f FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. TO CONSERVE THE Tt I Read Advertisements Carefully C] Betore Purchasing . wor alon par-.i Only In That Way Can Shoppers Prop, vlou erly Determine What They Want, prln and Incidentally Help to De- obta feat th? Hun. phai _ euct P? ness to duty, ilia borne la In ilrooklyu ,h(' from Rare Book* Bring High Prlcea. 8evernl hluh prices were realized for 1 rare hooka at the snle of the Winston r" H. Ilagen collection In New York re- j com' rently. John F. Drake, former partner rfM,K of John W. dates, paid $4,.'tTtO for the * OU first edition of Thhinas dray's "An "url1 Elegy Written In a Country Church- ln< yard," It was published In 17.M, in England, and It Is recorded thut the " author received no remuneration for xh the w;>?+* from the puhllshers. The re- j nop, celpts from the eale amounted to $7tV* ' acra] m ^ *rr liL JP-WORKING SEEDLING AWA PECANS. " V Icmson College.?Success In top king th? pecan depends noi ti,|s e on the art of budding. The pre- ^ ( itory treatment and attention pro- " a to the budding season is ol ... . . . . A lA \\ ushl ic importance, and host results ars ^,rv|? lined only by strictly observing aJl |(|,,nss is secured on trees ton inches under in diameter, larger trees nQ l>e successfully worked; but a? extensive commercial proposition ^ jr i scarcely advisable. Introdi reparatory treatment of the seed- The trees must be begun during the Arizen nant season, preferably In Febru- owner The general rule is to cut back fnrms limbs to stubs from 8" to 12" In nix. to ;th. Limbs over 3" in diameter ostricl lid be cut back two to three f tor wr : should be done at a place whort those t ?ral branches ure well placed tc '"'t f? 11 a basis for a good head. Thlj the os :ht #ill vary with the diameter huslne the number of branches. The to? w,,r s jld be removed with a slojtlng cul ^or tt1 above one of the stubs or a small t,nK tl lch. ThlB promotes healing and Ant' rents rotting. Apply a coating o4 '*onn> te lead and Unseed oil to all cut aces. The trees are now In shape pirntp forcing out shoots upon which th? ? r are to be piaoed. and will do id no further special attention on- ' . . n aside tummer. nfflf Lout the middle of June thin oui ,,rp rn e of the numerous shoots, leaving nf (i,p or thr<*> well placed vigorous ones f0 each stub. This will increase th? made elopment of the remaining shoots steaks hat they will have attained suffl opprot it size for budding by August. the hit udding.?In this article ring bud Ington ; only will be considered, as it it most successful method. Before To : budding season, late July thru 'n ;ust, a specially constructed knife Gorgj it be obtained and waxed cloth pro Interi *d. The budding knife is mad? securing two ordinary budding *eed res to the sides of a ?maJi Ki/wi Innrv noft wood so that the cutting 'J Ins will be paradel and one loot world rt. of Ini or buckling cloth uae ordt?T) ln u wdiing. Tear Into strip* 12" wide ( roil lIKlltiy Oil m*n nniuu vi\ Ra OTt and wubmerre in a hot melted so 1,1 un of grafting wax for a haK hour ,'ro*r i formula for grafting wax is: ha* 1 n 3Vi lbs., botwwiii 2 lbs.. tslVm tlrlPa >. I'ut those Into a pot. molt, and war' thoroughly before placing the fs ro h therein. ,can* ud wjod should bo selected from I developed shoots of the present ton's growth, from healthy pro Bel live trees of known variety. Hj Judge pping hud wool in moist burlaj 'r,H' plating in a tool shady place il youth bo kent for u /?? ???> - * - ? "M: it is host to have it delivered Ld uanie ller quantities every other day. . i _? nuine arieties suggested are Stuart ley. Moneymaker, and Curtis. your erforming the Operation.?The op mv ton of budding '? simple, yet re v,,? v es practice and carefulness. Tht rtme s are usually set about G to 1J meut, les from the base of the limb and Lop of it. Always soleet a smooth id plaee. With the knife ring tht ) heiug careful to make the cuts ight so that they will coincide _ n they meet. Select a good bud iVlcir a the budstick and do likewise aye C r remove the bark from the limb , , slitting) it down the hack and nand ing it up with the point of th? SUSCC e. Remove the bud right lifcewia? insert it in the cut made on the SUQQ >. Tear a strip of waxed cloth is de it l*. inch wide and 18 Incbei and starting below the bud. wraj I rnily in place. L#eave only the ti| ( he bud out. If the bud ring ol i is of greater circumferenco than fl limb, a small piece may be lakes Ha I so as to make it fit cioaely to tb? >. On the other hand, if the bud will not meet around the limb, a wllic 11 strip of bark may be left on th? |L. 1 ?. It doos not matter If a small j place is left between the edgea fed D he ring. In fact, some budderi in a e this a nractice. for thb? iriv?w ?U~ U ? " IIIU u n for the swelling of the bud rln? c^jJJ < rever, it la essential that the ends ./ , Se bud ring come in clone contact ry ^ i the barfc of the tree. After 21 body i the wraps are removed from the take i, and at this time, under favor Scott, condition?, you can tell whether bud has set or not. 4 'ter Treatment. ? When growth *" La the following spring, atl tops * PI lid be removed from branches on * -h the buda are livii.g. Th?*s? * 4 are cut off at>out 10 Inches above bud, and the bark skinned off i 1" above the bud and upwurds shoot from the bud is tied to this 1 piece of iimb to prevent.Its being en off by the wind. All sprouts Ing out on the branch must be >ved and only the inserted bud Id be allowed to grow Some time IK the followiriK winter, the teiv Htubs to which the hud shoota i been tied must be cut back close >riv, v loll iat aeme form of protein ( klna a? ( , *jttermllk. tankage, or meal Rtal [? is neqded to keep up winter f);n( prod ur.tion? ' ' I THE I.ANCA8TER NEWS '.ANCASTI IT VHROICT ON OSTRICH izona Reports Favorably. Big I rd May Take Its Place as a Pjj,iV| National Food fuV} I I ^ nse puss the ostrich." 1 i request may he heard soon In ' : ihllo entlot places and the din- | y ^ mnis of the private homes of I ngton. Stranger things than tho I ^ g of nice roast ostrich, with t I of gravy and dressing, have hup- I during these war times. j ? TooH future popularity ol this bird [I American dish depends to a t ^ rAK'iM u|iuu iu? BuvcesB 10 oe j VTi^il i Arizona, where they are being II need as n food now. j U V J federal food administrator for 1 a has granted permission to the | 1 fy r^| of one of the largest ostrich t i sfcjji' In America, situated near I'he- 1 J slaughter K00 of his lords. T^ils I i raiser reports that the birds ' 1 excellent condition, and when J will he dressed and placed on j yl ^ irket at an extremely low price J inhl.v 15 cents a pound. The 8t)0 i j vlll make about 25,000 pounds of , | d mcnt. I I war is responsible In two ways | Is notion on the part of the os- I alser. In the Hrst place, the lat- I "W mid never think of slaughtering I ralunhle.Jf not overtender. birds, j I r Jfj r tlw* f o r?f ??-? - 1 * trich plume more or less nut nf i| ss. It) the second place, the II fcfrjgc hortage of meat is responsible j laRfi e Issuance of the order permit- I j ie slaughter and sale. I thus It cotnes to pass that Art- i II UGH or a part of her population, at i II Is preparing to observe and eel- Riil "Ostrich day." Meanwhile the ' II f the nation Is waiting to hear ' [I mBI erdlct to be passed upon this , gj*|fe s n nice, tasty, and tender food , II from Its neck. *-^5 lals of the food administration 1 ther optjmlstlc about the future || ostrich as a food. They point | II treinendous hit whale meat has II "ff/U In various sections; even shark I i have been passed upon and II red. and reindeer meat Is making ']I t of the year In the West.?Wash- || P Rid the World of Yellow Fever. ^ j , the year 1916 Surgeon (ieneral is headed n commission of the dcillt lHtlonal health board which vis Amei South America und delimited the beds of yellow fever, as a prelim- step In a campaign for complete- , AlhCI luilnatlug this disease frotu the I 1. It Is believed that the sources fectlon are at Uuyaqull, Ecuador; . muiiK m? noum shore ( II I ?firlbhean; In a atrip along the | const ?f Brazil; and In a certain || | on tlie west const of Africa. Tha I ess of this ambitious undertaking It low heeu interrupted by tha par- II ittou of the Uulted Stutea In tha II but work will be resumed as aoon \j ndltlons permit.?Scientific A mar- ^ ^ ,r Couldn't Recall It. j ?mmm^^^ 'ore sentencing the prisoner tha ^ read u long record of his crim- I misdoings, dating from onrly ? Then the prisoner asked: iv I inquire your lordship's K tint do you want to know my M?i:?" for?" sternly asked the judge. * Wj ell." replied the prisoner, "since 1 PS ItA, lordship so accurately deserihed 8 irly I'fe. I eRn't hut conclude that r if* . lime been fri. L>?ls at some f ( f-iil 'o rfcull von nt the uiuliuiugli."?Siruy Stone*. mm | ^ mf art of Body Jp ly children and adults onstant sufferers from cold Is and feet and are acutely iptible to every chill and en climatic change. There finite help in SCOTTS MULSION h furnishes fuel to warm body, helps make pure, lood and maintain the system state of robustness, so that u{feting winds or the sudden )f evening arc enjoyed rather reared. For comfort of and bouyant health, vA Scott's Emulsion Jul/ a Bowoe, Dloomfield, N. J, 1B-13 &OFESSIONAL CARDS ? . I KKLt K KtXDKKIilltK. l>i'iitnl Surgeon. Hours: 8 . :to to 12:30 A A ' on to 6 : 0U P. M. JAnd hv Appotr.truent Office Phone 160. 1 Norfolk Residenco Phono 291. ce over Lancaster Pharmacy I Co k'. S. IIOI.I.Y, Veterinary Phy | in. Surgeon and Oenttat. Offl< j JroRory. Hand Live Stock C. ' ilea. Residence Phone 1*6 , :e I'hone 226. * m, s. c. . *" &: " W^- -. *$ >*<"/ i ^c 8 '\ \ M* \ /S ' "TH^Y low tn God's name can you lei to humanity?Starvation? Y< rica will save the orphans and 1 part? You could not do ot rican! Every penny you give ?< ielple?8 people of the near Has THE NATION'S YOUR QUOTA $CAMPAIGN JAN! AMERICAN FOR RELIEF IN APMENIVGRFI s S . - MUMnPCMMOl WfejffMVP A vc \J I o TP A REG THE GOOE BEC i N :i :i The quality hi The ownershi] ment have n< The sales ha\ 250 tons to a proof of sa \ N. HOYSTI , Va., Baltimore, Md., Toledo, lumbia, S. CM Spartanburg, S. Columbus, Ga., 3 | NOT'^Li^^ 1 t millions die the moi>t hideous death 3U cannot do it! You will not do it! labes from their hunger. Will you do herwise and be a man, much less an :ies for food and clothing for the starv- j r?r TrvT A ir\r\n A/v~ wu w i /\ .MU,uuu,uuu _? JARY 12-19-1919 I COMMITTEE THE NEAR EAST TC E ' SYRIA. - P?AI IA T 17 ? Q I II. il O i r 17 i? ft) o I L, i IL ?i .3 OE MARK S:kr ISTE RED. )S FOR YOU A USE YEARS as never failed: p and manageever changed: I re grown from 400,000 tons; tisfaction. <:it (iUANO CO. 0., Tarboro, N. C., Charlotte, N. C., C., Atlanta, Ga., Macon, Ga., I Montgomery, Ala. -vr-r - r . P \<;K THl'.Eh I ->r \li t^A I ZMVsb * ' icause so often the clerk "doesn't a11 know." You must rely more upon a *<>np minute Inspection of the article and, "l*01 not being an authority on the subject, *ron often you either buy on chance or de- Rni(' fer the purchase. Your time Is wast- tree ed?and right In these days when so wa>' many war duties need every minute *>raI you can spare. The clerk's time Is oe- on?! cupled In "waiting 011 you"?mostly tree "waiting" for you to sell yourself. In Then, If ynu postpone buying, the store ^roe suffers a loss and the merchant's ex- P'n,i penses are Increased. That restricts sev< hla ability to buy Liberty bonds and 'oni contribute to the Red Cross, Y. M. O. A. Knights of Columbus, or Sulvutlon ftn