f;T!y? i;**' O ?. ; O A PAGfr-POUR ^hS^Se^ r" \> (SRMI-\VKKK1,Y.) gene . ^UMhjhgl l?u2. the , Published Tuesday airtl Pi^bTV oth" BY TUB ^ *' iud LANCASTKK NEWS COMPANY. ward 40 Lancaster, S. C. men, * ' Bene GKOIIOK BULLA CRAVEN I( Editor and Manner grin The Nea'a is not responsible for the not ' lews of Correspondents. Short and in Si rational articles on topics of general if it interest *"111 be gladly received. a Vo up a SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: a] "Cash in Advance. thliu One Year <2.00 tion f ' 4ix Months 1.00 to b< ' " Colui Entered as Second Class Matter . *) October 7, 1005, at the I'ostollice at Lancaster, S. C., uuder act of Con- chief gress of March 3, lo79. Hone "My Country 'Tis of Thee, Sweat Land of Liberty." boun FRIDAY, OCTOBER I, 1918. *tiUu i ,i. opini A ^ m iv l) iW I rnent war ~ savings -o stamps state ! constantly md) l? ' -?T-' ? as T the SENTENCE SEIIMONS. tor I uro. I >ngth of a nation, we well ^ Jtt^ measured not in terms of we'i* *>r-voliThie of population, but love of truth and courage to defend flu It. We are strong in this war in KOVer precjse proportion to our determination *to, banish autocratic greed and in dnjustiee from the earth.?Josephus a,,<' ( Uanieis. the fr porfoi "It is more precious that this America shall live than that we ,>olntl mericans should live."?Franklin *(,hoo e. ? . - consif men, No soul can preserve the bloom WI)I110 and delicacy of its existence without lonely musing and silent prayer.? com pi Farrar. man; emplc Talent shapes itself in stillness; aent|E character in the tumult of the world. 'in ?-Goethe. postei : men BDITOHIAIiKTTBH. show! i sent in On the grand march to Berlin! havin * will I Never too early or too late to |apor liuv a bond. or, II + quirei Perhaps some day the (lermans ; . 861)110 *,Uow themselves to believe that ? ^ Class they are whipped. the a > . The Red Cross XEKD8 some " v sheets That ought to be sutlicieat ' to jfet the sheets. jf, noil m The Work or Fight order means esse; that you must not only carry your "A work Card but must work. and < ^ ^ rants Congress is planning to take a re- hotel: ^ I able-l cess and we suppose the suit racists . . \ their wouldn't care if it never meets again 4,; < p We who are watching the battle atten .rom a distance of three thousand clubs miles can do no less than furnish the house "herwrithal. an(l ^ ^ and 1 porte We read in the papers that 4'be?- hotel ,ter shoes are to cost less money." ??p thlfig working t>oth ways like that conn* ?ught to be of some benefit. bill a and f it Has been said that the (lermnns ''ssa' -e wonderful fighters, and if that or th true it proves that the American? < !, e more wonderful than ever be- lers /ed. "8 + cash! - H(||d enburg line soon will be in stl n a line between two by w< ^-n to every- af?e 'II be im- agers r'"A 11 I i . . . ^ y* TB K HKCOHD'S PRESUMPTION. | business, as to News being a suffragist, sui of Septeuibi yis, is not over-enthusiastic over necessary a ^reposition; that is, feeling that repairers of r things should occupy our time ailtl used pi attention, but being inclined to- business, as . tbe granting of suff rage to wo-j ?f Septemb would not like to be in Senator those rende it's position.?Lancaster News, practicing ii The News is inclined toward "Manuta< ...?....... .,. ? .1.. utornc uallir inifc puiuafti; iu wuiut'ii v\ u UU MVW"VW ' see why it should dislike to be Plies, candy inator Uenet's position, because ists. Not I were in his position it could cast ORers of cai te for suffrage. The matter is ?atablishme nd is going to be voted upon' lishments. rdless of whether there are other) "Cloaneri ;s that should occupy our atten-1 clubs, shoe now. Inasmuch as the vote is 'nK netfessa a taken, why not vote right??i and dyers i uibia Record. | "Retail s the light of more recent events, restricted ti ly the announcement by Senator wk by div . . store in twe t that he will oppose the grant-l . .. . I deliveries c >f sufTrage to women. The News] jshai,ie ve>? naturally assumes that the Re- milk. will tell Senator lionet that he "Contract t vote right. Senator lionet's sui ing work Oi his for his position were clearly 0 S of war in d and show positively that he is essary repa d more by the wishes of his con- construction nits than by his own personal ^ nited Stat on. The junior senator feels Itinerant . . , lectors and lie would be 111 a "class bv liini-1 necessary 11 were he to vote for the amend- ferred list c , since the senior senator and dustries bor ate Senator Tillman, who is| exempted ui , > . .. ,, . I iicituinir II sled bv Mr. Benet, and evervl "All men her of the house from South ... ?i,.j ly ocupted Una are opposed to the tueaa- et shops, foi The senator's position, there- palmists. et< was embarrassing, as The News "None of ... , dents engag (1. and would have been more so studies. le been inclined toward granting "All men ight of suffrage to the women, employed lr he News is inclined, and while holding de Itecord perhaps believed Sena- reclasset ? ii . .v. tary service tenet would support the meas "This boa It was mistaken. ..... . sons bet wee physically a WOltK OH KKiHT. bound to er ? ? , cupation." e work or fight order of the nment is to be strictly enforced incaster and Lancaster coun'v. Sunday w hairman J. T. Tliomasson, of , ..... tourists. T deral community labor board is. , . ... but neverth rting bis organization by ap-| were some C nent of committees in each! , ..... in Lancaster 1 district, these committees lo , , 1 in necessary it of a chairman, two white j watched clo one negro man and two wh te i compared th n. rhe county committee is * . ... 1 to that of tl >sed ot J. T. rhomasson, chair-' ., _ 'a wonderful It. .s. Harper, representing the , . ? ter has coiih it'or o n.l Ioa Lr .. L.I. ? .. j HII.i jviv I\ U I mi I , njiM!.. , tor of savin ig the employe. ... 1 question, in ' city council lias passed and , ,. , , support or 1 an ordinance, requiring all * , . , government of draft ages to obtain a card w n r j (|i ng that they are engaged in es I,. . . .. patriotic pet il industries, and this ordinance ? . , that the car g been put into effect, it , . It is really s ?e up to each man to show- the . , . , . . i were seen, hoard that he Is so engaged.) I /i nca ^ 1r not so ongnKod, ho will ro , i . ~ i i . i ! "lay, not a 1 1 to seek employment in an es-I iii. i . . , i much better 1 industry or will he placed in i e i on any of th 1 for immediate induction into ..i.., . , 'conservation tiny, although he may have al been placed in a deferred class r"r' "" 1,1 " e local hoard. look for ai ? . , i , , , situations a e county labor board lias an.u c , ,, ? hut every i ed the following list of non.. * . . when he usi ?ial employments: neressa rilv. d men engaged in serving food Irink in homes, hotels, restauThis hoard recommends that u'lo loregoc s and restaurants reduce their loyalty and >odied male help by simplifying nient. Kve service and retaining men over , ^ car. unnecea . feel that the unnriiRVI oir??!or OperHIOrS OT dants and other attendants in s,'f>s 'K hotels, stores, apartment whether or >s, office buildings, barber shops thoughts in homes. Not including barbers that he is a jell boys under 18 in hotels and rs for heavy work only in stores, I ZZHH s and restaurants. Kt'lSiH shers and other attendants In sction with games, sports, pool..' rd rooms, bowling alleys, etc , Yank* imusements Not Including ner-! (] y manngcrs and also actual per- Sarccly a [?rs in legitimate concerts, operas news reporl eatrical performances. I evidence of omestic service as cooks, but- kce ingoni. chauffeurs, etc. i the war. 'I ales clerks ami other clerks, ited to an ers and book keepers employed successfully ires and other mercantile estnh- traps in No lents whose places can be filled dians were amen and men without the draft of their ow Not including necessary man-'is plentiful and department heads. outside the utomoblle and truck motor- hVit* cmwii and bicycle d,rivors, cleaners formation h epalrera and deliverers and '^c- Another "l?n. Jr. kltrAlng all abfr? which Is si drivers. Not In-, fi'ont linos cpi and nocoa^ary! shot squadi ? managers iand. re-^If&de up of cks tiled in fjfeferred jrtoad of d .. 0 [E LANCASTER NEWS, LANCASTER, S. C. per war industries board ' clay pigeons they deflect th er 8 list. Not including I grenades which the Germans 1 cce88ories. managers aiid ward their trenches? The for automobiles necossaty to. full charge of buckshot on rincipally- ^or pfefewed bomb, .for instance, is to raaki per war Industries l^ard many yards short "of the ob. .... Q .!!?? M../ I U'hlr.ll it -mac, (ntnmln.l t* ?i v 1 y HOI. a? 1 Liv; 1UUIU^ " mv?i v ?? wo ruvuiiUOW. *1 ring service to physicians, course, but outsid.e the tt the country. * a.nd the steel'particles fly hai :turefs and bottlers end over the heads of the men. ig bottle drinks and sup-1 popul&r American sport hits I , cigars, tobacco and flor- reeled toward winning the w Including necessary ntanid^ factories and tobacco * otton i rop and Price mts and bottlling estaib- * (Charlotte Observer.) It now seems certain- tt , and (\yers and pressing year'8 Production of cotton shiners, etc. Not Includ- considerably less than 12, ry managers of cleaners bales-a. short crop at a tim rnd pressing clubs. tho necds of lhc ,,tttlon and th tore "deliveries should be for the 8taP,e are at h,? o * three deliveries each mark' Considering present d iding the territory of the and Prospective consumpth ..... ... . * .... gother with the certainty of > districts. Not including ?-. .. , ? , * , , ... I harvest, and all In addition >f medical supplies, per-; . ? , ... . . . . soaring cost of production, etables, fresh meats -and . j[prices.are not any higher than . . , . I be expected. If the govt ors and employes and | . . , ? .. _ ' , . Ishould fix the prlte. Governor pplles men. Not Includ-, , ~ . .. . .. , ? . .. . of Texas, reports that the co preferred-list September'. , . , 0. . ... , , . , . terests of his State- think th idustries board, and nec- flxed ,)e ftt |eMt 3| irs (not additions) and That ,8 conservative, and it if ? authorized by proper j 8urprl8lng lf.tho Texas farm es authorities. ! . ?>,- . .. ; n iU Hit Vt^ i)9 C6D18 I1XC0 L peddlers, solicitors, col- maximum. However, the far agents. Not Including Texas can produce cotton at len falling under pre- erably loss expense than can i >f September 8 of war in- IUers of many other Si ird and necessary men s.ates. ider rulings heretofore or " tade. Tlie Thing to Do. and women not regular- (Columbia Record.) six dnv? per week, berk- Ov.r house (we all own it to 'tune tellers, clairvoyants, on flre. We have sueceedt c. . hi?rd work and expenditure ol the above apfdies to stu- small sum of money, ponslder ed in the pursuit of their value of the house, in connect hose with a water hydrant. . j within the draft age not needs to be done to extlngu \ essential callings and flre Is to turn on the water, ferred classification may cost a little money to turn 1 or Inducted Into mill- hose. If the money is forth immediately the flames can ird suggests that all per- tlngulshed in very short ord tn the ages of 15 to 60 we delay It may tako const hie to work are morally, time to put out the flre. Th igage in some useful oc-' to do Is to turn on the hose | dlately. + j That Is the situation that co ? ? this country todav in connects GOOD SCOHK. A. , .. . .. . . ' | the fourth Liberty loan. \V as a very nice day for;nearjy Germans whlf rue it was a bit dusty,1 tremendous efTort will now tt -less a One day. There [trick. The effort is going to ' money; lots of It. Hut rea ars seen upon the streets; ' ? . , . amount is infinitesimal co . some pet haps not used wj^j, wlmt we will save by I.u.ou.in, will must- WHO action, soly tho situation and Give to the limit In this car 0 use or cars on that day " is launched at tho most erne ? . .. m?>nt of th?* war. Our men hi 10 sundav preceding saw , , , onomv in a position now who 1 improvement. Lauras- Pan gtrike him a fatal blow . to realize that tho mat- thorn the weapon with w g gasoline is a patriotic strike the blow. volved in which is tho Tho Counter Interest... lack of support to the (Spartanburg Herald.) in tho winning of tho Tho most promising feature that realization, among present Liberty loan campaign >ple, it Is not surprising interest the people of the coun . .. . , . taking in the matter. The s were left in the barn , . organization, well planned at turprising that any at all followed up, is going to prod suits where results have n< made a good score Sun- *hown in former campaigns, p IrtO-per cent score, but a Th,a ,s mndn ev,dont hy ,ho n in Roidville last night Th one than nas been made hpJd at thj|t p)aro rPHUltftd in e days since the gasoline scription of $45,000 as a pi i proposition has been he- ary. The real canvass of th. >ple. Tho News does not s','n will not begin until About 3 0 persons subscribe iv further embarrassing ... ... ... . , ? nigbt and the total reached $ rising out of the matter. \\*0 may expect Reldville town man should realize that go over the top in a hurry, s his car on Sunday, nn- Paof> ,a maintained and tb< . . assurances that it will bo. it is an injustice to his and to hla neighbor. STO, j WRIXES OF THE s such use because of b s , , ,, SIGHTS SEEN IN I support of the govern-| ry man, wnon using his Says He K\|H'cts to Flat (1i sarily. on Sunday, should Dinner at Home. Hut Is (i< scorn of every other man . , to lU-rlin F'lrst. upon him. for it is, and not anything is said, the Mr and Mrg w F gtoll b the other man's mind are ceived the following letter fro slacker. son at the front: ^ Somewhere in F Dear Mother and Father: lOHS AND PASTE. 1 received your letter a can't imagine how glad I was i from you, only wish It had ie Ingenuity In War. longer one. I want you all t IMttsburg Sun.) me long, long letters, for yo flay passes but that the it lakes a letter a long time .? tell us of some new its way across the deep blue the application of Yan-J We had a very smooth voyi ty to "the piosecut ion of bolleve me I am not going 1 " he latest sample is cred-jhut once more, and that Indian contingent which i when I return to the dear o ' tried out setting boar A. , Man's I^rnd. The In- j Guess you have received m simply applying an idea j letters by this time, n West where big ga,me I spent Sunday In Paris a The traps are jtlajbed had a grand time. I wish ] American wire, and Wnep been with, me to see thesigl r out to gain a llttlej I sunnose von urn rend! f' *etR cau?hl- ^ 1 # newg'r' v truly American avinjc many 11^ arc the so-calli Theso y Ih? 4 m .j , - . ' = \ - r , V FRIDAY, e hag J i hurl to-1^ ^ a Milivil I - a I \ a it full y ^ ject for -* \ xpiodoH TK II Q r> trench, 1 nc u. o? v*overri] mlessly \ v ,ir a? want? to see | ; A Fourth Lil will be , 000.000 W ^ *\ IJ k Loan Boi h-water \ :rt IN EVERY H0R a short T'S The Drive Is Nt ?rnmenl I I ~\ 1 JfA Hobby. ^ \ ii?"See the Liberty Loab G ie price * 7 rather of YoUr Schflol Dis ers are I / \ I as tl?? / :r.? DO NOT DEI the far- ? outhern / The pother) | T\ V C V k. .ft.r Bank or Lane a very| / ing the / lnK th? Lancaster, S. C Ml that y * Ish the ^ f . _j. It will . I on the coming be ex- ' ' ler. If . derable are having a fine time. The people across the e thing (ion?t know what we are talking It is u imme- about and so you can imagine the to make i fun we have. You should hear us solicitors ?"? '>" | trying to speak French and trying be facilitc jn with to oount French money, but think we Howeve e have wlu ?oon master the art. thought U pert. A i had the pleasure of seeing the will be vli irn the Germans rvin the other day. They Lancaster require triod to put on air raid over Paris, 000. Wh lly the hut our guns made it so hot for them The1 ch nipared ,hey turned their noses homeward. Liberty L prompt When we keep them out of Paris M. J. ,l^dr we have done our duty. by pu* *u npaign. we are not coming home until we the Biida ial mo- have made the world a (It place to buying th live the ,|vo jn It JS Up to ,,s to do this and I Throug! re they j believe me we are doing our best. 'ers burea Live Of course it feels a little funny to tee, two hlch to have shells bursting all around us, were f^at but our motto Is: "On to Berlin;, Monday a ' remember Belgium." | Cocoran, < 1 have not seen Lucius B, or Ban strong a.|: r. yet but hope to meet them some- j bonds on of the where soon. If things keep moving evening 1 i is the on as at present we will be home Y. M. C. ry are xmns. I in a very countv i have been promoted to sergeant,! Mrs. Pe id well |t oame as a surprise to me, but I woman's uce re-'am KOlng to do m> best. The lieu-' Springs, c it been tenant gave me a talking which did requested erhaps.) mf? KOod and put new pep in me. express t "sponsc There is no other news that I can sincere ar e rally write, so I will close. Write me luncheon a Ruh-jpvory day. With much love."3|rour Mrs. Erne elimin- 80n, Willie. I mittee u ' town- Sgt. W. F. Stoll, 11th Anti-Air Liberty B todav. i>-" * * - r him j>uneiy, American r?xpou. <1 last poroe. mm""" 15,000. * ' ishlp to if tlint WOMAN'S FOITtTH MIlKltTY H 5re are I<>AN COMMITTEE. MONT). Mrs. I.eroy Springs, City Chairman . i 1 , i To launch tho present big drive "Til 1 the Woman's Liberty Loan commitr > a |? | ii . II IJ I y\I tin, tee, through its State chairman, Mrs. ( Bertha Munsell, sent to all county, ristnias chairmen last Saturday the follow- "THE uliiK '"K telftgram: MONO "Our slogan Is 'a bond in every MA hor.io.' Carry one for liberty, justice, democracy and right. Every, iave re- woman talk, sell, buy and think TL'KHII m their Liberty bonds. Best wishes for a successful campaign." 'ranee. The city captians of the Fourth Liberty Loan drive are hard at work MONT) ,nd you canvassing for bonds. The < city to hear chairman's organization is complete, ??1 been a the name of every woman in town o write hce Id U. S.j There Is mors Catarrh In, this section ***** '* ' of th?( country than aU fnher diseases j put together, and for years tt was sup- Office Hr ly other j posed fl^be Incurable Doctors prescribed / , .?*?? ana Dy cansianuy raiv^-* > mA to cur?\lth loc?i^treati/?nt ' nd sure, it InmrJfrla. Catarrh lfo.1 rou had greatly Influenced by conat i dltlona an dither aXi?' .( tlonal ng the I cl^?. * * / Ve bj^y^ f ? i % ?m % ffC, OCTOBER 4, lgyffifr ?? * > < ment ^ k >erty IE.)/ ^ mOn n j ' ? * , \ I ' Dmmittee ^ r trict. "S. r W A V - ^ # ** 3f? aster 1 | > wafer. -A, " rged that all be prepared i definite ansv/tr when the couie that the\ work may *2f ited. i j- \ r, if the subscription is notv> | irge enough, tho subscriber^ lited again, and then>agatn. ,y 's apportionment is tL00 f at share will you takw airman of the Woman'f .oan for the county, Mrs., ry, began the fourth drive rsing the first $100 bond, y AfTernoon Hook club e first $50 bond. J h the efforts of the speak* u of the woman's commit-\ strong imported spoakers1\ ured at the Star Theater j nd Tuesday. Mr. IterL >f the Y. M. ('. A., made a\ peal for the purchase of { Monday evening. Tuesday ) )r. Lightfdot, also of thi' A., addressed the audience, forceful four-minute talk, rry, county chairman of the committee, and Mrs. if the city committee, have the publicity chairman to hrough this column their >preciation of the beautiful 1 served so attractively by st Moore and her able com* pon the occasion of the ond Rally, Saturday. - . y I yi'KK FEATURES < ?AT? * Tlu'iillrt' |,\Y,