The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, January 10, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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fripay; January 10, 1919. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN 4 Birth. state highwa; Born to Mr. und Mrs. Sam lluv- feet that cot per, January 4. 1919. a son. have been i ??? automobile Moves to Kershaw. secured new W. F. Kstridge, a leading citizen1 of the Midway section of the county,' " has moved his family to Kershaw This Is fro and Is occupying the Talley home Mr. W. II. B which he recently purchased. surance and ?" - spent last w< Attend Course at Wintlimp. while he was Misses Juanita Neelv and llattie one niglit a McMerray. home demonstration individual ca agent and assistant home demon- Brown said: stration agent, respectively, are at- do you want tending the special course for home from Wilmin rlomAnatrnt ion n trnn t u of '* - 1 ,1^ ? '? ?*V ?* III V || | ?? || I Ml college this week. | something." ?o? coin and thei County Commissioners Meet. | ed down tlio The annual meeting of the board bis North Ca of county commissioners was hold the beggar i at the office of the board Wednesday, soon as I he Much business of a routine nature 'Nigger.' he was transacted but there was noth- doy say 'mist ing of importance coming before the he gets noth " board. j Teachers Meet Tomorrow. Mrs. J. P. The regular monthly meeting of seriously ill the Lancaster county teachers asso- oral days at 1 ciation will he held at the Central ?as reported school in this city tomorrow morn- ment at the ing. beginning at 11 o'clock. \ press, feature of the meeting will be a general discussion of the night adult Cotton Cii school work already under way in According this county. Rogers, direr ?o? census. 1'nlti Kershaw Town Klectlon. commerce, tl An election will be held in Ker- Lancaster cc shaw on January 27, for the selec- LI, 20.475 ] Hon of an intendant and four war- 14.258 to tl dens. Dr. L. T. Gregory and T R. Rarnwell eoi Clyburn are candidates for Intend- ot;n bate* .nit and those in the iace for wardens ?nd with f> are C. O. Floyd. T. K Fletcher, J has ginned : M. Lowery, C. R. Itlackmon and A. 'he same da I, Cook. 3?i? against ?o? against 2 0.1 Xow Hunk for York. against York is to have another bank, making three for the town. The Woi name of the new institution is to be The name the People's hank ami the capital mond. Lane; will he $r?0,nn0. The establishment casualty of the new bank is largely due to ('. papers this I.. Cobb and other Rock Hill men wounded se\ who interested a nu 111 her of York business men In the enterprise. The ?? ? ? ?m bank will occupy rooms on Main 1 tn*et that formerly housed the Loan nm,n'? that and Savings bank. fa nip ( 1 o 1 1 o'clock bj Mr. Chance's Funeral. Funeral services over the remains GATHER! of A. W. Chance, who died at an Q|.- |^j. early hour Tuesday morning, were conducted by Rev. T II. Thacker and Rev. \V. S. Patterson Tuesday after- Xlen From \ noon and interment was in the l'res- j(| < |,i*.JlK bvterlan cemetery. The pall bearers were John T. Green, J. T. Thomas- of son. W. II. Long, Millen Plyler. R. R. Riddle, W. P. Bennett and \V\ A. Chicago. Davis. Mr. Chance was a member fr0ni nearly of the Methodist church. today to att ?? Republican i I lev. Mr. Green Here. held tomorri Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Green are jn u nature visiting at the home of Mrs. A. C. at which th Carnes. Mr. Green has recently ac-| the congress copted a call to the Presbyterian' vemher will church at Kershaw and will move for the 192 thpre at an early date. He was for- discussed, merly pastor of a church at l^atta. Party leai ?o? eni^'s tonlgl Frank Couch Resigns. presidential Frank Couch. manager of the Among the county home, has resigned and will gossip were: move to Lancaster at an early date, oral Wood, His successor has not been named. Cummins, Si ?o? Taft, former Dr. I'otts Give* Dinner. New York, e Dr and Mrs. R. M. Potts gave a Massachuseti delightful dinner Saturday at their ?? i? iii? at rieasani vaney roiiipnrMMi- |qqqb t tv to the hitter's brother. S. M. "[pPOl Harnett, and his bride. Among ? } WW 1 tliose present were Mr. and Mrs. S. Jfi If / M Harrett. Mrs. F. (J. Potts, Miss Qj \Ji Nola Harnett. Miss Kdna Harris, Olin Qf Harris and Robert Ross. [r mhm ? ? T Junior Order Hanqiiet. i+J J The annual banquet of the Lan- J < tster council, No. 3fi, J O. U. A. M . and the I), of A. was held in their D2 hall Tuesday night. There were fl" Ij quite a number of members tftid vis- rfJ ? f 111 \ i iters present and addresses were [y made by Rev. T. H. Thaeker and ig friend: Uev VV S. Patterson. A service Mag containing 1 1 stars representing [jgfj members of the ord?'r in army ser- Jpj lotte, vice was unfurled." |g w:jj re (tot Your New Tag Yet? r ] tion a: Automobile licenses for 1918 ex- _J n oll( pired at midnight December 81 and, j 1 * If 19 tags on the rear of ye Ford and I pCCiall automobile are now In vogue. One ( ~ nionth of grace, however, Is allowed [ ? J?c delinquent tourists by the state j ] highway commissioners and tho > | s<^rvlC< '918 tag may pass the eye of thej "J and all vigilant officer without fear of being' 1 ? held up until Feb. 1. After that [ * ^ date nil motorists are expected to | display 1919 license tags, and thosei M 22-2t. who do not had "bottar watch out," jfinnn a* warning haa been Issued by tn?? SjCJlSfiSfl! THE LANCASTER NEWS, ; ? J oepl ND COUNTY PERSONA.*. .he ? ] v I Miss Mary Luther Tarrant, of Sajr department to the et-'vannah Ga ,8 the gue8t of Ml8B visi inty and city officers Pftri8 Elliotte. . nstructed to arrest all 0 drivers who have not Dr Mobley> of the Fennell infirm-1 Th" licenses February 1. ary( nock Hill, was here Tuesday un| j professional business. t fror His Folks." u m the Monroe Knquiter: Mr8 Q w pOOVey and children'; J rown of the Gordon In bave returned from Camp Grant, 111. vlsi Investment company, wbere they spent some time with ek in Philadelphia and I'oovey. of tiie medical corps pp ? going along the street} 0 J shabby-lookintr colornit I Miss Kdyce Dykes, of (Jreat Falls,' me "alongside" and Mi\ ,m8 to her home after a "See here. nigger. what ylsit t(J Mrg j. s. Wilson. . The reply was. "I'se ?o gton. Norf Carlina and! capt. Robert Craig has gone to the an(] : and please, sir. gimme recuperutton hospital at Hiltmore. ' t Mr. It row n gave him a Mrs. Craig is undergoing treatment . ha 1 it was the beggar call-Lt a hospital in Charlotte. ,he blessings of heaven on ?0? ; . trolina white friend and jjoy parks has been released from ^ *aid, "I knowed jist as army 8ervice and has returned home on -aril dat white man say. ?\ Jn(J was my folks. lTp here RRt ^v. F. Stoll arrived yesterday f or' to a colored man but from Carap Mereditn. N. J., having Wft( ing from 'em." recently reached that point from cou ? overseas. | Mil s. Hunter 111. ._n ! not Hunter, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Clyburn Wilson mo- Jar with Influenza for sev- tored to Honnettsville this morning wo her home on Barr street. to vjsU Miss lluckabee. I mo as showing no improve- ?0? t m time The News goes to Tlu, (?|vjr league held its regular meeting Wednesday afternoon at the <>()() ?r>?. ' Rod Cross rooms. wa, iiumI to December 13. I ?0? to the report of Sam Tj.j Mrs. J. B. Mackorell, of York, is tor of the bureau of th?*, V|sjtin>r relatives in town. __ i?d States department of ?o? , lore had been ginned in j Misses Fllza. I.ouise and Kathmnty prior to December prjno Wylie and Mr. John I). Wylle hales of cotton, against motored Tuesday to Columbia. ie same date last year. ?0? inty leads the state with Faile who returned rei, and Marlboro is sor-jCently from France is at home. 1.270. Kershaw county i ._ n?. .'7.6 7 7 against 15074 to, ^iss Dorothy Moore left Wedneste last year: York. 33.-! ,jay f()r Bono, where she has ac 24.008: Chester. 26.3241 -? - - ' 25: Chesterfield, 28.- ^ + + + + + + + + + 4 20l4o7_ BUSINESS NOTICES inded Severely. Lo; of Corp. John Ham-; FOIt SALK?Good faintly horse, ister. S. C.. appears in| Apply to K. It. ltiddle. 22-2t. list printed in the dally| . ' morning anions the FOR IlKNT Four rooms for Huh: ' " erely. housekeeping. Mrs. Geo. F. Fer? *? guson. 22-ltaw-tf. iiu 'it Cjliiiji |_ ? 1 Is requested to an- FOR SALE?Two Jersey heifers, 3 !ilt there will be preaching years old: fresh. .T. K. Helms eek Sunday morning at Lancaster, It. F. 1). 5. 22-2t. I''1 r Rev. II C. Dunn. 1 ? FOR SAI.K?New Dodge car. run ' '' NT, OF LEADERS only 700 miles, extra noti skid 1 aHJIH.ICAN PARTY ***' Pli,e S'". Apply to S. VV. Ferguson, Cataw ha. S. C. 22-lt. s,? . Stri early Every State Arrive \V.\NTKl>?We will pay seven rents ! u o to Attend Meeting each for good meal and hull bags Itei tional Coininlttee. delivered at mill. Lancaster Cot-pl.a ton Oil Co. 16-8t Cm ? Net Jan. 9.?Farty leaders WANTED HIDRS ? Cow, horse ] every state arrived herel rhule, sheep, goat hides, mink ?K.. ~?l v..m mc lut-viiuK ui niei muskrat, 'possum, fox, roon ] national committee to be skins. Capers Cautnea, White )W. The session will be, street. See me before you sell -j,( of a political love feast' your hides. 22-8t. o Republican victory at jn) lional elections last No- FOR HALE. ( be canvassed and plans As attorney for Mrs. Mamie L 0 presidential campaign Beckham. I will sell at Public auc! tlon for cash on the first Monday in tiers in informal confer- February. 1919, her house and lot, tit discussed probable located at the corner of French and candidates and issues.j Church streets adjoining the Presby- Ca| names mentioned in the terian church lot. in case the same is Sui General Pershing, Gen-| not sold at private sale before that Un Senator Lodge, Senator! time. This property is desirably lo- Int snator Knox, William 11 | rated and the dwelling has seven Governor Whitman, of, rooms. Clr ind Senator Weeks, of! W. P. ROBINSON, Attorney. Ne ta. Jan. 7th, 1919. 22-7t. TiihTiTdfiinijnrdnifiaihi^ J ST A WORD FROM |; fie PIEDMONTi . N. Perry has been released from his service in the [ 2 and is spending a few days in this city with I ? 0,1 ? and relatives before returning to Charlotte, N. C. j ( ?rry was connected with Piedmont Hotel, of CharlPj nn when he entered the service last September, and Ff] , turn to Charlotte in a few days to take up his posi- Mj * chief clerk and assistant manager of the Pied- 31 and will make ready for ail coming guests es- [ 1 L,a y from this city. I I i! :ites, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per day with first-class [ j Sf;( ? and everything strictly sanatary, newly painted I j I rooms newly furnished and thoroughly renovated. | J rHE PIEDMONT HOTEL, Charlotte, N. C., | J ' ? J. H. Clements, Proprietor. r I LANCASTER. S. C. led the position of principal of county was rep school. j'Coker, of Harts ?o? State Council u yin. Boykin, of Charlotte, was a Jones, of Lanci tor in town Thursday. county. Charles -o? a keen interest 'aul McCorkle, of \ ork, spent was represente irsday in Lancaster. ' ithett. A. V. S 1 It. L. Montagu* . H. Witherapoon has returned w|,8on Qf Rocfc n a business trip to Atlanta. j pre8entatlve. . C. Massey, of Kershaw, was a ' ,iul "n,x ' , ... , , <". R. Scarboroi tor in Lancaster \\ ednesday. ^ | Horry. Rlchlai I represented bv ACE AUTOMOBILE I ?,,K.WS LICENSE SI PER H. P las n. ivane : B. McMaster ai (Continued Front Pace One ) .M00r,.. on -terlitiR citize t and farnters conferring tocethe- county. I expressing a determination to m vx this movement over I realized! mpn wh() (|o , t it was going to succeed because| gJypn {o se men do not know the meaning R feasible the word "fail." I , , , . 1 nit*. i ney a re he attendance at the conference! , , . ,, , ceeded in life. Friday was very representative eed. Every section of the state! in the mountains to the seacoast Catarrh C * represented. From Greenville ^nno^?reach *? inty came A. R. Carter, O. P. Catarrh is a to , ... ,, .. , , . _ ,, ? fluoncod by cons Is, ( . W. ( ofield and 1 . M. Bur- in order to cur (. Pickens county sent down {."ne *' taken*1 h nes P. Carey, Jr.. who brought the blood on tho system. Hall's rd that his people were for the prescribed by on vement good and strong. Spar- ln this country posed of some o burg county was represented by combined with tor Montgomery. Georgetown fh^^dJn'ts inty in the other end of the state, cine is what p .i> .? ,. results in catarr * represented by Dr. Oltn Sawyer, testimonials, fret yor of Georgetown; W. D. Mor- ^ A? DriigSists.' i and Joseph Schenk; Florence Hall's Family AICI Ell No. TS."?8. KEPOKT < The First A \i I,minister, in the State of South Carol na, RES ins and discounts, including rediscounts, (except I Total loans Deduct: t?-s and bills rediscounted tothr lhan bank ao ordrsilts. unsecured S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par val u. uuiivlo ii liil CcrtiiivulCS v/i. luuCbtCvluCijo plcd^Cu lerty I/oan Bonds: icrty Loan Bonds. 2 1-2. 4. and 1 1 2 per font, ifrty Loan Bonds. 2, 1-2. 4 and 4 12 per cent, pled posits or bills payable nnents actually made on Liberty 4 1-4 per cent lx ) wned unities other than I*. S. bonds (not including stof Total bonds, securities, etc., other than 1* S.. . . cks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock . . . ick of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subs rniture and fixtures ill estate owned other than banking house wful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank <h in vault and net amount due from national bank t amounts due from banks, bankers and trust com Items 12. 14 or 15 ecks on other bunks in the same city or town as r< 17 1 Total of Items 14. 15. 16, 17, and 18 ecks on hanks located outside of city or town of rr ilemption fund with IT. S. Treasurer and due from oiwsi earned uui noi collected?approximate? lot past due Total LI A pital stork paid in rplus fund divided profits erest and discount collected, or credited, in advai (approximate) 'dilating notes outstanding t amounts due to National hanks Total of Items 32 and 33 Remand <lc|M>sits (other than hank deposits) subj ivithin 3 0 days): Iividual deposits subject to check rtificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (otl rflfied checks shier's checks outstanding tier demand deposits Total of demand deposits (other than hank deposi 35. 36. 37. 38. 3!?. 40 and 41 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after more notice, and postal savings): fificates of deposit (other than for money borrow her time deposits Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items tier I'nited States deposits, including deposits of IT. S. bonds borrowed, including Liberty Loan and cc furnishing collateral security for same is payamo, otnor tnan with refterai Hank, inoiu< money borrowed, other than rediscounts rotal ihilities for rediscounts, including those with Fed Fotal contingent liabilities (.r>7 a, b, and c) ,te of South rarnlina. County of Lancaster?ss: I. K. M Croxton, Cashier of the above named hi i best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th da rrert ?Attest: CH AS I> JONKS. JNO. A. COOK. IRA R. JONKS. Jr.. Directors. ? resented t>y David R TO pi IT ville. president uf the III I .I I if Defense. Chas. I). ,U UU 1 rster, represented his ton, which has taken i in the movement,' d by It. Goodwyn nell, J. S. Middleton, The New e and others. It. A. Kntirely t Hill, was York's re- And |)(||I It. Ks Grabel and aiue from Anderson. mh was present from Of all lb id countv was well Jke doctors .. ... i> i . lv to break K. \\ Robertson, J. . . , to cut shcu , I. I.. Hardin, Hioin* ^rip*)c son Maj. r vi ie Reiser, S couch and nd others. .1. Silicic- monia. No e of Sumter countv's t"1* ,in ' ' been remo\ ns represented his onu,| ,.all,.( tor's ideal ho were present are , <,n" ' . . , time with hings. They are not that.g aI1 into anything unless the sliglite unless it is practiea- eating". you men who have sue- n|ornlng >' your wholi refreshed. original s annot Be Cured , i'l'LlCATlONS. ad they . . . " " le s?-at of the disease tans oj 11 cal disease, greatly In- ft re not tie titutlonal conditions, and e it you must take an v<vrn Hall's Catarrh Medl- ' iternally and acts thru i mucous surfaces of the y : Catarrlt Medicine was ie of the best physicians underslgne for years. It is com- of the est a f the best tonics known on tho l0, some of the best blood . . perfect combination of make lus ti in Hall's Catarrh Modi- istrator nil rodu< s such wonderful Court of tiul conditions. Send for (fMB distill; & CO., I'ropB , Toledo, O. Admlnisi tleeeasrtd. I'ilN for constipation. j (|) j () fr COMHTION (?K 1M* I mnonai i al the 'lose of on 1 >??? ? 5OUU0KS. those shown in b and c) roptances sold) (see Item 57a) . ue) to secure U. S. deposits (pur vaiiit u n plod Rod I nod to sooure State or other doinds of the Fourth Liberty I-oar ks) owned unpledged oription) ;a paniea other than included in porting bank (other than Item >portinK bank and other cash item U. S. Treasurer on Notes and Bills Receivabls BILITIES. ice of maturity and not earns or! to Heservo (deposits payab ier than for money borrowed) tst subject to Reserve. Items. t days, or subject to 30 days ( red t 42. 43, 44 and 4.i S disbursing officers rtiflcates of indebtedness, withoi ling all obligations representing eral Reserve bank (see Item Id ink. do solemnly swear that the i D. M. y of January, 1919. V. R. ' a , * * z 9 PAGE FIVE SHORT A COLD TAKE_A CALOTAB ('alumrl Tablet That Is I'uriHcd of Nausratiiig Kt-roufi Qualities. i* medicines in the world prize calomel most hi-:hL up a cold overnight or t an attack of influenza, a throat <>r a deep-seated possibiy to prevent pneuw that all of its unple.islanceioiis <|iintit.cs h ve fed. the new kind of < alI " ('a lot :i lis" i< itwi treatment for colds. et itiil> on the tonpue at t ed a swallow of watei ? No salts, no nausea t or st interterence with y< ur r work or pleasures. N *xt >tir cold has vanished end e system is purified and Calotabs is sold only in sealed packages; price cents. Your druggist Is and guarantees Calofunding the price if you lighted.?Adv. i: OP DISCHARGE. s hereby given that the d will. as administrator te of P. M. Bell, deceased, h day of February, 1919, Inal r< turn as such admind apply to the Probate Lancaster count v. for let<sarv. W. B. TWTTTY, Lrator estate of F. M. Pelf, 1919. 22-4t. llescrve District No. B Bank milter 31, 101K. *? I ?- i o.54 $2 1 0,930.54 1 .$15,000.00 $195,920.54 ; 15,2 5 5.9 5 50,000.00 17,500.00 67,500.00 37.1 50.00 35.000.00 i 3 5.550.00 10 7,7 0 0. oO 2,589.08 2.589 OS 4.816.00 2.250.00 3.698.45 5 532.20 2 4.240.1 2 61.106.19 i 30,445.88 i 3,644.07 95.196.14 s 33.63 2.500.00 > 1,000.00 $528,242.11 $50,000.00 25,000.00 . f 4.208.50 4,208.50 >d 1.000.00 50,000.00 241.58 241.58 > lo 204,480.27 1,450.00 802.22 1,370.88 204 13 4. . 208.413.45 :>r 73.600.10 6838000 . 141.081.06 . 10.807.52 10,887.52 It 11.500.00 11.500.00 25,000.00 528.242.11 I) 15,000.00 15,000.00 above Rtatement Ir true to CROXTON, Cafhier. CltAIG, Notary Public. ; -i * . a Til