F Pays 25c a Month Gree" for Perfect Health i magistn For 15 yearn. E. A. Little. Besaemer. , 4 Ala. has paid 25c a month to keep in per- ClOUCI ill feet health. Kead what ho says: ! He was "I desire to add my endorsement of Qranrer Liver Regulator. I bav? not uk?1 auy other ntalkin* for i {\ n&tlVI fifteen years, I know II Is the best for all liver > eomrlaiots. and wiil cure any rasa of indigestion known. When I first commenced to take your Oranrer !Jvcr Regulator the IVf-rant-Patton PrugCo, was buying it by the dozen. K >wlain told they buy *' ? i it by the gron*. I u?e one b-x each mouth and would not be without it for anything." \V in Fli Granger ''ZZZl Liver Regulator ..H.' is strictly vegetable. non-alcoholic props- IIOUKH ration, and is highly recommended for elck headache, indigestion. biliousness and all tation, 1 stomach and liver complaints. Your drug- ^ . gist can supply you?2 >c a box. COuUOrt I Grammar Medietas Co., Ckattaaaefa, Taaa. 50c aild all dealt P%R^fONl =rr Famous Shoes for I 1 BOSTONIAN double-service soles mean exactly w hat the | ?p words imply. = Shoes bottomed with these soles give / the wearer / DOUBLE y^j/? I SERVICE ^ In addition, thry tiro tv and ivill not sli I Lancaster Dept fl BEST PLACE TO SHOP < T^y "^jy ^r^y T|^T ! AN0THE1 I JUST V ! LADIES' # Jk I COATS A* ? EE A | WE ARE STILL J I POPUI Imir 1 XA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A T1 W. H. Kerr Dead. IM1 wood, Nov. 5.?W. H. Kerr, mayor of Greenwood and ite many years, was found y his room Friday morning, bet! about 78 years old, and was P011 ; of Fairfield county. i |^' ? i \ nitolm Official Resigns. ! f"6 por ipeg, Nov. 5.?A. B. Hudson inh ' general for Manitoba, has! vj 1, it was announced today, j W ougbing! you rack the lungs J rry the body. BALLARD'S" ^ Ol)ND SYRUP checks irri-,of heals the lungs and restores' niil able breathing. Price 25c,J $1.00 per bottle. Sold by *n ers In medicine.?Adv. ?1 juK&flll^ I: shii sail /\ \ E?= Clo: ^ jj ' ^ 7T- trat -? nha ate* proof , ber = i i [}' ^ for . Stores l;E aptpp 4ii yi'v..' Ill llill flLL^^ A A A A A^A A^A 4^4 A^A A^4 i R SHIP RECEIVEI and Mil ID COAT JELLING BIG V. AR PR1C1 sc iUSY BEE i A A A A A A - AAAAi 'VWV V V V V V V " IE LANCASTER NEWS TOT Vaporize" Croup . or Cold Troubles <|> 1 apor treatments for cold troubles are V I er than internal medioines, as the Ta- J 9 carry the medication direct to the ? gs and air passages without disturbing stomach. * . _ Vhen Vick'a '"Vap-O-Rub" Balve is ap- | ? id over the throat and ohest, these va~ I] b, released by the heat of the body, are . JL V aled with each breath. 25c. to ifri.OO. KKS ^waerSALVE ? | Anderson's Earliest Snow. ^ Vnderson. Nov. 5.?Large flakes ^ snow fell thickly here for twgnty J lutes Friday morning. This is w said Town of Lancaster to serve the term of six years in the'J^ id of J. C. Elliott, whose term X n expires. Jec. .1. That W. 1). Robinson. A. Roddey and Latta Hood be and v are neve by appointed mummers,; sai?l election and directed and uired to conduct the same in ac- ?L rdance with the requirements of j t lec. 4. That the Books of Itefris- < ion of the Town of Lancaster * ' 11 be opened at the Council Cham- +. on Monday, November 19th. 7, and remain open for one week the purpose of registerinc all q qualilied electors of said town. ^ t K. 0. Secrest be and he is here-1 *5^ ippointed Supervisor of Itcftistra- f i. tone and ratified this 1st day of ^ ^ ember, 1917. j kj CHAS. D. JONES. | ? Mayor. I C. SECREST. Clerk and Treasurer. 7-tf. j JL 11 v MENTllA. D H i v > ii iSES' SUITS 1! Y I Y = > T Y x f it ALUES AT 41 V J V J T V YT > ES H ||1 ft c HS* ?? 1 || = nrggitr-itniiam 111, ..>t*^-rirrrswiiTmiii" '7- t SSPAY, ftOV. 6, 1917. RODMAN-^ THE BUS Vith the Cool Nights and Appro n ? hoods. We Are 2 SWEATERS, Ci ROBES, AM FromThe Wi I 'f* ' J .yI /rfU xL [ffigpM jS $ '1 i IW I P '?lum? 7524 \ ^ Coftumr 7522 Vjj^ 25 crnu You may reproduce every design Review Patterns and don t forget to one whole yard of material on December SWEATERS FORr Very Speeial?Ladies1 J Sweaters, in Rose, Green, [ iavy, Corn and Red, with I // lcdiinn and large collars, lain and with belts. Priced iWj 1.48, $1.98, $2.48 up to f 5.95. /F AT PRICES fWEAR DE Special for 1 very latest sty] tion in all the vertable collar: $7.50, $10.00; FUR N1 rtTTf-1 %TfTlTr TITTTTl T>T1 A TT ItlTTITTT wiin i i-iivrj DiiAUixrub VERY LATEST MAKES AND ONE OF THE LARGE* IN NEW YOB If its Furs, we have them , and 'riced $3.48 to $15.00. Can be bom ERY SPECIAL IN LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S BATH ROBES Complete Stock to Select From. ladies' Bath Robes? Priced $2.98 to $5.95 'hildren's Bath Robes at 98c to $2.95 len's Good Heavy Weight? Priced $2.95, $3.50 to $6.50 RODMANS SELL IT FOI ... . ? , I.., j" ' 1 * 4^. A A^fc A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A AT^ ATA A^A. A^A A.^A A^A W^FiTAy ^yr T^y ^jy WALKUP CO. I ;y cash stoke. ?!. " *f aching Winter Weather Calls For Heavier % ihowing Wonderful Stock of ?|? UTS, FURS, BATH % 0 UNDERWEAR f nter Fashion hsook ? N 1f^\ I %m rp - I Vsjii 'A / \ i n I \ i~ IV I Co.tum. 7637 r<*tumr 7S3i ^ for rod of the abute number t in The Winter Fashion Book by using Pictorial that Pictorial Review Patterns save from onc-hal/