* I * FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1919. 16 BOMBS FOUND IN eon?* MAIL IN NEW YORK qui,k dostri * (Continued From Page One.) mails. Bw Bitch a manner that the cylinder men * could not he opened without break- <'rpss< Ing the bottle The breaking of the thorlt bottle would release a chemical a which in turn would Ignite three fulminate of mercury caps resting on a stick of dynamite. The whole bomb showed evidences of skilled e,s' v workmanship J tatlon Later in the day a representative a' of Olmbel Urnthpro />oiit>a 1 ? the a "Mor Cochran and after examining aKrt" the narcels declared the wrappings ,*1'" v had never originated In the depart- tion t nient store. He pointed out that I the outside covering was of high'vglazed, expensive type of paper, depar such as would not he used hy anv m a"1 department store for mere wrapping purposes. The inner box eontainlnc ,or " the wooden cylinder was also made a of a very fine grade of green card- pu He hoard, unlike any in ordinary use. was 1 J*rach of the parcels measure eight 1nrh?>s in length, two in depth and J two in width. i q1 On the hack of each parcel was In red: "Novelties a sample." In spector Cochran expressed the he- TH1 lie' that this was an ingenious effort on the part of the senders to Induce the secretary f>( an intended Stfi victim to hand the parcel unopened f"' ujJ| to his chief. The officials who are In charge of the investigation he- j,'or lieve that the very elaborateness of. : old u the would-be assassins' prepare- "cl tlons may prove their undoing; as affording; certain clues to their iden- claim tity. The Stella CJOVKItNMKNT KMI'I.OVKS MtK '' Hm TO|.l> \V\T? II /?I T roit HOM1IS N.c. Washington, May 1. Discovery I in New York of i c, homhs. each i>ut tiOflj togrether hy experts, resulted in a and v greneral warning; to gtnvcmment distn employes to he on watch for what USllJj authorities here believe to he an POUn anarchist p'"t to spread terror more throuchout the country. VOU 1 While steps were taken tunnediaM n tely to deal with t'te situation al- >erio< ready developed, pestoflbo depart- irralit ment officials franklv admitted that nndut there was absolute v no means of Ste telling; exactly how many bombs nflVr mlgrht have been deposited In the appro mails. The lb picked tin in New j wotm York were regarded as a catch find, ^cliai having; been held f'?r lack of pos-1 cnst, tnge. Coming; on the ,heels of thoi regfttli (lamHco caused by an infernal ina-l chine mailed to f?*?iner Senator| Hardwlrk. of f?eorg;ia, and in the J ,yu same sort of package, with the same retun rlpnort ninnt In tml t r. t fit V( fH I ^j^^j ^8 A Flavor 1 eve il ^t-L scaled e |||m Impbrity-proof. W? wrapped, safer . m*#flr*B/?->E! A RWf wrcyui J A because is * I /Ivk. 'n qua w the Flavc a *1111?1' I fHB ration by the government and rials said, in 1 search for similar weapons of sale mailing i irtion moving through the would reach tl ing the mark a use of the character of the would make tl o whom the packages were ad- delivery all th ui the one thought of the au- though the pu ies centered in the motive. In to the opening leral way the attempt on the the Hepartmen of cabinet members, a justice alized that if p supreme court of the United machines put i, a governor, a mayor and ofh been recoveret ras linked up with recent agi- ment's job to and discussion on the question livery, ter-the-war immigration. Rut uthorities could not altogether PAt'KAGR Rf on this as the reason behind KKNT TO .1 iholesale attempts at destruc- Chicago. Ms >f life. swering closel rd reached investigators here fernal machin (Umbel Brothers, New York | York was recp tment store owners, whose of Federal Ju< lg tags were on each package, a forgery. No < ling that sent to former Sena- sent ami the r ardwick, had declared the tag ' unnoticed on I ?rv. No effort was made to d's- It was add) the fact that the Information J Landls" and h disquieting, for It meant, offl- words "samp ~???????????????? brothers. 32 I tella-VitaerHH 1 in New York. 2 GUARANTEED TONIC The report. FOR WOMEN [Stuart, postal | the package t tlla-Vitac has been in HTtecess- Rraphed to N< einthelrealnier.toftlioscdiseasef tion as to a si lar to women for more tban a of a century. I . nearly ten years it has beer inder a plu.n, positive guarantee ItKt'KIVKS I actlt. Less than one hot-1 Gadsden \ ut of every one thousand s,M)f;itivp Iohr I lias Veen refunded for, and every ' fur n Refund has been satisfied, hama. received (usandaof letters like this praising ; an infernal m i-Vltae und telling of benefit tc >tr Burnett w ingwombn have been received. . . i.C. n. Russell, of Mill Springs,1 s:,VP'' ,gra*.t'fuily writes us as follows: rlous injury was in a mo?t wretched condi- "fiimhei n^nth had palpitation of the heart f>n the wrapni could swell and bloat in a most ">e police it ;ssing way. When I began in? a pfstoi st f Stella-Vitad I Weighed 108 The homb ds. No\\r I weigh 135. I am screw top i,n> thankful than tcun ever tell unfasten and 'or the great gqpd this won- his son were ll medicine has/flone rue. the lid they i i Russell was jeX that critical patches tolline 1, the "chancre,'/arkl her sincere , ude for the ble?ed kelief will be ,n M?y?r Ha stood and appreciated by every former Senate ?n who reads Mer letter. | gia. and cease lla-Vitao has/proved a boon tc ,?io h.i ing vomanhpod, to young girls iacuing their/lirst vital pctiod, tc ox ? ,)n ;n approaeling the atoguish ol j Renresentat birth, to wofcen approaching the ties in regan jpeof life." fctclla-Vitae strength, j nuesHon is hf he female /organs and iiroiuotes irity in thp monthly function. j live for the a< risk of loss is taken by any suf-1 machine. C woman Who tries Stella-Vitac | r guarantee of the 3rst bottle. r?i . vc dealers sell Stella-Vitae and will 1 ^ i your money if it does not bono I E 4CITF >u. Don't put oil' a trial. - Wil' Hold (na mm mm ^ t:irv cenornl i ! _ ? Kg Cecil and ottn Ul H The plans t r\i facto E maln sfapp*: >1 <3F ludlC fife First, prep; ' ~ ' jte'y kJL^y' J not speak Knt \ H able sf itT, w i ir-tieht and I ZZZZ" . \ B2 ' London, whirl in tne\wax- $ ! for prelintlnnr I ? ls"M ?'MI V PdCu3gG5* M mpofimr and \ B nnmo tholr t! to set \ 1 I (wash nxton. I S fiE0R(;lA 1 LSI I 5 | ?Y INF' ? > n xn M A "" HI supreme B iinm? mt litv. i? Atlanta. f!a. P. Ilardwlrk, I B ' *?d Statin Senn B wlrk, wan pair I r "!'> maid su fe. '111 I hands In the )r L3 SIS III 1 Infernal tnach mail* to the I % LANCASTER NEWS, LANC he event of a whole- ^ of bonitiH that manyj B leir destinations hear-j JB of other firms which M B le work of preventing e more ditticult. Alblic was cautioner! na c of strange packages At all ti t's detective force re ( is in dcmti all of the infernal exp?ns'\e . tractive, in in the mails have not is an cxcep 1, it is the depart-1 lows comb get them before de- i IKEMHMN'ft ROMIt J t nciK K. M. I/\M?IS V iv 1.?A package an-1 1 v descriptions of in-! I es discovered in New ,rr"'z lillilt ?fi tved in the chambers li-iiun. ige Kenesaw Moun >fTort was marie to (lis- <111111 ' ! mckage lay practically m n lis desk for hours, ressed to "Mr. K. M.' tore in red letters the le novelty, Gimbel troadwa.v. New York." K ' tgend which attracted I TIM of a newspaper re- ' * ' >u 1 inn lew of the disclosures , 1 I ! ?r nnt0 d their efforts to relater delivering the lice. ^ ive Burnett's' activi- 1 1 to the immigration **>illcved to be the mo- V ending of the infernal I. I LAUNCHING j \ : ARE OUTLINED \ & ugiinil Meeting of the * ^ lotions at Washing, in (MoImt. v 1 -Plans for launch* of nations were fa-'r1 v Ined at a luncheon CJeoiKia set M. House gnvn to Sir ""ice at th irummord, the seen The Pat" Df the league, Robert l'al'<*r wra| [>rs. city post rnii ire divided into three to Senator at Sanders iratory details which <*ials there d out at headquarters apartment led at London during about six turner; second, the In- three inch* ng of the league at the senate cxt October under the sample of | President Wi'son; to open it manenf establishment What th at Geneva next fall rr been nitric contact wit dory details will he maid, Kth? r the s'gning of the the pare# 1 II he in ?hn hands of added to tl ' of nitre designated which lite .Vllson's resolution be hands off. plenary *e?s'on of the Colonel House. Lord Tf] Dm nd the Gr-ek premier. ||| Kr 11 Will he among the WAk ems win pionnniy not finn i member, as he (loos Mish and most of the ill bo in t h:t t Ian ? nso. with n consider I romaln in F.nrope Wonderful nforoneo closes. and footed Y will ho removed to Yon Feci h is moro oonvonient v work. I'resldert t tho date of iho first ask tho nations to Doctors tireo do'ot?afos to at ' v\',: world and i ingural gathering at straighten hnt it had ?* The sa li \ at VOMAN Hl'KT after-efforts to take it. CRN A I, M \CHI\E t'alotabs, h loft in and vou can t; IK Mai' KmiVnIoh and 8|jghtest ol To of Former Son- tho tongue r Hnrdwiek. low *?f wat no danger. salts. \'o\ . May I Mrs. Maude clean, your wife of former Un t- arc feeling __ mL llf l( ? with SI h#?nf Mir i hoiiihm w mini , . Kat what } ifullv injured and tin Calotah* ffproil the loss of both your drugs py.piotdnn here of ar. i' .vo" *ir,> Ine Rpnt through th* only i nifM. pr j iome of the torin* (irunK'ats n ? 'ASTER. S. L n Attract iints the artistic dwelling V" id, whether lirge or small, m or inexpensive. An at texpeusive house, however, ition. QUICKBILT Bungaine beauty and economy. ?Juic\ BUNGALC hlv mverln:; the htrds of the average renter: Is espeolall r renting pur p. si* It is well hullt. coz\ convenient w. well ti htilaled. attractive Inith inside ami nut. ami stnal !\ It is imX|sfisive in construction. hut will bring tit A It. us' t. . Ifr^ri- is s niiii': i drawback .'S Iiiuim ti This mil is jus- tin- riulit ... iu? in.ii.> .ire in. 11 ii till tuinly i > itie lu st nnil innst experienced of arch itli ,i ?ii? to i liiiiiiKitiiii: ? Jiii- ami ituitiiiik: the tri'-ii'" rnlivi"il'in r rri.in.nil ..!nl strcliKtll. Tile n >t "I t! I is Hirf'.iT ! In. i'I li> the.la it that vou htl> It from II unit, t i.r . i ! r st In iil ttur coiniilete I'l.itit coii . i i ... a. 1 n tti" tiii' td ili" completed house Yon t'.i II" man a nr .tit Ymi huy eir. it tmni the source of materia is then r" t k I "t/i i. In ir complete plant* I hundred* oi Ii iiin-s am/ Imlit Charleston, S. C. A /% RICE M. m left 10 per Jai r cai/i. Aref | ^ ,, tator. He was at Ins law* ed ahout tIi?> fan e time. the hodv. kage, which came in a Hoth the form* per. bore a New York polite and feder irk. and had been mailed t.,| the belief tha llardwiok's former home .. .. , the vtotk t>i ana ville, (la. Post office otfi. , , iii.. i New York. The had forwarded it to his here. The package was H'gn no particuhi Inches lonu and ahoat tempt on his life >s wide. Mrs. Ilardwick. r said, decided it was a (ANN'OT Fit ill' pencils and told the maid Haiti more. \! o police believe to have Haitington dene acid was exploded by ciizens of Cnni h some other acid as the permission to I 1 Williams, unmapped u,.nipsM?* ,1Kht th A number of metal slugs ie effect the explosion, rally blew the m. -d's IHING in Mrs. Ilardwick was burr- grafting. Print' Lancaster New nnnnnm/ Z? ur.uuoni E UP FEELING GLORIOUSLY L I l.ow <'a1<>lal>*, |!n? IVr^'alonii'l, Makes I So t IIH'flicilH' Ml "111 r> ring your Ihe only flung that would ; * . out h disonlered liv?-i, H?l soiimj serious drawbacks, inn And tin? sickening i made many people di ad Tire new cmou\el called ave all the liver benefits lint sting taken Out Mow iko calomel without the \ ijection One Calbtah on if bedtime with swalef that's all No taste. tn> griping, no nausea, nr. M V morning vour liver Is Imi system purified anc\ you IV 1 like a two-yea r-<\Id ly appetite for breakfast. mil please?no danger are so delightful thai 1st will refund the price not delighted with them n original sealed packthirty-flve cents. Alt ow have Calotabs. Adv. / * /<* / \ , PAGE THREE Lit)e House Easily Rented ,?, >W IMO. 4 3 J> A Safe, Profitable Investment. ik One of the l? st Inu'Simi'lits olt.ilnil.h' is tut ulW.utlV' ? < ri it f il'liv rrtil.il lc house Tli.it .it, it :ta. cost -it the homo, ti IS ti.j* too ^rt .it I' 'S (lini'-iilt I lower the i without rlie.it >- ' ii.uu' "In- h..us. It is |i< ssil I. . ii<.w.'\?r. with tiit QUICKBILT in ltiJtn..il >w ,S.i 1.1 I. r it is t.mlt t .r just tli.it I'lit*!"is A lions. Ii/ul lot instiui: Sl '.iin i.ii .111 I reutinc tor an uwr.'ue of $11. kt month is lirituiini! lilt per runt Interest T.x.*s. Insurant-! repairs. etc.. will vilinw ii n*aum i?; ? i k. .otter 'ti "stiiH ii* * t'Pe - it . me-tr. . .11 iittr.iotlv. QUICKBILT Bungalow 'lii"? ime of nigh rents .m?l universal :o li in.mil fur house*, will make t * profitable nve.stment. Build On Your Undeveloped Lot. I WRITE TODAY for further Information and .1 copy f air attr.utile illustrated .in.lt, "QUICKBILT Bungalows N.. 1 :i'a It will explain all altoul No I , 1 nd in.mix other attraotiu QUICKBIlT Itu:i|! lows It is KltKK for tin- asking Merely fill mi! the coupon heloxx and mail It d Better still. If Bungalow No I. pleases you. tell us the color desired and instruct us to ship Immediately a Popular for its Convenience. "V The house is shipped K O It I'liarleston complete with all necessary inateri I except brick work Si/.e. over all, .lift x ilO-ft There are two largo heil rooms one U-ft x l'- ft , ' and one IJ tt x 'a lt . a spacious living room. I- tt x is-tt . a "i kitchen, I", tt x '.'-tt . closets and an attr.utile trout porch 1?>-ft "I x 8 tt The construction to largely of Nortli Carolina Pino, the It "Wood I'nliers.il." thoroughly kiln dried Kxcellent flooring atul i" celling Walls hutu in panels ol siding lined with heavy paper to id Insure warmth Durable, lire-resisting, standard asphalt shingles, t with slate green or red tlnisli Kxcellent doors and sash AH ' neooss.rx nails at I hardwire furnished House comes with ex- j JUICKHILT HUNG ALOW DEPARTMENT. ' A C. TUXBURY LUMBER CO.. Charleston, S. C. Gentlemen:?Please sand me your Book. "QUICKBILT Bungalows" W C-39. Ath day of May. 1 'J 1make final ' expiosion was i<>turn as such guardian and apply rchists operating in '?> I'robate Court of Lancaster founts for letters distr.issary. ' senator could as- c p HORTON. ir cause for the at- Guardian. April 16th, 1919. 49. * Notice to Debtors and Creditor*. I IN" .MAIO LAND. persons indebted to the estate I (V ^ (Jo/ernor *'ar-V Blackmon, deceased, will make payment at once, and those ed the petition of having claims against said estate. iberland. Md.. for w1nl P ??t same duly authenticated. to the undersigned, told the Willard- P. E. BLACK MON, ,.n, \dmr. Estate of Mary Blacktnon, deceased. 48. Engraving. Litho Kul>-My-Ti-m is a great pain killer. It relieves pain and soreness ng or Ruling Th' ..... . % . caused by Rheumatism. Neuralgia, sprains. Etc.?Adv. I BUY I iberty Bonds \ FOR CASH j SINKSS STRICTLY CONI lbKM IAL S bonds (o me, or if yon have nny bonds at the iiU ini|i:iiil for, liriuii me your curds. Any ()ii:iii(ity---Any Issue. I PAY CASH | nd You Have No Further Trouble. j 1. BLUESTEIN < ORti WITH TilK MJ'K FRONT KERSHAW, S. C. , w