The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, October 04, 1918, Image 1

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K '! r - r?*&I # CP * ?w*v __ f%! The Lancaster News s3 40^ VOL. 22. NO. 100. SEMI-WEEKLY. LANCASTER, S. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1918. / SI It SCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR f THE HINl ?JBv j^rcdm a m^tdid ruLniri/ii^iiii ^i/i? J BEEN DEFfNlTEL QUENTIN NOW V ?i ENEMY -PLACED IN [Ih ICAL P0S1T10N j^t^ossibility is That Enjjrely New ''** wJ3alient Will Devefhp With^in Day or Two. -I i" ?1 % FLANK ATTACK BY SEA? K. 17 : W M Situation on Belgian Coast Leads W to That Conclusion and There ^ ' is Some Speculation Upon it. If >? ' ' a ft ^ t? .Ington, Oct. 3.?.The Gdrmnn |T ^ N aj i/> ** g & *"n nrof. x?-n France and Belgium /l ' ' _# ** * broken'.,; Even ' I dF-5T *" '"mo *,J;? . / ^ o. ^ ?j*.y.ilitary observers ri* 5- c\eed 4hat I'e^Hin8 % integrating and : "V 2. ^ ~ 5V ed Thft?? whole e v orts or tne ?*er- { ' ?, theikjvniiea ? J paster-. 4j Vm and 'n the (J? VQerman zone. /\ * aH the| J 1 ?nburg Ai,^ already I ng - untenable wheir St. .1 Haig's men smashed tlrtouglr? ? x t north of St. Quentin. # ' ' dlate investment of the jy ? French troops and the swift widening of the breach northward, coupled with the continued rapid progress of French. Belgian and British ? } forces, in Belgium, it is thought here may possibly upset the whole Ger} man scheme of r ement already py N/ begun on the Rheims f nt. . | j British penetration oi thdlline, it Yf' y was sa.I, may furnish Marihal Foch with a means to er,ibai"ass the Ger^ , man retreat, always with the possibility of precipitating a veritable rout. ? * j , A German Situation Grave. Ma f Kinged by a wall of victorlom - J enemies over the whole front fror l-*' the North sea to Verdun, the situa *" v tion of the Germans Is undoubtedl n"l?rln rn j n grave. The drive in {?*>.* 1- menacing* vital communications c '? one side while American and Frent m ' % troops in the Champagne are surgii / ^ forward toward equally vital supp ( w lines on the other. The battle line / r assuming the shape of a vast t? thrusting its Jaws out to engulf t U . / German armies The German lei era have Seen their danger. Offlc reports to the state department , \ J dicated the evacuation of th? s _ ' marine bases on the Helgian cc was imminent. There also Is < / \ ' elusive evidence that the evacuaf of the lines before Rheims Is well "> <*or wa*- The question upperr i v In the minds of army officers hei to-whether the German high > Kbr ^ Bland has acted In time. I Announcement from Paris tiia . J\ prisoners were taken by *|MWj B **remeh In operations between A . ?^e And the Alene rivers Is si " t'Of the dlfhculty.of getting t I 'spfeiy out "^!l' * WmjRG j FRANCE AND BELGI Y BROKEN; THEWH IN HAim* f)F MA V M MM MA IA/V/ Vf? ? MMMMA Britisn Smash With the British Army on the St. ^Quei Dritish troops smashed a large and viial s line today between St. Qucntin and C'amb many additional towns and villages and 5 erous guns havf)been taken. The battle was resumed at 6 o'clock in tl throughout-the day, English and Australii into the enemy defenses. The ground over fought their way against the inevitable swa littered with German dead. The advance has reached a denth of nbou il follows that the prinicpal Hindenburg shattered. A few hours may see the Brit *ide of the great German defensive system From the north comes most signficant were gradually being left in a salient have tically all the Armentieres sector and app British troops have entered and are now j Auhers ridge, iuth of Armentieres, has ish are east of there. Indications are not have been forced to begin one of the war's The troops c -operating with the Belgiar Bottlers after hard street fighting. They well back and are^till going. \The Gerr Belgian coast a' as Ostend if the adv gives every sign of da-ng. CCMSSTE DRAWING OF I THRE NEW DRAFT NUMBERS ] J- V f Master Hst Mail tierma^ to District Draft Was , B?urtl*. I Washington, Oct. 3.-^lth the!, completion Tuesday of the third great thto military lottery since the nation went an i to war, machinery of the provost mar- the shal general's office was set in mo-, or, to finally Check the master list tob? i and mail copies to the 156 district usr boards over the country which are to' "r make them immediate'.--* ailable to I As the newspapers within t?. area and Hn gi to post (th'" for the public. tails , The last ff the 17,000 numbers Fr< which are to determine the order in skirn their respective classes of the 13,- a rej a 000,000 men who registered Sep- priso a teinbqr 12, was taken from the big ran glass bowl in the caucus room of the patr< y senate office building at exactly 8 each Is o'clock Tuesday morning. General each >n Crowder drew out the capsule which Ann ;h yonLained No. 12,734. The drawing, Sepi ig whi?Ti started at noon Monday by try dy President Wilson, had been complet- divi is ed in six hours less than the esti- 1 ap mated time due to a race which de- dec he' veloped between the shifts of young car id-, officers charged with the drawing. Ge ial During the first check of the tally gel In- sheets only one number was found ed ub- displaced. The correction was easily he >ast made from the tally wires on which th ;on- actual slips of paper bearing the lion numbers had been strung after be- m '"rtm the capsules. Gen- oi tin- InK r?miiT?ii > ?... no lit eral Crowder stayed with the work-Jen re |8 era ducing the entire 20-hour period, It ?om- an^ the drawing was watched by a constantly changing but never largo V tt 2.- audience, the Time of receipt of the vaster lists the by district boards will be governed i gnifl- by the distance they arc located roops from Washington. The boards have < loned been Instructed to make them public! gn no Immediately. large , When General Crowder took the Beqdfirt capwlejfom the bowl, order MS the nrnuphr ftaifcSe?t wnly a ***24.OM.000 retfathft**, Kum, 8,000 her* far thS. first 9.000,000 reglsa cap trantt ware July 80, 1917. i!ertatut ' ji p v rtW of- Train"* nm?h?w Autn. is t??k Mr. Hobt. S. NdtaHfry, of Fort <|l>eVi- ^*n, met* ? serious ardf well ^*1 lUfch f:ital M*iW Tuesday wfeet winded with a twli LINE SMAS UM HAS SUFFRAGE OLE OF ST. ANARRI VCH FORCES | Lacked Two \ ~ essary Th Pa iburg lint . . ,, , , ' | WILSON S RE ltin Secto Oct. J.?The ectlon 01 the Hlndenburg J . , ? rai. They have occupied The Vote 'Was 1,000 prisoners and num- _ . Resolution ie mopping and continued ther Consid an divisions driving deep vember Elet which the British troops irms of machine guns was . ~ . >' * Washington, t five miles at its apex and Tuesday refused defenses here have been ' of the President tish all way .on the other ftage resolutU i. . . \ measure, news. The'Gennans who I A*?-r flve begun a retreat on pluc- _ corridor -odn.en ear to,he, in full tlight. negotiations, th lassing through Lens. * | federal amendm been tajten and the P t- j ed by the house wanting,that.the Gen > > on the final rol i greatest retreats. | than the neces is have taken villages near jority. Fifty-fc have forced the Germans corded for it ai nans must get out of the . twelve abi nt a ance" here continues, as it Before the Senator Jones, i man of the woi ' ?' ~ tee. to comply v 'AT OF REPRISALS ZZZmltive [S MADE BY GERMANY moved that tl ______ This made the to 31 and left ny .Sends Ultimatum to nlcaHy pending kuugton Relative to Use of dar, in position . | .. ...? >? ation planned i ins. elections, when L \ ~ to muster the 3.?Germany, v?teg. Legation, has sent President W he government of dreas to the ? th-.t if no satisfac- letters to s< .'fo- ihcomtng on Oc- "tors opposed .German protest about not ehange a s k by American soldiers the flnal debs be taken." sorted thav enii-offlcial telegram from Her- woll'(' mean veo the following additional de- ecutive. Incl of the note: "paired senato; )m prisoners captured during a t*iat the sena lish between patrols on July 27, mating shotgv 0-aken. The (Continu ners, who helongeu to an Ameri- * infantry regiment, stated their LANCAST1 :>! possessed three such guns, COMIN' loaded with six cartridges and i cartridge containing nine shots, ther shotgun was captured on Sales of Wai ItMiiber 1 1 from the tihrd infanregiment of the fifth American sion. "ho use of such weapons is forbidi by The Hague convention as ising unnecessary suffering. The ' rnian government protests ener- ras,er ?oun tically and expects from the 1'nit- ',s P,,r(,'lils States government that steps will accord'ng taken inimodiatelv to discontinue e employment of shot guns. committee. It is pointed out to the govern- Jn,y an(l ' ent of the United States that a pris- ras,ftr cou ter on whom a shotgun or shot- Pl,rc'ias* hn ammunition is found forfeits his Tfie ar,ua fe. months a ? ia a deflc i'K HAVE 1,000 (iKILMAN's TO same per EVERY AMERICAN PRISONER reports Washington. Oct. 3.?The German >114.272 >rotest against the use of shotguns c?'sh of p jy American troops has been receiv- S- cai ad at the state department seen that Shotguns are used by American other roi troops, It was said, only as author- 8. S. N Ir.ed by the accepted rules of war cause of They are employed in general police savings work and in guarding prisoners, be- the f: ing more desirable for such work fampaig titan the high powered army rifle be- "? (i cause the firing of the latter mightj The ? result In the death or Injury of per- people fftg* fe #tl not jleem -1 lusan otfleists. hold pledge, l.OOA dbrman'jc^oners Jo ? ?* .j Aujeiicaoa in eiitfny^nrlftQ^ eniopd. cotifety ttSL ~ " Kv" V^er n ' Personam. # J " > The d! Jadffe "Ernest Moofjo ^ HFtwmefl ia the i? Wedtiend'ny from a tmniijeea trip to b!e <1. .VHonnl ?i. toni !-} / torq n-I /MIW Marital' ho ha. bo*V for A TS?tfa? - lory 'N the ,n jjBpr* j HED BY " j LOST BY AN OVER-OPTIH )W MARGIN MIGHT SLOW rotes of the Nec- Washington Officials ro-Thirds For Ar .erican People as t ssage. From Front. :QUEST DENIED CAMPAIGN IS COIN i 53 to 31 and the Recent Events on Ha is Left For Fur- Make Sal of I iber Oration After No- More Imperative So J !tiom He No Let I'p. Oct. 3.?The senate Washington. Oct. 3 to grant the request 1 Wi' on and other ollirial that the woman suf-ltl vineriean people nui be passed as a war! cat. >n lest the good new | hattiefronts cause a relax s of bitter debate, fort on behalf of the fou ?nces and cloakroom loan. Thus far no such t? e Susan B. Anthony been noticeable and tlie lent resolution enact- has been going with an last January received comparable to that with il call two votes lean l..ttle reports have been ssary two-thirds ma-i it is pointed out that n >ur senators were re- tory is definitely being id 30 against it. with the side of the allied a nd paired. ! and more funds are ne< vote was announced, able the lighting men to of New Mexico, chair- their hard won advantai man suffrage commit-j the German hordes 1 vith parliamentary re- ( Rhine. Secretary McAd( anged his vote from stood to have determin to the negative, and speakers emphasize this le senate reconsider, tinuously until the hug* final official record 53 dollar total is raised, the resolution tech- Official reports from al on the senate calen- S4>j-Ve districts except 1' tr\r fnrfhnr Anncl/1 or_ . ? * __ _ a. * s v.. .u.v~. wnicn nas nm sianea aTter the November scriptions. showed 3 i suffrage forces hope pledges actually received requisite number of pi,. by payment of th< initial installment. Thi ilson's personal ad- Ceipts up to last night. 1 tenators supplemented include millions of dol iveral Democratic sen- 9Criptions on which the to the resolution did ment has not been made, ingle vote, although in made but not yet repor it? some senators as- by banks. The total ton feat of the resolution expected to be sever repo... . ex. mj|j|on A.iiftlg greater. u and raise six billions. - lvo, 7- line-up of 62 to 3' Cft'V to get a daily aver ert on PaK? Eight.) have bnen ? i Among the reporter EH COUNTY NOT trlcts .ere: i?i Richmond, $ 14.1 s>? (; ITP TO PLEDGES Atlanta $i.674.8ft' _____ Dallas. $4,812,450. Ti.i* Tow a still stood al r HnvinR. in Th.. Jow ^ ^ ^ ^ ntv Far short of |f wftS ovor its quoti Th.- Richmond <j| that, Hot si " ford. Va.. and Aslu >n. S. r.. Oct. 3 Dan- combe county. Sortl ty is behini. its pledges in ovor_sUbscribed their c of War Savings stamps. ^ connection wit to a report Just compiled ent a slackoninf uth Carolina war savings 1 Qra,e it was cited For the months of June.) officials that pra \ugust the people of 1-rfin-. ^ billion dollars t nty pledged themselves H>|hnve been spent b; $65,215 worth of W. S. S 1 recelved at the lp 1 purchases for these t^Lmment already Is ,?.i *:ifi 404. whlen| . rntf> lit of $28,811. During thol a* iW Ul 24 counties?for which wh,oh ls suhstantit arc complete?purchased bo ,aiHPrt ,n ,h" fo I worth of W. S. S. in ex- In September it lodges made in the June W ireaaury report th. I [npaign, and it can thus he ",l1 f 1 .f>->?._64.00( I Lancaster is lagging behind 'oss ,ban <be *' * I unties in the purchase of \V. , ln *IILMIS, Heedless to say, this fact is 11 j ' b? total cost ell I' disappointment to the war.10 <)( ' waRl committee, especially in view ' S.tlOft er th I Inct that in the June W. 8. 8 :,s wlU he rals0(1 ;n Lancaster county fell short luota. s,,mln> itate committee hopes that the ( ommunlon se of Lancaster county will re- at tbe the pledges, which were for- Sl,n,lay morning or neglected, and thst they for sorvlces T' tep up with and exceed their W"1 a,*? bol<1 ri ? for future purchaaes ?f W. 8. 10 o'clock. a n?t. thougrht that l/*ncaater 11 will be content to l.\g behind | counties. ' r'kv, f^ancastos" .rfepo-* -?'*>' | ?*op> 'JSpZ&Su ift " \ 11'"I.08 loq B *u,X. lJToV snB;> n<*vA"H id *T*aa ^L-^^raaC '' - l? BRITISH IISM RED CROSS NEEDS DRIVE 330 MORE SHEETS * ' Caution Lancaster's Allotment for Hoso News pital Shower Must lie Made Up. U coon MORE WORKERS NEEDED Vi ittlefronts Surgical Dressings Department ty Bands Makes Another Appeal for - rhere Will * orkers in Order to Meet Large Allotment. <> ?President s feel that ATTENTION MKX AM) is? exercise WOMEN of IjANC. s from the ation of efrth Libert* Sheets lor the lied 1'ross L. ndency has Shower. campaign laoieaster's allotment must I enthusiasm I romiiU'tcd. which tie :WO more sheets needed. Ear* received. I sheet costs approximately $1.8* o\v that \ i- you cannot contribute the sh* brought to money. rmies funds edetl to en- (It* MISS MAIttiAKKT press home The Lancaster chaptfc__ ua& never .'? and hurl yet failed to till an allotment. It I jevond the must not fail in this. Sureiy you Q mi in HIHHT- w uuiu inn nrr in?j nuiuici s wuuuuru ed to have in the tight for you, lack the few point con- comforts you can send them. ? six billion The colored auxiliary l\?s -come splendidly to the aid of the chapter. 1 federal re- N*ot only offering to launder the imCunsas City, niense linen allotment, .everv taking sub- of which must he freshly " >626.506.000 before shipment, they have and accom- trlbuted $25.00. The Red > iy per cent tnost appreciative of their * 8 covers re- anfl cannot too h'"hlv coin* but does not 'or their work, lars in sub- The surgical dressing initial pay- must again appeal for wor or has been present no knitting is beir ted officially very little sewing on h lorrnw nigh* ments because :>f the la al hundred rial. A large allotment ?. In order to rigation pads which should be lid be i..?ces- pleted within the next week age ... *ti5(- days is much less than hal liied iat< >> . .. ?0|J are n(), so]|jnf, l,jbe ollars should won t yo, ^ at le#gt on< l* this time land make surgu... . * * esing. ' v ells-1 ? **? ? 750 CENTRAL POWERS TAKE i. ' j 'LITRES OF DEFENSE lone tonight as Austrian (iovoranin rt officially that Karly Pmre |n t. strict reported Germany. ^ )rings and Mil 'ville and Bun- . , _ . _ , ^ Amsterdam, Oct. 3.?Acc?<^^a (i Carolina, had ,, , .. ^Pr Budapest newspapers the ,r*u8trd->r~ 1 quotas. .. . . . . Hungarian government desires peace, h the efforts toj jn agrPen,Pnt with Germany, no?" "f campaign j withstanding the fact that measures today l?v treas-j |lavo been taken for defense as radically all of the sujt Bulgaria's withdrawal from o be raised will (he war ' v th? linn it is ^ dispatch received here- (rom hf gov |i,)(japest quotes the "newspaper* of . paving out monev ..... . ' that city as saying that a crown .>o.oo council was held Saturday, at which/ illy the money to mjmat.y mpa<i,ires that had become urth loan. necessary as a result of Bulgaria*' wits shown i> a aot|OI) WPrP taken to guarantee a government pa <: j effpC|jve defense, but the governi oi . 4 . mi < ment was still striving at the earliest 105,000.000 record ... . . . possible moment, in agreement witn ' Germany, to secure a peace tha t is months of ?,ir WOuld absolutely preserve the v shown to be .. arrhy-s territorial integrity, ree times as much * by the fourth loan. WIIaSOX IlI'VS H<> Services. A\l> STAkW '4+ WnahlnVton. "5 rvices will be new ?? Man church next' Wilaon by purrha?>, ^ at^tbe usual hour at a theater ^ he Sunday school rally wht-^h ?lly day exerciaea at, S4**,t NOTICE TO sjl^^ a Govftrnr- " f "i miniBUf Q1 Pies