The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 24, 1918, Image 8

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' 4 , -*rw *. * * ? * < * THE LANC : . _ % p** ? m ASTER NEWS, LANCASTE1 w 1 yv FRIDAY ? jSt . MAY 24. 19X8. I \ 1/ANC/ Jf ** g D ^k'The BosfcJ Shop , /lE^JT SI kfter All"-* ORES/'( m v ?- ? '? . CL01 $7 ^ ' 71ES OF QUALL We Inn this soas< \ 111 fc- ??TY FOR MEN *e step]>e<l lively to #et >n's stock of our men's * MEN'S 5 INGS FOR TH ur\T n a \ro ER^ J PAY AS V(H KM , THK KAISKIt We're in the wa Whether it's a long one. we will have ti XJ-lvyj. s~T7 ' rKIt Ol* IIAVK EV^F <<>1XK<T. \ r to the finish. C^VaR* ride or a short |kVJVu? o pay sometime. WJ>'>y\ ,Monu,s a? Ej|.fm/ UX son, and m-hi.-v.-d fr yfor^ lor.v to ini of dignit\ I7th n w<> j1^ M ]|l V?1J yoll Will a/ i\\ f |,"si" good as those Ot last scathe results we have will he highly satisfaceii who must have clothes ' and style. re assembled styles that accord splendid?styles ess use?styles for lnoiv nui uja i o Shirts, tics, hard and collars, underwear, socks, tors, belts, everything in you could possibly nec< furnishings you can find in just the brand you wan The cost is high, but If we lose the war. We are not goinj It's going to take a win. We have the c Uncle Sam with e needs or contributin J ' ties to Kaiser Rill. : ^ There's but one a o9 proposition for eve ** mi American! It's GIV * Li mpn am) V it will be higher Wj?j fell to lose! But ^ Hi W lot of money to Is" \ Em a hoice of barking / >A Km ~~jFj very dollar he f f I *>' t*^^l g vast indemni- "' ' 11 ' ? ? nswer to such a Hb'lde ill tllOS ry red-blooded Utiles So in b! Give money. 1,1 ovor wAVArlnc. thou notinnti Sf 7 \\ ' drossy usi i\4 II kA wo ill ?S e busy war times, i hat is tcrcstiiiii- ami when you bil ..ii. C3 V.i:~:? i4?styles for outdoor and ai\ in an array of models r all your requirements, 1 of fahries so jjood that wonder how they were what makes this season's iv them you will be more !. . 11 i ' prices less than elsewl 1 lere ;ire just a IVw iustai Shirts of !'ereale and Mai separate or without e I Silk and I .inen Shirts . . . Iras, French <?r laundred cu ollars. Priced $75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $ rm jl nsJPrtfi^cn4 S1.50 to $2.50 >3.50 to $6,00 . . ' ' &* 'never faltering, nev< GIVING FREKLY that Peace with Ho ?. Wide Freedom may f MASC - ? e? * t ?r begrudging? and GLADLY nor and World- J soon be won. ULINE UNION S Tlk'V arc <r; * i\ .MllMlfU. OJ H'Clill\V. 11 m >5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $9 UITS '.niwiits M 111 niocK'is priced at .95 to $32.50. HERE'S A PLENTY > hJ C i uI? SilU Shirts Linen and Soft Madras (\ Silk ('ollars Here A . TL-j. T liars re Suits 'L _ D P ' " ....$5.00 up * j\ . . ,20c Each m K. . . . . 30c Each U jj f=^ ly > - A will keep the 1 comfy n<> mat v the therinmnet ister. Their ^ } through their j /y as easily a / through a pie< r- l/l iril Hulycool ami ter how high or may regair ran got | )orous fabrics j sit can got \s& ''"7- ? ;e of common cit o iicu/ uuuailei WW iiutd i nut i , , . . Will Have a H ' ?1 he Stuffi They were y^i* !; ' off boys who v r ^. litfht in seeir ?--TO V^i i they can do A fashioned wit! ue uuys \j?J ard .loh to Kick /\V ^75 in Out Of. ^ made to head take great de- ( J ig how quickly it. They are I? ~7 h fabrics which J fjjv H' .11 ' W mosquito nettii t rom yarns of i and arc dnrab in tho scams s<i all ohaneos < spreading. Si Ilg. * s arc woven Plenty f< jreat strength suit liini to lv welded to- Plenty o ' as to prevent style and t' riping or Plenty al zes to tit any to own for *5? V >r everv man to find a con a "T/ t the .$12.00 and $3.00 kind nod in feel and finish, for r Iso of the liner grades that those occasions when a hi W are especially great resistinj pic that will full and room bodies lots .f clamped togetl s. correct 111 ... * , . v , with double ! ci?iilar wear. vent any char a man likes or pulling ap t more than are fitted wi noted for their / 1 ? requisites; cut [ J I y to allow agile of play; and her in the seams J M stitches to pre- / rl ice of spreading art. The coats KfK MB t h and without MM I I ! I 1 11 o ' man can he lui ices. q si.oo, $i.5o, $: MEN!HER id at these pr tlu' usual 1: Imperially right sort ( 2.00 and $2.50 rhaiiee to li E ARE SHOES s ex)M'ctcd ot mill 111 the \> if you have found it liar< >f hat, give <?ur complete i t you. rav nt dress, neita; plain an 1 to Kot the trousers. The ? . . m the bargan issortment a .$.'{.50, $4.0( to ! (t Knickerbocker V H ?se prices belong H W >, $4.50, $5.00 fo/M $8.75. 7o. R3L In Which Good Looks and Here are shoes that look as in# and that will wear as !on? kicks you ever slipped over yo sertion but a substantial fact fully corroborates it. For the Long Wear (Jo Hand in Hand. i stylish as the most stylish 1<>< as tho longest wearing pair air socks. This is not an idle The composition of these sh< sy combine in their make-up 01 7/vcl ^fc^y? y ui iTffl ' j , *? -... t M, ^3 <fcikM ^ ? jlmm. I H? the finest leathers and most money can procure. They are in button and lacc fects, fitted with a wide variety had in every desired width anc you how economically. * > on < > in ? ! n highly skilled workmanship tl ; models in plain and novelty ' of handsome lasts; and can 1 size. These prices will sh * 'll.K f, ? ? n ? 1 on "?n lal DAINTY I.I r i I.K DICKSSI Kacli a pretty model that v of- and come within the price yoi little daughter's summer die Some ate plain for every d OW dressy for special occasions what your selection may be ently moderate. Just see. Cingham Dresses .">t UaIU .....I n?. 11? - ft \^? ? KS I OK TilK WKK MISS. IM) k ill meet with your approval q*; 11 Intended to spend for youi r^ 'SBP8. aUI ay wear and some are more abus i and Sunday. No matter \, the prices are all consist- an(j < onu lie. tt.-M , 7."V. #l.oo to $2 <M> you YS? SKRYICKAHI.K WASH SI'IT* ANI> PLAVTIMK WKA hese wash suits will live a long li use and abuse that the youngsters ' e they are made of fabrics that le like a durk does to water, o suits could he more suitable fo after. The assortment includes st; e boys of all ages. IOxcellent se!e< at these prices. ; roil s< iiooL III / spit.' of all' . flti, will Kive th' in |W? , take to use and llrV r wear to scl$n? ' || .'Bp-: yles to fit and ||| \ Jr/ *tlons are assured* 111 \ U& I ^ < Tuberculosis in Austi , , Zurich, May 23.- Austria i state that one-third of i ^deaths during March were d herriilnsis lareelv the r i?. DUVAL IS CONDEA n papers T0 Dip: FOR the total ue to tuesult of I Siv Other Defendants Ke AN ED iho ministry of inter unci ionv two years and lined TREASON . . . La.vmarie s condom greater public intere nt to Prison sion than did the dosi | * who ? ii vi i/i a 11 < 111* i / ? ?7? lor. was given |and sunk on the n 1,(100 francs. jearly morning of nation roused "All on board st and discus- saved, ith sentence of "The vessel wa ? .Ml, iji.i.inp, Rill llll up | iKht of May 14 or SI'M.MKR IK?l May 15. North C'aroll were reported crest, 18 ml hlluht rooms, s returnlnu with- eleriric lie! ?.* , 7.M\ Wl.OO. 91.20, if: in Mountains* of Q| |OT| If ina for rent; Ridge- KI|fMI|l lea from Asheville. ,WI ,UI furnished, water and ? ita War raltrnnfl and *2.00. HI IE EXPERT HERE " ? ? ~<^utritlon and under-fee IT POWERFUL When you feel sluggi nervous, tired and indi you have the first syr of declining strength ar d'n8- For Tonus ItaiiKinj Two to Ten Ye, ish and Paris, May 2ft.? M. fferent, was director of the sup nptoms manoplane newspaper 15' id your was condemned to deal J- *k~ martial for treason. t From Duval, as public mi connected his sente "'* forthcoming trial of ex-minister or the inl Duval, who . ... * ~ 0.-.- AMERICAN SHIP [>nnet itouge BY A GERM A h by court nda naturally lout rar^o. nee with the "No troops wer Louis Malvy, Nechea was undo crior. United States shir IS SUNK * N TORPEDO * BUSINESS ? station and p on board. The Craven. Kant r charter by the ._ iplng board. FIXE L.\1U<K Plat Dutch C ' ^00, $1.75 p * mail. fj. B. , NOTICES ? STOLEN?One postoffloe. Geo, B. S<e,e'? Wor 'aster, S. C. 61-tf. clalty, < early Wakefield ami abhage Plants 25c per P. H. See er 1,000 delivered by delphia. the Mackorell. 51-tf. personally i and will rer Ford touring car. dav only. M 1<l Fanioun in This SueCalled to Kock Hill. ley of Chicago and Ph'lnoted truss expert, will JjMr >e at the Carolinn Hote^ naln In Rock Hill Thursav 3 0. Mr. Seelev anva* Jaicin puauivcijf ucc special nutritive food-t< SCOTT EMJLSIC f ? *-?_ u#, The six other defe oniC in sentenced to imprlsonme ranging from two to 1** Every decision of the < was voted unanimously. ^ ^ ? assistant manager of Ho received 10 years lmpr fMW hard labor. Jacques Landau, a rep ndants were """'"iin* ,,on,e '? nt for terms Soldiers Altoiml? ypar8. x. , >erhes Sa 'ourt-martial M. Marion, ?? innet Rouge, Washington, May I isonment at Iran ateamer Neohei, of 7,175 tons, was torter on the sunk on the night ol ulil, W ltl? No > + *< All on Iloiird I W.1XTKI)?Meal TC4, Mr. Farmer bri and hull sarks. 10 rents a ple< JO.?-The can alao use y a car*o carrier fla( kH. All of t torpedoed and (rom holes. La f May 14 or in| Co ' state license and Hull Sacks. -4 74 331, lef Ing us your meal ??? e*? ' ... , glass instead We will give you , . T,f is gone and e for them. We . _ ^ . , , stead. Botl our oat and feed . . v < holes torn In hem must be free ? KaRter Cotton Oil ne*' 58-1 Mo. right front. No. 4084 6, motor No. "The Sperm t front light loose In retain any < left ol! lamp has red ^ut eontraol I of white, rear light on the ave lantern Is used "In- ment receiv i right doors have Kngland am I the upholster. Thiee suits wltho in tires, two rear and medical tre Car left Columbia Mr. Seeley i.itlc Shield will not only ase of rupture perfectly, :s the opening In 10 days rage case. This Instrued the only award In 1 In Spgln, producing re ut surgery, injections. atments or prescriptions. has documents from the yd repienun your diooo enliven tit circulation an beck the snap and elasl good health. Scott'* Er supplies Nature with the building-food which ii fJh> than any drugs, jLA/jfy alcoholic mixtures Tbc Horwejridn cod 1 power, | newspaper, was given ei d bring j hard labor, icity of Goldsky was sentenc nulaion yearn at hard labor and correct fradatlon. i better ^ J?nr'a- a reporter Dills or net Rouge, wan given fl hard labor. Iver oil in AI* Verasfion wan sentf ' *? """ova In rvfiflAn Oanrl Km years ai mo eariy morning ho without loss of life, t ed to eight ment has announced, military de- The vessel was r< light and with no s on the Hon It is believed she eai lye at about 125 men. \ Secretary OuniMfo' meed to twrt fajl^jr. ai...) k nnn "i'h. J ... inii< hf> navy depart^ ,m y THAT, BOY I J Bicycle. You v 'turning hor^e than letting the /r<ft just when you i Saturday nl( or that band a an<' Pftr,Jr rill And It cheaper to 'n m ride your atock atate. The teed your horae or thrown out him pay while he Wlnnahoro t k?kor?U. 48-tf. ' ?*r haf? fflR f aum jdly the L; : I'Mfcflh. !n "i> """.i1 Chit with negro driver United Stat J'aoldlers who wanted ton. I) C., 1 i upper part of the ty c.iaen wit driver wan killed and tereated call of the car between ^ame wltho ind ('heater and the dealred. B n nalaaiflg>eh^y.. Bra- ltopplna at party apt-nt the dtyy section. ' J V S.?K' es government. Washing- 4 'or Inspection. All charlhout charge, or If any InI, he will be glad to show 111 charge or fit them If uslneas demands prevent any other place in this very statement in this itfdjL Cljfi ami American laboratory U| A Drtkd H pure Mid palatal. incn in ov ,nv" Dj m which franca, with sentence^P ,j 17-u Jean Laymarie, (ofl I / r lnfoi-niaU^^ V ector ?f( |S Bjjglr bfrn befofa the ' 3^^ jj^ State