The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 14, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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F FAGK 8tx [15 % ; \ We will abov A PRESIDENT IS AGAINST SINKING GERMAN R0A1 Writes Kenresentntive Fuller Ke|?ly to letter of Fuller Protesting Against It. Washington, March 10.?Pre dent Wilson In a letter to Repres* tntive Alvan T. Fuller. Republics of .Massachusetts, expressed his d approval of tlio reported intenti of the peace conference to destr the Herman fleet. The Preside however, reserves the right to d cuss the matter with naval men I fore forming final judgment. T President's letter reads: "Your letter of the 27th of Ft Tuary has interested and gratifl me very much. I feel as you About the project to sink the t;< man ships. It seems to me likt counsel of those who do not kn< what else to do. But I have not \ liad the opportunity to discuss with any authoritative naval m and therefore do not like to form final judgment about it witho hearing them. I shall take it when I get back to Paris and sh iiwro mmi'T LSfLII UIUI1 I DICE S*y? 65 year Old Kentucky La< After Few D? Meadorsvllle, Ky.?Mrs. Cyntl Hlgginbothnm. of this town, says: ' my age. which is 65, the liver not act bo well as when young. A t rears ago, my stomach was all out fix. I was constipated, my II' didn't act My digestion was bad, a it took so little to upset me. My i petite was gone. 1 was very weak. I decided I would give Bla Draught a thorough trial as I knew was highly recommended for t trouble. T hann faVttia I* * ' better after a few doses. My appet fnprored and I became stronger. 1 bowels acted naturally and the la trouble was soon righted with a f Skj. *. *"* * * "* *" "r ?1 = TYD In the past we have des car 1919 model, is known as We find that the genera designate all models by appi We are now manufactur Car, Four Passenger Sport 1 Convertible Sedan. give a prize oi e models. Th any person The contest closes at noo Address your letter to tl on a plain piece of white pa] Seven Passenge Five Passenger Four-Passenger / ? * Lionveraoie KOc Five Passenger Your name NDERSC not forget tliat your Judgment coinrides with my own present conclu1 sions. j "You are very generous in your In personal message ami 1 appreciate it most deeply. Your confidence in what I ant trying to do gives me the, ! most delightful reassurance." Representative Fuller's 1< 11r*r to si- the President which bronchi the 11- foregoing reply, read as follows: in. i "Will you please tell trie if there is- is any truth in the persistent rumor on that the allies are goinu to sink the oy German fleet because they cannot nt, agree as to its distribution? I know is- of no piece of news that would so re- dissipate confidence in the peace he conference as this wanton destruction of a navy worth two hundred ?b- million dollars. Cannot these ves | ed sels be distributed, sold, or auctiondo ed? I find myself wondering. I i?r- have no idea what highfalutin ready son could lie given for such a plan iw but I am sure the business sense of et the people at large will be utterly it opposed to the wanton destruction en of a navy worth J200.000.000. a "I hope 1 have not presumed in nit writing you. T thoroughly enjoyed up and gloried in the reception that was all given vou in Boston the other dav.j "ACT STION WAS BAD ly, Who Tells How She Was Relieved wet of Black-Draught. hla doses of Black-Draught" Seventy years of Bucceasfnl use has _ made Thedford's Black-Draught a oes standard, household remedy. Every 'ew member, of every family, at time?, of need the help that Black-Draught can 7er give In cleansing the system and reind llevlng the troubles that come from ap- constipation, indigestion, lazv liver. ,etc. Ton cannot keep well nnlesa your ck- stomach, liver and bowels are In good It working order. Keep them, that way. his Try Black-Draught. It acts promptly, alt gently and In a natural way. If yon Ita feel sluggish, take a dose tonight ) Ify You will feel fresh tomorrow. Prloe 1 ist 25c. a package?One cent a doe# w All druggists. J. ft ' . ^ ! v . ?.? / LANCASTER ] OLL lignated our various models model 400-C, Seven Passeng 1 public get more or less cor -opriate liames in the future ing five models as follows: rouring Car, Convertible R( f $10.00 for lis contest is to win all fiv n March 31st, and the checks le "Sales Department Andei per as follows: ir Touring Car Touring Car ' Sport Touring Car idster Sedan here. STour address here. >N MO ROCK H ;w! >w? i the red ball b Witf.W tradl mark /^S |H Firearms 6 Ammunition K jy! Shooting Right ^ y@5i and also had the pleasure 01 being a spectator in Paris. "Personally, 1 cannot see what these people are thinking of who are opposing the peace agreement which is being negotiated in Paris If it does not go through what have tin* nations of the world won for all their sacrifices? Are the nations going ahead spending billions for armament? The moral sense of the people of the world is for peace, and while, of course peace cannot be absolutely guaranteed, I am sure, practically speaking, everybody's prayers and best wishes are with you in your attempt to nail down the future peace of the world." VIIUHNIA MAN IlKkl'SRS TO SF.ltVK AS COSOItKSSMAN Richmond, Vu . March 10.- (V C. Purlin notified Governor Wfi#1moreland Davis that he refuses to qualify ns member of congress from the eighth Virginia district, to which he was elected last November. He asked the governor to fill the vacancy as required by law. Mr. Purlin failed to assign any reason for hi! action. Congressman Purlin at midnight issued a statement at his home ir Alexandla, in which he said: / "1 have for several years contemplated this step, but believing the flfith congress would he Democratic and there would he open to m< greater fields of usefulness in th? congress of the United States. I wni willing to sacrifice my personal interests nnd even my health for mj district and my constituency. hut a> the 60th will he Republican thesf reasons no longer exist, and al< though It has eaused mo many heari pangs to reach this conclusion, yel for reasons assigned I have decided to take the course Ind'cated." R. Walton Moore. of Kairfa: county, announced himself a candi date. " ' HEWS. LANCASTER. 8. C. \R O by numbers. For instance o jer Touring Car model 400- A, i fused over numbers and lett< Five Passenger Touring Car >adster for two or flve-passen the best name free for all ar e of the prize: \ will be mailed out to the wir son Motor Company, Rock Hi Name here. Name here. Name here. Name here. Name here. TOR C ILL, S. C. TO TAKE HUN VESSELS IN PAYMENT FOR FOOD I Supremo War Council Delegate* Will Meet ( criiiaiis at liru*scls Wednesday. Paris, March 1H.?The plans adopted by the supreme war council under which negotiations with the C.erinan authorities regarding the j turntni; over of tho German titer-, chant shipping will he resumed, after their recent interruption at Spa,1 provide for the holding of the sessions of the negotiations at Brussels. The allied delegates will leave Paris next Wednesday for the Bel-j gium capital and the first session in tho resumption />f the negotiations will probably he held Thursday in one of the government palaces there. ! The plans determined upon by the council, as already stated, provide 1 | for taking over the German mer' chant ships In return for a food supj ply for Germany until the next harvest. The chief difficulty thus far | has been over the manner of payment for the food supplies, but new proposals are expected to meet the former objections. If Is understood Ihnl Uip navmrniU will come from three sources ? first, in the form of products such as coal and potash; second, from, ; credits which Germany has in neu-l tral countries which thus far have ! been unavailable because of the i financial blockade; and, third, from foreign securities held by Germany. r It is estimated that these three i sources v.'ill readily yield about ? 1500.000,000. which is the sum required to pay for food relief to an t extent considered adequate to carry i the Germans until the time of their harvest. From the nature of the exchanges > during the negotiations at Spa the : allied delegates have reason to exs pect that the new proposals will be ^ acceptable to the Germans, and the; i belief generally prevails that an: - adjustment will bo reached tinder r which German ships will soon be-, ? come available to move American! s troops homeward. -! One of the main influences In. t bringing about the decision of the t supreme council wan said to be a letI ter read by Premier Lloyd George j from a British general setting forth k the extreme seriousness of the food -. conditions in Germany. It was also stated that British soldiers in Ger I =3=?? ONTE ur Five-Passenger Touring itc. 3rs, and it is our desire to , Seven-Passenger Touring gers, and a Five-Passenger 5 given for eac id it is possible s or $50.00 iners April 3rd. 11, S. C." Write the names OMPAN rail! ^s??>' man territory were protesting? acainst A> seeing women and children about them dying of starvation. Marshal . Foctt, the allied com-jta< mander-ln-chlef may not attend the'^r; Brussels session, but all the other j mi delegates of the allied and assoriat- mi ed powers appointed to conduct tie-, shi gotiatlons will be present. Th?; Te Ilavas agency's report In Saturday's, Cn meeting of the supreme war council wl says: Ithi "The greater part of the session! was devoted to the discusson of the1 af| situation created by the Interruption tr< of the Spa negotiations. It was de- be elded to notify Germany that she must execute the condit'ons of ar- thi tide 8 of the supplementary armis- Be tlce signed at Treves on January 1ft. which stipulated that in order to in- C sure the provisioning of Germany, and the remainder of Kurope. Germany must nlnce her merchnnf fleet under control of the allied and associated powers for the period of the armistice this arrangement to have no effect upon the flnal dls \ position of the ships." OXK HTKP Kl'HTHKR TOW.\ltf? FORMATION OK PKAPK TRKATY PariH, March 10.?A step toward the formation of a treaty of peace was taken hy the supremo council when It adopted a propoeal of the American delegation to have the various commissions present to the council their reports and conclusions In the form of articles to be Inserted In the peace preliminaries. , I I FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919. ST ??? > :h of the e for Y IKRIC.WS WITH ItKI) Cltoss EM>.\N(JKKKI) IN IIKKI.IN'. London. March 13.?.\Vh?n .. "!/? an forces captured the main teleaph otrice in Berlin Thursday, the ;mbers of the American Red Cross, salon were endangered by the noting, according to an Exchange legraph dispatch from Berlin, donel Taylor ordered the women th the mission to seek safety in ? I'alace hotel. The American mission to look ter the welfare of prisoners eninched itself in the Hotel Adlon hind a battery of machine guns. The hattle for the telegraph office p dispatch adds, was the worst rlln has seen. HOLDERS OF 1 LIBERTY BONDS arc adviaed to hold them. If you must sell, deal only with respon sible bankers. We Buy and Sell LIBERTY BONDS AU Issues and Denominations. Write us if interested. TRUST COMPANY OF GEQR61A Captta! mmd lurplss, $2,000,000 Mrmbar Pwlml 8/atam ATLANTA. OA.