The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, November 06, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Systot The Old 8tandard general strengthening tonl< GROVK'S TASTKLKS8 chill TONIC. drTeea ot Malaria.enriches the blood.and builda up the ay tem. A true tonic. Por adulta and children. 6( K' PROFESSIONAL CARDS + + + + + + + + + + + + + t DR. J. REEOK FUNDRRUURK, Dental Surgeon. Office Hours: 8:30 to 12:30 A. M. 2.: 00 to 6:00 P. M. And by Appointment. Office, 160. Residence. IS Office over B. C. Hough. Important to Honse-Keeper The first and beRt substitute fc eggs ever offered to the public, 4 per cent cheaper than eggs. A trij will convince you. Sold and satti faction guaranteed by LEMMON or money refunded. WHEREBY THE NH IS BETTER PREPAI MEET THE WANTS < ITS PATRONS Our plant it the very betSkilled wor I they put iiit is in them. We pride o ^ we turn out. Anything fr newspaper. ?and the } others eliarjj BESIDES? We have eoi largest engr houses in til thing in bus ?wedding lneuts, eard etc.?and a: . prices on th phone call 1 you. May We THE LANCASTER LANC/ I An Ambition a /! "pHF. needs of the South are ! ol the So it hern Railway i the (r< tj tl.e upbuildinr of the other. J The Southern Railway a aha no I ? accorded to othcra. j The ambition of the Southern Ri I Bndy of Intereat that la born of co-of i the railroada i to aee perfected that fair tnent of railroada which Invite# tin acrncieat to realize tba t liberality of to obtain the additional capital needed enlaryed facilities Incident to the dc 1 FM.? I MHJ, OllMUJ To Ukc III niche In (he body pr r other rtru Industries, with no more. | rl?hu and equal opportunities. ^ 11 The Southern Ser Southern Ra rHE i B j Then and Now. ft! (Dillon Herald.) 5c i Three years ago a Dillon man had i to hrtng suit for the recovery of V F|lfl * three hales of cotton. The action was El l 3 * brought in the magistrate's court p L -3 because (! < amount did not exceed Eg * $100. A ew days ago this gentle- |1| k *8 * man had to bring a suit for the re- Ki g||0 covery of one bale of cotton. When I E' h eapplied the magistrate's court the H Bajg court informed him that he would Wg have to take his case to the circuit H court, as the value of the bale of I ||g* cotton was considerably more than H $100 and therefore was out of his H |l|l jurisdiction. H ES3 She Does. I ^ A girl mn.v not let you kiss her, but f| S the chances are she appreciates your wurtlng t ?.?Tiger. K Hv )r Whenever You Need a General Tonic | || 1 UI\C VJIUVC ? I H " The Old Statidnrd Grove's Tasteless | Pj il chill Tonic is equally valuable as a &j| fe* General Tonic because it contains the m p* well known tonic properties of QUININE jfa r I) and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives f| out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and . Eg ? Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. | H ??????????????? AU mans. ' WS PRINTSHOP actlon 0 tED TO IDESTF 3F Diary 1 j man* > equipped for turning out ?t in printed stationery. I Hasp : British 1 1 1 1 ken fro Kmen are employed and manders o their work the best tliat (1<*?<*?* I effective J tlie sub j er" is i . | fact the urselves on the stationery that th? [hard tin The r I ity duri om a visiting card to a |been no( jof mere j more sa number irices are as low as many ?Jhn"o? ;e for inferior work. erabie j months* officers personm The ( may be; rinected up with one of the ,ion- 1 torpedo aving and lithographing marines e eountry?earrving overv- owin* t " ^ ? * Ivoyed s liness and social stationery deatroye .. chances invitations, announce- * !ticuiar s, monogram stationery, ingiy in re prepared to quote you , ally see1 is class of work?a tele- ttml Ji ' | rectlon will bring our man to see' ling, i |steers a .shown I drops r< i this cou i "Figure With You?" in a !cases tn j soeiated jtold of NEWS PRINTSHOP |r2 v qtpp q n : without k.ol i!iXCf O. \J. wafer ol | badly or damaged _____ recently Ano(h \ < j will retu } df?r Peci m -=^ time age j\ (ship bou - ! \ i It la exti nd a Record ; py W a tc identical with the needa ! j but the ?wtb tiul iucch of one means J l i gOStH as J \j I The torp srort?no ipedil prtrltrre not , f i j? a cargo illwir Company Is to sre that i the explf and frank policy In I be nanafe- J tllPW II It I emtio** Ct r;ym?,nui , V - . through treatment whUh will enable ll , I for tbe acqnlaltlon of better and /] dropped mand lor increaaed and better y J , .. V j latter wa dlrlc of tha loutb alongside of J rrUS'hpd bat wltb equal liberie#, r-jual ' BUtlk wit ves the South." "y^00** New 1 ^ Mollnau^ and rfver Blue Flaf llway System- SS LANCASTER NRWH TUESDAY, NOV. 6, 19: <?*HflKfc9vl^r ^SBHmMV *? ' the tlmt*. day and night alike, between the offensives, the British This remarkable flashlight photograph shows a squad of gunners urlng the night. * tOYERS FEARED BY KERENSKY SAYS RUSSIA UNDERSEAS CRAFT IS STILL IN THE I IUI Taken From I'-Itoat Com- Worn Out and Tired Hut \ lers Furnished Fvidciiee Iteady to <juit?Needs Supto This KflTfct. plies From America. * of the American Flotilla In i'etrograd, Nov. 5.?In view Waters^ Nov. 5. -Diaries ta- reports reaching Petrograd that t in captured u-boat com- , impression was spreading abrn furnish documentary evilat the destroyer is the most t,mt Uussia was <?" < i?f nri.cntii ......... , IViir. Premier gl>ronol/n ,1 I o.. ?. .......1 ... r...'vn> iirn|iunn (IKilHIM "" " " " **" uim u marine. "Avoided destroy- present condition of the count the old-repeated entry. In frankly today with the Assoeiat se logs show conclusively ,.,.oss He sai<1 Kussia was W( ? suhmaiines are having a ()Ul |,y the long strain, but that ie of it. was ridiculous to say the count osult or the destroyer actlv- wag out of th,. war ng the last four weeks has . , . The premier referred to the ye; t only a decrase in casualties , ..... . _ _ , . ... .... m which Russia had fought her o hant ships, but also a still campaign alone, with no such tisfactory increase in the . , , , sistance as had been extended of submarines sunk. . ..... France by Great Britain and now onvoving of merchantmen ,\mcrica. lie said he felt help v reached a stage of consid- urKently needed and that Rus perfection after many a?ked ,t as her rjKht ?e U|>J work in tiaining both the the United States give aid, of merchant ships and th" form of money and supplies, a el of the patrol flotilla. appealed to the world not to li iffensive side of convoying faith in the Russian revolution, it be shown by an lllustra- Russillf Kerensky added, v ,Vhen a submarine tries to ,ak|nR an ftnormoU8 part in t a convoyed ship -as sub- slniKg)e aml thoae who Hai(| 8he v are now compelled to do Qf jt must hav<> sllort 0 the Infrequency of uncon- , jps hipping there is always a |j0nR ,,iul|| w?ged. ir on the scene and the ? , . , . .. ... ,. .. . Russia, the premier declared 1 of her getting that par- ..." , . . been fighting 18 months longer tli submarine are correspend- ,, l.ngland and Russia has fought 1 creased. battles alone and is fighting alo vake of a torpedo is gener- The wor,d mugt nQt fa,(h jn , 1 by the destroyer's lookouts eoononiip one No 0 (he ,'Vf.i - ? r'1 ~ #11. * ^ a (idea, nas me riuht to f?el disil where the submarine is ly- 8,one(, about u _ {t ukes yeafg The destroyer immediately deve|op a 8table KOvernment. course full speed in the line bv the torpedo's wake and most useful vvav seated depth charges along ,elp'n* KusH,a ls ln sen<Une bo< leather, iron and money. Prem rse. ... Kerensky said it would be impoi considerable proportion of ? iT^i? > o. . v hie for the United States to se is proves effective. The As- ,,, ,,... ... tioops because the difllculties Press correspondent was . . K tiansport would be too great, three cases during the last .... , , Russia is not out of the war. P t in which submarines wore Jtroyed. In many instances ,nifir KftrenskV said in reply to it submarines are destroyed ports to the contrary, any visible indication above "Russia has fought consisten ' their loss Still others are since the beginning. She sav ippled, as in the case of the France and England from disas I German u boat which was >arly in the war. She is now wt interned in Spain. out by the strain and claims as t er submarine which never right that the allies now shoulc rn to Germany was sunk un- 'be burden." lliar circumstances a short Thus Premier Kerensky explain ). This u-boat torpedoed a Russia's nosition to the corresnor ind from the United States, ent. The premier was seated in t emely unwise and unsafe to library of the former private offi irperio at such close range, of the emperor in the Winter Pi u-boats must take their tar- ace. The correspondent called : they get them these days t? ntion to widely contradictory 1 edoed ship was loaded with ports on Russian conditions and as of heavy war material and ed the premier for a frank stateme >sion was so forcible that it ol the facts. uge piece of heavy material "p has been said by travelers r the deck of the ship and turning from England and el? it on the submarine as the where to America that opinh s submerged. The hull was among the people, not officially, b like an eggshell and she generally, is that Russia is virtual h all on board. out of the war." it was explained. "Is Russia out of the war?" Pr land Molinnuv l>end. ler Kerensky laughed. Vork, Nov. 5.?Roland B. "That." he answered, "is a ridi . central flgure in a famous uloua question. Rtissia is taking i nystery which was generally enormous part in the war. One h i the "Molinaux case." near- only to remember history. . Russ v years ago. died Friday in began the war for the allies. Whi Island hospital. *be was already fighting. Englai ?- was only preparing and Amerl t' is LAX-FOS w"9 "nly "h"* "1" >S IS AN WfctOKD CASCARA ! ,h" ' ive Liquid Laxative, Cathartic who,p brunt of ,he Tonic. Contains Cascara Bark, by saving (Ireat Britain and Fran< j Root, Rhubarb Root, Black People who say she is out of the w CoKn??".V-fSg?h^Uhe^tt! J'" "llort TOAHiorlen. W- ha D? notgrip*. SQc fought since the beginning and tb MBMMHMBMMMMNHMfiNRMKMMMBMMH 17. UN DING THE GERMANS / * \ ^ mHh3 ^H| M I ft I J gun8 keep hammering away at the Herpropating one of the big howitzers for TWO GOVERNORS MEET; IT VISIT CAM!' WADSWORTH . "I Whitman, of New York, and Manning, of South Carolina, Inspect Camp. of Spartanburg Nov. 5.?Governor ho Charles S. Whitman of New York,I a)j arrived Thursday on a visit to the ^ troops of his State, now in camp I here. He reached the city shortly j " alter 10 o'clock. his train beingl try about three hours late. The gov-' ted ernor was accompanied by Mrs.| ,rn Whitman and her friend, Mrs.i George Pratt, wife of the conserva-j irv tion commissioner of New York State, and Major F. L. V. Hoppin. Maj. Howard E. Crawll and Coralrs modore Louis Josephthal of his' wn _ staff. The party was met at the station by Col. Franklin W. Ward, General: O'Rvan acting chief of staff, and ! .'as ('apt. E. W. Moore, General O'Ryan's '?d persona' aide, and by Mayor J. F.! Floyd. President Hen Hill Brown of j the Chamber of Commerce, and other citizens and welcomed to the osr ? city. The division headquarters troop, under the command of Lieu'as tenant Cameron, acted as escort to; 'lf> the party to the Cleveland Hotel, kaa where quarters had been engaged. Governor Manning called upon the New York governor a few minutes after his arrival, and shortly afterwards. Brig. Gen. Phillips tern-, tail I nnrflrilv enmrnanr-ii I II J , ?.....lUUMIUfi >.1111 tl I" | vision, drove in from ramp and took ..... fhe two governers to Camp Wads-' the worth. Other members of the gov-' ier ernor's party followed in other aulu tomobiles, and the entire party was, to entertained at luncheon by Gen. I'hillips at his headquarters, of In the afternoon the two govern>ts, ors drove over the entire camp, ier Governor Whitman was on a tour of isi- inspection and invited Governor >nd Manning to accompany him. of must now take the heaviest part of ,-e. the burden on their shoulders, re- "At present Russian public opinion is greatly agitated by the question: 'Where is the great British .0(j fleet now that the German fleet ir(,r out in the Baltic?" " )rn No Americaii Army, ier "Russia." the premier repeated. |er "is worn out. She has been fighting one and a half years longer than ed England." ld. "Could an American army be of l,e use if sent to Russia?" oe "It w ould be impossible to send! 4j. one." said Kerensky. "It is a ques-i ,t. tion of transport. The difficulties' o- arp to? Kreat." "If America can not send tro #ps. j nf what would be the most useful way tor her to help Russia?" was aske ed" "Have her send boots, leather. leiron, and." the premier added em t phatically. "money." jy ; - Crops for Argentina. Ruenos Aires, Nov. 5.?According eto the latest government crop estimates the wheat crop will total 5.'* 600.000 tons, linseed 050 000 tons *n and oats 1.200,000 tons, the figures as indicating crops approaching or exceeding the records. |1 f? nd Irregular bowel movements lead ra to chronic constipation and a constipated habit fills the system with he impurities. HERHINE is a great e bowel regulator. It purifies the sys>e tern, vltaK'.es the blood and puts the ar digestive organs In fine vigorous ve condition. Price 50c. Sold by all ev dealers in medicine.?Adv. ~1 7 PRODUCTION OF AUTOS SOON 10 BE REDUCED MOTOR CAR FACTORIES FOR WAR MATERIAL. Uncle Sam, However, IMans to Have Curtailment of Cars Come (gradually. Washington Nov. 6.?Conscrip- ^ lion of industries to supply the need nt the army was discussed by ti. v ar industries board with autorno i bile and accessories manufacturers, who pledged their full co-operation to the government in what ever is i ecessuiy to win the war. ( The plan is to divert a part of each plant to the production of war 11 was maae plain to the manufacturers that while their help is required the government has no intention of taking any drastic action which would cftjpple tho '-industry. It was arranged to have the manufacturers represented in the National Automobile Chamber of ComV nierce, and the motor and accessories manufacturers appoint a committee to work with the automobile products section of the war industries board in planning how the big automobile factories of the country can be of the greatest service. e To Hold Many Conferences. The conference is the first of many to be held with makers oT non-essentials as the progress of a the war makes greater demands on the country's resources. Husiness men directing the government's vast war expenditures found it advisable to take their work to established factories rather than to create wholly new agencies for making war supplies. In this way. it is said, greater efficiency has been obtained. Curtailment of production of motor vehicles was said to have been taken up first because of the manufacturers' voluntary offer of co-operat inn hppanco ? . */. Kun uiKiiiy organized nature of the industry, and because the problem of obtaining raw materials, also used in the manufacture of munitions, had become serious for the automobile men. (Gradual Decrease. The extent of the decrease in production probably will be "very substantial." to be effected gradually as portions of the plants are diverted to the manufacture of war necessities. Particular attention was paid to the question of employing men now at work in factories where products ? may be curtailed, and it was stated authoritatively that n oaction would be taken in any case until a definite plan has been formulated as to ' how the labor affected is to be employed in the home territory, thereby preventing costly and disorganizing migrations. Figures quoted show that the ' value of nntAmofcii* > - U...MIUUUMC mm accessories produced during the past year was nearly two and a half billion dollars, and that the industry employed approximately one million men, who | supported 5 per cent of the country's population. * DARK I'LOT REVEALED AGAINST YOUNG FORD Ktl'ort t<> Kxtnrt Ten Thousand ' Dollars on Threat to .\lxlurt l'. ntj Ford, the Second. Detroit, Nov. 5.?No additional arrests had been here tonight in thg alleged plot to extort $10,000 from Kdsell B. Ford by threatening to a1 duct or kill his son, Henry Ford, the millionaire manaufae turer. Federal agents here are working on the theory that a hand of men were behind thg alleged plot. That a letter demanding $10,000 as the price of his baby's safety had been received by F.dsell Ford became known today when Jacob Ygllin, 20 years old, was arraigned before United States Commissioner Kurd, charged with using the mails to defraud. He pleaded not guilty and was held for examination November 13. Tallin was arrested Thursday when a decoy package supposed to "ontain $10,000 was delivered to him by a messenger boy, who called for it at the general delivery window of the local postofflce, where the letter to Mr. Ford directed the money should be left. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take LAX ATT VK HROMO Quinine, tt atop* the tough and Headache and worka off the Cold. DruKK'sta refund money it it taila to core. U. W. GKOVL b a ignature o? each hoc V U- J .. ? J