The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, January 10, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR TheLan< asterNews (SEMI-WEEKLY.) 8,nce , Established 183*. tUe ure wor pated and l Published Tuesday and Friday , peoples BY THE LANCASTER NEWS COMPANY. i Lancaster, S* C? pi? of Amic tine and of DEOllUE lil'LLA CItAYUX ?'< b>' ?h** Tl Editor and Manager vation, and rapidly as p The News is not responsible for tin sufferers a 1 views of Correspondents. Short and I (io ( . (j( rational articles on topics of general < ' interest will be gladly received. January 11! SUBSCKLPTION l'lSH K: county's ap Cash in Advance. j H, ;U) pf.Q ?ne Yt,ar *20'" committee Six Months 1.00 Thomson tc Entered as Second Class Mattei , <b)"a1 <ul1 October 7, 1005. at the Point office at through th< Lancaster. S. C.. under act of Con-!,, gress of March 3. 1670. tho rellef ? J of whom 4 FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. dt en. ? One great of America ^of 8ma11 ni r upon !,Kain' ^ ^ a 'inanri *TMV Country "T.? c: The?. Sweet Line1 little natioi Of Ltherty." jhavp s() n<) j borne the ritoHiitmoN. i, j Governmeat Three states ratified the ronstitu-! ( auso t )ie tionnl pi oh .bit ion amendment Tties- j |V| < . ot y day. making a total of nineteen Lor/em,,Mlt states which have endorsed the pro-j (,,.nmont posal of congress. Ratification '?> 1 them Con seventeen states is now needed be- , tore national prohibition becomes a ,, f l)r> law. The nineteen states which j ph'ilnnthrop have ratified are Kentucky, Vitg nia,. facts nov Mississippi. South Carolina, North (. Dakota, Maryland, Montana. Ari-',hi> zona, Delaware, Texas. Soiltli Oa- ,hp ^ ,,-u 0 kota, Massachusetts, Georgia. I.on- . east are all isiana. Florida. Michigan. Ohio. Col- fho huml)le orado and Oklahoma. peasants to Representatives oi the disiillerv . moronants a companies of the countrv held a , , , iicaled prof meeting in Chicago Tuesdnv and dc , been nccusi cided to oppose the amendment and nu,pfs of jj, tiie war prohibition law. which goes Cmmer I into ettect -imy 1. I.y every lega' ,PttPr lo thr Injuns possible. This opposition. ] j1P ( lioH t'vor. is mil likely to develop ^ j (M((| ,j|r anything stronger than that whieh np.,r past ? lias been in process since the states hpart j |)i(j first began to go dry. Prohibition work of rP| has been working well and the poo for (.Jir pie are satisfied with it as a state ,|p PommPn< proposition. .hist how well it will aj..n Qf work out as a national proposition is yet to be seen, but no one attempts T,u< to deny that national prohibition, as ))lo pPP|s ,, well as national suffrage for women j0.,n t)lP ^ as Mr. Bryan pleases to put it. "is (hp Rp(1 rr, comin?'" fare many It is quite a remarkable situation Pfyol( pU| when viewed hv states and rnnipar- ,|)p tcp*" she ed. For instanee. some of the "dry" Koa| jS rpa states are enforcing the law with t0f0rP haa \ more rigidity than others South vve,.P niore \ Carolina is having little or no trou t>le in enforcing the law. Virginia. x which passed an "air-tight" law in) The Char the beginning, has experienced sonic of a mind t< (difficulty in enforcing it. notwlth connection landing the appointment of a pro- good roads hihition commissioner, who draws a,'he facts, large salary and gives his entire time "South Care to looking aftei the bootleggers |{e will a qua! Centlv officers have been so d lie cut' 't*er makin jn some parts of Virginia in their North < arol efforts to stop the1 importation of fss'ie ot $. "speerits" Into the town that they struetion ot have been going into the trains and ready voted searching baggage which comes sylvania $5' from the wet sections. The Cnited ' ,'"la doesn't it' {states attorney-general has renderei might look li dee.s.on that ueh procedure is un- , ,. South ( aro lawful, where the baggage of a pas R (jPij t f.iger ' s se i relied on a warrant ail-! ii ioti : Ihorizing the searching of the train atoeg." Nor A revenue officer was recently ar ab" g hehin jested for "transporting lictitor" and] The a few days ago one of the policemen , matter of g of the town made the statement that! really lnt< * < tin men were permitted to deal (comparing In liquor with the connivance of the yard of cor commonwealth's attorney and they're cost of a y getting deeper and deeper in a present i is muddle. It would seem to he an in -j mean the c vasion of guaranteed rights to search in the no'" si man's baggage unless there was mile, "in fihundant evidence that the baggac, s vs ?he o contains contraband lihuor. | becoming 1r At anv rate, when all of the state* tlon of eon have gone dry there will he nowhere'ways In sin to bring it from and nowhere to top soil, ha t ike it to, and Jamaira Ginger *ill eternal exp come Into its own. 'dirt roads THE LANCASTER IS IMl'Kkt.lTiX K. oust rated argument that the pei ? which have come tolnent road is much the cheapen ;he signing of the artnis- the end. The road builders of se than luid been antici- State have Interested the farine lie destitute and sutler- permanent road building and in the near east are in convinced him that he is paying leed of relief. The peo- today for roads than he paid in nia, Syria, Persia, Pales- mal times, or under conditions other countries, oppress- isting before the war. The a iii ks ai^ faced with star- inent takes a curious, but prac in order to hasten as turn. Out there the farmer is b ossible the relief of th.^se ing roads, with milk?that is. 1 I nationwide campaign wi j building so much road through d during tlie week of] sale of so much milk, or so 1 to 19 to raise a fund ofihushela of wheat. It is an old l of yth.s hancasie*-1 gument in a new shape and iportionment is $3,500 which we take more than ordi at will be made by a pleasure in turning loose in h headed by Waddy It Carolina at this particular time > raise this sum. Kverv "The Wisconsin discussion tributed win be sent veals that since the war the en: } state department for road construction has increased nf the 3.950,000 people.jsiderably?50 per cent in the ca 00,000 are orphan chil- concrete and 30 per cent in ci ed gravel. Yet at the same tit t purpose of the entrance developed that the farmer today into the world war was buy more raods with his pro< impossible that the rights than he could a few years ations shall be trampled While the cost of road building but no government aid, gone up. the price which the fa al way, is possible to the receives for his products has r is of the near east who to red a much higher advance bly "kept the faith and that ion pounds of miik or a !>i burden of massacre." of grain will buy more road t a'd is impossible ,be- than it would in 1 1 4 . The fa Armenians' Syrians and ni iv be paying 50 per cent more western Ada are not in bp is receiving 100 per cent i nations, hence our gov j The calculation is tliaj 100 po nnot make a loan to ?f miik 'n 1914 which sold at J sequently, they are " >p a hundred, would buy one sci listians. subject races y rd <>f concrete road surface, w reached only l?y private! was quoted at $1.25 a yard in y." j year. The average price of r in the possession of th< this year lias lieen $2.65 per ommittee for relief in| (t'ctober quotations are $3.50) st show (lint included iiijthe average of $2.65 per 100, 00 refugees in tlie neat(concrete road surfacing at $1.7f classes of society, "from square yard. it means that st and most ignorant pounds of milk will this year skilled artisans, wealthy I chase almost one and one ml bankers. and wo I ?<l yards ol' concrete surfacing, a ossionaI people who had ereme of nin half a yard nmed to all the reline-, "Today a bushel of wheat at ? 'p " |'| V s' \> * 1 huv 1 I" Siiiiftrn y President Roosevelt In a of ?oii--rete ma ! siii face at $1. committee, and in wh'cli square yard In 1 ! 1 t. with whe: enclosed his check for $.90 and concrete road surface the relief fund in the $1.25 a square yard, one hush* i.aid this: "With all nr wheat would buy tbree-qua-'r. you fiodspeed in the a yard, a difference of almost ief you have undertaken half a yard in purchasing powi istians In western Asia "I "A similar comparison ma led in the same spirit th? carried out for gravel and dirt r this month for $:{n,noo and show more graphic results. objection will immediately arise aign coming so close on while the farmer gets more for ' f the fourth Liberty he produces, it costs him mor "ar Work campaign and produce It. due t<> the increased dss Roll Call drive, will of labor, material and other disadvantages. hut tin ments. The same could be all Lancaster county "ovei in the matter of road building U 1(1 not slacken until thr admitted, however, that the inn ched. Kvery call !?<? ?. i d cost nr production to the fa ipen answered and none has been in a much less propoi vorthy than this. than the increased price he rect for his products. The net ret O! A WHAT? (0 farmor today, admitting lotte Observer, possessed jn<.roJ(s(l(| (.os, of plo,,urtion> ? deal in small figures in | pr0:ll01 (han fhpy pve,. w,.ro with South Carolina's farmer Js mQre pro8poroug atuj scheme oi ignorant <.i t<>r P(,utppP<j t0 t,uy roads todat tells its reade s that ' fhft pr,ce fhf>y cosf tf)day tha) >'ina 's coming along vu in normal times when r let of a mi,lion." Thisj<>osf ,<>8S jm(| ,))S profl|H Wf>rp ,w ig the statement (hat linn is plann ng a bond si.tut ri:it IIOItsKroWKIt i5.00d.d0q for the co.i- The nirmlxT of the Rhett roads. Illinois has a1 otlee at the good roads convei / $ 50,000,000, and Renn- n He-ember 10. D.oOo.Ooo. Makes South wag,.d an almost single-handed theme look rather small. .. , .. . to- a a\ ot n dollar per horsep ItuI the 'tbse* v and lost when the matter was about and find that ( - . . III!' I * * f I U? I IM VMM' O! Wl'^f !>!?! lina s figures nave noon UKher than a quarter of ''"'n"' U^' nM Thp s,a,e mil ivfend of "roni'npc roads committee which met in th Carolina is coining liunhia Wednesday i)l<I >?! to ' So t h Carolina the legislature to put the llcensi rver, going further in thej it one dollar pei horsepower. \ :ood roads. giver some liie matter was threshed out in Migont Information in iniftee meeting in the Jefft the priee of milk to a hotel, Mr. IJhett. the chairman terete road. It says the vored a license of fifty cents am ard of concrete road (at crowd went with him. hut the ?1 7'*.. which would I r ner horsepower proposition' xpendituve of something won out. htio'hoi d of <10 000 per The central campaign comm W sconsin. in particular." appointed Wednesday. h;is I hserver. "the people are lihett as chairman; John T Ste Herested in the construe- vice-chairman; Crank K. Mroai crete or asphalted road- secretary and treasurer, and cession to sand clav and meml.ers are first district. I ving become tlrcrl of thejlthett. of Charleston; scond, ense of maintaining the, Prod Idghtaey, atate senator and accepting the dem- Hampton county; third, Junto ?*?: t iTHhrrin n Hi l>ir I MWIWrill*" ?l~TT*7"^1 ft?? NEWS, LANCASTER, S. I rma- Pearinan, of Anderson; fc ,t ir tor M. Montgomery. of Spi that! tilth, Job.. T. Steve:.s, of r in sixth, D, W. Alderman, Jr have ence; seventh. Prank E. less of Columbia. nor ex- A VOICE FROM THE irgu- -.! (Embracing What Americi ticai of tho War.) uild-' le is By Lieut, Crantlaiul Ri the Army, A. E. P. nany Prance may have Alsace-1. I ar . . . . Italy can grab her share om> Slip the British Turkeynarj'i Or a slice of old Ukrai forth Africa, or anywhere; 11 ii f virt f r? ? 'iu u n'ro pii booking back across the I i n*-1 With our faces westwa st 01 All we ask is?"Send us rouse of Belgium has a worthy cl rush-l ?n war of . Serbia may well exclaim 116 | "We were also In the g can , when you scored the v. in lurts Hut concerning just 01 ago. Hiking through the much We have one request to All we ask is?"Send us rniei i egis- Maybe we have done our so Anyway, we gave our >sbel Though a trifle slow to s jodav oan,e through w heart 11111 1 \y|lr>? we hmnped agains '',l1 Now when all rewards nitre Peering through the wint unds This is all we seek fro ., All we ask is?"Send us * ",ar" PROSPECT OK AN A hich DRIVE SCARED (I milk too Hurried to Iteqtiest Ann . At Before Custelnnu Woul w,,h Attacked with tiOO.ttOt 1 nci 1 00 Paris, Jan. 9.?Germai ,MII~ to request the armistice l,a': sn w that a now allied off dif- to he launohod on tiio I.or by November 12, by 60 ., under command of Conor J 'Mi tolnau. s:.>s llio Kxeetsioi I /I o American and French 9 a says, wore concentrated oi >t at betv eon Mriey and Chat* ' ; :i| Robi that L t ivhat c | . lanc h. [j = ORed 4l 11 1 Crisp T i-m a* UCb irtl rtion J f ives | ] urns J theffi iirr : 1 v i ThP t j Lovely bet- j | Heavy all silk Cr al r 3 new shades, 10 i 1 hP l 3 Heavy lustrous oads ^ J able colors, 36 in< j 1 Handsome new [3 in soft rich color [ J lection of pattern: com- - J >ti?n s ?ho |] rine rren [ ] This collection i)wei' Jj LC the largest we 1 sub -*J ,, , ... . I , Stripes and IMain serf, pi _ , L , t ons ot colors . . ^ (' f 3 27-inch Gingha : | colors and pattern ask jr* ' tax L f ; i D i \n.-P ig it creates mm ? - ' pi tso.i ? fa jj 36-inch fine W. 1 the I _ very desirable for h,H|r] I'ine Sea Islam J i and dark pattern itter. E I j "Wirthmi ln"-;S Madr thn! I | t (i I j New Models ju w. ? jj and trimmed styl from ^ m w*' iI Bi mmarnimmmnmmmmam- tmmmn '* " 1 ? >urth, irtanburg; lI^^L|^^iaHBaaaBaB^MaM Kershaw; j | | '., of Flor- ^ ^ Broadnax. ? Statemen K. A. F. ? Wants of | ce. Third I i orralne; , Bdllk 0 Spain, at the cic ncerned, roam, DeC. rd turned home." aim H e Hun; Loans and Disco ame lionds ining run. Hanking House ir stake. Fixtures. Ktc. ;ly loam, Cash on hand s i make? Hanks home." part; best; tart |,i ith willing Capital. . * . . . t the test; Surplus and I'rol are due. Dividends. . . . ry gloam, Deposits in you? home." LUE1) EKMANS , ?I < I<1 Have ????????? > Mon. I They were supported by 3.000 j of all calibers and had 300 tan a front of 4 5 miles. Duke Alii iiy hurried of WurttemberK. the German when she nmnder on this front, had ava etisive was on|y 25 divisions of Inferior raine front quality. These divisions 0,000 men talned approximately 100,000 al de Gas- |jP j,n(t only 1,000 nuns. This allied attack, the Kxe ti'oops, it continues, would have carried i the trout war into annexed Lorraine and jau Salins. Rhenish Prussia, threatening t inson - Clt lSTER'S leae ^lew Fabrics T the Charm of ! New Silks Silk . epe de Chine, in all the These nches wide $1.50 in very Messaline, in all desir- wide*. . hes wide $1.50 Silk Fs Foulard Dress Lengths, new for ingH. A wonderful col- inches w * $2.25 Yard i * Nfti ich Ginghams of Ginghams is one of lave shown in Plaids, Sheer Colors. New combina- Longclot . . 55c, 50c and 05c Yd. Pajama ms, in all well selected cedent v; s, unusual values 25c Yd. Very fin very spei and Novelty " " lirtings Ja ladras, in neat stripes, n n/l oiiii in aiiu i/iuuocn, 25c and 35c These rl Percala, in both liKht Blue, Fh s 35c and 39c inches w clothes. , ore" Voil and as Waists We ar st received in tailored ues in V es . . . . $1.00 and $1.50 short sic FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. t of Condition of The \ f Lancaster ( >se of business 31, 1918. ESOUItCKS. ants ... .J 671,312.77 190.600.00 i. Furniture, , 10,542.18 md ?lue from 254.897.43 $1,127,352.38 iabiliti ks. $ r>o. ooo.oo tils 136,500.00 2,500.00 1 938,352.38 $1,127,352.38 ^ ^ guns oiT tli (Jertnan army in Belgium and ks on in the Ardennes from its bases, ireeht (Ionian general headquarters, reeom alizing that the divisions on other liable sectors were exhausted and that its light- forces wero demoralized and worn eon- <>ut averted a catastrophe by pleadinen. jug for an armistice. elsior aiiss fans Al. Kiliolte has roturn1 the j.,() ed to her home after a visit of six o cut weeks in Baltimore and Washington. )ud Co.! ======= tj ) I N G STORE |J i hat Have All || Spring [| and Cotton Fabrics jj goods show the new colors and r ] attractive patterns, 30 inches p ] 7">c and $1.00 Yd. ? ] idle, in plain and self plaid, very r ] spring dresses atid skirts, 30 p * ide 08c Yd. p 1 ij nsook and English [ { Longcloth [ | soft Nainsook, I 5 c, 25c and 25c | ] h with soft finish 2.V ;?r?#i ("./? Hi _ ... ?. ...... ..... Checks, 36 inches wide. An ex line 1 r>o, 19c and 2.">c Yd. * | e P.atiste and Nainsook, marked [ J cial for quick selling r ] * .'19c, 45c and 59c Yd. r ] '1 panese Crepe and j j Nainsook j j goods are in soft shades of Pink, C . ?sh and Yellow; also White, 119 fi > ide. Just the quality for under- E ? 39c Yd. 1 | I j Ladies' Gowns e offering some very special val- I j Women's Clowns, both long a id j ;eves .. ..$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 j ram