FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1919. I liMffgy ' I: | U TI KE STOKY Vi"i! 1 ' in's, which had for t \t hi I Ion nf mioiu'v lino is H story ltends I.Ike a ? ,,M> ^voinan. Novel Itiit It is Sont tint i 1?lit ?>f the Snathe as tlie Truth. I?any. or her'two v eVs. who tiro on pa -< ma mi far! uring bush II gh Point .V May 1 Fol lowing tin' receipt ot a number of ' 1-x '" > '.in. threatening "black hand" letters, (l ,!h any cause Mis. Charles W. Pratt, of *>lk Kne- on the life of Mrs. I lish street, was fired on Wednesday in a number of lotte by a man riding a motorcycle past the first of the mo her home, the bullet penetrating that It was the natu several folds of her dress nnd In-' aspet atlon caused by fll'tlng a alight flesh wound. When the three men who It Is considered that the motorcycle roving her to pet h traveling at an excessive rate of session. April I Mi speed the fact that Mrs Pratt was ed a typical black hi strtw k is nil the more remarkable, j Ing her to go to th "'he shoot mc followed some highly 1 the city She sent h int< ieating and more or less mvste- v titer of this and i ? a t ig niu/uyd i I on the t I the childi /| they wan bread. I Karo is t 1L rich and for pan anc^ hot There Are ^ ????? ?? . ,Wk ? . Crystal White ?II . m the Blue Can; I HBI plenty of substance '*{/ Green Can. IjMff \imCx Jkf IMPORTANT TO YOU PUimljV il(iTrn^p *n pounds of syrup contain *'ze bearing numbers only Jill CORN PROLU< P. O. Box 161 ''^3 r Hurt Building hit started on j ters. all hearing the < inceTnimi I'rttt county a itliort inaiki of the ioimI postotti n-; ? 1>k il heir purpos" ilti th substitution of the hu t:.' and i they j ral result of ex iv Sheriff J. K. Wagner was sum ing h the inability of, named to the family home a few were have been an .lava as;o and left his nutomnhlh afUrm er in their p<.s some distance away. V man had one o rs. I'ra t r rc.v- previously (taped and asked if Mr of ale ind letter oroe?- IMatt was alone. She ? c> and so tacho, eastern part i f informed the man. In the mean tired er husband. Tim,,time the deputy shei iff arrival and j on a subsequent let- the telephone rang again. Mrs. the ai ?J1w U THE LANCASTER NEWS. T,AN< ap! fi i |P W^\A I,AHi ^g|7 ,P! IP PAGE SEVEN | PRESIDENT WILSON * EXPLAINS COVENANT (Continued From Pape One.) dinary circumstances. "Article 2 1 is new. "The second Paragraph of article j22 inserts the woids with regard to I HIS >!ita ? lit ti? ; ' ! till ..I... " * mre?the thick, delicious syrup cakes, waffles biscuits* Three Kinds Of Karo n the Red Can; "Golden Brown"? Maple Flavor"?the new Karo with and a rich Maple Taste ? in the -Every can of Karo is marked with exact weiarKt led. Do not be misled by package.* of similar and having no relation to wfkght of contents. 1 Sixty-eight page Corn Products I Cook Book ? endorsee^ by Osew t ria, New York. 3eau0'ful illustrasy to follow. It ie Write as _J CTS REFINING COMPANY New York City DRR1S, Sales Representative Atlanta, Gu. wjis III t or ir. i'd t li :i t I' dim ,lo ncss to (ho 1 . i ;t 11 i 11 _ i?> liilklnr il.fl not intone] i < ' e'.i-ofnl nd continued search t in a trap. tailed to dseloso any inloriiiat ior it Satit (i iy 'lii' lia ii lot' i |ir i > H"' '! tiiy ot tlie three 11 M s. l'ratt v o >o!d ' ? !i, s 1 b> ?,il's 1,11,1 ,n be slranK , , ln\< . on ,,t xnraKcs and am .i rioi ot i i c ,i o t;, ' . .. ,, , auI - li |r i .'ii lias broil f: nit I a -r Monday nior> i Is, will !>< short and do ,-t ,, ... ? round n^ t!-- entire case. \ Sho dhln't' t'o Vo?nd)> in ... .ii .1 . Pratt is said l>\ oll'u ials to ay sin- noticed the t >r? < n.ati, her house frequently, rid ng about year nl ace and is automobile v.hirh bore no mothei ol two (liddien. Sho license number. Wednesd. > JOVS n KOO(| reputation and passed and one of them, notlc-; . ? , made her home here lor years. er on the porch, asked if she . , a. , . .. i Kidnaping for ransom is the pi alone. sho answored in the ' n ' atlve and a few minutes latei ' ent theory of the case held by si f the men, described as being iff's otflcers. ntler build and having a mous- ?? passed on the motorcvele. lie . . ... i. 11 ltub-M> 4j'i*iil in a powerful a one shot. Motorman Itrindb, . . .; . ... , . septic; it Ki I Is Hie poison can passing street car. Is said l>> from infrutM cuts, cures old so uthorities to have been a vlt tetter^ etc. Adv. J / " ASTER. S. ('. 11^ have Karo able. Let "en have all \t on sliced - > .Hi- "ill iiK If? accept it.' tin's explicitly introducing tli? principle that a mandate can not ! l>o forced upon ;t nation unwilling ? to accept it. " \rti< le 2'1 is a combination of vera I former articles and aiso con tains the following: j "A clause providing for the just ! treatment of aborigines, a clauso i looking toward a prevention of the : white slave traffic and the traffic in i opium, and a elause looking toward 1 progress in international prevention I and control of disease. "Article 2f> specifically mentions the Red Cross as one of the International organisations which are to connect their work with the work of the league. "Article 26 permits the amendment ??r the covenant by a majority 1 of the states comprising the assembly. instead of three-fourths of the states, though it does not change the requirement in that matter with regit ro a concert of the free nations of the world to maintain jnsHee in international relations, tho I relations between people and beI tween the nations of the world. "If Baron Makino will pardon mo for introducing a matter which I nhftcnt-minrfhdly overlooked, it is eressar* tor me to propose the alteration of several words in the fiist line of article r>. me say that n several parts of the treaty, of ? i it Hi's "ovenant wili form a '< < nin duties are pssicned to th* a c il of the league of nations, 'a o < i noes it is provided that ? ii . , f '.if. fh. V ch ill a K till !>v a majority vote. It is, therefore, has ' ' ' 'ssarv to make the covenant ron, ;'o in with the other portions of the ,,MI treaty l>\ add'tip the^e words. I t,rs I nail t\- (ir ' lir e ind add the ung words: i . ^ " 'Except whore otherwise exmir ' ?^lv provided in this covenant, ot jrs l>\ the terms of this treaty, decision any meeting of the assomhl> or . f the eouneil shall require the 1 " apreement of all the members of the le.ipue represented at the meetinp.* has " 'Except where otherwise expre sly provided in this covenant.* i the present readinp. and 1 move rosthe addition 'or by the terms of this 1,M treaty.' JVitty that addition. I move the adoption of the covenant " 006 lu?'? inore^imtfTttIme thin nn\ n iitlirr (jnH'ltml Fever Tonic on the l!M>" majbut no one wants linitnarc dangorons tlilups in the memclne line.? Adv. ^ i i i ^V,ii .i m . rrf- r* -.p?v?