1 ' " ^^THELANrASTI tjF1 Wpx ( SEMI- WfcKK 1 Established It PAA later BvlnSB stamps is t 52. | In 8outh Carolina fi V' . . -V '** . -. % k. 'THE? L t, , E LIMIT. how well read is lpaiga The chances ar ;o be cond\ict?d tells the editor rom June 14 to editorially Is olth V ANCASTER NEWS, T,ANPA the editorial page. DR. JOHN!* e the fellow who! ADMITT to say this or that i er seeking free pub- J u,>u# n stfr. s. c. 7 ;<>vs letter ed i?#evidence I1l?.?ul U'if? \l..~l...?.. Wlr fVi KMffiK 1 ?' * L ?# funiislioa auf!.uuy a ; ~#'by Titer LANCASTER NEWS ' * . Uiicastcr S. GEORGE BULLA ( Editor and Mai SUBSCRIPTION 1 Ctuh in Adva mmjir. OneJearL. I?U r nutty Jane 28. During tl COMPANY. Cafolinians are expe V. six million dollars GRAVEN Savings stamps, whi luger per cent of the qu< 'RICE: county is expecte( nee. $113,432 worth, or . . . .$2.00,every man, woman t 1 i\i\ lis period South'I licity, himself. cted to purchase , something for wh worth of Wat" j v assume r ch is ; couldn't ^ count tl )ta. Lancaster | suRcested that 1 to purchase j "boost'' a certai four dbllars for ' ment, and we ' ind child, white | write a conmjunl or wishes to say . . . , Before tch he does not care esponslbility. We tie times men hare * * we "roast'0 or j Rich itfona,, n person or mol4-, Richar^eon a have told theoo to th* letters pre cation tqjthf paper (ten by Dr. Lai F??v^w ?? IIC .uuiun ri He Attempted Suicide. * May 23.?Judse Emitted in ^evidence >ven to have^een writnuel Johnson just nrior ONE MILLION Di RESOURCE OLLARS .1 5 1 t ] oix Entered as Second ( j$ "' October 7, 15)05, at the Lancaster, S. C., under MjfiK' '** *r??? of March 3, 1875). jit* ^ . i _ The NewB is not respo lews of Correspondent* * t rational articles oh topi1 Intei est will be gladly i BK *'wv and colored. In the Class Matter (Carolina's apportion! Postoifiee at i Savings stamps to act ot Lou- 11918 ,8 $33,000,0 * " 7T~ i county's total apport asible tor the nnn u Short and year is ?b50.uuu. CS g?"ollU When these figures received. > , consideration. the s county. South'over their signal tnent of War j print It, but they be sold during j'^f?itorial page is 00. Lancaster unknown quantit tonment for the! man's vanity, he jyou are a brilliau 5 are taken intoP,a>' UP some cr lize uf the War! participated in,* 1 fure antl^re would ' to' hife attempt rarely do It. The hotel al'~Wlls< and will remain: an of December y. If you*tickle a provided a wri 1 will tell you Hhat the defense o it writer, but if you sion of several ooked deal he has determined ai tie will get all his bv Johnson. I to end his life in the >n, N. C., on the night 20, 1917. The letters angle for several hours, bjecting to the admis1 without its first being t having been written It'lPays 11 V> RA T/4 ami 1 M 1 -H Countrv Tm of Th? FRIDAY. MAY 2 Savings*stamp growe LIQDw * Relatively small. lr?? titQiyr $4.16 per stamp?l)i i But. as in the c " Sw#et Land bonds, it is nQ gi nient cannot accept 4. 1918. I c?ll? _r*A rrn in.roatn.anl i in your mind. Influential friends iividually?only are running a pi ut large collec- that they ought support. Howevt ase of Liberty to Please. Strive ft?the govern- ? a gift?it is a 1?0 ADIFI^ V, ? li.lnl 1 , I i and tell them you Mrs. Knigh ink newspaper and was eal to withdraw their P???t?vely idet as that of Dr. r. all editors strive One of the >, mind you. i to Miss Ollie ier in Zebulor XES-IN MAY. said: - _ itr_ . ? . ' stilts. t, mother of the dead led to the stand and ititted the handwriting Johnson. letters was addressed White, a music teachi, N. C., in which he A V 1UUIII With A Strong E LI1ICU lank { $ SENTENCE SER? SH ^ There are two thing should never .weary of. * humility; we get none ' thlfi ro,,Rh work eouVVIoud neonle.?Stt safest investment In HONS. ^ay- " y?u have a Liberty bonds and s that men |StaniP9 ever cea coodness and their face value, th< too much of ipelled when on refle I and am?nplize that when the s< venson I 111*3 urai auvi j i/a * iu uawrcuc the world to-1 newspaper man, c ny doubts that lura's story of a f War Savings , production, or if I se to be worth sought substantial py will be dis- So he hied hiuise iction you real- and spent a da ?curities of this Wright Aeroplam e, a wasnmgion 1 '"1 v""' lidn't believe Borg- you; you are 1 ... , can never bej all-down In aircraft K?.. . . have overtake le did believe It, he bear to endure Lion of the charges, happy while I If to Dayton. Ohio. e,,(* it all. I w y at the Dayton- Jewe,rv 1 *ver be ashamed t( i company s plant, _ some way. I, i iiitve always loveu | the idol of my heart. I ?r the troubles which n me and I can never s it. You can never be live, so I am going to ant you to keep all the gave you. You may > wear it. but keep it Ife would be a nleas THE BANK OF LAI lANPA^TFR C ' / If r 4CASTER f r 7 I } plajti, Vl. WhereJjhe old plain m< jflr Jt&es, | Quiet eyes. i\ ?Robert I Order is a lovelv nvm nation become wort your money will be< the country Th(.re a|e , , Jn have rosy Sfmth Carolina, acco tics compiled by th committee, who do n j. Stevenson, bonds. These are. .. .ipeople who did not nh th? nhilrl I hless, likewise and this is what otne worthless. | ""While I was l >00 people in'ished battleplanes rding to statls-1 May 1 to 4, eig e War Savings seven were comp ot own Liberty May 6 to 11, 2 it is assumed, i 29 were complete fee) that they 1 May 13 to 19, he learned: ure now if i ^ there today 13 fln- a trap. God were turned out." troubles have ht were scheduled; come to my bu , . . fare once mot leted. . . , ,, want to tell v !4 were scheduled; Pd you You d. mind before I 4 8 were scheduled; niarry If you ci ail not been caught In I only knows what my ' been. I want you to; rial and look upon my e. Before I die, I j oil I have always Iov-| are to come to my die. I want you to ; in find some one. for I f?r each on uiiuvnuiun^ u* e of these days. LANCi * \STER COUNTY | of beauty and wisdom; > anta are comfort, neatne W'S-*lty; her abode is the vt * M piness; she is always when sought for, and n so lovely as when con * *' her opponent ? disort Johnson. her attend- were ,n Position, fin ss and activ- vest in Liberty bond illey of hap- these people mainly t to be found nient decided to issu ever appears . T stamps. In manv, ii trasted with ler.?Samuel these P??Ple are Jus Just as much Americ lin#t to help the eo ancially. to in- 47 were complete s, and it is for The schedule f( hat the govern- this week? is 48 le War Savings Total schedule f not all cases. Therefore, for ?t as patriotic, up to the 19th, an, just as wil- ually ahead of its vernment carrv machines Mr I,i d. don't want yo Jr May 20 to 25 alone " May 27 to 31 3?> ?fher letter 'or Ma, 160. " " "!' also told of tr< me month of May. Bo?dP8 Det the plant was act- t'fled to the ar i schedule by three Wilson. N. C. altn UmH a,S? tflat Clt u to go through life Will any ? written to Dr. Pow- aProns froi ex and to his parents ?' th? rubles. please retui ectlve Wily, who tesrest of Dr. Johnson In T,,K . I)r. A. C. Williams.' y. told of scenes In the Cy Klizal who borrowed caps and (C n the workroom on the i Liberty bond parade, |S right, rn them at once. Lieut. riencea CRIMSON CROSS. that he instead >eth Brown Du Bridge.) him'' in UEYOND ITS QUOTA ^ Jontinued from Page 1.) ? 5 go and fight ror him." Patten told of his expeat the front and said he felt i ought to be back over there of "having a fuss made over his native lAnd and in the . To catch Dame Fortu smile 0"'. / Assiduous wait upon _ * J And Rather wealth by e\ That's Justified by ho Not for to hide it in a 1 Nor for a train attem Rji^ for the glorious pri Of being independer ne a golden on war aa are th Liberty bonds. Ui her, ery wile eumstanees prevent mor; chasing the "big boi ledge, "baby bonds''?the ^ant* stamps?will fit in i vilege place for the small si it. Konnflt s\f ?*?* ? ? Vi - e purchasers of that thirty-six lfortunate cir-i completed in Apri ed them pur-j The Washtngto nds." while thejWaa a dream" War Savings agents predicted licely as a safe battleplanes, and ivings. For the e89ary, in order 1 room whore li battleplanes were puttering from I ,He told of fin . i. I convulsions wl n man thinks it A. . the foot of thi when the press ofTered ln evl(i last year 100.000 found an empl he says it Is nec- bel of a dead .0 grasp the mean- William ip found Dr. Johnson Outside thf the effects of poison. Upon Go ding the patient in Three cross th pupils dilated. At arms. f? bed were the letters ( patched d lence. In a closet he Mood from ty vial hearing the la- feet ly poison. And tort s also testified to a And thrust ancient city's gate Igotha's creat ae tea stretched their empty n" same pr ark against the west. 'nK * ^ i nail-pierced hands and HuppOHPl when th ured thern-crowned head ,renr*1 1 , . . ,, Canadia or hatred s savage spear K which, he naid he felt was much home, because we are m lng together as one for the Inclples. He told of capturerman trench and of driving 11 v all Germans out and then I ey went on, a few left in the stepped out and shot the M ns in the back. After that, 2JP KOD * ? EDITOR IA LET' 11 *1 An epidemic of lyr broken out in Georgia. * y Von Hindenburg Dea< Iuuuciil V/1 Oil* I1U thoroughly uaderstar tngs stamps, it ma; TEh. they are small bond per cent interest. ichings has quarterly, and mati 1923. They can be interest any time bet [1. Says Gen- 1 , may not yet jng of the work, t id the War Sav- notion that airpla y be said that easily as autora s. bearing four tjiat "au the plai compounded both the allied at ire January 1. on the western fri redeemed with 10,000," and. "if ore maturity. can keep 1,000 I . A. iHiK n?* nan w o rid oneself of the roverv and he nea can be built as married. Lati lobiles. He finds physician he \n nes of all types in stances and dc ul German hangars a?>' wron* do1 , the reports of ont would not total ^ doctor tef the I nited States rRpr^Spnted hil lattleplanes on her Alice Knicht nn jonnson on nis re- Had staii )?' he denied he was Kmbleni o sr he admitted to the death as a vletlm of clrcuni-j it stood ?nied he was guilty of nut sign ol ng. In explanation of we lift I his marriage, he said/ itifled. he had merely where hori mself to he married to heart. to holn hor niit "" ned one dark cross red. ? ?. , . always 1 f shame and pain and .. the trei ? .w k,nd of beside the way. up agal! love and hop? and life . w< w ? J cans ar( it high today. moment 1 The i ror grips the stoutest am| the ... ... by Colo look iii) cuances and left a detail of men to watch *<^r ich. He said this was the?S warfare the Canadians went'J nst and the kind the Ameri? probably up against at this ^ neetlng was quite successful three addresses and remarks nel SDrinKS were hl*hlv ?n_ m eral Rumor?headline. ^p*'ho is this General Rui w&X ? ? At any rate Mr. LaF< yer would be expected t > the senator is a loyal ci "Wild Fire" is said Now just U 18 a 9afe and P ?or? nient a patriotic sometimes wonders tions. page is worth while, weekly or semi-wee! >f trying an- i? .?i 1* v/IlU Ct L I u 11 ? II II I > question, "Are|an(j that position I then says it held by the facts ial page has a f;0m day to day. l'Ts. The News jhro jght out by ! if the editorial iertheless, the in\ especially in a charges brought kly newspaper. I ll!rn poe9 on and u 1 ?v. * ? nr ?ar mucninery. flrjnle(1 at the appears to be up- girl, being brought out "We will pi especially by those victim of overwrought dr. Lawrence. Nev- ,, , hie, declared restigation into the 8()n Jr whpn by Sculptor Horg- defense would Mr. Lawrence taps burial of the dead . Their sti j For those -ove that Johnson was cross circumstances and so j Must "do he was not responstAttorney Harry Ma- fan we. so asked whereupon the Refuse t base its fluht. When som cross ? ? ? ?.T^ naving rength and healing skill, leave, t who wear the crimson caped f sentenct > the Master's will." from th and allr safely sheltered here, onment o do our part? at Atlar e who wear the crimson Pol twice been absent without X wire deserted, and twice es- IX rom confinement, has been J >d to dishonorable discharfir#/ o service, forfitnre of all pa^1 ^9 twances and 25 years lmprt?-X JX in the federal penitential y ' |XB 3 a J^X it ir:i! A H vprtiuirwonto other nian for the mui King-?he'd never be cor EL'4 The bread ration in ( been ept and cut until t . ing left of a doughnut 1 + fjj The Red -Cross fund i ct a. UV"U ? "What the nuni< It was not worth ln Washington w be few to con- e(jly a confusi thought a news- j highly technl much which did what the avera d attractive edi-jhnow presumably ! never thought tleplanes we are lead when he saya: | Tnufl Investigations ^ kki> < ill reveal undoubt-; on of testimony of ^ ^ + ^ ^ eal character, but Qf the Ma; ge man wants to, ,irftsalnK8 0f ; is how many bat- have been eon turning out every on or,'er> Bon Are K i v i i I To succor l TtOSS NOTES. Who die ^ Shall we a |AhA"o!tho r order for surreal wws to what exti what he is rfiad Neither does ni'ht tn hnvA JUf|t how many peoph ch, even though i rtay?today?this ttractive. if the q,hp Dayton pi it was afraid to four l(iR onps in i There are both If the3e facts ItorlalUer never cr.tics of pnt his page is because thej a speaker know g^nc^d, but rati e in his audience , ,llJk.?. ? - week." certainly be r< few days. In ant la one of the portant that t the country. ; other part of will not ailence the finished. Lit! the admlniatratlon. of the maskH r do not want to he Thf)sp wh^ a??*^ ? - i mey win nnn ne- were: Mead a if human Ingenuity | ?rell. Brown solidly behind its 8poon- Re:,, | erspoon, Poa> d in thp fa of Winter. Poov, lum will find it dlf- r>avis. Pnore. '.he eharRes he has Candingham, per, Crawford He. Keller. B v* i?. nr..u? inies Croxton. Mark Crawford. Wither- mmmmmmm Bennett. Millen, WlthC, Kllinon. Thomson,! ?jr. Thnmnon, Connors. Payseur, Kiddle, Van- \sl? Plyler. Derrick, HarI. (JreKory, Mines, Wy rown, Williams, Perry, I Floor tlr11 - ?? \A/ ? NOW IS THE TIM! ?an and Renovate t a coat of Alabastine on your v Varnish. k V* O lfA * ** J ? ?I 3 TO J Your Home I \ vails. Try our No. 61 I & Washington will Dot alone. Here's a congre If a revenue bill la pas mer the Republicans fall. The News is Demi way through and back, I sacrifice of the nation'i lot politics Bays it Infers that I ssman saying.read from the fact 1 sed this sum- people. Interested lr will win this movement or cause, [>cratlc all the it "editorial mentloi hut not at the attach rather more, g Interests in sort of "mention" th .?.* ????? raiting Mr. C'r< ta editorials are world must thin that numbers of but Uncle Joe < i this or that pear willing to t; asks It to give n" and aeeni to Stories of t>| ini|>yrt to that priBonera is not an to4fcy other, agitation foi? foil ?era word for It, the , . , . and UrManuH k he la a nig man, ^ < L'annon doeanft ap- The, workr ake his word for it surgical dr i * njornlng. as i ?nnan^ brutality to noon, Wednei "W 4Z*'creaae and ** yn??, Yvyim, Aioorc,! made Ho oom in now open for Pftftlt esslngs on Thursday well as Monday after- I your *day morning, Friday *s afternoon, and Saturv J" It is the earnest deammittAn that ?? !>... ' ? > ?Vg LIU- UCM IlUXt'U paints, v and prices low. w about some Lead and Oil, Aul