> * A ? PAGE STX f* AMERICA NiURPLANE ^WONDpFUrl MACHIIN K?m i Mucliii Mafti^in1 (inns. ^ Koniorantiy. CejUral Franco, O 3. Idbe: tytvuirpiines were darii across the sT\yT other liberties wt drawn up in battalions across the I plain, and still other liberties we putting and struggling at their a rhor tests, as the Associated i'rt correspondent arrived at this grt riMih?r i?l" :i i i 111.t m ?? ii t*i 11) ii i* t i i m ftir t American lighting army. The nei by town of Issodoun is the great cc ter for American aviators. Crowds of soldiers and workm had gathered to see one of the (igl ing liberties completely etiuipp with bombing machines, witch outfit, all its guns, and every last t vice for going into combat. Tin had been other liberties turned o scores ijnd hundreds of them n< moving in a steady stream. In tl , and others which had preceded, t last step had been taken to give tin final equipment for actual tightin> TTfc' big machine had a spread wings 4:1 feet across, and like all t others was of gray cloud-color sc front below, though above the col changed to green and merged it the green fields. Ahead pointed t machine cun operated by the pi 1 with synchronizing device by whi a hundred shots a minute flew 1 tween the arms of the spinning pi peller. Further back, in the obsei er's nests, two more machine gti had sweep of both broadsides a upward and rearward. There was angle they could not reach, and ev the Gotha trick of shooting strait: down through a floor tunnel v mere than matched, though detn of how this is done cannot, of cnur * " tiven. It is sufficient to say tl new type, long and anxiou .ed and now a real'ty. armed I oat, was as formidable as any < produced, and in tlie jurigm< of these experts was far more f ^hiidilhle tha- any of them. Climbing into the pilot's seat tin was an opportunity to see the woi Ings of this big car?the pioneer , the' fighting squadrons soon to cor ine powerrui motor with all Its ji tons was just ahead with two lo exhausts sweeping back toward I tail. Within the seat were straps bold the pilot in a headlong Mig and all the "delicacy . of mechani: on<^ sees in an automobile?speed dieatorr git* meter. oil pressn throttles, switches?and much mc besides; lights for signalling, heigl <*neter-?and Compass, and fire ext SUishers to fight a blaze "This is the joy-stick." said ("a tain X, as he swung the lever cc trolling the tail qnd ailerons for v< -Ileal movement. And he pointed u that the foot-rudder, which contri the horizontal movement, worked ,vthe same principle as the bob-sled. "Truly it is a wonder," he sa fondling the mechanism. "I kn ttem-' all?English, French, Itali ?and there is nothing like this t power and speed. Why?" And then he gave an instance "what had been accomplished in straight rise from the ground, whi constitutes a record far exceedii anything before This was made pne of the liberties recently tun out here, it was not regarded as 01 Of the best of the machines, and t workmen even dubbed it "fal alarm!" But it soon proved i jrights. It was sent to one of t training fields, and on one of its fn ^aacenis u snoi up straight rrom t ground to the height of 20,400 ff Jn 35 3-4 minutes. f "It Is the fastest time a human t Ing has ever gone up.'' said the ea slain. "and it gives an idea of what ^[ihead when these squadrons are Jlne." If details could be given on t number of these planes and t uadrons equipping for the batl ne it would cheer those who ha ^*ywn heart-sick with waiting a farges.and investigations, and won tt them know the day of real accoi allshment was at hand In the thi ?f the fighting. Without giving nui ers, It can be said that we saw the AChlnes crowding a vast worksh arrays that their wings touc *sd and covered much more than t area of a city block. Thoy were n piece-meal ears, but all ready to forward. They ftave been passi m mm \ ^ . c ?"v ' "? . \ / 'V ' THE 1 j, nux-iron|;::^ ^ ' Tabernacle, S, */ 26.?The far me r J? 9 i feathering their u' - \ / i fng and picking (>t- * iSrEX. 7 of the day* Sho nR nearly everywhf "' 7r^V J .*vf\ I Quite a nuinbi ,lK > "lives attended' ro it :,'i ' | of Mr. W. J. F f Hill church -last 5SS I 1 Kev/ and Mr, at \yjjpr?** .. / i_ . 'Lynchburg. S. C . , ". ^ .H* 1 Trml?? Muriel ' " r.'ia "'0 | jparents last wet in" A*- jGreohe. visited t Miss Georgia it- I I 1 IVI 11 Fennell inflrtnar ed A V/1 vl V/ ! her vacation at >ss \\T* 1 v> %> All l ' rent8? ^'r- an(' ? I- With raw-Paw Added Icentiy. ?; e Y Misses Annie ?t. THREE POWERFUL Ktt* E FORCES IN ONE ,his soc,ion- lon lis ' _ Lander college. "" PUT UP IN .LIQUID FORM Mlsa 1 i?ii- week at the ho r, \ Plyler. of Monr ()C In your anxiety tit) get better quick- Mrs. Sim II. he '>" don't ovtjnlo it t\s many sufferers is visiting at th< do, and take largdj- doses of this Plyler. In, standard reinedy. It will not act any Miss Carrie F (fn faster and you will lot receive the her friend. Mrs. jj(> same benefits from its Use you other- ton. S. C. of wise would. V Prof. C. A. P " Your druggist possibly keeps it. mn section, is 1 but if he doesn't, it is sold in Lan- ?r i . , 1. i u , at the home of 1 dp- caster by al' leading drug stores. Z\ WARNING? 1I,S Ironized Paw-Paw .has the formu- ARMY CHAU ml la on every bottle. If taken accord-J F VIII T YV no ing to-directions and not as a bever- rAUH ** age. will be found -superior tiv^anv " tonic, having a quarter of a ceTTI ury's (into* often Han unqualified indorsement front people W!|y c,n,ss, ,as all over the world. Interstate Drue ' " ,ls Co., Inc., New York.?rAdv. i SO. by the score daily Into the hands of Somewhere in the aviators. and squadron after (he average An squadron was being made ready for four were askei for , the front. - gest nuisance in We saw tlu-ni in combat formation |u r'' and we saw these machines in vast crossings on evei r^~ numbers arming and starting for the an,j every one ? ol battle front. bv a set of gat 110 The testing of the engines gave an position long bef if" idea of the tremendous power of the the spot, and ng new car. The cars were anchored by there long after he heavy chains, and workmen gripped ed. to the long body to keep it from plung- Many an arm ht, ing as the propeller started and the his fill of speed sm engines gave out a long wail. The tree-lined, "nat in- men. gripping the chains and rigging, found his way re. were swept as though in a tornado. an aggravating >re the grass was flattened and great gates. The war lit- clouds of dust rose like the smoke of long and heavy in- batteries. There is an awe in the tahe an intermi I power of this engine and its whirling jng the given poi ip propeller, nnd a danger too. which Hut after the in- the men have learned. 1 reconciled to thr ar_ Tile Mlict inri of llm l>.'nnullnr ............ 10 nnn tne pass nit the car is on the ground Is far groat- exting study. T dIs or than has oven boon known with carry is always i on other oars A workman was drawn activity which tl in and killed the other day. and the larly takes a doll id. great maelstrom of rushing air Ponderous, gn uw sucks in everything coming within 10 trains, with twi an foot ot its mouth. Hut this is merely hissing at every 'or a detail of testing and has no heat- with food for ing on the capacity of the car f<>r Supply trains r of flight. I.ike the power of the engine, 11li unfailing re a the propeller is much larger and daily bread. H eh heavier than in other cars. are crammed tc ng This turning out of the new type smiling Tommies in of American liberties is only one of worn poilus, sitt ml the activities of this mammoth air sometimes cluste no service production center located the traveling soli he here, with huge shops and ware- a|jty has a cont? ae houses, 2,700 men, 200 officers and laws and regulal its 1.200 Chinese laborers. All the cars Then there ar he made in America come here in back from the at parts, to he assembled, tested, arm- the wreckage ol he ed, and all the other makes of cars scarred themseh et are mobilized here preparatory to flat car grunting going into use on the (lying fields a disabled canno ie- and the front. There is besides the shattered lorri p. huge work of receiving the wrecked kitchens, and flu is cars as they are shot down and j in smashed They come here riddled _ . _ with bullets, their wings torn off, THr dlLlll Pi he which tells of a fierce contest. Such H|L IlLll Ul ho ?? fan be made serviceable again are r-f\n HHI IV Lb> sent back to the field, while the L||kJ J J J J I j Vp wreckage <>f those beyond repair I Uli vULU' nd strews an Immense field, and is a ? t ,i cr)in uHtt romi?/lo? o 9 V? rv b " " "" " " lotahs, (lie VN< u- rifloo their pilots have made i < !< The process of assembling 'ho cars ?? I, Break* J n-; as they come from America was followed through Its various stages, in ? op fho six huge "hays" of the workshop Physic-inns nn< h- each hy having a capacity pf 18 nia- last found a qu he chines, or over 100 machines going remedy for c< < ? .? v? . grippe. One (*a Ot forward at the same time. Nine huge Jt ^ ()me wJth Kn hoxes hring the different parts. First that's all. Ne: ng the fusilage or body is set up. the has vanished an< ? motors installed, the landing wheels HyO*m are | 1 attached, the wings and tall ad|ust- oMnterferenc^v ;ed. the gun rapKs and armament pre- work, pared, and soon a complete car readv Doctors have i f ~ AUl., ?* * - ? . * * - Ut ft f italftntAl I" * II IUI IIIK'II KTUWH OUT OI II1B 8CBT ICTCH . *">l . colds, bronchitis , Parta- the first medicli I How many are turned out dailv pneumonia and j cannot be stated, but It nan ho said new calomel, Sal fhaf, the capacity of this b/!??aled packages s close on tha rocom" * A , tees them and je actual Prf)f',,c"' money If you ? *?e full capacity. Adr. y ^ ? w . * V 5 * ** -* ... - i ?,a t *' v ^ LANCASTER NEWS/LANCASTKR, S. C. ' . . ^ + then an ambulance train with .Its ' RNACLE. l bandaged passengers and ministering * nurses. ' ' V, -R_ F 1> 7 Sept" The- Frei?fh crossing gates usually '"-j v- run bacJr Trad forth, oh wheels. It.Is rs are now vtnisyt , t . mm ? \ ., almost always a woman who opens . crobs I odder p it ., -rtird c'ogdfe them ?sometimes an old ; are now the older ? . ~ v . woman; sometimes A.young one?She N| rt crops are reported , ..... .. . . .T V.. ^. OH ^ has a little box-house alt the a do *of M*Q 'V the track, with sometimes a bsrbi in ^B1 r ill I reiuda ml rel . , , . > Bl 1 a nd a t|U"*k . un eibui at b inig wor,j of gj^etir.g for the Importunate ' . \N ednesdfey. - motorists. s. Henry Merritt, of . | . .. vistte.V the latter SJBMARIne FIGHTS DUEL . l'lyler. of Camp "WITH AMERICAN PLANE he honie of^hls fatb ?'1 lyler, .last Sunday. Fns'gn in Seaplane Probably IK1- , Plyldr. a nurse in the . ,, A strays I ?rst t ti,>it That Has Mv of-Hock Hill, spent. Mm the home of her pa- Ventured to Fight Back. ? Irs. G. W. l'lyler, re Land on. Sept. 26. ?The first case M.. and ituth Row- in which it is known that a suhntntelle Fujuleuburk. of r"ine1oUf,ht ,);u.k wheQ attacked by a last Wednesday for! _ $TflK seaplffhe resulted in the probable dcpivler spent the past* ^truction of the submarine by an hp"" me of Mr. P. P. W. American aviator. Reser-ve Ensign J. > ft-, ;?< oe, N. C. p. Carson! It. was announced bv the Plyler, of Columbia. adnilraUy> j Hum* ui mi. ? With .shrapnel from the elevated 1 underburk is visiting forw?r or 20 ni'nutes,-but' the U- j leriean army chauf-.i boat was iiy longer in evidence. i '"What is the big-| Nr /^'cj France?" he would, \ fa f ion. reply with the I PS 1 mess. "The giade m \ B Head o\ c lest? *rc best\tr??ted f+ctsmpK lousands of grade. "externmnyV ry railway in France. /I \ .?i/ * t )f them IS nr?t,.N>,i T VVo rjl odvd . '/ es, which drop into; ^^9[lllpMjRl|JimfcuW ore a train gets nea^ J4?W pR,C?S_3pc> ^ $,<20 j. apparently remain j j \ I the train has pass-j 1 -y ,y ohaultt'ur. trtj I along a straight.l has ? suddenly barred bv pair I H| are A M ^^B ^^B I ^B ^^B Am or lean becomes TnV.X-tt"1!*! Citizens of Lan he traffic which they i picture of wartime ? ?Tr, a 0r le American particu- I /\ f\J B #\ iKht in analyzing. t-.rt.ll V-,/"W oanine ammunition . ? r? giant locomotives *?, fi 1 M I Ittmiier JtA 1 T I I the ravenous guns ? LjU V CXJL \_J I U attln past, carrying ^ !e!nfo!'^.nr'!rain^ X Next Regular Meeting Will be > overflowing w itli or hronzed and war _ _ _. . __ _ ? _ _ _______ ing on foot hoards. ? FOR APPLICATION FOR MLMB red on the roof, fori f LOC^ ilier of every nation-1 ? mpt for railway by- ! By Signing Your Applical tions. * e inc Trains coming AJL/"LJ ' I battlefield, carrying X Yr JL i/\ 1 r war, often battle-, jj^ /es ocrasionaiiv aj V Pay all medical attention for S under the weight of: V n and muddy, shell-' M I'aV $1.IK) a Week sick OF flCl'idfil riikeTaminnow and! ? Vocational School at M< V I Free access to club rooms, with II niUICI [IMC ' pn,?K Kiiinos, baths, reading and writ \LUIVIlL I IIiL | ?? tor your entertainment and good till 0 AMR PDipDC X < barter fee $(>.<)<) Dues, $1.00 | 3 nn[l bnirrLjX Xnf initiation tor those signing ?? So join now while the fee is tu ?w NauSenles* Cuio. T . . , , , , . ?> <*harter is returned, so hv doing it 11< L p u Severe Cold ,J '?uigiit. 1 |? We are 720,000 strong; 22,000 \ ?? To mcitihcrs that are callexl ii :1 (!\ugKllts have at T .. t 7 irk and dependable alter TIM' \\ a l\ f SUPREMELOE a swalJo* of water f a mi *y '/' ' " v'VV 1/?i ^ ' i and with the A stly Improved. { ?old only In orl} * price 3 Re lends and / will ret?'' ire ' jBiu - A ? H S A *w KKK?1.. >TBy, >Jf ? ? / ^ jRfiuS B ^T?XvJl' (\ Vtf^w *flf . \v5fl5ty v?fll H w n M f 1 i M r jfl ^ \ '; e will win this war? &\ 7 *' # \ -?f A hing else really matters until we do! lp; The Flavor Lasts r" f I _ M, rif"F! ) icaster and County | rER LODGE |/ er of Moose f! Tuesday Night, Oct. 15th, 8 O'clock ' S T-f ERSHIP SEE GEORGE B. CRAVEN, v VL DEPUTY. I , 1 bion Now You Will Save $19.00. V * WE DO t elf and family. Y A rital Benefit^ 2 "i >ose heart, for members' children. jr all the conveniences and entertainment? ? L :ingrooirts, dances, lectures. Kverything ?& v ne.: / ? >er month. J 1 up/for. ibe charter. J iiy $(>.00 as it will go up to $25.00 after the X ow you save $19.00. ? / in North and South Carolina. J m ito service it don't cost you any dues until o \ J/ iGE OF THE WORLD _ X" TER lXiD&Fj&gp [^r of' " % *k "IKf'A \ x I