represents. t< .'rom Page One ) born gift which no money That is why it is insured the Salvation army eon. til our x :ii'" i ati . . .... IslthtfiifiifiailfiSiyiil I "el fiat I should O, nmend it as to < on |J" the \merlesn enedt- ^3 Jen J. .1 Pershing. In on was called to the "ft 1 Salvation army, Jj* tfc l> ? n? ding features of the ft* a*** TTi ilvation army navft (y on to push its act v JJ V~ lossihle to the front 31 ind the trained and raeter of its work UC hought was the weli ^ ikovgnard. r5 "jp's t^r of beautiful tints In ..[ A Aiyk s kovgytiid p a> "fi |-r7 dP aiitt a MApitalssohn OS Wh iiw vnninK ;ii H:a<> 17" tlradod School audi , J IjJffVf real artist will also r ] There lar airs, ineludinK p 1 hard r 1 than * national anthem- J 1 there 59-It. I m r-? ,! ffi .REGISTER!! t 2 ? ialist in r ] "JjV.c 1 tnd Nervous rj p 1 "Stror I f for bu f 1 tvithit ceases l\ ? IJ ] ind Women, . f ] "< 'r ? i! I r 3 - 5^ in. at ?-* ia Kupiure k ^ ] Tr?ck ?ut Operation or [1 b" me and I nder 1 .?? iranfee. I 1 TujaTj ? [1 Main Street [j bia, S. C. ? ^atiyyyyutia To t h?>' Sworn to and subscribed r different day of March, 1919. od hands.: lOSt HIIto- xt )Ugh the and mar- Correct Attest: hich the, LEROY SPRINGS, interprets WADDY C. THOMSON AS an in-j L. C. PAYSEUR, man's life Directors. >o. the illran tiny. | for $fiO,-t l the walks of Better quality is tai &worked in, shaped ii PSS??* *n' l^skioned in to detail of ''Star Brand" ^^^ISssSb That's v/hy they sen ur* i* nar.v miicof feel better, look better >!o?-ine fifjf fylacc to Shop Af e the test of si faaaaiTiiiiLfiiiiira^^ I .11 I 4 ~ 1 can serve.' mbination. tition ariu> of this tit- I to which Bank No. and theit have been Condensed Statement ?er of the The Bank of Salvation Lancaster, b way in added to at close of business omfort of the army J?y J? RESOURC he will do organiza- Loans and discounts City bonds Furniture and Fixtures .. f 1 ^ rUESDAY, MAY 20, 1919. 33. of Condition of F ? Lancaster s. c. 4 May 12, 1919. j ? :es. $ 653,358.57 10,000.00 3/15,150.00 j 2.450.89 16,042.18 , 158,083.18 /$1,185,084.82 . $ 50,000.00 143,086.40 38/948.42 253,050.00 991,998.42 $1,185,084.82JNA, :er?ss. Williams, Cashier of o, being duly sworn, >regoing statement is iik, as shown by the ). W. WILLIAMS, before me this 10th H. T. CANNON, oiary l'uouc ?>. l;. ' 1) y - - - A r* r* pppppppp rfni XlJ IU 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 UJIIHI life ij nned in, j! i, sewed (\ | J the last ' y l| Shoes? y^j J j re better, ' [] and last [ J lo-law J "Star IJ rand Shoes \ ] l/v Better" | J f] it Stores I \ ler AII. " J J hoes KfifififaRfifafffw! 3 J f I Real Estate ' ' Cash on hand and in Banks J Surplus and Profits RANCE AARD. 1 NfST MP STATE OF SOUTH CAROI i.NsriiKD County of Lanqasl Before me came Geo. W. *fVie above named bank, wh i lit' appear at says that the above and fc on Wed- a true condition of said ba Skovgaard books of said bank, hand. In-! GEC thorn soul i