The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 24, 1918, Image 1

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'( I ; ? i TTiuric 5 IT a ^ A ffSiinnfl * # ' I '" if-. * * ?*y* * 4 ? > r-4 < 0 \ W)L. 22. NO. 62. pirn ii JTT1.JD SEMI-WEEKLY. Twice LANCAS CI TMr TER, S. FRIDAY, MAY 1 \ ! DF.MAND R ELM. Vi M. 1D1S. pmovai tws SUBSCRIPTION low vi i;v ii i D! AM T ? . \ t ? ?$2.00 A YEAR lf\ HlAr !i iir? * IS < / I AWPACTCD fAII 3VER o WTV I ~ i r uiil THE T? ' OF BFNJ HP 1 Soul horn Kailw; Columbia Mad Remarks A hoi UIIC V I 11U j ARNFY ! Lt. nl/llLl M htnisw Satu'-ilii trainmeut: Kalpli II 11 IV Attorney in i-";.,,"Vi e Derogatory Coko s. mi Vern??n Coo! it Ued Cross. jas. i\ i*t?? 1 Lttil 1 iik ycjuiiK men have irvi r? ? it itin en in llil L y, .May ^8, l'or enlatnniotiri. alt, I ... i. War I )ep; ;,h"n- : .Men ol TS, ' | U mUDILILt (e REGISTRANTS m irtment Considering ? T Draft A^e Not Vet ( alU'rl u LnntnjiLn v^uu ( BEYOND iTS Q $10,176 Had Been Subsc ** Noon Todav and \ T ? Y>* Is Cominir. 1^11 uontriDutions 1I0TA Kollowin^ arc Uvltt; quarters by selm I janeastcr :ribed at Kjuieaster ('ottoi |ore Kershaw Kershaw ( to Second Red Cross War 1 lie mntrihutinns reported <>1 districts t?> 11?m?i 1 today: $ i Mills Ymis'.7.7 . . . . . . !! Fund. 11 , WIRE TO ( AI?'j t? licnd.-,.740.80 l,i'1 Trade 17(1.7.-, Quests Directoi 1.1'24.10 move Man Wh r>21..7.') Damn C ent foi ! Holit. II. M ? Clnrenee ('a I AIN McADOO M- Ti.ii Ira .Neal, ? | W. T. Hair. Jas. F. Federation Re-1 Unbt. i The . I. ' Otis Welsh. r-(?neral tc Ke-' ,, v. 0j,bl 10 Said: "Not a ^ x \'.(.r'V \ancy \\. 1 r Red Cross." Ja< * W.s i Ma mis. iit!i? n, lPy' NEWS A I ert son, mipson, Railroad < urn. Against Mnson. Express \ II T r STATE CAPITAL Commission Decides Closing Station and Office at Leeds?Mrs. I 4 % f BIG MEETING VEST F Inspiring Parade of He jL Workers and Add re: Distinguished Gentle D /' Jlcjitli Springs. . Barborville .... ERDAYj Pleasant Valley Belnir d Cross Oseonla ises By! ViuiWyrk iMTijiison .. .. men on . ( ranrsville.... 1,(M)0.()0 ? 127.00 Columbia, May against an alit-gec mark made in refe 4)l) - Ci-osb by Menjainin lumbia, chief counf l.)O.(K) em Railway, the C Trades, at a meet in ?>c 1 ;i I'CQrilntittn u h 1 / n T \ Richard l>ot 2.1.?Protesting ' " 'Vs!*' Howard K. 1 (P robatory r. - Hen K. Ping rence to the Red S. H. Bower L. Abnev. of Co- Frank Harr ... .. c Coleman PI iel tor the South- ^ j MrXee Itv Federation of Frank Kins g last night pass Jno. Q. M?'\ ?? > - " ' /I 11 I Villianis, 11 by, Williamson, Columbia, le, Manning. \vl s, from Wash in VJ* f'Tences wit nliips, ]v I tne adminisl ley, i I problems, st liiniis, I partment is itrier I'eua. May 23.?Governor 10 returned yesterday uton, where he had conh various members of nation relative to war stated that the war deconsidering plans for (? v uui i uuunc mtrtrii. ? Lancaster county has k V / ,<h e top. The Red Cross ^ * noon today had reached $1" contributions" are still con f . headquarters. The response in tins coht call of the Red Cross for ft Holms Tjiokynnlumi?Xi* one over V ... i> *i i .NOW liothol.... fund ;it , 0.176 and Tnhoninolo. . .. tins intoj 1 I'iwlosvillo . . . . ('mil' < York . . itv to the ( ';iiiip ( York . . inds with I i; vJ,, I >11 # I quoted words of M: ( 4)_ (Jprman and unpati ; on flip district a11> ^ I.' M) W'pst on. of Colmnl action as tin* facts (51 ()() ranted, and to "int< ? - 11| | ; ih?- period of the In addition a teles i Willia ni < J Me \d h ii tin- |" "T 11 ' r. \hney as "pr,- Jv- ""V* ?0 ... .. , S. D. Moble rloDc, called up- XV. Cask irney. Franeis M David Lane, >ia, tr> take such lieu \. Hole in the case war ,, , R. \. Jones >rn Mr. Ahney for w \v. knie war, if possible." Robt. F Can m was sent to Quay D. Hm i. d'irctor of rail- "V inwtrs, j utilizing labi ?^> service those \ in some line of these pla len, put to work itnphell, I country a lat . and other pi ht. itti**n who are subs ?<1, or doing jus la ktuon, ? n or in the mill 1*1* registrants not engaged of work. The frnLjJon ns, he declared, wmild 'O or in defense of their ue number of "loafers" ^ 1 irasites in this country, ' istinir off of others' toil ? t .enough work to keen r. ? which to carry on the war.' it leally wonderful and colli } hate been coming in and coming in systematically regularity that shows a well ed force. And this force, jtu Lancaster and throughout I C ty, has been untiling in < put tlie matter before the Miifor/l! . . . . " triliutions i ^ still are ' n,"n .Hid with Oil k 11 i 11 I orgnniz- Hell Town . hen' in T)nili?lilK JoiH'S coun" Klirill .... ?norts to ' people in * ^ * I'ill . . . . < 'mss Roads ways, l?y the secret! tinn, John L. Dav'i *ViO 00 from the fecleratin fpjiK va' of Mr. Abi the Southern Rallv P ) _ "I). 14. Ahnoy. r Railway," sn'.d the rogatory remarks I Cron*. Wo respect Ben Hlrscn, ;iry of tho fedora- p \r <, on Instruction" Vernon T. S n n-'iuestinj; th?> Brownie T. ' nov as counsel ot ,N,i'rion? Ihxon B. >is a>'- .las. H. ( ?< ounsol Southern Thos. I.. I 1 .. i i KeKov I >ahj wire, "niKle do ' Jno. P. Km about "the It< d Wendell H ful'y request h - llnvi flli< I 11**111 I I f F 111 SI >tt, , While in owoll, Manning htl< V rotary of Wf Mobley, . , ,, taro shal (.eneral key, March and ?nm, military estn appertaining ght. Wilson, Muesf.ons art lkewiso had arviim. * Washington (;nvfi|inr 1 conferences with Secir Itaker, Provost. MarCrowilpv, Chief of Staff other members?of the y ihlishment on matters to the draft, and other ectiim the service. He :i cfinfprpnno V.?_ mfi an intelligent way, so that Plp are contributing libei cheerfully. / . The fund, before the en ( eanipnlE;n next Monday, is to rea< $12,000. I.ancus flEi ty's allotment was 1 o,000 'Wh tailed report of eontributloi Wl tricts appears elsewhere in the poo-l r <?t"K ! I 111? I\< <I I rally and White Bluff. . . . Tn xii haw d of the Riverside .... expected Pleasant Hill?O ter coun-i . , , a de-| ( aston. . .. . is by ilis- I Ic'ctKilllt" 1 lillll . this pa- ( 'llJU'losboro . . . mi >ak Ridijv - removal." When a commit! Cross approached > days ago for a co war fund of the ph * prise, he is alleged 'used to contribute ing. if is said. "Nol the T{ed Cross, n ltoht% S. T\v \!t po of the Red , O MpMr, Ir. Alni'V several John hucns ntrihution to the Marion llin illanthropie enter- V'iv , , Jas. T. Rol to have flatly re- \r,hur Hem ' a eent. remark- | Jno. L. Hall \ a damn rent fori John K Her tark you. not n| .^h: ylo- H. Htv. iional Food ernates. Uoover anil i nus. hoard. son. herts, ThP State l!":on- yesterday de itett. ar(j tin* station a >tv tt. Leeds, on tl Dune* n, l.'nilwiv moo Administiator Herbert neinbers ??t" lh< shipping Railroad Commission ided against closin^Jy ind the* express office 10 Seaboard Air Lir SI ?? ( MtouidK \ 1 W per. Ji > \ KNTIIfSIASTIC (ll'HM All MKFTI\<i IIKItK VKS A Ued Cross Itally was h?court house Kiymi yesterd Jm noon at fiv . oVrark. proce< V most imposing parade of I! workers from the Souther! il Tank I >rv < 'reck .... 1 Huupo Onkhui-st 1,1 Haili' <S<il<1 M ine av aft or- . UMt by Midway !P(t Cross Flat < Yrck" . . . . n station '; St.oitclwifiv?f Vim V I 1 ! IV damn rent." The f(l Mr. Ahnev's rem < f indlR"ation sm hla. Tuesday niuh ti-r. Fitzhui'h M^M; o. . . the Columbia l'e( ' who i? also a foil " -;?i ' that in 'lis >>1 should he made t<> it. i-. sista: committee report- s , lumen arks, ami a storm Marvin A. 1 opt over Colum- j Thi ?. V. Br t in a local then-I i?t. r p?'os d'T? of ?. _ GENERAL 1! -minute spe < \or, IN ( II M a'nlon M". \hncv leave the ? itv I >..< days, should lorton, P"*s? office i iil?y. another hear The eonin + ?inu in of th !AILE\ NOW gusta-Aiken IMiE AT SEVIER \ugnstn to ment of tfi?> road from .1 ,,,,M u,H^ the receipts of the ex- ( | >? lot have increased then inp will he granted, lissiondeferred the put * new rates of t/ie An- ? * Railway, operated from ? Uken. and the establish new zone system of that, nne 1, as oricinallv or Sto the court house. The lit< dressed In the Red Cross and banners were carried dren, one especially noticea , ini; the information that caster chapter has l,4 7fi The parade was headed by ,t mounted, as mars'- ..s, and way band. Another very s lies woe: I? ?| 1 rwtun.? V V by chll- I I lit. \ bio hear- A lit iorh Ibe Lan-' Members. rp , 1 u . Iota I two Unvs the M'.l- 1 <*? ?millltt?'<* ?t tractive |>)?l-tiliu- to (lat ( I ..1.. D i.1. *1 i< ? <mti<I<'i11 11 lat ill ?ts?' <1 ist 1 will 11a\"t? h<mm1 reports In II I Mr. \ nnoy n:is nr ? with th" bar of tli" jllipj ^:<lor?>i| a lawyer of attainments. He I counsel for the Sou " a number of years I' M 7< J.OO ounsol He i* rep ''irts lint of ur,'af wpa'"ii" 4i CO us n nf e\ CI overu I >1 v 1 lie , ! I 4 i 1 \\ fish inert t\i\ < " ii lore iMod 1 * St;it" and is eon < 'ourt-Mnrf exceptional lojjal i i i! lours at tins been division thein Railway for and is now chief f'anin Se\ iei ut"d to i>o a man May 21 Mai. Mr. \bnov is a Mailey, rnmmai or ''oio I. ill. as", ! *' 1 st division, .. HI. ...I. ... ' ' f .1. .1:..: tusfln seniemnl by |, ,?,] ,, ial to Serve IO law of the S Mar?l Labor. . . . reduced tron rate derroas r. Greenville. S. thirty-five < f>n. Charles J The South aflintt oftleer of fho <<1 to make has taken command rns Brick oo !io S. This was dune in i ply with the statutory", k *tato. The zones will lie i eitrhf to seven and thtf nil from forty cents \? Mit- IftwetMi terminalsern Railway was directthe station of the Anrnpany. near (Ireenwood, irailll C ??l lilt* (fell w ?I J- I WL Red Cross formed by 2 4 , J&- dressed in red. B. f At the eoui-t house, the [ Y Used as the speakers' s the ^?owd gathered 'rouml B rem. <SP . I.eroy Springs ter of ceremonies, and, afte Wf tlon t?y Rev. B. P. C'arsr /4'iieo/l l k/i noon 1/ /?t./. l> no iivinc i * n im ??i iiic <*;illl|> Kills, all, rotunda TEN STEEL SHIPS 1tnn<1 a"'1 DELIVERED IN I fin tho was mas- t r invora- ships \r?* of \k? in, intro ? ! nauo?iMiiirtoon (ttlii>i> nun. ARE INECRO AM) Wll A WEEK I LYNCHED C I ro|cm?? Ton- l'.vn? iii?K of < i 1 Ijiiiiii'Ii. in Mlirilt'i- MiiIiil ho makos his hom< If is unri'-rstont = plnyoog of th" > E ARE | here will hnhl a a * GEORGIA 1 ' ' M' intr lonucr in tho I frarsporfation syst< Tor <'<>iii|ili< it y fio'i being ba>p<l o i- I mark. * ' " ? . ** I'll v? 11 < i r 11 ?? i * < i ' v ' > i f lfi j "*i 11 h ' v.-" rhn ri I thit th" cm- 'I"' fnmn until lout hern ItniUvuv 'iov'r>tr Mm r,f iiis? mooting and ora' Bailey exnt Ahnev remain- 'nc hichly p]p' employ of that anfl ,ho city of *m, their objoo- elimatioal < n his alleped re- ( '"'re. ! The 161st tn fti i amn jsevior and i flar stop so of the affairs of and Sunday orders aro issued re- d'>ne to acre the command. Hon- of the brick eased himself as he.sed with the camp Mrs Ann Greenville. esneeJsMv | Jetpp wj|,mv -ondittons that exist M (if, ; 1! o'clock Vf fnntPl' hfirro/1 a ? . for Saturday afternoons voriiu's. Th - was |f 4 immodato the employes * company. v V * j ii-v Henderson Thompson Jfljr of the late Governor T. *" d at her home here at 'sterdny mornine. The mm* ' u nit n|?rn nr i n, l\cv llflurehlson. Dr. \V. J. Wiltm J lanta, and Lieut. J. E. Paftr j Canadian army. Lieut | back from the front and I ?| "over the fop." Mr. Mureh the first speaker and In hi! attractive and forceful ma pealed to the people to sur Tied Cross and other hrn ri iiKil IV. j t r. of At- 1 ?'il iMirim; l'asl \\ n. of the ' Patten la i has been | Washington. May 23.tson was|sh>p? of 68.850 ag^regt * usually : were completed and deliv nnei ap- emergency fleet corporal ipoit the past week, 14 others. riches of ,'eek. Have Met M<?l? 1 ? Ten steel: Valdosta. f?a.. May 23 ite tonnage I ?er- i,n,) h s vv 1 l ' it, i!iipii<-><tin tii ored to the I Hampton Smith, Hrool tion during im,,r ,,n(j |p., wound !n some wood | at their homo ne;ir ... , Mr. \?>ru*y stated \ ioU'iicp. merit attributed to report h'*inp mad Haves Tur- ,ro' :,s " stands, an ifp. Mary Tur- pd to ,nduce the ip murder ?r wUh"f1 ,n ronvey cotinfy far- j and that he ip of his wlfp."to "'p?i to anythir it:ifnev t?a? some mallpn int? I that the "state- | mnn?>>* Hr: Mr. Me Master a*|Tv?r- ha* arrive < l.y the commit- | ^pado cm '1 as it is intend- ' '' r"" ideas which ho Thov v " nin'l ft. utterly un. wor *,tP nf f>1< 'eouid not aUrib- pa''"- of ,fl? R but a devotion ( ''bf- ?illinir (rest of secret fn, M>icmaml?r of i . Wl I-UIII- | j will ijradier C.oneral Mo- j afternoon ar el at Camp ^ovHpv-I and intornmf rcwts of thf C, 21 at 1 |ew ,j,(. ri\ :nien?* of infantry, i ^r.. jptpi 0 ramp at the f?r"|eonnty \pril 1 60th infantry brl-i f \ W?l'ao >(Vi (ijviginn. Henderson. i H. Kyle. former jPtpr April fre Ohlensaw ennrds * o lip taken to I. nlon this id the funeral services >nt will ho held there afal ol the train. was horn in I'nion 22. 1832, the daughter ?> Thonmson and Nancy She married C.ov< rnnr 22. 1 856. Ttie cntire^g wat work with all they hit IJr. Wllmer, who left his i in Atlanta to aid the it jlrlve, "anywhere they inii ftym," he told the audience. rInteresting and instructive H?> told the children that th fifty million dollars a year f ing gum and two hundred ve. an(l some steel, of 43,000 pastorate 'a,,nched. ed Cross; On Saturday four wo iht Krndi '?'t Ih*1 ways, the third t mode an 'he present month wher address, aels o ftlils type were I ey spent a single dayt The total or chew- wooden ships launched million date is 22. tons, were I Thursday nlulif. have hy a citizens" posse, oden ships' Two n,h'M' negroes inie during 1 arul XV,M Th?mp?dn. a i four vt-s ,n "lP murder, were aunched in ''ri,lay niRht" number of T,"n"r was lynched in Mav to ,|ver* in Brooks count? learned that the p|,,t been hnnRPri rt,,Pn0P eovernin* ih?i(r sinrcestion, <m i. Will Head xvro,,t'-" foolish anr No implicated ''f nv,V hanged lust u Aether the man :s sibl? corruptly si I at Okapilco i,,K su,h a ' harce.' f, after if was I'h" statement in si to attack the a''I ve- "ed bv hin and prompting ,r"ni Memph's, to an nvpr jln rhar*p "f fh 1 fanatical mind. p,ont ,,f ",0 later ascertain tr?ns^'Tcd to mentally respon-, burK* Va- whor imulated in mak-!"' ,n ' meet of that car . >t ,, Convicted of ilo by Mestor . . , 'nir lawful con i anhatantin!1 v Tnnn.. and r?o..?.|v ? np'Sonno| d-'n.Tf- nionh division. has born '^4111 p T.op, pr>tor?.' Tho Oormp ^ W i IJ l>f* flQqlpn. pany, of CJ] porsonnol dopnrr- P?*'mission hi tip. to chanL'p th< chare.s of dtsohry- f'on tf> The uninnds to mount c?mpany. of the couple was spent ic in L'fo Insurance eHmarloston, v as ernnteil^ r (he secretary of state n ime of tic c ? t)-.ra1'eople's Life Insurance | !( dollars for randy and that if #. rf would buy Just half IT randy enough would bo & raise the $100,000,000 for f'ross. Mr said this war is from all other wars, that It at home. He compared the branches of war work to j wh'<"b 1s no stronger than I the pen + ?_ an much saved t > 1 ,WJKS <>VfcltS< Ull the R?'d * different Atlanta. (Jav. May is a war, r?L Leroy aPrln**. different Lancaster, S. C. a chair,! Henry P Davison, ts weak-> rha,rraan Cross Wa i Smiths Wns laid at T Mary Turner, who is a TION. h;,?l Smith's watch In I I ? h?-n captured, was h; 23. 1 It 18. anm'fl Bridge, on I,lftl Search is hclnt? mat | Johnson who. accord national 'Smith. fired the shot k ir Council 'haul Mrs. Smith wa timer's homo. I ils follows: lleged to have "That l>??ut. jnhi tor possession f" his .voting life to anced at Pol- ni?n'ty, that voiin e ri\'er. t'hester. had done h le for Sidney sacrificed Ms pfe. t inc to Mrs. romery, that fine f? illed her hua-1 fanhurp. had been 1 s shot In thej were near and dear "HOTVI ar.,J for ? . . . , , mount on two r a David had eiv- . , I*. Vu^tin. cni" the oauso of h 11 fry ?"> -?M |,P|.n ?*,. c Hemphill, of I , , roarf-maDlal at i's full duty, and - ... . , ' j ?P've at hard la' hat young Mont- I , . ,, .. _ : i ears, to bo d!s dlow from Soar- , and to forfeit aP ost to those who . , . , . duo or to hooomi to him, that nth- t,. ? bp'ne lnt<* at cnnr-l I iiY!i?:'ins. PrivTfp \ ' "\?,rno' > rnv I! 1?rtfh '"fan- i< t. I??) atenned by n gonfrai ?n, fh< f'amp Savior to ' "10 ^ni *>or for a form of 10 Hint Hie s honarblv dfaehar ?md wo *,0,,,1('s ?< nay and allowance* i ^ ll',? House > dup. ! apportioned t a. rprolvo an >. >1ann!nc ye^wwlay renam from Henry P. irman of the war eouneriean Red Cross, statueees?ful bidder for the F wool sheared from the sheep. v\hMi has been o South Carolina, will R' est link and said that if we f on the lied Cross link, the r| be of no use. Or. Wilmer had more respect for the sympathy with Oerm#r;' whr 1 the Kfl'ser and flahts^for h for a man who remains her , |b disloyal to tiie country. Mm th' other." he nil Mown 81 Wa"l'nKton. just te linln will u,'KinK hoavy overaubsrr hhIM }) > so''?nd H<*d Cross war ni'iri in '"K ,0 "hui > Knoa to ro,K"llon4?tpakr nectssi l"i than j su"' for FteU Cross us<? tli rid inU. vvh?Q 'arapnum was o <L. *, ltJRraphf'il | *nninner. fsne was alsf IpUoiis t<< hern ill treated hv the fund ow- " w'ns ?ald here tha jlf'n-: war his wife, former ten iry larger j Smith farm, hnd reoen ini) j?!ann- with Smith ovei an at iitlined In ' ltaved that this led I v fl'on ,1i- ? HUbacrlty Mlitottq'n Pirn i snid to have ors had done the H?)?r0oB. f von MeCallum, coir f Turner and w>*, had aaorlfloed ants oj the and yot th? itly quarreled fhi Community, nxv -eouat. Jt la (hoi forthnon hero, the .attack. to ' tV,th? - . . nf .'v J T?'"- <>,"'h' aamo, and that f^irm Pevier is h >red mm that he mmodate l.lh' his I'fe to pro ?ro were men in ( >? went to see n who had made them 'not a dnni who had refused Cross, prrk you. > Red Cross. | "TTe dpeht to if he eon d af- )umhi?," ..Sftjd M to be despised. | oni.W^ to he mr s ' irnmine camp at "' eine enlarged to ac- ' 'I''"' anr ft men. proceeds fror , 'nto the P-esi Mr. Abnev he tobl '""d of the I in rent for the Red ? not a damn cent ' Cheel he run out of Co- Washingtor tr. McMaster. "He to inquiries ft 1 out of the prnof and on i l^.-o i Iw*i?tpn<'(i Kiior from 1 Mrs. Wilson. The ij n the mid ion will go dent's fund for the war Red Cross. cm Tlti*. Week. I, May 23. In answer om families of soldiers / loyal; Jf^h i ) ' - v"?#> *" > ^oi mptev * - sw on# In Southern Ra1lw,i\ aw*ed by f^e^-lc-olnmbiii/!* no n wii? was Benj?-4 savR^hoi a Mnm th I'Cfoaa' and lx ftM 'hat ho rer>*-esents. bureau today la^? for a man who checks for A n cent for?the Red and rnvernnn e t? give." | be mailed by iic niir nan insurance announced fha* all pril allotments "t pav f. ?nt allowances jyohM Saturday night. . I ,