PAGE TWO KE KIND TO ANIMALS j the railroad WEEK APRIL 21 TO 27 th* *ub,ic to believ.e not low enough and pie held up improve Governor Omper Issues FroeUmi* ,ower pr,ce8 the ^ tlon Setting Aside the Fres- damming up of busir ent Week. "The government Itself to keep up the Gov. Robert A. Cooper has issued | tenance equal to that a proclamation designating the| period before the week beginning April 21 and ending Hines. "The result Aptil 27 as "Me Kind to Animals: have to buy more mil "Week" and Sunday. May 27. as "Ilu-j to do more work tbsi mum- oun> i ins wees is 10 d? | would no UDiier pr observed throughout the United ment." States nt tin* instance of the Nation* The director generi al Humane society of America. situation freely, refi One week s set aside each year to from his position. 1 be observed as "be kind to animals the prices lie said \vc week" throughout the country. CJov- an endorsement to* ernor t'oop'r's proclamation calling publie that the price on the people of the state t<> direct refused to take any special attention to the proper, in-! liility because he had tell'ce::! and kind'v care of animals- vinced that the prices during tile w rek and all times thcie they should be. after t Hows: "Whereas. in order to advance CONDUCT OK III public education in the humane and i , . intelHge"t treatment and cure ofj IS Sr. \ KRKI.\ animals, the National Humane As sociation of America and the Red, I>llw|OP of Star Animal Relief of the United States have designated the period' Board (alls llis S commencing with April 21, 1Mb.I Defense Am and ending April 2 7. lb lb. as '1U; Kind to Animals Week.' Sunday, Vpril 27. being set apart as Hu- New York. April 21 mane Sunday. a statement to the i "Whereas, the laws of South far- j master General llurlt olina relating to cruelty to animals( the victim of an "oi require that animals be af all times panda." Charles Job treated humanely: and whereas, for rector of the puhlis humane and practical reasons it is board, declared that important that animals, valuable and publishers of the cou faithful servitors of mankind re- ed defense but the | eeivo liumane and intelligent rare, j eral himself. He as "Now therefore. I. Robert A moralissation of the Cooper, governor of South Carolina, was a fact which evei ?ln )w?PPhv Hp?li'll!ito I n c I nrvirt t ',? sind \mprlnnn Iimiiu period commencing April 21. ll'll*. judge out of their oaend ending with April 27. 1!?1'?. as The publishers' u He Kind to \nimals Week* in South consists of the Period Carolina. Sunday. April 27. lOltt. Association of Atnei is set apart as Humane Sunday, elated llusiness Pat T>ttring this period the citizens of American Medical K South Carolina are urged to direct tion. the New York special attention to the proj)er, in lishers' association, t lelligent and kindly care of animals. Publishers' associatio r.nd during saiil period ttttd at all tion of Religious Pi limes they are urged to see to it that Printing Trades' co violators of the laws relating to Authors' League of A cruelty to animals tire punished as "The amazing otlb provided by the statutes of South by Postmaster Goner Carolina. his own defense, fo "Given umlei my hand an 1 tfusal to transmit the seal of the State at Columbia, etc." of the New York \ * i such dispatch reflect* PRESIDENT Jl \S MADE ' capacity, is a challen NO SECRET ALLIANCES r;oM" thinking man he n ndid such or , ing day " said Mr. Po He Semis a Cablegram to 'I uinu'ii ,, a Prussian and virion Denying That He lias Made \,i> sorship can he esta Alliance or Treaty. posto'tice deptirtilient . son or any one else r? Washington. April 24 Secretary to ?nr nation and A Tumulty in a statement issued to far beyond Mr Hurlet ntglit s:it?i a cablegram had, re be tliiuks he lias bee reived from President Wilson in harshly. Paris "giving positive and tinqnali- "Whether the pot tied denial" to reports that "the good or had is not a President had entered into a serrot gutnent or of Mr. F1 #ll'nn sottn! pinion The F ? . j). j i i '?111 II 11 ' ! i \ | J? : T1 e in?nt given out :? t'i? ' v ' % tlay. from t White IFotis" it the <1 : 'i f of \! I i mk in tVc Turn lty said: and ! !?\ tl "In vJ"\ 01 the f:?ft tit it certain Vt' ut-aturns and tin juew -p ip!<)< r.r ttl i: n i-mst r? IiaI>1 bus .-throughout tle ootP't v li.uo -it lb "s ot h<< ininitrv -s,r < h; li T sh| had 'iter- "What Mr. ilurh sr ed into ;t S"; rot alliance treat\ izcul j>rnpagatida 'In "With some ??t the tr>< ?'d this infortiia t hui to tin* l?r? s - ot resr, msibl. busir.detit and tun toda\ in oipt of a with tlieit tinny then rablo ram from him giving positive to-^s members. rhani and unqualified denial to tliis storv " mev . educat onai i , P ass dispatches from Parts s.? - riodicals are in a com HINES HIVING SITPUE S him. Those whom P NEEDED BY RAILROADS oral M,irl exposition. In connection such responsi- xvit'1 the exposition, the Southern I not he??n con Textile association, of 2,500 memwe* e as low as hers. xvi" hold its annual convention here May !> and 10, and the Mrst annual session of the Southern Social TKI iTviOV Welfare congress will he held the ' ' * same dates. Frank A. Vanderlip. CRITICISED president of the National City hank, of New, York, and Governor Robert A. Cooper of South Carolina, are In is \i> amonK tlio prominent speakers inlatcnicnt, in eluded in the program. wzjn r Saturday. May 10, has heen designated sailors' and soldiers' day and a welcome celebration will he g. Replying in held in honor of the returned ser harge of l*ost- v're men. An impressive feature - son that lit- is v" the annual observance of "canized propa- fonfederate memorial services in nson Post, di- which the soldiers of the recent war. hers' advisors and surviving veterans of the war it was not the between the sections will rna-eh ntry who need- Khle hv siite in a street parade. The to.stmnster c n war in) schools and colleges of the news dispatch south and nrofossional performers. .Vorld hecanse llkth infantry hand of the .10th o>ts will find this resort t? expression of " for r?l?xn?lon and reaml liundr >ds V >'o)f ton nament for the s o'nan'/a* "" Among the ihe-s of com- ovMh,,','k! (l others w ho have m-de astltutiona hi- rfls,M'v'',?0"s v's" f? reon ville durelfpious ornui '',K ?h? oxP?sif,on :,rf> some of the organizations m,M" ' ^ " "i'-u ed polf players of ondemned the h}'1'" ?':,s,or" Huhs nnd it is known f h f mil \- nt ovnnei to nnm ">?t a 1 methods ? pete for honors on the Sims Solid he champ.ons. links. hold- the vi- The vanguard of visitors arrived in postci 1 zone fjropnviile Monday to he present stage in nte,>ns 4) (mu will tie represented in not publishers comprehensive display of manten and wo- r),jn,.s supplies, fabrics and textile ies of this na- Sper|a|fjes. full amount of intal zone law he snr;i|U.f, wj|] i.~ carried bv the ex- , eriodicnl shali posjtjon in<,naKPmPnt. to an Amer.- tj0hn McPherson. managing dlt and in pi"- rPf,jor p m Burnett, general manors a i id" t.ii 8Ror an(j Harry Armstrong, resident point of puhli- mannger> aro working with a vim tot public spirited , . make the third show a crowining organizations. Federation of *d to aid in aeon of the rates J- E Sirrine. John A MePherson. T. nd class mail Wallace and Z. F. Wrlpht. dlrec?azines)tors. I New York, April 24.?The government proposes a literal enforcement of the war time prohibition act, including a ban on production and sale of a.l beers and wines, whether or not they are intoxicating, the department of justice announced through a representative in the federal court hero. While no steps will be taken to prevent brewing, pending a court determination of the law's constitutionality raised by brewers of the New York district, manufacturers will operate in peril of future prosecution. according to the statement of William C. Fitts, special counsel, appearing for Attorney General Palmer in the beer litigation. The attorney advised Judge A. A. Hand, who heard arguments on the government's motion to dismiss the suit brought on behalf of the National broking interests by the Jacob I I ?... mi. lunil mcnillK CUIU|) indicated was intoxicating. * bol,nrt not The law prohibited sale after June vv 1 are lx 20 of distilled beverages as well as teri itories those manufactured after April 20 " 1 and sale after June XO of "beer, '1""'"' wine and other intoxicating malt oi ndds the i vinous liquore for beverage purpu-, aPP'*''K ' poses." pending the demobilization < w*"? ass'i of i lie military forces, he said The words "beer" and "wine" were not qualified, in the opinion of the gov- nn' eminent. he added, and the apparent ' resident congressional intention to stop the "H> ' :l" "waste" of grains and fruits in their '"'niniing t production in any strength would (-v w he enforced. terms ant With "half the world" looking to s,a"d? in America for food. Mr. Fitts contend- "lands, ed. the necessity of its conservation ",r was greater "even than on the day (,azette ai ot Chateau Thierry." and it was fe.lection dually essential that liquors be undermini withheld from public sale while the inherent i army and navy were undergoing de- ' mobilization. strongly a To this statement Judge Hand 'dent has added his opinion that the war was '""de. It "still in progress," which upset one 'nsult to of the complainant's contentions that his Vimi' lmt a court hail authority to ^1:1 P'-onoutfo a bevorn" intoxicating. vv"'r" or llii* nppo-.po. Mr Kilts sa por coot beverage as a confession of I his mistake. I'ntil last month, when OT \ Tp Now York brewArs questioned the 1 ^ validity of the ruling, none hut the T . Hy J. fc 1 L' por cent brow had been sent out j)a^e to trade, except that made before! Wherea Itecomher 1 last. I made suit ters of A< LONDON PRESS IS SPLIT OVER ITALIAN TROl RLE These fl admonish Some N oh s papers Strongly Support Stand of President?Others Jmirnrr-K ('oiidoion It. TI, London. April Ml the L>n- t ( ilo>i evening papers devote their leading to Presid' nt NYil- . . s n - appeal ? connection with the Ij?\ Italian situation at the Paris con- _______ ference and to Premier Orlando's ?? decision to withdraw from the conference. The Westminster Gazette j Indorses tii" statement or the Ameri- m can executive noting that Italy in I her claims went beyond tin- treaty ^ of London in claiming Plume as well as the Trentino and other territory Rect assigned her hy the London pact. bant ? ' ?M* l(J out," j says the newspaper, "that in this ter ' very treaty Flume was assigned to' attei the Croatians. If, then, the appeal j; "ix \ h\d wav." t^olla Many I .Jim-Jitter llradrrs Wi'l Feel <>i*iilefiil for This Inforination. If your l.aek gives out; j Iterotues lame, weak or aching; If urinary troubles set in. Pe** ' Perhaps your kidneys are "In a trier had way." your Loan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. W Local evidence proves their merit. most Mrs. W. A. Robertson, Midway St., Lincaster, says: "About a yeai ago I had the grip and It left me with weak kidneys. Heartaches and nervous spells bothered me and 1 thought I would go wild from the < pains My kidneys acted irregularly and I felt miserable. After I took ' Loan's Kidney Pills, I was entirely '.'tired and my kidneys and hack arel now In fine shape.'' p. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don'i a> .imply ask tor a kidney remedy? | net lKtan'a Kidney 1'llla?the name that Mrs. Robertson had. Foster- I Mllburn Co.. MfRrs., Buffalo. N. Y ?Adv. ' I ??iAi 1M Stii 1 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1019 | ^ - I IUZIAHNI warantkk I U* 45 I*. ?n?r ualng III* tntlr* JUT conl. nl? 01 can according II ""* yOU *r? no* [| i/f( I \ aall,n*?l in ..very r.-,r?.c? ^B n your g.ocvr will iviuail ^H n,0"#,, ,ou p*iJ ,or f V? J v Id aid!.f Luzianne is a clean 1 coffee. It is not touch.- h ed by hand from the time it is first received in New Orleans until you serve it on V\1 d kvkry pound sold in an* Nf \J U_I Ud Uiv/> individual air tight tin can ' coffee" 1 The Reily-Taylor Company New 0Hearts % treaty, we are as much ' <11? ?I ami creditors of the said deto Rive Fitmie to 11 a I v a.11 censed. that they l>o and appear be. . . | tore me, in the Court of Piohate to >und to Kac her the other .? ,,an(.as|er ?? May Vh i 1 ! 1 ! next, after publication there-! talians claim Finnic under of. at I 1 o'clock in the forenoon, to iple of self-determination, S'10W cause, it any tli??y have, why ,, ,, . . , , I said Administration should not he Cazette. that principle also , Kr.inl^, ? the Slav regions which' (liven under tny hand, this 18th ytied to Italy undei the day of April Anno Domini 1919. J. K. STKW.MAX, r, Probate Judg", enlng Standard says it can f>l-*>t- ltaw ml to he convinced by _______ Wilson's argument, while ,. , , ,, ? ,, , WVIIIING in Kngravlng, LlttaoMall Gazette savs Italy is . _ . r ,. , , grailing. Printing or Ruling. The the fulfillment of the trea-l .? ' Lancaster News, she is the gainer bv its I I its abrogation where it I the of tier full deatesmen," the Pall Mall Q* Ids. "must realize upon G O Ci OITIT that tlie second attitude Woods White and Yellow >s whatever moral force is D-m' So? d ( orns ar<-nil nut>l?d Ni l. .-ted stink of lit km Ki rmlII the first.'" i nation. For the i>asi five . . ,, . y.-ars our Millwood stain of vening (ilobe, which is Itooae County has won tlrst intl-Wilson. savs the Pres- Nirglma State I-air for lu st ton earn of white taken up an impossihle at- < in. rof,.r, hi, ??p,al ? an |? ,, .Sf'S I \ the Italians and snucesfs III i.vrges? vi< tiling varieties for I i host courup would ho "to III cefully from a discussion r WOOD'S I h oi ns neither himself not Jl ? conf :ngent jl S ?E DS I { For F.rm and t1ity toytoii f0p |S MIMSTItATION. 'I Vvi'j't. - ? ~~ | Ik Crop So- 'fil. ki\in*; pricen of * of south cauomna. [ j Seed Potatoes, Seed unty of Lancaster.. | Qats, Grass and Clover Stewman, Judge of Pro-1 I o i r> j e i I I Seed?Csarden Seeds. s J. Foster Weaver hath! J to me to grant him Let-| I T W Woa/| ^Xaiic Iminlst rat ion of H*- estate, I 1 " "uuu UC kJVIIO , of James A Weaver, de- I seedsmen, Richmond, . Virginia. ire. theieforo. to e:t- and i all and s.n.ular the kin " ~y?iT . aammmnni mi?i hiimimmmmm?? ?????? ie FIRST NATIONAL BANK NC A ST Kit SOUTH CAItOMNA Our Customers live all the advantages tfiven by the highest class cei'S, and we invite you to onen an accnnnt nn mat how large or small, we will give it the same careful I rition. I beral loans made on approved business paper and ] .teral. Your Surplus Funds 'posited with this bank, will earn you FOUR per cent annum, compounded every three months. Have you 1 to figure out what you are losing by not placing money where it will be earning interest? e invite your banking business and will give you the t courteous treatment. ?THE? 1 First National Bank 1 LANCASTER, S. C. J I). Jones, President, I E. M. Croxton. Virp-I'muWoni ? .voiuvMt unu \ aailicr, Ira B. Jones, Jrn Assistant Cashier. I I * 1 ? JEWS. LANCASTER, S. C. RIGID ENFORCEMENT OF | ? THE DRY LAW PLANNED I Government Means to Put All Beers and Wines Under Ban.