The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 11, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO %e\\ COMM L S f / RUPf , : ? (('ontinuid li oiu Last I SYNOPSIS. l?KAPTm I?Introducing C*1 Wrq, young New Yorker or Cleveland, and Mra and Mis ' CHAPTER II?The acquaint* poung people ripens Into love |kura and ouphue become enga CHAPTKH III -Wlmburn r lew York, from whence he wrl X>aphne to marry him at once. Bents, and arranges to go to tor her troussea>i. CHAPTER IV?Bayard. bi bnphno, writes telling of his r? page and his departure for Eti Is bride Leila. Daphne and h Br* installed In Uayaxd's Hat Verb CHAPTER V?Wlmburn Intrc Bfflaiued and her mother to yJew York life. JJaphn* make Ence or "Tom" ruane, man ai Is greatly attractadLby Dai d and his wife retuni unsxp CHAPTER VI?The three t Base arrange a shopping occur fur? Daphne's trousseau. CHAITFU VTI -Trom Dutllti Bids ooatumer, the two young Bur expensive gowns o? oredl m furious over expense, seelag I (head Daphne. Indignant, do Will earn her own living, and I jpag< merit with Wlmburn. 8h< ties Ketnhle. popular stage fa< Mlteves she has the ability I ffc-' same success. CHAPTER VITI-Danbne InV o visit her at the Il.tLf anil as Brooure a theatrical frfWltlon f<i Agrees, but assumes an attlii foctloa, which Daphne resents CHAPTER TX?Dunne npola Arranges a meeting for l>up Reben. theatrical mngnate. Kel Bo give her a ohnnee. II: i tiers o ' ige tnannger, after r "trjrtut mrs 'o llssuade her from title W&ler the profession, but she ?>er severe. CFfAI'TKR X?Daphne's first a fiasco, and Re ben advises I VP Idea of going on the staj/ noouragos her. OIIM-fEP XT?Wester Vto g'api'ne, arrives NT w York {' ws of financial eata.-tropbe. tack to Cleveland with Mrs. ^Hiiiuii' iaK('H a room with Mr CHAPTKR XTT?Pndden lllnc ramble, Ueben'fl leading la 'spline her rhiC're, but her a #1 -n,.il failure. She la again c CHAPTKR XTTT?Daphno Rl\ position wilh lieben. flMT'TKR XIV rtnphne i resume their relations as nr Sn- begins to look for YOtltlined to support herself <? -war < cises i I iv to love his pn Bavatd's "n'ary Is out In half fetes in Wall street and loses ? < " I \ PTKK XV Ravard appr ^ntin'i for financial aid onlv t ph\ i nil man is in a worse situ #ilmsi'li. Leila's Jewels go to ?h o|>. <"11 APTRn XVT?Paphne'a s ynrk Is unsuccessful. as is <* fbii.. s look bla<-k Indeed. CHAPTKR XVTT TViphno go JlO" addressing envelopes. but slN She secures another, t ii? the manager ami lei CHAPTKR XVTT I ? Tn d Jjapl ne i epts emplpviiii it fins a model, lluyard and Ola raged. CHAPTKR XIX?Dimnr Invlti to I ave dinner with iiiin. at back urges la-r to in omc bis Silo omtiat.s Ins is .1 though touched by I : e\ I letli and tt.i | --.tnlt . of i life . Jeian wlie b in i fieri d In r ami rcriii: * "I don't think so." "Y<>u don't know how pl<\i to tit I k lifo and love to u wo flo>?n't rear nj> and fool in everything. At first you gn rouplo of how-dure-yoii's, I don't count. And if you do ^ little more, why, so much t When I thought you hud l>r< Wiinhurii I said to myself. ' no girl In the world for me to ask her to marry mi mis afraid to, for I was afral flage. And then?I? Well, not? Yes, I will. 1 said, - - A . doves that men and women tnd have equal rights, and trg to get out and hustle fo like n little man. Muyhe ? learn to love me well enou Ho a partnership of heurts ft lint 1 said to myself. Yoi think it's because I don't Cleave to one woman; It's I Jo. I',ut 1 hate handcuffs. fee? And now you know wl J reaming of. What do you it ?" The answer to his long on omplcte silence. Dunne w >i answer, and, not getting H jnrshly: "Well, that's that, infioer on our program will >id entitled '1 Never Dren Dump My Head.' Go on! M A'Unburn on nothing a yeur ilserahly ever after." She said nothing to thl J) was in a wretched sta lament. He put the ear to iinl it ripped through .spaei jilles an hour. Itapline ha terror added to the load serves. The ear v. n? hounding uj 'V THE IIRTEINrh ANDHENTjit s. P M iKLnubnth \ 25U n ia 11 3 s?-i" orrnjOArr jy fttHMrab. Oxjrr*nx [C^gWmm ? M ^ ' ssue. I nellnc toward the swerve of a head- fflr/ ///^and cut In rigid silhouette by the far- WM/l // //' caching searchlight of a car ap- jBm'< / 'h f y preaching from the other direction. ye I// , I ^ > lay Wim- '),,I,no kept well to the outside of the / /'/, // \ visit to road, but just as he met the other l-y A / \ y A a Daphne motor and winced In the dazzle of its / f ' 1 ' lumps, a third ear trying to pass It oil /j^tr nr? of the the curve hurtled Into the narrow *?? lm* "Pmw with n blaze like lightning sear1 lag the eyes. There was a yelling and / etuma to hooting of horus and a sense of distes urging She con- aster. Tired as She > New York Daphne bent Iter head and prayed I for life, but without faith. Dunne, oth??r of half-blinded, swung his front wheels broke on a wen irope wtih ?n' H'o road and grazed a wall. The hun ?f debt and er mother rear wheels were not quick enough, dawned again. at New The other car smote them, crumpling before her. jtluces his D"' mudguard and siloing off the rear Wisdom whis luxurious lamp. - - Dunne at his w? B ACQUtli rt? t>out town. Daphne was thrown this way and adventure, llov 'hne. Way- that, and It seemed that her spine 1? worst* confut must have snapped In a dozen plaens. nhont her now? ivomen at When she opened her eyes again the Ing mall arrive* Bion to ss- ear was standing still. Dunne turned large envelope a to her with terrified questions, and hand. She open* i, fiutfilon- '*'s ktinils visited her face ami Iter a sheaf of photo) ;er wim?n nrttts nrtfl shoulder*. He lo-ld her lief fpl^q f'3 j hard hands fast and peered Into her eyes repeated lay In while she promised him that she wus tombed proofs * (^hHa'scon no'- 'l"ud. never a wrinkle, to'acbisv^ The car that had bested his did not looked straight i *V* return, but the other did, offering help that once she hi itf>9 T>uati? from a safe distance till its identity photographer ai 'r'her*" H? XV,M 1,1 l'1'' Dgrlit of its caught her eye a me of at" lamp Duane got down and examined Dull? was pressei Ills own ear Itesldcs the damages in Site made him igizoa and t In- rear, it had sustained u complete would his expr 11 j |]p yy | ( U lam ngre.-a iraelure of the front axle, a twisted learned that she "i, s lt'iiiiiT, iinii a snuuereu ii?*ii?nl^nt. sun, censed r?> mpVinV'to Tin* driver of th?; other car came heroine Toin Din decides to 1111 and joined tlie coroner's inijticst. She shuddered lie stared at I>unne, and cried in (lie and (lie thoueht rehearsal lone nf all Mntrlisli nrlsto< rat. "Hole the Joy of r"Uil -r hle<s my soul, ain't you Tom Dunne?" All the philosnpl l>nane. blinking in the lleht, peered luMiries were ai r.l '' hlns and said: "Vop! 1 imi'i sea of thai Mime. wYtli dire von, hut the voice would be Wrth- She lifted Ills He Root ... ,, Kip. ere!. with hllal eajre s chtvvls. "Itijrht-o: it's me. Oh, pardon nn\ paltered ruinous is of Misi you're not alone. Nobody hurt. I hope u?s sutislled to Rive* and pray." In Cleveland ha ila.soie?i!'bj "No. tint we're pretty far from hom< Wimhurn?"old and counlry." Suddenly she on up hei "I see! Iliim-m! l'lty 1 couldn't Ret ?.|-rll and Ids inn the mniiher of the swine that hit you. f,.|t so r? newedl> nnd cia? rather fancy I'll lia\e to rIvc you a p seemed her du i inena-ij IIft?what? I was out on a taruraroo laike I.eila for ...'V! ak of hunt, hut that w ill w ait?If you don't dcriae at Newpo ettlon. and mind trusting yourself to had coin- rlotis to see hoi He speea- , ivarvthintf pa , receive tin- new , , .. I Mia lie lowered his voice anxiously, asked for her. als to his ... o ilnd the 's 't very laid. jpp sp,. found "hft pawre Wetherell put the mute on Ids voice, lunch and slu "Ar Rood as yours, I'll wnRer. But niean ciioURh to enrch fo s n<,t Into family history. Colin; J,p?. And this w fay's, and nlone and we'll take you to the next ||mn Leila's. neutral port. That would he?" I.eila was Ju: ts a po?d- onkers. thai the butchi! tho iirin "Oh, \es. I fancy those were tin moraine's order >nt la in- v. ,. .. # ..... .. ivr?H *"?"? i "' %??? - iihimikii ? nun ? mi^ui fifviiior, osp(,ratfon bnck- Well, come along." boy to Henri the ?>m i>utilh Dunne was embarrassed, but hi the money came y are en- Co?|(] ,io nothing except take NVeth Ha.vard had in ercll to his car anil introduce him ti grin of his sttui n,!rih,n" Daphne. "Miss Kip," he said, "I'v? snarled at Lei hi: " M.wr're'^' got to present Mr. Wetherell. Hi the at back i.MMiietns wants us to ride with him as far at Then I'll go ot .r'Vie I'nt Vnnkers. We'll get another cat butcher." definitely there.' Leila ilismlssi W.tlie.came close and said faint-hearted si "I?r he eiy Mrs. Kip? I can't set Then she came sant it is you .a.. hope you are the fu&clnur* now we have no man who ,n- V,,v K1I 1 ""'l Newport Muvi Bayard was n led at yeu forgotten :ue so soon'/" the last resort ive me a "t am Mis> Mp,' said Daphne. "We!*., .ne vegcl lint they "'Oil, se sorry! i don't mean that, novel to eat m liate me either. Hut ay Mrs. Kip vvas a strep ioor, but my 1 he better. ?Leila was her lirsi name, l called company. Look ken with hei Oe-leila, yon see. And she called ' " '"'e s m ?be Site's the uic Samson. Slie was it- " hoi-kei turning i I'm go- "Slie is my brother's wife," satd 811,1 dot a penny But I I>aphno. r"y "as to oori d of mar- "Oh, you don't tell me!" Wetherell time notes nt m I'll better gulped, nan Ids abrupt silence >vic tnil own curient olli 'She be- of startling Implications tha? alarmed "Look at Kuro are eipml Daphne, angered Dunne, and threw over there were she's go- Wetherell into confusion. Mich debt r herself, Dunne helped Daphne to alight from how they could die could the derelict and transferred iicr to next pay da; gh to go the other ear, where Wetherell intro- mortgaging th< That's duced them to a mass of shadow property to pa; ii mustn't whose name. "Mrs. Beltnnv." meant sons. , want to not 11111k to Daphne and everything to, "Jt*s tin* old because I Dunne. -.?. ?i,w 1 ' nient that wc'v I>o you Dunne arranged to have a wrecking to filmier*. An .nt I was crew sent out to liis roadster, and punishment we'i Hiink of chartered a touring car and a ohuuf- "s heginnli fetir for the trip into New York. They sat tlowi ntlon was He sat hnek with Daphne and mtir- meatless, rnaldh aifetl for mured prayers for forgiveness ho- More than the i I. laughed cause of the dangers he had carried water of ('oh The next her Into and for the things he had fetched what vie he a hal said. Daphne's nerves had been After the m? in hut I overworked. She had been rushed Into his over< o arry Clay from adventure to adventure of soul kissing Ids wife and live and hotly. She had been invited to Daphne and I enter a career of gorgeous sin. and kitchen, set the s, either she had been swept along the edge of and the pun tine te of bnf a fearful disaster. turn'd on the ho Its paces, Mrs. Chlvvls met Daphne nt the glad to be at w f? at fifty door. Her recent affection had turned "There's one (1 a new again to scorn, and she glowered nt amall meal," tsh of her Daphne, who crept to her room In )esH dishes to w hopeless acceptance of the role of ad- mueh trepldatioi Q. ft steep venturers. thy accused iust< \ IN C' -ni- ? L\ 1 The Reily-Taylor Company /I \ f*~? J New Orleans It IV I Ml '<Y(Jr>\ Gt'AHAS IT K It Ml ! A^'Wl l?. .1 L l?U ..In.' ..I.IHlIK ..I / M' *.??>. ] will r.-fiind ih.- muiii-) you imJ .or II. ? ->**- imtain" Mti i i ii i i-iB'i ry ^ yon henrd that yonr conntry was at - '7/// wurV" J I if? h?'L" I PI [I * V>7 ^11. n Mg. strapping follow like =r I "T , J'i [j|j 7/1/1} yo,) ought to Oe over there lighting for * I 1P| I \ h'H ,oun,r>' instead ot looking for I \ j Wetherellfl panic at the domeatle ( '1 ^ | Hi tun lion was forgotten in the attack #V- on lils patriotism. He drew himself rS?|^X np with an unconsciously military an* wo'^v it s ^ tomntlsm and said, "I fancy I'm doing Cvr wLwfflaL^^^^A ua hiucli service here as I could do "More, perhaps," Hayard sneered. \\vi Y\ with contemptuous Irony. "Hut that's ^Y^.y/Tl! i/^^'i your business. not mine. Mrs. Kip la \ \ VV tI* "iy hush iukI I don't Intend to have mKMIher siih.ii '! your?your utten <x x a y\?g|BMg|re/fyi I III lions, i mmiip to no neuirai, nui ?^>- '% W"" 'v,? worn<(' ^ou* ^oo(* P\Itnvnrd joined To lln In the vosfihnla \\ r\\l nn(' ,'"'-v weni tip I" the elevator toll *] HHpl^ Mp A tret her. She united till they were In I 1 YVAgBfcLMatI |l their own apartment before she do| I 1 mnnded mi account of the con versa* \ \ 1 jB :Wf wR | ' Into itnother. She divided her wrath \ Y7 J v ' between llayard and Daphne. 1 here was enough for both. Daphne tried You Heard That Your Country " __ Was at War?" H'mntnuecl in Next Issue.! POTATO, (WIWAt.'K AM) TOMATO PLANTS I OH S A I.I*:. (lovrnnient inspec ted Nnoey 11:11 and Porto !li *o Potato Plants eady ait r March -'nth Hook your order with me now and be lire to ^et tlieiu when u.inti I and ;it i nht price Also have CahPlants each week, and Tomato Plants after March 25th. 'hone 1112. W. I). ( II \MHKKS. I.. iV ( . Depot. I,\\< \s'| l it. sol I II < Mini IN \ ??? ?? ?? ? ' oiij?KB???a??? ??? ~ E There's I Solid Comfort i) banking at a bank you can rely on: a bank where coniorvatisni is always maintained and interest charges are ilways low. This applies to those who do their banking ; it Our Always Popular Bank Those who have got into the habit of banking here will ?'ll you it is a hank that does as agreed. Those who have lot yet transacted business with our bank are losing .omething every day they delay it. The most liberal service consistent with sale conservative banking are yours for the asking. ?THE? First National Bank LANCASTER, S C. 'has. I). Jones. President, E. M. Croxton, Vice-President and Cashier. Ira II. Jones, Jr., Assistant Cashier. B ?? , .J I LANCASTER NEWS, LANCASTER. S. C. was slio could not faltered: "Oh. say. Leila, do you reigor of the morning nii-nthcr u man named Wetherell?" window. A gray day Leila dropped a plate. She suld It was hot. llut other plates had been ii\\A\([/ iir wi hot' I \ ill ' fflU "Wetherell? Wetherell?" she poni*.' | LA i'I 'fjjll dered, aloud, with uo unconvincing I* mtV" l/ill '''III uncertainty. "I believe 1 do remem( 7 ~ III] /J 111 'H>r nieetlng somebody of thut nurne. f zsmltorn E,:.tivwt her J b iV I "Hit, yes. He was at Newport, I \m thlnk- w,?y?" ( M i"Oh, nothing. I mot him last night nn<' ',e thought I was you." i.1 (%i i ^Smi '/ "How could he?" Leila gasped. "We ' JWh J\ i don't look the least alike." j*i m(U "^n dark I Good heavens 1 Already Leila had gained the wenth* ? ^ Q li'L L er gauge. Daphne had to confess her I t, BWr A outing with Duane, the crash of the B ^A collision and the return to Yonkers r / J]/yr,JSmj\ In Wetherell's car. Leila took advan- I, ^If tage of the situation to luterpolute: si ^tj 1 "Good lionvons! now could you? fit / jBMsSrBt,'' You of all people! And with Tom/ V J JfrMWBfinBf' Duune! What would Clay thlpk?" u > / Daphne knew that she had no right M f/SBF to reproach Leila for having known v r JrP '' Wetherell In Newport. She had no I / Jf 'Jfht even to suspect that Leila had 1 // verstepped any of the bounds of pro/ ?>rlety. And still she wue not con* vlnced of Leila's innocence. She wus Was, She Could Not merely silenced. . <jt. * $? * ( Sleep. , ' , , CHAPTER *XI. ??> ry town. I he prob- The next day her fears of Wetherell food and new clothe, ^ <>f L|i|,a werp rek,ndu>(1> She went - ~ Everything was graj d()wu t<( ||sk Haynrd tn ,ui|l> ,u.r truce Clay, ltayard was out and Leila was pered her to takt on tjH, pu|nt nf leaving. She was ird and tr> the great dressed in her kllllngest frock and ? i ituini it nriiiK nt'i j,a( and generally accoutered for condon thnn she fount! quest * ^ And thru the morn uA^t wp Rrnn(1Dnphne rriod. I nnd lirouuht her c *.Yo? Iook llke u ndlllou dollura. T~ ddressed In a Strang w,H>ro u off to?.. __ 'd " took from 1? ..(JnlnK f(|r H ,|tUe Rpln/. graphs. "Who with?" Wi'e*-' U UUACJ Lallu liet>Ualed a uiyuicpt, then foil' her. The nil answered. with a chuUenKliiK defl- a ?in It ted never a llm? anee: "With Mr. Wetherell. Any obOne of the pletnrei j?M-tIon?" /T N nt ln-r. She reenllei Daphne disapproved nnd felt afraid; X\V-> id stood hark of tlu ,mt wl)(.n Havard CHIIlH ln unexpectid her father hat! (mI,v v uad ask,.(1 for L(.,la paphne ?|\ \ nd smiled Just as the ,M.(j ,a,.v|ta,,)y nad 8ald she dld uut know where she was. inftk smile like that. What s|i(. ,,, (.aslm, ;|hout iti HI ession be when l.? j<avard nnlRht ?r,t at 1It> wnfl H h:" ""V"":1 n" ah-' in a state of tindery lrrl- Ml he his daughter, ane 1al),Htv> aad i,aplm,es efforts to re- IJlT v assure him as to Leila's innoeence o| uKT\ Ino k from the word |)||V guile only anuereil him the more. MP"' She forgot both n U(> k,.pj leaning out of the window bW, Ion with her father j nI|d 8jai?ing down Into the street. Ft- alia ... S W.SU..HKS un.i! m|1|v vspvlnK L,.ila in Wotlierell'e f\ \ itswered by the logh , rar\vl|1.;s 1; aj^.i I ii.e apart- V\ \ I merit house, In- dashed to the elevator > pictured lips to Iter* I |IIl(1 Itl,.| lvvo Ilt the curb. trie*.-, and lei tears-. when Leila got out ttbit wns .startled "Had ' x "" 'I"""1- ,s|r* see hltn standing at her elbow. he what, the jeweler 'pj,,.r0 wua nothing for her to do hul il called her to^Clay make the Introductions. ? Wes Kips K,r'- "Oh, It's yon. dour!" she fluttered. remembered Weth- MI V|lU |o Mr WetherelL I ssaue- to Leila. Sslie Mr Wetlierell. my husband." virtuous herself that ?Ah!" Wetlierell exclaimed, j ty to go ,low 11 and r.-- ,() hls UIt,.Ilsln,.SH. ,s j her apparent phihtn- ,s* a ,||( ?f l v(t hoan, so I rt. S te was also > u- ej,olJ| Vou! Your w ife does nothing 1 t a- guilty Leila would ,m( ^ vour pr!lls,.s.? \ s s that Wetlierell had . . .. , m "Wont you come up? salil lsayarc 1 .... ? ominously. I i Hayard at home for ....... . ? . .. ? ... . "l.r?thanks?no, not today. I m u 3 * wns neither mad nor ...... . I. . S Confuse Leila heiore trlM" to ""-^-appointment. I as rather for his sake "Thon rn havo H w,,r? w,,h VnU I liere, sulci Bayard. Hun akntf q St informing Ilnyard Lellu; I'll Join you In u minute." t ht,d delivered the ,,, Ha,d 11 Leila .no farther than the United. The spectacle of rival buck* i and instructed his ll"r,,s 1,1 h, r Ulnputo Is not ah I meat up only after toother enjoyable to a civilized doe. I ,jown Leila went Into the vestibule uud 1 ... . watched through the glass door, ex- 1 ? money and the cha- .... ... . - necune n rimiimi. tsne couiu UOI Deal itlon whs hitter. He , ..... ,, . , . , Bayard saying: Ifll the cub to taik?' ; and eat It himself "Mr. W ctlioroll. 1 d thank you to pa, ,cr and butcher tin >'om attentl?>n? elsewhere. "What's that?" Wetherell gasped at d the boy with a I the at,uckiiiw Of Indignation "Your attention* to Mrs. Kip are hack and said, "Ann Vt'ry distasteful to tue." , meat to eaL" "My dear fellow, 1 hope you don't 'duc.d to philosophy imagine f?r one moment that? Why, ot the desperate: j >'"ur wlf<> 19 the firu'st "ttlo gill in arians say we ought! l*"' world!" eat, anyway. WVr. 1 "That's for me to say, ,iot you!" /ord 1 we're In grand "M>' " onl! ,h,s 18 "'"axing!" ? Hi tti> cartoon "It ,s- indeed. It will be more than Sun -Ka'hei i\nicke? J?u around again. Had lis poekets 'iislde on in them. .New V ('"* lil-AI'.W t.ll I l'..S I UK I \ \ , row money on short- N > o n I. in ter - h - r gh interest to ps> itfc , , ksn-he lie ola. lies, or .1 lir> ii g ,ri .11 ran afford to ignore tli s pe. All the countrie? t i . ... Tl'ESPAY. MARCH 11, 1919. ???"i ? f Heal a [/ flew Orleans Coffee | I ll ^ Lu z rmxie is distinctly ji a Southern coffee for II South em people.New II i Oilear is is it: home.sir. I and i lewOrleans lias g the reputation of male- I ing tlie best coffee i in die wliole United II KVFMV POI'ND SOI.n IN AN / C? . INDIVIDl'AI. AlH-riUHl TIN CAN W 1 ?* fTr'l1 A t*k tta, T KtnmhlliiK aloiia UU. .. , . '<> I' i. i-nil 11 in .1 t' tinionv that they wondered f meet the Interest on " ' ' 1 ' y. And now they are ' elr great-grandsons Mrs It M <J.i n?- llnx No si s y for shooting their Kalis S C . av "S. m iiiit- ago I as. (1 I loan s Kidney Pills rhlrteenth i niiimiinil in,l found ih on so s <i r.i< : o\ that ^ e all been smashing , , h,.Hi,ilt< IO ,,m oinme d them (I, my <io?l I what a . , I ' ... . I ii I?I flv Mv kindnevs were ihsor re all getting! Ami .. dered ami I had backaches and dlz n to a pitiful menl? 'V- nervous spells I used lioan's ss. mirthless?luirdly Kidney Pills and they m<- ?\<!| raw turnips ?nd eold and strong at-aln." (Stat-meni itiel Sellers. l/elln given March IMi, 1 1 1 i 'tuul there was. liver three year, later Mrs ('.lines nt Bayard shrugged saj(j; "| haven't had to use Uoan's ?t and left without Kidnov ,.m? in a foi or his sister goodhy . .. . . . . . . cured me of kidney trouble. .M1 .el la went out to the .... . . , , ... ... h:i<k has been stroiie and inv k >1 t dishes In the l?m lor the faucet. Leila noy* ''^"lar ?lnce last recommend t water. I>aphne was '"K I hums. d . I. Hrl/u. <? nil r. Ma*!*! B 1 urn. " " " " fj good thing about a simply ask for a kidney remedy a e chlrj'i'il, "It makes net I Man's Kidney Pills the same jj ash." Then, with as that Mrs. Gaines had Foster-Mil- J i as If she had been ? t Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y ' Hid of tjie aeeiiser she ^(jy MOMl . /