FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1919. THE NEWS ABOUT TOW Services at Episcopal Church. of th< Rev. K. II. Harding will conduct ferenc services* at the Episcopal church sumin Sunday night at 8:30 o'clock days queatc Congressman Stephenson Speaks. (() j)()j Congressman W. P. Stephenson. ^ cn of this district, spoke to a small but ^je{j ^ appreciative audience on the court xTnlto, house green Wednesday afternoon xittlttl In the Interest of the Victory loan. pOBtni The tank was here at the same time. son but suffered an accident which pre IOIBK r vented It doing any tricks. It spent tlon , th*> night In Dunlap street near the rroasj court house. The meeting and ad- ratPS dress of Mr. Stevenson had not been rajjwa advertised, which accounted for the 8jona small crowd. South Tax G?>es On. party The federal tax on luxuries went V) on yesterday, and merchants believe xh? that it will work a hardship on them noum to keep the prescribed records. There tpP \ Is a scale of taxes that must he put next ' on by the merchant and collected a from the purchaser. The tax is not groim a tax on the merchant and la not to py be paid out of the purchase price, but must be added to the purchase price The tax takes practically all luxuries, from pajamas right on up.! Every cold drink will be taxed 10 J mp per cent of the purchase price, with nolle a minimum of one cent. Every| tain "'morning dope" will cost one cent tival additional. Two dopes can be bought at the same time for a tax of one rent. hut If bought at separ- son ate times It will he one cent for each wher drink, it is said. eral np Mis. Wattle Williamson Dbad. Mrs. Wattle C. Williamson, widow ^u< of S. H. Williamson, died at her <"ar*1 home in Monroe, N. C.. Friday morn- ^as ' ing, April 18. at 1 o'clock after a s,nr< long Illness. Mrs. Williamson's u0 maiden name was Crockett and she April was horn in Lancaster county. January 25. 1848. She was Mr. Wil- Mi llan>aon's second wife and was mar- Sund ried February 22. 1881. She was Hellt the youngest and the last survivor p of a large family. Surviving are .. 1 her two daughters. Mrs. R F. Kirk- aj8je, Patrick, of Atlanta, and Mrs. F. G. Henderson, of Monroe. L. Z. Wil- Ju liamson is her stepson and Mrs. Min- arriv nie Wolfe, of Monroe, and Mrs. Fred days Wolfe, of Manning. S. P.. are step- J. K daughters. Mrs. Williamson was a ? Cr devoted member of the Presbyterian ^ church. Funeral was held from the ^ ^ residence. Rev H. F Gurney. D. D.. r^ar conducting the services. Rurial was ? ar| in Monroe cemetery. ' Kd Mrs. Williamson was a sister of nf < Col. J. X. Crockett, of Lancaster Hldwi county and aunt of Mrs. W. H. M l len, of this city, and Mrs. Mamie C. Simpson, of Columbia. ' * . . PlyU New Fiction for the Lancaster; M Library* ., .f! Old Dad?Eleanor Abbott. Penny of Top Hill Rail?Belle j? Mavlates. visitl Shavings?Lincoln. The Great Mirage?Ford. The Song of the Lark?Gather. nel1'' The Impossible Mrs. Rellew?. Past Lisle. M The Avalanche?Gertrude Atherton. I R|va Suhe Pane?Partridge. ( ter Pippin?Laura Richards. j p. The Blind Man's Eye?Balmer. ' Penelope's Postscripts?Kate D Wiggln. Stephen March's Way?Knibbs. The Gates of Wrath?Arnold Bennett. j The Lad Aft?Hallet. I The Wanderer On a Thousand St Hills?Wherry. ble. The Firefly of France -Angel- keep lotti. ; fronCheerful by Request -Ferber. the The Pretty Lady?Bennett. j and His Own Home Town?Evans. pain The Boomerang?Osborne. ' are Star of The Desert?Rower. \ til t The Three Strings?-Natalie Lin- the coin. j raisf The Green Jacket?Jennette Lee. cont Belinda of the Red Cross? 1 Hamilton. TOL The Desert of Wheat?Zane Grey. I In addition to this Action, Stod-j A dard's Complete Works in fifteen OasI volumes, has been addpd to the LI- quir brarv collection. ; w^o All library members are urged to, lust return noons prompiiv i ne num-i .??!>? ry regulations require all hooks to A d< he returned in two weeks A fine of bonr ten cent* per week for every week man over time, will he rigidly enforced dem Library hours. 5 to 7 p m , Sat- shoe urdays. wav< ?? . ntlll Will Not Hesclnd Order. with The Sotith Carolina Hallroad commission Wednesday refused to re- Tllh selrd Its order 179, prohibiting the Southern Hell Telephone and Tele i N graph company putting Info effect bull* May 1. Its proposed schedule of in Com creised rates on business and res!- Fed< dentlal telephones In this state The r'mu proposed increase would average 13 face per cent, according to a statement whl< Issued by the corporation Officers cond THE L N AND COUNTY j , ,TAT,"N ' Sgt. Jetlier 9 telephone company, at con t'ompuny >1, es with the coinmiHaion con- Dui-Iiik the K practically the whole of* two MONTIiltKHM ...... w. 1?? ...Kum, r.~ 1JHH, this not >d the commission temporarily, fl1<, |oss from uld be more expeditiously set- became some\ \y awaiting the decision of the with no thougl 1 States supreme court and Rer he movy h,s f<1J| ng long distance telephone toll m.sf| ,n (he fa<. without the consent of the j ,l|H 4|u,y ty and public utilities commis- ?howed the I of the various states. The leadhn Hay who has been in Fen- Andy Harris, r Infirmary. Rock Hill, for the *}un McManu week has returned home. | Robert Bask I Billie King. r. and Mrs. Sam Lathan and Nathaniel Ci > daughter. Jessie Wilson, of Lemuel Twit rside. have returned home af- Leonard Twi spending some time with Mrs. Robert Frasl Lathan. Henry Wade, ^ Robert Oastf HOW TO SWIM. Thomas Thoi Asa McArth n . ,. ,, Robert Thon Hv Annette kellerman. (leorge Clybi (This list 1 No. .1?Trending Water Lancaster Red and beside the dining room ta p,ptp fhp nam< Put vour hands on the table .... - ? will ne appreci iin$c your elbows about one foot i tbe body. With hands flat on . table, move them rapidly baelc forth, meanwhile pressinn the PICTURE is downward. Then while they still moving. raise one foot un- fiie Price of he knee touches the bottom of . , in lament table board. Drop this foot and i the other, then reverse and inue. Ideut. James n TO SHOOT WOILB-BK here May 7 w ?.\NK HORBKH LOKKS NKRVF Price of Peace, rvonia. Va.. May 1.?When Winner of ci tier Arthur Panton turned to in- honor, the hig e as to the wants of a customer, and tbe Rritls had come Into the state bank highest honor before closing time today, he stow on an all ed down the barrel of a pistol. Member of mand that be surrender victory Inf. 30th I>iv Is was followed with another de- Out of flf d for cash Ptnton refused the medals of honr and and told the straneer to ilont Bmitli f*< it The unknown hold-up man "For conspii F?red and backed out of tho door, intrepidity abo keeping the cashier covered call of duty In his weapon. tny near Monl ' tober, 1918. : CONDITION' OF LAIiOIt IS SATISFACTORY . " fonu,,"n . .. Lieutenant I>r ew ^ork, Mav 1.?Tonight a . . . .. - ? . wounded in the f>tin from the bedside of Samuel _ , ... ....... . attack, but he pers, president of the American sratlon of Labor, who was se- linM j>ro slv injured Sunday when a sur- latin. Chills car collided with a taxlcab in Fever, Colds at h he was riding announced his j,ir pneaslte tli Is a splendid lition was satisfactory. Tonic \dv iANCASTER NEWS, LANCASTER. S. C. ?>R URAVBKV. flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll l a ir, (imaawi) = V a II mil Infantry. E | 9 I engagement = V VU% . 8. S |\ llllllll of- I B I B fl B I ? JlJli jll art illery Are anil ~~ vliat (liMirKiuib.C(l. ?? it of |K*rsonal iiiK iis ft?*niiik 111* I rlwsncss and cool- ZZZ il M J ^ e of danger. l>ur i tlie front lino In' ZZZ. ?^^Z?ZZZZ^Z1 lighcst <|tiality of personal bravery 11 7 . act is worthy of :== C ' ?Sd"lt i lation. ?? -? -1 lection of Dr ? LANCASTER ?? = (\. T< P I) 1. May rrt /^V/>C r has been good for =: JLd%/ ? y m V y not good for grow- ?? have had lots of cold and i. iron, the |= Fresh from the c consequently it was ? v nr,,rr '? quisite Beaded C .',1 ;rh- " J set, Navy, Gray, I good rains now ? benefit to the small! EE \ i, etc. It will also i =^: I /llLr/Id unless it turns cold i EE ire generally through == f/?0 0 r* i\ t have the most of = int yet. Plowing is " or the time of year. ? ;ood and cattle are ? = Fifty Crepe de Chii :1 Craig Is seriously ' me. Tho entertain- = flfla GeOVgette I irth Lancaster school ^5 on her account *= In Navy, Black, Pekin, nig. Of Ernkine col- ^ Thege are Sample Dresses. or a few days from ? , , 5= and every dress worth .JO Boozer, teacher of EE than we have them inarke aster school, will re- 2= Inspect these dresses and < saclier"for*'them? haS = $15.75 | "Make ' Vit illlltlllllUHIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIllllllllllllllll Hips, ? angley, men. displaying the highest braver; ton. and skill. When his command held up by heavy ma< hine-gun fire he disposed his men in tho bes ngs. cover available and with a soldle t till 11II ii ci in it t (<11 k it inainiue-^ui e Mallard. neat. Creeping up to the position it 5 the face of Intense fire, he killed th< -ungley, entire crew with hand grenades ant his pistol and a little later capture* ley. a number of Germans who had tak 'an> en refuge In a dugout nearby." ey- Home address care of Mrs J. M Colored. Doiler. Rock Hill, S. C. YOUTH LOSES LIFE lQ8' AT GREEGG*S SHOALS inningham, tv, Claude Fleming I#nses Balance an< tty. Falls to l>catli in Water er' Wheel. >n. Anderson. May 1 ?Claude Flem rnweii, lug. 10 years old dynamo tender a the Southern Public I'tilities com ipson. pany power station at Grogg' , . - ... . Shoals, met a horrible death Tues s furnished bv the Cross and if incom- day ???*rnoon h* *,pPPe >s of soldiers omitted ,hrou?h ? hole in a bulkhead an . . . fell into the water behind the tras 8tPM. ) screens and was sucked info th water wheel of one of the turbine; HERO W ITH The accident occurred about r?: :t j COMING HERE nr'of^ an(' Jhe body was recovere 40 minutes later, when the wate ? ? . ? ... in the lake had been released and Peace" to Ik- shown crew went down into the turbine t ?t? r Wednesday, 0mj j,ody. Young Fleming wa May 7. the son of \V C. Fleming of Abhr ville and had been employed by th ; C. Dozier to come power company for some time a ith the picture, "The Gregg's Shoals. A party from I/Owndesville ha; ongressional medal of gone out to the dam for an outin host American honor with Dr. Thomas O. Kirkpatrick h military cross, the Some of the party were nut in Great Britain can be- boat taking pictures of those on th y. dam, the young man and Hr Kirk Company O, 118th patriok standing near each other. lizard ran out and voting Fleinin ty-two congressional stooped down ami removed a plan >r given by the Presl- to get the lizard and lost his bal arolina has six. ' ~ 1 " ?uous gallantry and) Catarrh Cannot Be Cured ve and beyond thej with LOCAL# APPLICATIONS, as they action with the ene- Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly In'hrehaln France Or- "tjencad by constitutional conditions, and in order to euro It you must take ar Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medla ?r ~i?. c,n? ' taken Internally and acts thrt d of two platoons. b|00d on ,be mucous surfaces of the >zier was painfully system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine wat . , prescribed by one of the beat physician! ' shoulder early In the jn |bj? country for years It Is com continued to lead hU P?sod of some of tho best tonics known onunuecj to i? act nis comblned wlth Mm( of tbe bloo(! * purifiers. The perfect combination ol veil it will cure Mm. the Ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medl i cine Is what produces such wonderfu unn r,o?er, Itlllous results in catarrhal conditions Send foi Ml li(/ri|ipe. It kill" testimonials, fr<-e. i?t eases tlie fever. It ' ' CHERhY f^CO., Props Toledo, O lu\o?i\e and KcnerHl j Hall's I-wmily Pills for constipation. 7\ 1 \ / iiuuiiiiniiiiiiiiirtiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiu son-Cloi CASTER'S LEADING ST nsn> For this Sale the esses Ever Show ;s Is An Exclt lesigners. This sho\ leorgettes in White, 1 Pekin and Black, i n rnr/>i a r r>s\r> mntr \j arnii/iL tun i/i/j $27.50 $32.50 ie, Taffeta I Cotton \ Presses Grev and Tan. .. . . , ,, . v, . ... Printed \ 01 No two alike, per cent more beautiful coin d for this sale. .., .. . , with solid col compare prices. and $18.50. $.">.75, $7 ctory Sure?E lllllllllllllliiliiiiiltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll - -L- _! . ir a nee and fell Into the iron grating s and !ti the fare of the dam. Th ' he sent to foreign shores to carry out u the mandates of the league To be L" sure, the United States is ostensibly a i ? lltlA <|iitckly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Ijoss of Api?etlte nnd \ Headaches, due to Torjiid Liver.? Adv. . k ? [ ] = . Ill LAUND1 With increased skilled lal I am now in shape to pron work. I respectfully ask a money. CHU WING, DAVfS I ^ =:: \ PAGE FIVB - - a lllllillllllltllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllig ud Co.) ORE | RESSES| Greatest Col- | t rn in tliP r.ifv = isive Model ? ving includes ex- ? Flesh, Coral, Sun- f? ^11 full silk lined M > SALE | $39.50 | foile and Organdie H Dresses M !e and Organdy Dresses in == r combinations, combined == ors, also all white. EEE .50, $10.50 and $15.00. H >uy Bonds" | iiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Kiven the decision as to the number of troops, but that is not the point. It is said; the objection is against sending any United States troops to participate in the affairs of Uurope. Senators realize that to be the keystone of the entire structure of the league of nations; if the league cannot send armed forces to carry out its mandates what Is the use of J giving ultimatums? it may be asked, tbev admit. Around this proposition will probably center the fiercest debate, the alternative to its ac[ eeptance being rejection of the whole i plan of a league of nations. Senator Johnson, of California, said: "I am studying the league of ; nations as an American?a selfish, ; provincial little American. if you please, but with my whole thought foi mv own country. I am only an American, for America first." Just Received Two cars soft Winter Wheat FLOUR 5,000 pounds I,aid. 2,000 pounds dacon. One car Horse and Mule h ann Man y r ceu, fl Hi* shipment Chicken Feed, all kinds. I If you want to save ' money see us before you 8 buy. I Ferguson Co. ? ilY OPEN ior amj additional machinery, lptly do all kinds of Laundry trial. If not pleased, pay no THE LAUNDRY MAN HJILDING. - ==lol H _ J