The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 02, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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tr. if FAGE SIX NAVY AVIATION CREWS ! |lt\OTI\ir PCMI HAVE BEEN SELECTED IMVlUIIYL ULNI Thr?N< I'lanrs Will Mlcnipl the MAKES AS! Ocean Flight With Five Men O A IT Tl to a Plane. j ^ \/\rr r| New York. May 1. The navy, department announced here the j Improve*! I'ablet, t'n personnel* of the aviation crews? j Retains All the Met Ave men to a plane- -who will at- But ,s sl| ht|^ st|m, tempt early this month to cross .hej Atlantic in three huge hydro-aero- Oepressinj; to tit planes. Commander J. H. Towers,. Not I pset Stomach. Lieut. Com. A. C. Head and Lieut. Com. P. N. L. Bellinger will he the phy8iclan# and dru plane commanders. with the first lighted with Aspitoue named in general charge of the ov- ;<?nirii> iniiiniu ?hu? ? pedition. The airships, the N'C-l, the heart nor upset th NC-3 and NC I after a (light from wh? have tried the i their home stations at Rockawav!^"*1*"111 w?th its qu , . , , , . . . able efleets and claim Point on Long Island to a hase es , more effective and in Utltshed by the navy off the New- pertor to the old sty,( found land coast, will set together sicians maintain that i In an attempt to reach a Kuropean.should give it prefer destination not vet made public. It ?"ier remedies for I , nil . .. . ,? , ralgia, rheumatism s is'generallv believed that the planes , ? ? , . ' for severe colds and ii will touch at the Azore and again of which diseases the 1 off the Portuguese coast, there re- be weakened and sht suming the air cruise to th Brit- 'ated rather than depr ish Isles. The new Aspitory >! . . . . .. i stimulating instead of Officially, it was stated at Rock- the heart jt roliovp away Point that no land stops and the tendency tow would he made. At the Newfound- and pneumonia quic land hase and wherever else the icompletely than does machines may descend, thev will he ^r<" h effect. moored while awaiting a resump- Aspitone tablets ma; tion of the flight, as erection of ap- first-class drug stores pliances to haul the craft out of the sealed packages, pr water would require much time and cen^-*- They may he o , . iat the Standard Drug entail heavy expenses. _ _ Th- plnnon. only on- of .vM-h Is CA HI.KS K now in operation, nave a span of 126 feot and are driven by four hiub OWNERS AROI compression Liberty motors. The XC-S made a successful trial i?OJ,,mftMor r.r,lor?| Si flight. The NC l. which has been . , .... . Land W Ires \\ ill I In service, is undergoing altera linns, win n> Hip M'-4. a now machine, is expert ml to tie ready to -~ take the air wi'hin a few days. Washington. May Commander Towers. in charge eminent is preparing of the flight, slated that until he re- control next month of turned from a conference( lile lines and to restore at naval headquarters in Wash- and telephone systen ington lie would lie unahte to an-'owrership imniediatelj pounce definitely the date of de- ment liv congress of 1 parture and the transatlantic route. | to safeguard the prof He said, however, the 1 I'o-miie Postmaster General flight to Newfoundlaad. which was UK head of the ? not considered part of the ocean communication service voyage, would he taken in easy war measure, at atages. The three planes probably l)0 j,n(1 sont fo prosj,| would start from Ttockaway in n, recommendation that quadron. he added, though thi?j turno?l hack forthwith, was not essential, and might de- ia?,,r than May 10. i aeend at a place already selected on t postmaster genera the trip north. He expected ap- statement saying he proximately a week's wait at the nion<j rj,;lt th<- telegr; Newfoundland station, prov . I -<' pt one serv < he r? turi there were no delays on the tuv owners, contingent, h th'"-o. For the trans-sen flight. Me uncial protection ti aaid. it w i important that the fl - frnm congress, keep within alght of each other, bo j. ,tVa, explained by as to simplify comm n < * ' -h g - iMon wa the destroyer pat 1 ' ' * "... . ., i>". all the way across th- Ml.-tr Of the patrol vessel - t Lesson in- t' e t: mamlor Rtatod, a number had at- .i1rt rabies And otl er ready sailed while othe- w Id ,r .jr_ ;r , trail- tin leave New York and other ports ? Mr |tnrb>s'-n -v within a few days 0fj pis rf. ommentf So far. Commander Towers said President that the 1 in planes for the tlight had followed ger operated by the i a schedule arranged in detail Feb- jn (>,e mn'ter of mary 24. however, the solution The airships' crews, the com- iom wiu be put squart mander stated. would include a gress. Coming so si commanding officer. navigator, two recommendation in h pilots and a radio officer. In addi- pnrf t)i:tt the teleplu tion a reserve'pilot will hoard each graph lines become plane for the trip to Newfoundland owned at the conHus to assist tn adlustine minor defects thpostmaster gener In the mechanism, if any occur, and created unusual inte to meet an emergency such as ill- quarters, ncss among the regular crews: I'ostoffleo departi \ Crow No. 1 I'ilof, Commander who p Vo aided in c II. C. Richardson: I'ilot. I.'out. 1> II telegraph and teleplu MeCullouph: radio operator. T. out express the belief th;> Com it. I. v oder engi- eer ?Machin:st !, If Moo-" pi'o" fjff" engineer. I. out. !' Rhode Crew No. Pilot, Lie F. fl Stone; Pilot. Lieut VV Hint >n: ra- O X V/It, dio operator Ensign If. P. Rodd: Mr. Marion engineer. Chief Special Me hanlc |g a long wllile S 'L reserve pilot en- U have pail-S a Klneer, Lieut .1 L. Breosr H disagreeable Crew No 2 Pilot. Lieut. Com 1ft butter. Oil or U M. A. Mifcher. pilot, Lieut. I, A I rc,rlll ir Sick ll Barron: radio operator. Lieut 11 V after a COUTSf Sndenwader; engineer. Chief Ma- H Seemed to te; chin 1st Mate c i Kesler: reserve H j/qqJ g|J pilot engineer. Machinist F. Christensen. AMKKI( A V < (HIMANDKIt I INDS -W an THINGS \LI, CH.IIT IN RFSSI \. Ljl M Eft Wilds P. Richardson, commander B of the American forc es in northern Km ml IS Rftssla, in an official report to the war department said he had visited Jl recommended oil Uta /Inf innnl ^ it #1.*, * ...1. . ., ? ~L" ** ' I " ? - " ?' ' '? ii- H IIIC. 1 KUt'P 1 #?el reeion and had found tli<> honMh B liver medicim and spirit of the men good There B Stomach trou was no apprehension at h?'ad(|iiar- B the jaded livt ters. ho said. respecting tho morale B throwing out of the American force* B tem. This m "Consider situation sati factory fl USe in time Ol both from standpoint co-oporatlon B sluggish, take allies and military operations," the B UIOITOW. Pfii cablegram continued. "The high B command Is alert to the situation B on the Dvina river but without anx THE LANCASTER II10 companies could weather the flnt JIa clai storm if the properties \v< turned back without remedial 1* DiDIM islation. Some oftlcials suid th t Mill while the properties must be retui ed in the same physical condition |U ULAUI which tL >y were taken over, to Ull MLnltl this now, without added revenue meet wane demands and increas cost of operation, would wreck I lied Aspitone, ' entire industry. lictnal Virtues, Officials responsible for the a ulatinn Instead ua' management of the proper! under government control declin e Heart?Does . , .. . however, to suggest exactly wr sort of legislation would be nec sary. Hepublicans in congress hr ggists are de- made no secret of their intention , the improved the forthcoming extra session lo not depress press for the immediate return te stomach. All service to private manageme ie? luoiei arejLea(jers in this movement have ick and agree-1 ...... . > .u that it is muct?l9erted ,hat ,n so d,,inK thpy wo" every way su- endeavor to protect the compani b aspirin. Phy- interests. its safety alone ^ ence over all COTTON COMMITTEE mcl 'U especia lly COMPARES REPORT nfluenza. in all tieart is said to _ . ? ... ?uld be stimu- 1 r~M's That Mo,? 1 oml ( rn^ eased. Planted ami l**sS ? Is slightly ? depressing to ? * s pain, fever, I ar<I congestion a meeting of the central conun kei an(* "tore j(>p oJ- jSouth Carolina Cotton ; eart-depressing aor,a',on xvaa Wednesday. T ports were received as to the pi jr he had at all gross of the acreage reduction inoi everywhere, in nient In South Carolina, plans 1 ' thirt\-ti\e fj)(> meeting to he held in Ni htained locally Co \dv ! ''Cleans this month were discuss I nnd other matters of importance I VCK TO ! k,M1 "p I The committee discussed pla I T M.\^ lftjfor making the .association a pern ! nent organization. A charter w ays licttini of he applied for in the near futtll It,. |t?j |-p | if is said, and the association dti j Incorporated. I M I". Mcl.eod. John T Mackey. M Mixson. J. H. Cloffy and 1> > ' ' pov- \V:t11;ins wore appointed on the cot to re'in<|Uish rnittco on pertnanenf organizath American ca- nf W\v Orleans meeting. Km the telegraph state has heen asked to annolnt is to pr'vate committee of five on permanent n alter enact-1 ganizntinn. This committee \\ aws necessary in \PW Orleans May 12. T1 lerties. committee on the Cotton Marketln Hurleson. as Kinaneing and Kxpoctinpr Corpori extensive wire tion will meet May 13 in New O taken over leans. South Carolina has thri inonnced that memhers on this committee, ent Wilson a The convention proper will co the cables he vene on May 14 and contlnt probably not through May lfi There will he \ \n hour later delegates from this state and It 1 pave out a expected that a number of farme would recom- will attend t?s visitors. The Soul rph and tele- Carolina Association asks that a lied to private who expect to po notify the assort; owevei, upon tion here not later than May !?. Tt a lie obtained South Carolina delegation to tl convention will leave Coltitnhia in \1r TVi'losnn body at 4 o'clock on the afferent s ne?- s-ary in ot May 12. going via Spartanhe a ; >. :i> prop Kcserv itions w ill be made by the a steiation for till who go. provid ;!1: borne by thev notify the assoeiation 1 < ir 'iv -tances M;iv ii to a pence The central committee issued id. hid result- final appeal to all farmers who ha lation to the not yet finished their planting en fie no Ion- plant foodstuffs in the place of cr government. ton The appeal was especially i! land service, rected to the farmers in the Pie of the prob- niont section of the state who w ply up to con- have to replant because some ion after the their cotton has been killed by tl is annual re- extreme cold. me and tele- The cost of producing cotton <1 government- der the present circumstances is 1 don of peace, timated by many to be not less thi al's statement p.u cents a pound." says the stat r^st in some nient "f'ertainly it is above t figure the staple is now bringing nent offlc'als ffio 1 ft 1 crop should exceed co ontrol of the sumption by a million or two ha! me companies and add to the already largo si it few of tip- plus 011 hand, the pi re would <! iachTrodble"" Holcomb, of Nancy, Ky., sayt: "For quite 1 suffered with stomach trouple. I woukl nd a heavy feeling a nor my pieals, a most taste in my mouth. If I ate anything with rcase, I would spit it up. I began to have eadache. I had used pills and tablets, but t of these, 1 would be constipated. It just ir my stomach all up. 1 found they were for my trouble. I heard f THEDFORD'S I very highly, so began to use it. It cured I it in the house all the time. It is the best j 2 made. I do ndt havp sick headache or j ble any more." Liadk-Draught jicts on I ir and helps it to do its important tvork of I waste materials and poisons from the sysedicine should he in every household for f need. Get a package today. If you feel j a dose tonight You will feel fresh to:e 25c a package. All druggists ONE CENT A DOSE uia 9 NEWS, LANCASTER. S. C. 1111 Toppy rod baf. tidy rmd lini^^^ hanamomo pound and halfIt)' pound tin humidorm?and? that clammy, practical pound crymtal glamm humidor with mpongm moimtmnmr top that hmmpm thm tobacco tn much pmr/mct condition. ill line to a figure very far below cost of production. "This explains 'he solicitude r* this association, \r. presenting a pf" does the farmers or the state. also explains the solicitude of n' bankers and merchants who carrying cotton on a credit hi > t " Thev must take thought of the ue of their assets. r* "We would especially urge farmers in Piedutftnt section w 11 vounc cotton has been killed hv a cent frosts not to replant in on p> hut to plant food Instead. "I u" yourself' should he the si off an in '' south this voir Why raise on 11 an! so!! ! l?olow tho cos* of duction and then pull out nn s saved from fortnor yoars ami i " out west for wheat." I% Anothor inoe!!"g ?>f ?he n" committee will ho hold no\t Tli ,l day. That will ho tho last nice v' hoforo th'- Now Orleans convor !" which many think will ho tho *' cost convontion over , hold in south. d- ^ 1,1 MOMENTOUS (I. A USE IN Hi ALLIED PEACE TRE/ n- Siirrcmlor of Former (icrmnn s- |mtoi' Will lie Demanded It; ati tho rowers. p. ; ? ho Tho revised covenant of If loafffo of nations has finally n adopted at a plenary session ol |es peace conference. Sir Frio i? ir inond is to he first secretary got |o of the league, the headuuartoi ? which vn ill he (leneva. Swit/c!1; I Japan's ambitions for a clan the covenant dealing with r equality wore not satisfied, and desire- ot I'riMi' tor nil intern,' id poller force and limitations vet Hi :ition of ;in atn<nt> wore fnlllilo.l It.ith iind l*i withdrew their protto ;in tnents. ;u I it is reported tli;i tongue of nations itself Int'T pass upon the merits of the re tlvr claims. Incorporated in the pence t wh'eh is slmrflv to tie delivered tlie hands of the Herman dee at Versailles are two inontert | clause There call for 'he t . the fit itier Herman enitn ror li International tribunal. eonsfstlT five judges, on a charm1 of "t prente offense against intermit morality and the san"fltv of ties" and for the trial l?v ml! courts of German officers who he accused of having violated laws and customs of war The render of William llohen/.o who now is in Holland, and of i persons required hy the court to he demanded by the powers The only big Issue still outs Ing Is Italy's claims with regai Flume ami the Dalmatian eo regions. ' President Ador. of Swltzerl has arrived in Paris and one ri MMMMHaOi PUT it flush up to Prihce Alber happiness than you evefv before < ' fit your smokeappetite like Kids fit jimdandiest flavor and coolness an< against! Just what a whale of joy Prince . to find out the double-quickest thKi it down how you could smoke tongue bite or parching. Our ex cuts out bite and parch. Realize what it would mean to Pi o pipe or the papers every once am beat the cards! Without a comt good you feel like you'd just have tc R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Compan; i the is that h?> has been roquPHtcd to 1m- mm come the arbitrator In tho dispute. M of Another report says his visit is in I s it connection with the inauguration ot A It the work of the league of nations, the Considerable fighting has taken _ are place ' < Bremen, where apartacan ^ usis. forces made an unsuccessful at- * val- tempt to capture the city. i ^ Germany has been notified by the ~ the president of the British commission hose in that country of the withdrawal b\ tie re- the allies of all blacklists against [a| tton I her and also the abolition of all ce *oe?i trading disabilities. a" ?; 'i i ?t?ov /II Im I 111 Ash Your Dealer ? ,JRZi$R&ol *l :;;;; II Grand Prize foi nrearmsf)Ammunition&'vj l.i.r. Erf; Write for Catalogue Bffl j',f1 I ho M thc mmwmton anmsumcco*c ' ?? ??__ ? '1? Into Hra Witlt inferior oil, or oil of tuti'H for your motor, will ikuw firit < t"lis HB going up hill. Your engine get* ill ut IBM plae; your engine hush*, nnd g v iiri anil you've got to "jvirJ" up fhi Then you "get mrend ia] * giou. publication*, cr.d all the v. Ml , ?S3 your*; liectuic you weren t ipri Y sort of motor oil you wore u*in| Bfl Rm| If you'll always "oil up" wil thf Hil going to get the longest wetr ar nm the inott pleasure out of your ci Hern, The following well-known a othfM BfB county, are eacluaive agent* for s. is OIL. It will pay you to go out H of them, when you need motor IT'L I Stewaian's Machine 5 siHtai K I.AM AMTK.I eport "?w?a n,^n ? / V FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1919. t to produce more smoke ^ :ollected! P. A. s built to v your hands! It has the j fragrance you ever ran Albert really is you want g you do next. And, put P. A. for hours without cKjsive patented process s ^ it set with a joy'us jimmy d a wnUje. And, puff to ^ ' iback! Why, P. A. is so > eat that fragrant smokel yr, Winston-Salem, N. C. > i r kfEURALGIA Jor HeAd.t^hc? Rub the^trrehead and tcmiles with Ah /lCK's\4pORU^f OUR BODYGUARD" - 30 f. 60*7?T:2a Al?M?NISTlt ATOIFS SALK. Ferauant to an order granted by t? Frobate Court I *ill sell at the ic residence of J. S. Davidson, doused, on Thursday. May la, 1919, the remaining personal property said estate including two mules, rining implements and soforth. ims of sale cash. C. L. HKLK. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. J. lil.i.i K 1 t Mi^Kill UK. 1>< iiuil Sur^i^n. I?ce Hours: \ y' 8:.'?n io iZ'.M A. M. 2: no to 6\00 P. M. And pv Appointment. Office Phone 160. Residence Phone 62, Office v#?r Lnncaster Pharmacy >ign| on 'hea^jr" roads, or pil reA hot; expa\iiion takes EM ru|l> and tinocbf like sin, |v3 I kiM in low gear*. 1\M I r thing, pot found .in reli- fje1 hilo the fault is prWiarilf rific or concerned in what Jt-V] th "GRF.F.N FLAG" your* ?jft id the greatest service sad bm r. KS nd reliable dealers in tbia j "GREEN FLAG" MOTOR fl| of your way to raacb on* j 111^ j