The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 24, 1918, Image 5

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/* %k aaaa CLERGYMAN^ TR1B FROM CONGAREE, UTt :,f o n ^ lj y At Fennel Inflr 1 * ' Miss Melitta Faile v mary. J Mrs. I within va? taken to| ^rs p m Ia?th VNCASTER NEWS, LANC*! 1 ~ ~ lU'citnl 11 w The annual c '..ancaster grad< last night with . Hostess. the claR8 an U-UG tho ?rn t\..?? * -S - W 41 T y " ^ s. r.v ,, ^ >' M'y*te < luss. ^ omniencenient "of the I *' ?d school was begiyx I the annual recital of I . , under Miss Alma I ORiN^niu ri i T Am V ?-U-t-'T't '.i.' f Wllw. fwm rnT 4^ rMr. J. V. Davis, a Metho Ister living at Congaree, S \<" joined the army of convert thousands wl^Hre already of Ixonlzed ^B-Paw. The V gentleman saysT "I have ftlv from stomach troubles for ft ber of years which caQt^ed I. alHarnhlp nnvlotv T noil 1H the Fennel Infirmary, diet mln- Monday to undergo tr . C.. has appendicitis. :s of the - w disciples Swimming Pool reverend T^^swlmming pool at suffered has been opened for the a nurn- many people are enjoyl me con- every afternoon and ev not al nun Rock Hill, cious hostess to h? eatment for riass on Tuesday o'clock, this being social meeting. Open. games were played the ice plant evening, and wert summer and most ?efre&hing lc< Ing use of it 'm <>m ening. (Jtdftcniiri.# ...v ..... | iiikt* jhups anu ?r Sbfipay school j Fleet Jones, tei evening at eight exercises were ; their quarterly'creditable both Majiy dellghtft^yilfl. The conip 1 throughout MmP c^^Titable, in fn folUu?PlP*by a nfferggon of nny } course. p^te^1 would be ^ * ers. Following t&?y * deted: ner sister. Miss I^ucv acher of voire. The Interesting and very to teachers and pulete exercises wenJUrt) ict, that indivicRial of those who#partfc$l-, injustice to the othis the program ren vr uinu Vll'V/L' LANCASTER'S LEAD] v A* ^ i/u ir-, V/V. NG $TORE 6L- J * 1 M or at least I did not know j sound sleep *ras for many W8m< My attentloi^-j?ras drawn to Paw-Taw by. reading onf of I nounremerits In the newspj obtained a bftttlc and bega It. _ I may say conscientloi the flrwt do^e I begat A ijt andv i^ame eveni what a months Hobs Kcrshaw ] Ironized About $5? in ca8h wa your an- the, a*ent'8 offlce a* >pera I PaS5,enKer station Satt n to use noon- the Intruder gair isly that by pry,n* opon a wlndc l to fe<d ? nE ?l?pt Wl" Mov? Governor Mannl mendation of the p s taken from paroled Gus Knigh the Kershaw s,erving a sentence i irday after- for ^e killing of . ling entrance tpe mill village In >w. parole is granted physical disability, rnry. recently undergone y?v. iu?? on recom- Huri^h R>r Jj ardon board, has Cnlidr t?. who lias been Quartette-* T on the chaingang zar? First pia Jonse Gregory in MargareJ Fernn May,, 1915. The Margaret Robin on accmint. of , Impromptu ? Knight having Moore, a very serious When Life i< 'ncl$ Sjuii?Sargent. , en'ST^noruB. urkish March?Mono, Mildred King, ;son; second pianoi i son. Virginia Cousur. C - Reinhold, Eliza I a Hriphtout PImim.,; I / sdllnder than I had In man) paft. You*mhy publish thl? I want other people to knoi markable virtues contMned Ironired Paw-Paw. I co does fully more than you c It, and I shall certainly conl treatment." Sp f.* We ^nt $he man or woi r months ?ne Lancaster libra . faot as moved to the office buih v the re ,10use ?nuare formerly in your R E" Wy,le* Mr- Wy,,e nslder It th? U8P ?f the buildtnS 1 .. . . free of cost. lalm for tlnue thfe . 0 Arrest Seven Dri Sheriff Hunter and nan who j R n . . r ry will be operation at the Fe ling on court Hock Hill. He is i occupied by work and many cit has tendered signed a petition fc to the library ?o_ llond Issue The bond Issue * r> provement in the 1 ^ 6 t? u ? 'district carried at anin laelronn nnel infirmary in C unable to do any Duet: Swee izens of the city Kachel Kdwards ir parole. Quartette: Pi ? ?Lunge. First Carries. Beaty, llenriettJ for general im- piano, Cooper D Lancaster school Vocal Solo: < the election hnl.l shine?Bliss. I horua. t Souvenir?Holzel. i,'Sara Craig. ight of the Swallows J t piano. Loula Boyd / i , Edwards; second / avis. Martha Hinson. j Come Out, Mr. V MoUnniio W #can't ale^p and' Is despo ft""' coin? in and crji this remed Jt never go back to the old-f fj? 3 medicines. l>6M of business Sfc\ fessional men find Ironiz JP JJPFaw Enables them to no n better work. It seems to *. every fibre, tissue and bone on Ironlzed Pa^Paw todaj ndent to yesterday taking with y. ^ ou ll negroes who failed to ft ashloned tionnaires with the loca and pro- nien were arrested In d ,ed Paw- of county during tht lore and days. energiie i, Begin Capture Escaped < r so von fari Moore, an est ttiem seven Tue8day by a vote le their ques- "^be proposition is I il hoard. The *85.??? bonds for ifTerent parts s?bools in the distr t past several a npw building for , but the trustees ha | tions deferring the 'onvirt. |the war- Th,s acti aped- convict was deemed necessj of 180 to 128J Second Mazu ror the selling of|th? VanLandinf betterment of all Trio: In the let and including Walter Davis, I the mill school, Roddey. ve passed resolu- Reading: The work until after i'y. Laura Gill ion of the board Doll's Dream iry by reason of Oesten. Kleano rka?G-odard. Martham. Arena?Englemann. vy Poovey, Elliott > Honor of the Earn- ^ )ert Williams. and Awakening? r Blaekmon. ;r *beautiful F ' 4 '1 A igures * \ -w . # can join rng army or ronvoi druggist prftfenbly keeps It. 1 I doesn't tt Is on sale In all KM drug ^tores. < Ironlzed Paw-Paw has th f J*' la on every bottle. Mai promptly attended to. I Drug Co., Inc., New York. 1 -is tour from the Btate farm, i hut If h?* yesterday morning at leading Constable Caskey. and \ Moore, a white man. e e formu- nesday afternoon. He il orders cers he was sent up fr nterstate county for the larceny ?Adv. mobile. When taken he ed his stripes and wai *as captured 'the extremely hl*h Midway hy!ma,er,al and conatr V. O. Ropers. w'" m"et with pen scaped Wed- citizens of the told the offl- ?ooni Kershaw Meetinp of Division of an auto- The Quarterly nit had discard- 2 of the W. M. U. < ? wearing a soclation will be h< cost of building Duo: Charge uction work and j Spindler. First oral approval by second piano. Ls district. Vocal Quartel Jm Abt. Lily McM No. 2. W. M. lT. Wdrpd King, CI etlng of Division C-?S9in* the 1 >f the Morlah as-iUe Lorke Crawf Jld with the An- Sext?^ Val of the Hussars? piano, Guy Skipper; yy lura Gilbert Williams tte: Summer Days? CO anus, Beulah Dingle, uy Skipper. ( Bridge?Priml. Wilord. se?Durand. First suit from intelligent atten rseting. MOD A f ition to correct ^ iT C ^HSP^ESOIATTIONS OF RKSI W Whereas, God In his pi M has seen .fit 'to remove f ? midst our brother and sovereign, Mr. M. Belk. Be resolved, 1st. That new sun or overalls. ?E(T Sell Bonds After ovldenee TllP board of trustees caster school district, i rom our . _ , , , held Tuesday nipht pai esteemed iowjnK resolution: Reso'ved: That it Is we feel this board of trustees tl j i.j voted Mav 21 1918 fo tloch Baptist churcl 1. commencing at 11 ^nr* The following pi i of the Lan- prepared: it a meeting Devotional?Mrs. ssed^ the folWords of Welco .. , Arant. the sense of at the bonds Response Miss p aohnni nur. Enrollment of ?te i, * Miami, i\amenn< h Saturday, Junoi , 'dey. Alberta piano, Gertrud rogram has been Plaxco Mildred Trio: Twtltgl R. A. Williams. Sara Williams, me?Mrs. W. R. Margaret Thorn Caprice fCs Bess McManus. GuV Skipper. lfiffntna n'ilK QuartPttP! Tn 5 Histare, Luelle RodWilllamaon; second e Pollakoff, Sara Billings. ,* i?t Idyl?Schneoker. Eugenia Hughes, asson. pangol?Mozskowski. thp CORSE FRONT LA rs ced r, i ?CI J IVlXUljr IUV IUSB III UUI brother but we bow In subm the will of God. Resolved 2nd. That we . hy extend to the bereaved fa deepest sympathy in tlfft ti ft great'loss. Resolved 3rd. That a aepurira " ' "* poses shall not be offe ilssion to . , _ ? during the period of t the buildings and impro do here- templated shall neeessat mlly our of the bonds. ieir very adopted. copy-of Catarrh Cannot I .. .. With LOCAL. APPLICAT1 >red for sal? ^al reports from s he war, and Why should < veraents ron- man be a member ily await the society?-Mrs. L. C. Unamimously 2. Why should e at least twelve me ? Miss Louise Blaken Je Cured 3 How can the 1 ON8. as they really missionary a ocietles. Hewitt. Beulat ?very Baptist wo- ^ee Sherard, L of a missionary M&ckey. Payseur. Shadows Ovei ivery society have C etings a year?? Reading: 1 'ey. Holley. Freddl meetings he made # Evening Star nd interesting?? hnmi nlnno\ X i Mae Laney, Jennie ((f lyllian I>avls, Ruth i gij - the Sea?West. j horus. Pleasure Exertion? j-j ie Knight. i (arranged for left-' til I'q or,r>.- ATn J..-, For the world's best acliie gn and a careful selecti< aterials to properly work 14'iis so the style lines are i le entire life of the corset. I vemcnts in de- f >11 of superior 5 out these dedetained during Appreciation iucbc reauiuuous ue Qflivert ^ family of our deceased bn jf the county papers and to tl ' elgn Visitor for publication. . Resolved 4th. That a pai minutes be dedicated to the of our beloved and wort eign. J. C. Duncan, ?(i to me cannot roach the aeat o: \?h?r Catarrh la a local dlseaa liner, 10 nuencod by constitutional ie Sover- *n order to cura It you Internal remedy. Hall s < cine la taken Internally i . the blood on the mucous a je ofTjur syatem. Hall'a Catarrh momrtrv proscribed by one of the t memory ^ thy country for yean hy poeed of some of the best combined with some of t purifiers. The perfect c< the Ingredients In Hall's cine Is what produces s? r the disease Mrs. L. N. Montgo condtUone! and Lunch served at muit take an Afternoon Catarrh Medl- , ? and acte thru Devotional?Mrs. MiSSn."' . ? What relatloi >eat physicians tween neiRhborinR i. It la comtonics known. T. A. Dabney. StJUSaJS ,t 2- What Catarrh Medl- the W. M. S. fee! ich wonderful .' mery. Pas des Amp the church. Vocal: The ? Session. Song. MacFady J. Toy Hunter. Fadyen. Miss 1 1 should exist be- Sextette: Wa societies??Mrs. piano, Elizabetl Lazenby. Mart tnslbility shou'd : piano, Lyllian 1 for the younj? I pooper Davis. ? wpuwi -iuav;i- aujreu. hores?t'hamlnade. Ol 5tar?Rogers; Cradle en; Inter Nos, MacLucy Fleet Jones. i ltz?StreaDbog. First l I^aney, Elizabeth > ha Hinson; second, Davis. Irene Poovey.i (a I the tit, style and comforl lly be had through a tri irdest test. Have a trial fitting of a MODART t no cost whatever) ? t, however, can al fitting?the ( Front Laced Corset g ?. h. ciyDurn, A. H. Funderbu Con t imwrararaniji-jt. m ~ loiuiu in caiarrnai conaiu testimonials, free, rk, F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Pro All Drugglsta, 76c. nmittee. Hall's Family Pills for c RinLTiiJiTlirl|j?jariTi!w m m ona. eena ror people in tne local pa., Toledo, O. . onntlpatlon. What ,s meac day program?-?Mis Offering, reading lotions, adjournmer Delegation not 11 ^attendance is earn n church??Mrs. B. . .... . March Wind. . . Dance, MacDow it by a promotion ~ ? ... ..... _. , MacDowell. Mi is Lillie Usher. ~ . . . t Quartette: Pi or minutes, reso- 0 ... Suppe. First p * . son? Margaret mited. A large ,, ? ? ,, ... ano, Mary Fun estly desired. ,, then. _ Merry June? MacDowell; Elfin i ell; Concert Etude.: ss Alnm Duke Jones, j set and Peasant?j iano, Elvlree PatterBradford; second pi-1 ^ derburk, Ethel Cau-Vincent Then the superior comfort w| Then the superior style will t Then the superior poise will 3.50, $4, $5, a i'l be felt; ?e seen: . * ? be appreciated. w ind $5.50* jl rarm j|. key f sr m iers and th r Banking * I .1 rw IWHIKS 1 ef 3 Thrilling war si J Action Just received " 1 library. ? My Four Year ? C I Gerard. [ The Tree of Hea\ f 1 The Earthquake. r 3 The Dwelling f _ % nru.??- r>u?-wm at lUornry. torles and other at the Lancaster Ixxlce s in Germany. Jackson Lodg subscribed $10i ren, May Sinclair. ^unf^ additiona Arthur Train. scriptions of its Mace of Light, ZZZZZZ 'horus. I Contributes. . ;e A. F. A. M. No. 531 I) to the Red Cross j 1 to individual sub-l members. I I be ;e that Gei I . J v'i rman? ji i " [ J The Jtedera I ; . with its thous I . . i. i system W 1 Reserve Banking Sys and million dollars of v . i n a i i * j ?f uinvuiF * UUll'Illll. . J Carry On, Lieut. l son. I | Fighting for Pe _____ L Z Dyke. [ A Student In f ] Hankey. tem r 3 The Amazing _ J llhinehart. ? 5 1 Where the Snnla ppi Ceningshy Dawace, Henry Van- Mian Reaux J the guest of Mi Arms, Donald Rev. and Mr Interlude, Mary children spent I r%t \fftn a po po 11- \f ?*a f p \-I < VSOXAIAS. standi you ? ones, of Columbia, ls? ss Kliza Wylie. s. D. W. Keller and Monday in Kershaw. ??? r .11 1 1.1 1 ? ng in No Man's Land, waivin On that piece of paper is an o )ot him throug] By i - _ mati 9 t jgl tt-.i ig a piece of paper at.* rder for a load of coal? ; h the heart ising a Florence Auto-* c Oil Stove and let. . O 1 i * - o I; sources siana I and assists th< [ j of their dep%s I 3 Our membe | I! i Kather t J %Sie next ti s nacK 01 its memoer na nn in taking care of the ne itors. * rship in this system gives ies for enabling farmers and store their crops. me yihwome to town stot HKS . ? * inK< Crede Harris, (eds { Peter Ibbetson. ( V S Calvary Alley. A | ] The Happleat Tin 1 US J Alice Miller. * to ? 3 Behind the Seen I i German, Fox. I 2 Understanding tl ) in E ; Last of the returned to th( " eo. Du Maurier. ton. lice Hegan Rice. le of Their Lives, 1 Dr. R. C. Bl days this week es In Warring R. F. Fleming. ie French. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Plainsmen. Zane M. a. Withersn Ill a nil LIIIIUIQU Iiavu HH ilr home in Charles- IT, ' rown spent several -.SRrss with his sister, Mrs. \f*8T In Laurens. gkj Jno. T. Stevens, Mrs. oon arid son Marion e oam nave me coaiv I you say that you have f of wood, but you can/ that wood in your I1* r; places, then your wood j it and not cut andVou I ^ to carry it in, and yoi\ j to carry out the | 'Sj J j 2 n9B let us tell Ji ables us to hel [ 1 We are pre 11 ers upon appr i ? ?you Jw this new system [p yoW pared to make l^ns to fa oved security. o \ V *' - en- lb 0rpyJ J Wolflne. Anon. SThe Agony Colu Blggera. Clrily and the V I ? bett. p [ - The Middle Pasti | The Blue Envelr The Five Barred Simms, motorei nesday. mn, Earl Derr Miss Ruth fide World, Cor- niece. Miss Ma spent Wednesdi lire, Bilhro. infirmary with >pe, Jophie Kerr. Gate, Temple ^-Misses Juanl i to Charlotte Wed O 1 MeCardell and her ' iry Stewart Rartlett. JT"* 1 ay at the Rock Hill M L Mrs. O. B. Uartlett. ? ta Sowell and Mlna u j-?as he stov< this, 'urning Point in Oil Sto<vt History " does IORENCEB 1 Cook Stoves y?u Look fr?r fk. I haV s. Why not use an oil 2 and do away with all especially^ when oil not cost yotrfchy mope it did before the war? the Florence Automatic stove and you will buy. will wonder why you rn't had one all the i] 'The Ti ] yational B?.i ER,^0C- . ^ jtj Thurston. _1 m J Hearts and Corn ? 1 HomehurK Memo ? The Trustlea of I . London. [ Anthony the Abi [V Battle Royal, W ' ? Ji 1. When Pan Pipes fiWifPEl 2??d ?ld Elinor Holllday nft|, Alice Fox. awarded their Qeo. Fltcji. gree at Winthr * Tasman, Jutk Mlas Kate M( lOlute,"Merwln. 1 a post-graduate De Veer. ^ collApe, jpill or . Mary Thorotonajacheior pf s, Mr MgLo nodes. *ra<1. will on June 2 be Bachelor of Arts de- The op college. ic Oil ?o? States. 'Manns, having taken Buy course at Winthrop i June 2 obtain a dence degree. Miss ^ lated at Winthrop in guarantee that stands behind Stove is as strong as Germai one and make the cooking tr< I. B. MACK the Florence Automatly will find the United >uble easy. ORELL ir* rwajn. ^ ib -aigm norami course, ' \ ' i . IT J