PAGE EIGHT VERY CLOSE VOTE ON |?OVKRN? BILL FOR RELIEF WORK! HKmj J ('open ha troops hai ConiniilliT Approves the Frew- , ' buildings Mont's Request for $ltMMNMUMH> 1 ?f governt For Sufferers in Europe. ' ing the ca ' The Be Washington, Jan. 9.? By a vote ^er^nKs^e described as "very close," the house informatio appropriation committee approved tacans ha the request of President Wilson that 'quiet was congress appropriate $100,000,000 ??? for relief work in Kurope outside of ? Germany. The bill, as finally agreed upon, will be reported to the house and Chairman Snerley said he would; eeek prompt action. Opposition to the President's pro-| posal was not on party lines. Demo-! crats as .well as Republicans voicing disapproval. No announcement of J the vote was made, but it was un-, derstood that it was seven to six. ' I Some members were said to have protested that a comprehensive plaD for the administration of the relief hould have been presented to the committee. They were also under- ^ stood to have expressed doubt q whether the country in view of the heavy war tnxes and another loan1 j; next spring, would approve of the direct gift of any part of the money, j or be able to sustain added financial q burdens. ^ PEACE ARCHITECTS ? GET TO BUSINESS (Continue 1 From Page One.) i or Belgium are declared to be incorrect, as it is pointed out that the q present war went on despite The ' Hapue conventions and the peace or- ^ garizations at The Hague, Berne and other places. j tj Versailles, on the contrary, is felt j, to embody the spirit of the present movement for the restoration of ^ peace on an enduring basis and the creation of a league of nations, and mlso to have practical facilities which ^ its proximity to a large capital gives. ^ CONVMCED OF TANUC .' RV Ain RIVFN wiPFil U I I HIS UIIL.I1 llll L s Husband Says She Added Fifteen Pounds on Four Kettles. ? c DOUBLE ENDORSEMENT 3 Knew Tanlac Would Help Him Greatly When He Began It, C and Tells Details. I Cases in \which two or more people in the same family have been so greatly benefited by Tanlac that they have offered a double endorsement of this famous Master Modi- I???? cine are common. When you see a person relieved of suffering and made strong again, it is the most! natural thing in the world for you ? to want the same benefits. This Is 1 how Charles K. Whitmore, of 103 ? Bradford St., Albany, N. Y., happened to take Tanlac. "My wife, who had been all run down and nervous and getting weaker right along, began to take Tanlac," Mr. Whitmore explained. 1 "Weil, of course, I watched the re- I ults and it was wonderful to see the way it built her up. On four bottles *he gained fifteen pounds. I had been doubtful about Tanlac, but vmn that settled me. When I started Tanlac I codld hardly eat one good meal in a whole week. From suffer-i Ing with a bad stomach 1 had become dl*6d nervous and restless at night and all run down. Instead of digest-; fng my food would lie like lead on my stomach and sour and fermenti COX and form gas. Uecause 1 had sour! JLIB stomach?acid stomach?so long, my mouth had gotten sore. I could 6vei not sleep restfully but would wake with ?p every hour or two and would roll and toss. I was tired In the morn-! tific. Ing and by mid-afternoon I was so! fired out It seemed I couldn't get through the day. I had lost all am-| sistt bition and I did not care. Seeing what Tanlac had done for my wife now encouraged me to take It, and I was the! not surprised when it began to brace me up right away. It did as much for me as it did for her. I slept right through the night, woke solii up rested, with a good appetite and l was able to enjoy my meals. My food digested, and the gas. bloating: and sour stomach disappeared. I felt like a new man. and the old,] tired, worn out feeling went with the rest of my troubles." t Tanlac, the master medicine, It old exclusively by J. F. Markcy. jl Lancaster; Peoples Drug & Grocery I Co.. HeAth Springs; C. O. Floyd. I Kershaw.?Adr. % * fHE LANCAS IKNT TROOPS AT STORM WARNINGS I>1! IN CONTROL SITUATION Washington, Jan. 9.?Stt i. a in^8 are displayed on the < igen, Jan. 9.?Government Wilmington, to New York re occupied all the public tlonnry advice8 have bee in BeYlin and thousands, points on the New England nent troops are still enter- weather bureau reported t ipltal. * rlin correspondent of the INDICTED FOR THE New York. Jan. 9. i Tidende, who sends this 0 . _ . . Schefiauer, poet and autl n, declares that the Spar-! tjve gan Francisco, boi I ve been beaten and that man parents, was indicted partly restored today. ' the federal grand jury foi A Hank No. 222. die First National Banl Have you realized the risk you are taking in ke< * Liberty Bonds around the house? The Federal Reserve Bank has notified us that Is of Liberty Bonds have been stolen and lost air TO SAVE THE BOND HOLDERS OF LANCAS JNTY from this kind of loss, we have opei ERTY BOND DEPARTMENT and will be gla y bond owner in this county to deposit their 1 1 us and receive one of our Liberty Bond Deposil ates. This service is offered you entirely free; as w ed the Government in selling you these bonds, w ready to provide a safe way for you to take a n. Your banking business of every nature is cor nted. ?THE? l First National Ban] LANCASTER, S. C. Statement of the Condition of the Farmers Bank & Trust Co, .ocated at Lancaster, S. C., at the close of busi ness December 31st, 1918. RESOURCES. loans and Discounts .$233,223.5' Overdrafts 9,355.15 tonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 54,750.0< 'urniture and Fixtures 4,752.9' tanking House! >ue from Banks and Bankers 92.998.6( lurrency *22,967.0( told 1,205.0( ilver and Other Minor Coin 1.478.65 ihecks and Cash Items 2,217.8' Total $440,570.9' LIABILITIES. tapital Stock Paid in $ 50,000.0( urplus Fund 25,000.0( Jndivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 3,939.55 dividends Unpaid 4.0C ndividual Deposits Subject to check $213,461.96 avings Deposits 9,962.26 'ime-Certificates of De posit 59,988.20 ashier's Checks 3,214.96 286,627.3$ Jotes and Hills Rediscounted 25,000.06 tills Payable, including: Certificates for Money Borrowed 50,000.0( Total $440,570.9' TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Lancaster?ss. Before me came Max G. Brittain, Cashier of th< bove named bank, who, being: duly sworn, say: hat the above and foregoing statement is a tru< ondition of said bank, as shown by the books o: aid bank. MAX G. BRITTAIN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8tl ay of January, 1919. W. H. MILLEN, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. H. Millen, W. P. Robinson. YV. P. BENNETT. Directors. iberty Loan Departmen OF TER NEWS, LANCASTER, 8. I SPLAYE1).| jrm warnroast from , and cau- _ n sent to 1 1 ^ Lancaster IASOX. . 4 THE BES ?Herman lor, a nam sofe^w I I ) This importai ) on floor covering r provides stocks th r even the most crit The sale com ) demand. The fol . tured: ) ) $12.50 Fibre,Rugs,: $15.00 Wool Fibre I I $111.50 Floor Kraft > HI $15.00 Value Grass III $29.50 Velvet lings, ||r $52.50 Velvet Hugs ^ HI $55.00 Velvet Rugs IN $59.50 Wilton Velv j| $42.50 Wilton Velvi HI $45.00 Wilton Velv \ II $52.50 Wilton Veil J $59.50 Axniinster I 1 HI $42.50 Axniinster I || $45.00 Axniinster ] j $52.50 Axniinster ] ; | $05.00 Seamless A jj $75.50 Seamless W t BLANKl at\ { eping I hun- I g eady. I ^ 5TER icd a 1 ^ timely evei ^ ^or | Good blankets and , I can always use the] Dorms I J I be extravagance in It is hardly lil I will b?? so low nirni re as* I Blankets priced.. e ar? I Comforts priced . . ire of I Sheets Hitfh quality I stock of sheets an< assortments of all k serviceability beca I are satisfactory, i I obtainable. -K!= 0 - .11 I ' Departmer T PLACE TO SHOP AFTE finter Floor ( ilRuj j "'J11 nt sale offers extrei s of the highest gra iat are sufficiently ical housekeeper, es at a time when ] Slewing bargains ar size 9x 12?Special I?nil -a ? ? ?<^ ? '9 UAMV ?/<\ arf K '|/X * 1(41 lilies, size 9x12?Special . . Rugs, size 9x12?Special. . . size 9x12?Special , size 9x12?Special size 9x12?Special et Rugs, size 9x12?Special, et Rugs, size 9x12?Special. . et Rugs, size 9x12?Special. ,Tet Rugs, size 9x12?Special fugs, size 9x12?Special. . . . fugs, size 9x12?Special . . , Rugs, size 9x12?Special.. . Rugs, size 9x12--Special. . . xiuiuster Rugs, 9x12?Speei iltou Rugs, 9x12?Special.. Fine Grades of ITS and COM rery Special Pri it of extraordinary interest comforts such as these never m. and at the prices now quo >t to buy as many as you <*an i tely that prices on good blanl a for many months. : and Pillow and assured economy are th 1 pillow cases, which at prrs< the staple grades. Vou can < uisc we handle onlv the gnu \nd you are sure of getting In V. FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1911 ~~ > it Stores R ALL/' Coverings is nely low prices ides and it also bread to satisfy rugs are in high e specially fea $10.95 $12.95 $11.95 $10.50 $25.00 $27.50 $29.50 A/1 $37.50 $39.50 $45.00 $35.00 $37.50 $39.50 $45.00 al $52.50 $57.50 [FORTS ices to housekeepers, come amiss?yon led here, it would ise. \ets and comforts . .$2.75 to $18.00 . . $3.50 to $25.00 Cases e features of our nt includes lar^e lepend upon their les that we know re t lie best values I ?4