# y PAGE TWO il For the Lo\ tier tnoi th, und when a v "1 : to herself she's plannln and when a \vo:uan is \>1 thlutr, look out! . THE L; k'onitiii smile* w? K KoruethluK. ${ ??"/v?*v > '? Your Home I ills. Try our No. 61 ^ tains and varnishes mobile and Carriage * J?ll Ml 1 " " ?uuuiv it vu?"> i> (ir? win ^fwenty, as buxom as thirty, / wise as forty, and yet she \ of these. A woman would li 1 ehe was thirty-five?u man, five, but as a matter of fact none of these, either. She "tttely twenty-eight, admitte year, month and day of it, an when she did so, serenely and miled, whether you looked HU1I1I" MM j , and as wonderment Razing at tl vas none "lammed liehind her, until tave said '-v sl"'ond over his sober twenty-; "I'unny thinu?a wotnu she was Hut what he tho was en- tii 1* diflerent. It had d every what his private secreta id smiled expei ted to do tinder a ^ brightly Take kissing, fo skeptical _ 'luring the next a ... iuu, nnr. But they ure 'nia shlpbuildi Mexandrla. uwuy. Are?are Mrs W?Nnn a s?" keel lav ne. human's cousin. r-fleal pialo ?),ooo-tnn froiRbto'- your he board on which I f 1 I at the now VIr- AJJ ng corporation at nHMHMI 'so nlayij a met i _ coidl'c tho 'a-" Into nos't'on an<1 ' .K7VV4 4IVTT CI 1CW \ ime, and make it sanitarv and 1 ENNETT-TER Headquarters for All Kinds luuurs win oeautuy t*, healthful. I Vj^/ R Y ca I of Paints. r | f or doubtful. In her graver moments, or should say, Mahle was prlva tary to the Honorable I'eter 11 time senator In the leglslatut great state of Ohio, and for the richest man In Rellingtt Honorable Peter Ilobb, althoi ' forty-one, was also the most man north of the equator and Honorable Peter was out hours I warc' nephew strolled iut to score- 1 ri%'ato ol,lce* ?.lib one* k one!" he K V of the fnm,llarlynil time 1,1 K,ml hero, ?n. The MabeI- "Do y?u k?,,w Ufr'h only Ullt'h! s b,H'n trying to got dignified sl,<> ,au?hed- ,,,VN south of th.n* of ,hatr . . 4 I I i 111 l ?<1 I V V* irp|tinn/1 1 and his way- i Edmund Marsh. 1 sto o his uncle's , trains to. see them. 1 happened on this ti reeted Mabel "Is there a hotel In wait until the 11:20 t Ililly," said j "There Is one, hut I r that your : would be a dreary ! me to marry w'alt!" She hesitated 'hat do you ' a {dance out Into th?? elded her. "W'e should Mil.. ? I - ppotl off between n tiling: the shin It's unfortunate " f haven't rot In* luu?Ui'?l. j t mioss it's nil re where I can , ... , os i|""t. a^ ho rain/ . ... '? pr'tman on the it s very poor. It sort of place to ,h'to hnt PI,f1 o| i a tnonicnl, then ^aton to a roi rngini; Storm tie- ! 'tnrotl nrcajnst ?h I be glad to have "Pretty fair :is she <1'?1 so. 111V '1'fo'l Piinl. V ritrht." 1 uich'rl Hi jy ? I mid pnd n'eely pmp ke"l jiln'p work." commented UR OPTi ' r' ? '* ii/ff f nr armi ICIAN \ r wrn " xne norm poie. He ru< 11 :it -Jh: forearms, gle. with Ih'huve yourself, Ftlll ring the when the door Hid been IInbb ?ntelated her ' Look htMV< nm" hw sal duchess you nn,st hu* ,ny ,,riva the cour- k,nd,y arrange to do it hours!" mi;, i in- j'liu niiiir in mm wan Ami forth- of the Dorgnns is alv cnught Mtibel j The man's virile, p 1 It.v was of the type i y," she was , small towns. Ami t< opened and Inn was like a breath the outside world froi Id, grimly, "If been largely exclude te secretary, taken the reins of tin ; after olliee her mother's death. The 1 >umans return ni're. a relative |j)(1 shipbuilder ,-nys welcome." olished personal- A ?roat orow<; lot often seen In "r tho first shin i Kdith Ills coin- 'mliin since th of roinaiiee from | masters flourish' a which slie lnnl ud fMi"sanenke il since she ha (lf \ew i household after ,,p ? , , . - , the Virginia Sh led home the fol with a crin. I saw tho hefcinnlnt; td b" hllilt ' 'T \ <>' e (lavs whpp fotn L f'd on I'". I'otoni i J j hay. Charlp? \V York, rpjocsp-t tv 1 n"r-'a1 inlpr I . . to take care of myself a ' proprieties of the office Now, Hilly," she said, s<|ii tiere-I- fjne t?y,>s and faring tin i girl, as termlnedly. "it's time yo the ollire in>; Vo?r cm.|,, i?0|,.r. the chair Iwint r," said Mu- lowing ?lny and Kditli t huKginR me ! the incident of their ryitiK to, the Yes, 1 remember a lerfectly aide my father's hy the i s well as the Marsh, hut I haven , thank you. years. You say he hu lintintf up her 1 remeinher liitn, hi> nephew ile- like his father's." u were help- '"Perhaps it jfrew You will re- older. Many times it i relaled to .Wm , ''"Hl'l' is of fho cousin s coining. 'nu-il (ho P?-??si distant cousin ot 11 nnd in the i mine of i'Muiond on were Scnato t seen liim tor ?r?':i: S'ninions, d dark lmlrV As |M, n, 5 hair was 1 iirlit . ' lark, former S dark as he K,)t ^esentative Car does." A shrieking o (lunst'Mi 1-1 nil. v.- 1 .lent and M'f- Wl?:>jm\ from W.-kIm"-' i s Mart'n. of V'- w I "\ of North Cirol ".'- JL 1 ' Florida; Snoaker nonkor (v?nnon. Rplin. of Virginia. L/C nlrona In the ship- IMLj * ' J VO DAYS IS A SPECIAL REPI I ONLY * * &V RESENT A T1VE frontier desk, slums u book Its paper-littered top with a 1 yells out In disgusted tones the face of n dignified nmn Honorable Peter Tlobb?"for of Pete! you make me sirk," marches out of his office in tl of the afternoon and doesi back the next morning, you n that something would be iftM t iur JLU1 Vlllitll "I ni|i|imn \\ I it'll six1 Went hot u'U toinnrr??w father reutlliiK Ili?? I>n illars to stnrt tcrcil ho soiil **\< !t???11 (1 no fooling, "Here's tin ueeoion of tlio mil 11 who col unthed Hilly, diamond rtthhcry nt < iroinK out the store lust week. He detective Just us he 1 loruhle Peter 11 :H() train lust ni^l ury in amaze- i thinj? they pit him. T 'Iter she 11;l< 1 wus it hultl niece of v lie she found h? r yard announced iper. As she t'li- hail arrived aril ly I th" wooden ladd i of the capture ?nrr<>,(1 ways he iiinitted that big , , , . roar of cheers, onway s Jewell y was tiahhed by a President W'ls lvus hoarding the diatelv to hnsin it. Mighty g<"?d -von and a gig.i hat t on way case hiwly lowered l vnrk " that the President whon ho mounted ! i r to tho fpp of thp' was greeted with a j mn proceeded 'mme DD ess. the sijrna' wa? 1/11 intie traveling erane ho 'ast heavy plate | ?OF? OWN-SLOAN OPTICA (iKKKNVILLK, S 1 > L COMPANY c, uaypvu* "I just couldn't help It," she mother thnt night. "He Just nephew of his work him to till. It will ruin the boy, too nice a youngster to be rul way. The Idea ! With all tl coming in* every month ani bigger all |he time, and he nt word 1" J "But, M&ble. Just think v written to his nephew, tli > told her signed without rending, lets that "He's u good hoy," she a stand- yOU ?Vi re spoiling him. 1 and he's Put IVtei* Hobb wtive< Ined that 0f ids nephew impatient lose hills over his small s?wrot ary s 1 getting "A?a while ago, you k ;ver says saying, awkwardly. "I w was jealous of the cub, hat you t?r >? e olio he had , When he finished r nnd laid it down. Kt smiled, "only ?1M| eagerly seanned eter." I the rubber capture. 1 the subject clutched hard at her ] ly. and stobd | paper described him Iftly. with brown hair and now," he was wnH tl|So an accural us?I kucss I | fj?. man who had < Mabel, dear, ni^ht. Could It he '?? the Icool into fading the paper litli picked it up holt8 wer? ?,la<,p' the account of "un Superinter A suildcn fi'nr drewa. actinu as licurt. Tin- news- the charcoal fur as tall, sleiuli-r, (>f Iron and placi blue eyes thut ,ho multitudinot: e description of pInte alleil there Inst possible that ho -'^s ' t'restdi position; temporar> I I to hold it firm and 1 ldent Charles \n-| ?JF1 beater, drew from ! MMM nam n blazing nub J *d it through one 01 I is holes in the keel ent stepped forward OET 5 IS AN EXPERT, A . AND WE ncrvM Ait xr nt T SPECIALIST i 1 t r* a m. y-nr-i t-i said. Hi ^ name is Peter, d you suid. dr the love of Pet think?ofc,^iv, what will he tli course, voffre fired." care if I am," sal apua'klly. "The nerve of liir tne if I'd take Billy Hnhh nd*mnrry him just to make J&vp?even supposing I could v ft But Mable's voice was as oar, and ??j know, Pot or. I? e!' He'll were," said Mabel Wells, link? Of While from the door, Ilohb had returned to on d Mnblo, head for the last word, a asking voire: in hand "Look here, aunty! him be- kiss my private uneie, ki to d?> !t after oftlce hour.ealin as And some such urranti I 1)11(1 been ill) Impost* I know you ?,f the discrepancy , shyly. ponninco and Mr. I whoro Hilly hrnncc of htm. lVrlu iter his blond r,.?i Kdmoml Marsh came h stern seemed so straight f? | orahlo, and yet she k If you must crooks sometimes ha< ndly arrange ln(, manners. She f i." voice her fears to hoi laments wore * - ?r? She thought *o take hold of between his np- "lotion picture turban's remein-j f ||ek. Someone ips he wasu t the objected. at all! lie hud .n- . . ? . . no ren'ied and 1 new the greatest 1 the most pleas- ,or wh,f h fo,low lid not want to "?>n "lowly press r father?for the f the riveter. tbo airmin, sevpra' t oa moras bot:an to asked Mr. Wilson if 'm not oar ora shv." ioinod in the laiurh- _ od President Wil- JJ nd down the triRpor SiPO i .I\OVJl>ALL I UUHIS SERVIC he weather does not e flim nn tho rfnl si AKAIN ILL | ES J ffect his work, jj J ii kitten's slumber ns she ? the telephone at ten-thirty I doming, and I regret to say el'l'l led her hand over the tri 4 and giggled, when she heard 1 of her employer on the wire. "Are you ill this mornii Wells?" "Oh, no," blithely. "Well?er?you were late? inswered subsequently made, the next th.it ?h? SAYS ANT |S "CHUC msmltter the voice Swedish Naturalist Now i r Ml.sb ward to Destroy Insect tablished Good Rep and?I? , T!'" ,mt hi,s In the oninion <>f Klch 1-.l |"?.^unf ? 'Minn I |II|| piiost and tha dlnmom dantly tint ooaurrad i KLEHEAD ' K?IIIII \?U liu^ui ur lil. "I thought I was fired," sal "Fired? Oh, no, and you se eeeni to find anything this *v .. If you could arrange to get eoon us possible, Miss Wells, appreciate It." Thirty minutes later Mablt the ollice and pitched Into h There was a pile of bills to b? ? off, and checks to write for d Mahle. Dutiirnllst. Solomon set o. I cnn't w''h his famous udnmr morning. s'uggard, and the ant ha over as under false pretenses eve I would nM " ln?ttor of fact. It I chucklehead, and to cons ? entered t? become wis er work. Murk Twain arrived a checked 's'Mn many years ago, am each hill, bands with lilin In the fashion know tin* writing, so litlon to the the signature. She a s been living sharply as she read, " r since. For, "Surely it will exp is a hopeless thought, nud eagerly Ider Its ways ter. After a polite le. appreciation of the e' t this conclu- Ity, he said : 1 science now "I believe yon brmp the person of If was owing to my " * * ' l llliu I II*" irlnneed first at e)Pnnlv to a but aught her breath antpe(1 to hol(, ,, rahnond Marsh. .... i i , ... " hen the anr lain things, she ' scanned the let- ,hipyard band repot It ion of his sP?n*lcd Hanner rening's hospital- '';il party return rht me good luck. stopover in your ? 11v i ? ;i? in"iicn | ton-like head, guar- I i all kinds of seas. 1 dause subsided. th> played "The Sta- ?????? " and the p esidened to Washington. USE TH] JU4I11 Vilk/1 Ull^ I 2 LANCASTER NEWS W / V* I J 1 ? - 4 ANT ADS. IT PAYS 1 1 * ' j besides a dozen letters. The t . statements front Hilly Hob V itors, and one of the letter Billj- himself. The letter \vn bel's own composition, and i the point: "My Dear Boy:?Needless Fm covering your accounts ^ Also I'm sending you check f v dred, which will he enough t ills were Kt>' who < b's cred- 11 s,"r',>s experiments w * wus to disposes first of the Inse s of M-i- uncanny power to rocogu t wus to nn,s (,f "s own nnth'"* ^ j ed ants In ether, dipped t , t() SMV [ gained by pressing a nu as usual. frm" another hl11- nnd l? . ' * among their own friends, or a lain- , , ,, , ly fell upon them and ind more IIi? tonk lints . ?U firm*s In tin* results of town that I made Root ith ants, lie lieen employed as a rt's supposed Conway rohliery cast l/.e other ten- nit'lit had not l?een tlr. Ege wash- clews. He'd evlden hem in Ihptld around there, anil as mher t recognize our pres- invaders. Mr. Kite con hut such fore, that the supposei far as 1 Pharp recognltlonal po\v< In spend- 8ects are simply a inattei ens. inherited reflexes. .~ ?" .? ?">? ?" ' anthill, wash- "Anyway, so inwl in in a IU|uhl yon. I'ni irolnu to t>< hat hill, an ?' - miimu iit-inui|Kijr as Hilt? Id the nmlL. V. Peter Hobh\jfi?1 Ignored .rising darr-up rk hie serrei ys pnxnod Ftoe eaine i 'Iff#- "-mnrnty und r fte super s. She 1 ?-ii iim-iai next's, uncuniH'cicu win the ?dp- Unfortunate "Sec hiry, One of the superstlt *8 ^ A Pf>r William II relate? Igltl cA.r title. He foarH that lor araln m>y compelled to h! Had stood Df other "Seconds," of 'fterncjon p8t could he easily coiup pages of Knropi^n hlHtc i uuemgenca " "V , ^ , , J We know that the . ? t ' magnifying glass nm ' . _ to the modern teleat 'T ?L?T' ,nu?.fl by ^ .are the fate ?i ,t th h whom a long bZ bJ b Led from t^, A ? ray. rv j * . 1 tl'A vehly waier, bow undents had the I Board ai 1 something nkln! The best ape; glass being I For furthei ised In antlqultyl Reserve ars ago was ao > historical wise* we read of the j powerful mngnl- , i, and of obrteffth . ninn Aiieys, i^aiRp Atnietic Field id matriculation fee for entire h. accommodations. A place for he Information write for Summer S? dormitory accommodations as car D. B. JOH j. AJBWfcraL I thoroughly o<|iiipped. BRlon $35.00. !alth. recroation, information, and I 'hool Bulletin, ly rb poBBiblo. / NSON, President t Hill fc a ? - -w. ...VII II | lU I (3(1 Among a rew ay ? uniwironatei of ; ijyfc -> w 1., Al?* o. do "V? ; r w ' * r r 1