The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 14, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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KSaB> PAiiE TOUR The Lancaster lm.w (SHMlAVEKkl.V.) Established 1M32. Published Tuesday aiul Friday BY THE LANCASTER. NEWS COMPANY Lttuoiu>(?r. S. C. GKOHGE BULLA CllAYKN Editor and Manager Tkt News Is not responsible (or tl yltwg of Correspondents. Short at Jmtioual articles ou topics of geuer ^terest will be gladly received. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Cash in Advance. One Year *2.? Six Months l.fl Enteied as Second Class Mattt October 7, 1905, at tho Postofflce i Lancaster, S. C., under act ot Col gross of March 3, 1?79. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1919. "My Country Ti? of Thoo, Sweet Lan of Liberty." SltiN THK PLEIHJK. No farmer who understands tl proposition will refuse to sign tli pledge for acreage reduction whic has been sent out by the Sout Carolina cotton association and tli Lancaster county cotton associ; tion. Tho signing of the pledge wi not affect the farmer who has a ready reduced his acreage to the et tent recommended but he shoul sign anyway. The farmer who is hi enough to cultivate many hundre acres of cotton is big enough to se that he stands in his own light I) not curtailing production this veal Reports are coming in to head quarters of the county associatio that the farmers are a little slow t fdgn. It is not within the provinc ?>f this newspaper to go out and te the farmer what he shall plant an how much upon his own land, hut i it can convince him that a shor < -op will bring in as much money a a big crop and cost less in produf tion. it wid have dot\e a good work And this is the understanding tha must come to all the farmers tiefor i here is anv Bruin niiiiilmr .. :i sign the pledge. It lias been said hi many times that it almost makes on weary to hear it, that the farme holds the situation and the s' lutioi in his own hand, but the statemen is so true thai whether wearying o not. it should be repeated. if the farmer wants a big prici for a little cotton or a little price fo much cotton he can have what h wants if he will conduct the pro ductlon of the staple In the prepe way. If he reduces and keeps pro durtion within the bounds of de maiul. the price will he high; if hi doe-j not reduce acreage and there i an overproduction, the price will b low The News does not believi the average farmer in Lancaste county needs to be told these elc mentary principles, but there is evl dently some reason why they do no sign more readily the pledges, am this paper believes it is became the do not understand. It is entirely unnecessary to sa; that supply and demand is going t "be the controlling factor in th price of cotton this yetr It took war sueh as the worbl had never he fore known to sky-rocket the pric up beyond thirty-five rents last yeat hnt it is different now. There is nn the demand for cotton there wa tl en However, the price wlN sky racket again whenever there i more demand than supply, and th way to bring that condition about i to produce less, and in producin less, produce more food for th family and the livestock. Fannin must at least go upon a busines principle, if not upon a sripntifi principle. Therp have been man people who opposed good roads hr now there are few outside of th South Carolina legislature. Ther have been many people who oppose cotton acreage reduction so far a they themselves are concerned bu wished the other fellow to reduc* I,ike the opponents of cood roadi they are becoming scarce and ei ceedlne far between. lie*--* * ?? -- .,,1 .ly, >.i \ v - ^ ' __ - r ^ i'KOHilU T'lOX AM) KAXATU IS 1'rohibitiou is one thing anil I uaticisiu is another. There is ai a possibility that the enforcement the prohibitive measures in soi sections lias been made so purtic iarly obnoxious as to create pu posely^a sentiment for the old waj One of the best things, if not tl best, that ever happened for tl j' states which adopted prohibition w a prohibition. There are few to cht lenge that statement and there a .'.one 10 successrany cnauenge it. u /prohibition does not contempla such methods of enforcement ) |( have been restored to in some so 31 tions. For instance, this from J1 North Carolina paper: "Residents returning to this ci ~ front northern points are indignai over the alleged manner in whW f they are treated by Virginia otiirei who search practically every tra passing through the state in tl hope of finding whiskey. " 'I do not mind prohibition.' 01 >f them said, 'nor do I object to ei forcemeat of the law after it made, so far as it concerns th: state. Hut when officers create more serious breach of rights in o lc der to carry out a law of less in '* portanre, the limit has been read ^ ed. If there should start a rise < 6 Holshevism over prohibition it ma well be attributed to the rude mat ner in which the officers of Virgin! ~ search the trains, and the suppoi c accorded these officers by the stnt< d " 'In the middle of tlie night th train is stopped, and with a piste staring them in the face passengei e are subjected to the roughest treai I - - ing this ruthlessness. Hut I do n" t think that America, as a nation j should he disgraced by its contin v; uance.' "The foregoing facts are corrobc y rated by several persons who cam r,! throi gh YTginia last week. The say that this is no longer pract c. r,t hy federal otlicers. pursuant to in structions from the attorney gener , al, but that the Virginia state otll cers have become worse," t We have no reason to bel'eve th s above story is exaggerated excep -! that it is so remarkable a statement a If we were a lawyer we should sa e that the invasion of a Pullman bert s hy an officer without a warrant t g search that particular berth was e serious violation of law, regardle.i g' of the nurnose foi which search I a j made. And. if not a violation c t) law a violation of principles ny contemplated by the law. If sue it practices are continued by the off an interesting case might li e brought to trial by the aggrieve d party bringing in I Mliofmenf againt s Hte officers, and this might have th it effect of putting a stop to such prai flees. If such methods in the et ?, forcement of prohibition are hoi t- est. it brings prohibition to fanat | clam: if an attempt to discredit prr ." 'V , ' . I'lfi / J * t THE LANCASTER NEWS, LAI >M dilution, the pa ties guilty of such u? attempt should be punished. We Mrs. ( so don't believe an officer can lawfully ^ nion> '8 ^ . . . father, SI ot enter a hotel room occupied by a ne guest without a warrant authorizing' Miss H u-j the search of that particular room, I 'rom Gasl _ several di ir- and waht is the difference between . , ... friend, Mi r?. a Pullman berth and a hotel room, heiso far as the rights of the occupantB Mies A town, spc ie are concerned? . , ? i Azalea S( as' il- 1 Charter \o. 7W8. rt! KKPOKT OF THE CONDITIO! uv' ___ First Natiom a | At 141 waster, in the Stair of South Carolina, a March 4. lOIO. ty; U| RKSOUHCnS. ; Loans a'nd discounts, including rediscounts, (ex s> I cept those shown in b and c) ioj * Total loans Notes and hills rediscounted (other than hunl ; acceptances sold) (see Item 57a).. Overdrafts, secured S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (pa is | value) it 1'. S. bonds and certificates of indebtednesi al pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) Liberty Istau Howls: r* i Liberty Loan Bonds. 3 1-2, 4, 4 1-2 per cent 1" unpledged j Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 1-2, 4 and 4,1-4 per cent ,r iiicuKcu hi secure oiaie or otner deposits 01 v| bills payable j Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks! owned unpledged a Total bonds, securities, etc.. other than U. S. t Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock. ?.I Stock o? Fedeiul Reserve Bank (50 per ccnl ! of subscription) I Furniture and fixtures ,i Real estate owned other than banking house.. "s l.awlul reserve with Federal Reserve Bank I-Cash in vault and net amount due from a| national hunks Checks on other banks in the same city 01 i.I town as reporting bank (other than Item 17) 6 11 i Total of items 14, 15, 16. 17 and 18 '-Checks on banks located outside of city or town ? of reporting bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due n from U. S. Treasurer > Interest earned but not collected?approximate? n on Notes and Bills Receivable not past due., it rj Total and certificates of indebtedness, for which collateral security was furnished I ? i- Kills payable, other than with Federal Reserve Knnk. Including ell obligations representing monev borrowed, other than rediscounts..., e Bills pavahle with Federal Reserve Bank . . , . t t. Total v liabilities for rediscounts, including those with Federal Reserve Bank (see Item ld> " Total contingent liabilities (R7 a, b. and r).. a Of the total loans and discounts she is on which interest and discounts was charged a " permitted by lnw (Sec. 510 7. Rev. Stat.), excli total charge not to exceed .">0 cents was made, \ it such loans was none, h , STATK OF SOt'TH CAROLINA. County of Lancaster?ss p I K. M. C'roxton. Cashier of the above-named ^ thai the above statement Is true to the best of 11 * E. p Subscribed and sworn to before ine this 12th k j v. a. j.1 Correct Attest: i ( MAS I>. JONB8. W. P. LANKY. '* IRA 1$. JON KB. Jr.. >-j v Directors. ? LIABILITIES. p, Capital stock paid Surplus fund I'ndlvidod profits ? Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid . . 1 Interest and discount collected or credited, in advance of maturity and not earned (approximate t Circulating notes outstanding ' Net amounts due to National Banks ' Certified cheeks outstanding 1 Cashier's checks or. own bank outstanding .... r Total of Items 32. 33, 34 and 35 (. Demand deposits (otiier than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days r (other than for money borrowed) ^ ether demand deposits Total demand deposits (other than bank de '* posits i subject to Reserve, Items 36, 37, 38. r 39, 40. and 4 1 . '-I s Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after t So days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): Certificates of deposit (other than for money 1 borrowed ) I, Other time deposits h Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 43. 43. 44 and 4"? Other 1'nited States deposits, including deposits of 1*. S disbursing officers el S. bonds borrowed, including Liberty lyoan v and certificates of indebtedness, without fur( nishing. collateral security for same 1* S. bonds borrowed, including Libertv i.onn nient. Disregarding the fact that t. woman may be asleep in a bertl ltliese officers pull the curtains asid n and flash a light under the cover i o search of whiskey. Thus is prct'M 6 lion of vomanhood forgotten in th II i eagerness to obtain reward for a d arrest. The end does not just t i means in cases of this nature Kve: t' i were the train full of whiskey i Si I ?? <% II 1 .1 I.#. *-* I ? I ? .. ... ' Wlliu IM 0 1,11V, 1 I W ? * It tut Virginia soil than to subject, womoi to such degradation. Shall the ir nocent suffer in order to reward th p I officers of Virginia? li " 'Onlv the other dav a young lad a! irom * nariotte was bringing ho b I 11 father a quart of Scotch whiskey, i favorite brand he had not tasted fo ti. I years. Her personal effects wok I searched and she was placed in J I . OV'.Tni^ht U'itH notrr/i \v jtutro) ! because she had one quart for he e| ( father. Shall we. as a nation o t I principles, stand by and see such ac ! tions continue without interrup ( i tion ? "'And if you have $1,000 In you pocket you cannot trive bond, unies von own land in Virginia. Inste; <i b ! ' hj you must pay a Virginia land owne (1 Sin to go your bond, or await delay I "d tr'al in a dirty coll Virginia ha stained her reputation as a s-ato no otr'y by permitting but bv advocat . V\V' I % I M CASTER. 8. C. PERSONALS. I jleumore B. Barron, of here on a visit to her I lierifT J. P. Hunter. * Hank Hta Skipper has returned ... . . where ?he vl.Ued for Statement ?t th tys as the guest of her HPY Y"Y Y .Aib.i/ie Dank < nna Mae Perry, of Hell>nt last week with Miss Located at Lancaster, J :ott. * ness ftlarc Reserve District No. 5. RF.KD ?' of the Loans and Discounts. . Overdrafts W Bonds and Stocks owne n/ fit w% Bonds deposited f I J Jlfll Furniture and fixtures. Banking house t the Close of Business o,? ?therr real ?state <wned Due from banks and bii Currency Gold Silver and minor coin . Checks and cash items . $190,156.06 Total $190,156.06 ?? 1 v LIABI 15.000.00 $175,156.06 ~ .. , . , ... . 6.353.1- 6.353.17 Capital stock paid in.. Surplus tund : Undivided profits, less penses and taxes pan * 17.500.00 67,500.00 Dividens unpaid. . .. . Individual deposits sub ject to cheek .' 71.800.00 Savings deposits. .. . Bond deposits * Time certificates of de 57.500.00 129.300.00 /i WJ' 'u"I Certified checks ' 2.180.58 Cashier's checks .. v I!!! nn Notes and hills rediscoi t ' Time deposit interest 2,250 00 Total .3,698.46 a K.2 2 3ft lTieTi 4 4 STATE OF SOUTH CA i County of Lar 114,202.88 Before me came Geo. the above named bank, 12 says that the above an a true condition of sai( 116,441.69 books of said bank. i i Sworn to and subscri , day of March, 1919. 2.500.00 1.000.00 r.or.._* A . V 'Ul ILtl i \ C IC.Tl I r n f \ V . uth vp.^ $5.19.1 2 5.18 1 \\ ADDY C. THOAli L. C. PAYSEUR, Direct $ 50.000.00 25,000.00 $ 76 -.806.53 5 3 7 7 93 H ALBANIA WANTS AMKIIICA 1.000.00 TAKK MANDATE THERE 50.000.00 Paris, March 13.?The Albanian 22.95 ^legation to the peace conference, 788.55 afjer a hearing Thursday bv the ''4 368'? t ??. i ? coiuiiiiM.'SHiii lieu i in p, with Greek 4 ? 4 8 3 fi , ' questions, sent a note to Premier Clemeneeau, as president of the conference, proposing that in the event its claims were not admitted 166,821.61 by the supreme council that a man? date be given to the United States 1.456.0ft occupy and administer for one 81.37 year the territories claimed by the Albanians. The claims set forth by the Albanians include Tchamara 168.358.98 to the south, as well as the Albanlan territories annexed to Montenocrrn iinH Qnrhla Should the conference accept the proposal the Albanians say they are wllline that the mandate he extend81.624.36 ed to northern Kpirus. claimed by 81,222.1?4 both Albania and Greece, under such conditions that the population 162,847.30 will be able to manifest Its aspirations without restraint. 12.603.26 12.603.26 BUSINESS NOTICES * 14.Gr.ft.00 FOIl SAIiF.- -Good milk cow, fresh. 14 650 00 eeveral nice Berkshire pltts. Apply to B. L. Parker. F.ancaster S. G., Route 2. 30-2t. 25.000 00 hxhayKO?One black female 20,000 00 Berkshire shoat from L. F. Dabnev's lot. Weteht 80 tn 100 FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919. No. 33. e Condition of the <)f Lancaster >. C., al the close of busih 4th. 1919. ? URCES. $640,035.99 . 8,766.57 id by the bank 147.100.00 218,50900 2,450.89 (5,042.18 3,500.00 inkers 143,569.03 21,664.00 2,660.00 4,142.12 , 1,791.86 $1,230,222.64 LITIES. <C c:n nnn nn t?v,v\'v.uu 100,000.00 current exi 38,904.14 100.00 .. .$429,457.61 . . . 197.530.71 . . 248,500.00 .. 108,571.56 5 84 2,059>>9 986,125.31 unted 45,000.00 f account 10,033.19 I $1,230,222.64 ROLINA, icaster?as. W. Williams, Cashier of who, being duly sworn, d foregoing statement is 1 bank, as shown by the liEU. W. WILLIAMS, bed before me this l()th H. T. CANNON, Notarv Public S. C. % SON, or s. \ mule, sheep, gnat hides, mink muskrat, 'possum, fox, coon skins. Capers Cauthen, White sireet. 8oe me before you sell your hides. PLACE YOUR OltDKItS for Sweet Potato Plants now and you will make sure of getting them. Nancy llalls, Porto Rico. Godhy Golden and others. J. B. Macki orell. 3 2-tf. BI'Y A BICYCLE and pay while you ride. It is cheaper than riding your work animals. Come in and see about it. J. B. Mackorell. 3 2-tf. | CABBAGE PLANTS of all kinds for sale at 26 cents per 100. Plant now and get an early start. And it's cheaper than buying the seed. J. B. Mackorell. 3 2-tf. WE ARE AGENTS for the Charlotte Steam Laundry. Phone us and we will send for your laundry. Ferguson Pressing Club. 26-tf. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. J. It KECK Kl'NDKRHUUK. Dental Surgeon. Office Hours: , j 8:80 te 12:30 A. M. } 2:00 to 8:00 P. M. And by Appointment. Office Phone 180. Residence Phone 62. ? v / Office over Lancaster Pharmacy. CITATION FOR LKTTKRS OF ADMINISTRATION. STATR OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Iamcaster. Ry J. K. Stewman. Judge of Probate. Whereas. William P. Cole hath made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the estate and effects of Lewis T. Cole, deceased. These are, therefor?, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased. that they be and appear before me. in the Court of Probate, to he held at Lancaser on 15th March, 1919 next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cauae, If any they have, why the ?a!d administration should not be granted. i (liven under my hand, this tith day of Feb. Aeno Domini 1919. J. E. 8TEWMAN. Probate Judge. 36-21?ltaw. $5.19,125.13 pounds. Reward for return to I<. F. Dabney. 40-21. 15.ono.oo - WII'Ij THRKHH cane seed Friday, 15.000.00 March 21 at my home. N If. Hallman. 30-lt. iwn above, the amount t rates In excess of those |X)HT Automobile crank between islve of notes upon which News office and W. A. Davis1 rest van nono. The number of donee. Reward for return to ? News office. FOR SAI.E -Several Rood n.l'eh cows, one registered. Three good bank, do solemnly swear ' heap mules. J. E. Nesblt. \ an iv knowledge and belief Wyck, 8. C. 39-41. M ('HOXTON. Chl.r. . ,vBBT POTATOES FOR 8A..Bday of March. 1919. Porto Rico pure stock for seed CRAIO, Notary Public. an(j oaji^ $2.00 per bushel cash | with order. No better grows. I J. C. Hilton. Westvllle. 8. C. 39-4t. 'WANTED HIDES ? Cow. horse ,'1A Jj&'i ?i 'i -jiflhiiigiViiTV^iAi ~ v 4