The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, November 06, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Report* Strike* Settled. I HE QUITS HIG Washington. Nov. B.?Settlement, SERVE IN t of the strikes of shopmen on the Montgomery, Denved and Rio Grande and tho liam I'- Martin, jt- American Ship Building Company, j Alabama, has i Clevelalnd, Ohio, was reported to'and will enter the Department of Labor today by Martin has rece federal mediators. ( major in the a 100 per cent Rou^ I^UCKEYE HULLS are real rouahaae in JjTJ cle. They are free of everything that Y as forage. They are free of lint. The] trash. They are free of dirt and dust. Wh r?AO? MADK RUCi\tyi W 9 COTTONSEED I 1/ HULLS 1 LINTLESS you are paying for nothing but roughage, and you are stock nothing that i9 worthless or injurious. Buck< like a real feed and are a real feed. Their very a] convince you that you should use them. Even if Buckeye Hulls cost as much as old style hulls be to your advantage to use them. Selling at sevei ton less, they put old style hulls beyond consideratior Other Advantages Kiddie Kars, Irish M< W All to ride and they will last too. EI -0 STEEL TOYS. Now this is what } 9 to buy for your boy. It will lear ? erect and maybe it will assist him 0 life. Buy that boy an AIR RI1 a learn him how to shoot. It might ft handy some time. Wouldn't let m A gun when I was a boy and now wh J tires I want to get under the counte A Come to see the toys and if yoi JE want them, you don't have to b Q member , 5 SANTA CLAUS IS NOT " and will not be until you loose y ^ , w and cotton has gone to less than < W per pound. J. B. MACKORE \ v THE LANCASTER NE1 !H OFFICE TO + + JNCLK SAM'S ARMY ' Ala.. Nov. 5.?Wil- I* PERSONALS, attorney general of i* eaigned his position [ < the army. Judge Mr8 John T Green left ived a commission as day for charlotte for treatme vlation section. hospital. Strait Parks and Bon Cul at home from camp Sunday Miss Etta Skipper, of Col )SDent thp a'ooi< *1? * Buckeye Hulls allow better as- They mix well wi similation of other food. age. They are sacked?easy to handle. Every pound goes They take half the space for 2000 pounds of res storage. the ton?not 151 Mr. S. L. Jones, Jackson, La., says: "I have been feeding my dairy cows Buckeye H find that they do as well on Buckeye Hulls ai style and that they like the Buckeye Hulls bet the old style." To secure the best results and to develop the ensilage odor, thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. It is easy wetting them down night and rooming lor the nest feeding, this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. I feed the hulls dry, use only half as much by bulk as of old i ) Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of fee< South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for ,tening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives using them properly. Send for your Copy to the nearc Dept. k The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Atlanta Birmingham Greenwood Little Rocl Augatta Charlotte Jacheon Macon 5 SANTA CLj : IS NOT DEA ? Germany thought she had kill w Clans, but Germany has not shot a 9 in the direction of Santa Clans. ? 0 used to furnish all the things f 0 Clans, but America has whipped < 0 to a finish on the Santa Clans busi A have BETTER TOYS AND MC a THEM for Sauf,i Clans than Genu a 1 bought of. So come and see for 0 DOLLS OF ALL KINDS, TOYS 0 SHAPES AND EVERYTHING 0 COULD NAME FOR GIFT = S Bicycles, Tricycles, W Of All Sizes ^ ?- vvn VUU aV IUC 111 her parents here. 1*5^Miss Willie Reed, of W: ?????? college, spent the week-end home of her parents here. Col. and Mrs. Leroy Sprit ^ ? turned Sunday from a stay o weeks In New York. every partilas no value .. . __ _ _ j are free of Mr> and Mrs" W R" Th< len you buy were *ue8ts of Mr- and MrsStevens, at Bethune, Sunday I Stafford Graham, of the n corps, stationed at Phllatl I spent Sunday with relatives 1 Manly Blackmon, of W spent the week-end at the hi rye Hulls kSk hls P^ents, Mr. and Mrs ^pearance will Blackmon. ?o? it would still Walter Cauthen, of Camp ral dollars per son spent Sunday at the home parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. / then, at Dry Creek. ith other for- ? Misses Pauline Marion ant farther. garet Taylor, of Camden, jo'0116 *? Kuesta Sunday at the home of Ira B. Jones. utts and Miss Kate McManus, of Wl I on old college, spent the week-end w ter than ? ... ? parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. ( .... manua. wet the hull* __ 0 to do this by li at any time Robert Lindsay, an old I ' 3[#u. PJ*',r ter boy. who joined the ityle hulls. .... . < States army twenty-four yeai was here Sunday for the 'mil^foTfat- time since he joined. He sp directions for years in the Phillipines and st mill. at Camp Jackson. Dept. K ? i MempKl* E- Lee Skipper, who has Selma . a graduated at the aviation scl I Atlanta with high honors, wa ?J Sunday to visit his mother, J . B. Skipper. He left Sunday n _ report for duty in Atlanta V Www wl | Skipper will probably go to within the next few days. I|| Mr. W. C. Hammond, of At 4 m. 1 N. C., is spending some time i ^P caster county. Mr. Hammond D^P praisor for the federal land and was sent here to apprai lands of the members of th ^P federal land loan associati . this county. The two assoc here are now well organize ed Sillltil about forty thousand dolla LL'Ull 0V011 been applied for by the meml , each association. Of one Mr. I H'l 111<U1V Robinson is secretary and or Santa other, Mr. E. M. Croxton, is Germany w tary. ness. We w ? * IRE OF A ClVir hEAtii K WILL MER1 * gfe1 Wednesday WITH Mils. Ill idll\ ( V< 1 pjvjC j^eague will mee yourself. ^P Mrs. R. 0. Brown Wednesday ATT ^P "oon at 4 o'clock. This will _ social as well as a business n' r xUU ^Pjan(j an thP members are urge*! 'S. present. The program is i ?????? ^P lows: ^P Leader, Mrs. Nathan Hirscl T_ _____ ^ Topic of Day?The Home " o ^ er's Responsibility. ^P Motto?"The Home MnU? ^8 America." i 1. Financing the Home 51118 mother's responsibility. _ 2. Teaching the chlldrei tECTOR W value of mone 'Oil Wflllt 3. Discussion. On what n him t p,e flhaI1 we decitle the fU?ht , , . to save? The right place to t i later in w * aild ^P n0 itoom for Traitors. COllie ill ^P (Spartanburg Herald.) .0 liaVC a ^P The infamous traitor who i eil a glltl about setting Are to food supp j> this time of starving millions : should be given short shift at ^P lead or the rope within a few 11 do liot. It Is certainly not a time t< 11V. Re- ^8 gently with such ruthless ei of mankind. # DFAD How's This? ^P W? offer One Hundred Dollars R for any case of Catarrh that cam c^.,,1 ^8 cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine I*I "OilI Hall's Catarrh Medlclno has been OIK' CCIlt ^P catarrh suffc rers for the past I ,1L Ave years, and has become known ^8 most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Bl< m the Mucous surfaces, expelling th son from the Blood and healing tt v v m eased portions. M M After you have taken Hall's Ci m M m Medicine for a short time you wilt mJiMJi great Improvement In your g m health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh . cine at once and get rid of catarrh M for testimonials, free. ^ a a. ^ F. J. CHKNKT A- CO.. Toledo. ( 999999 001(1 by al' 7*cA SY8TUESDAY, NOV. 6, 1917. 3 R0BINS01 LANCASTER p were } to visit nrrrn Mm>n n lumbia, 11 urrcn W1LW5 d ome of 11 mtbrji AND 1 at the J OF UNUSUAL VALUE IN T f three I >mpson 1 We Have Just Receive W. O. II Marine 11 J \V here. I (lillll Jack-ji i?H(l !0'HI \Y. L. Douglas Tan Lace ! l. Cau- II ^ 1 were11 ^ - 'J- Douglas Tail Englis Judge| Russia. Pair inthropjl ( 'l'ossctt V. Kn-K\? Ur?*w?? > , . i/i vn 11 d ith her 3. mc- and ?> ide toes. Pair = NEW EXPRESS SHIPM s ago, second Nice Brown Mixed Overco ent SlX At! *-! yv A tew Pine Overcoats is IIOW Nice Mixtures in all wool ('asli 1 |ust (rood Quality Blue Serge Suits, 8?here Fine all wool Blue Serge Suits, ; .irs. c. Fine French Serge, guaranteed ight to Our Famous 1621 Blue Serge Su Mr | Bovs' Fine all wool Blue Serge ! Fine all wool Serge Suits Fine all wool French Serge Suit ihboro. Boys' good wool School Pants, a n nan- Men's good Di'ess and Work P is aphank ??????? MEN'S AND BC iations , , . . . ?d and aieii's good heavy Fleeced Shirt rs has Men's Derby Ribbed Shirts and jers of Lambs Down Health Shirts and Vthe Spring Needle Shirts and Drav Serre- Men's Lnion Suits, line quality. I Hoys' Ribbed and Fleeced Lnio '7--: NEW SH1PME1 afterI be a ipend ? IUlilillii!;iiiiii.iiiiii;iii!;i!;--i':?iiii^-iii!^' iTjr:: lii.iniiii Very fine soft Nainsook Handkr GoodLinen Handkerchiefs. Fae ST,; New Lion Collars, laundried and ibroad Men *8 good heavy Work Gloves id hot Men's good warm Knit Gloves. h?ura. Men's good heavy Work Shirts. lomu^ & K?V(l ,)r,'ss ^irts. Kac] ,Avondale fine Dress Shirts, lau ?1? Lion Brand Dress Shirts, white a Each mrd not b? taken S New Express Shipment < >od on ?e d?* Fine new, snappy models in Men atarrh values that have the right j enarai / Newest Stvles in Ilats. Green, Medl. Send >h,? .... ? . ^ ft 1-CLOUD CO. *S LEADING STORE ~ HOES, CLOTHING, HATS FURNISHINGS HE NEWEST STYLES & MATERIALS d by Express a New Shipment of DOUGLAS AND CROSSET SHOES L. Douglas Gun Metal Button Shoes, mei liigli toe $3.00 and $3.50 . L. Douglas Comfort Extra Kid Shoes, soft .lust the thing for tender feet. . . . . $4.00 I . L. Douglas Gun Metal Lace Shoes, nice high medium toes $3.00, $3.50 and $5.00 Shoes, nice swing m h Shoes, fine grain nd Black. English TMT Ar PI1ITP inn Alimonirrn cm ur ouild ANU UVfcKLUAI5> at. A $19.50 value $16.50 $19.50 and $27.50 \ mere, Pinehbacks and Belted effects, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50 34 to 44. Special $10.98 ill sizes. A $15.00 value. Special. .$12.50 all wool. Special value $15.00 its. The best value on earth $25.00 Suits, sizes (i to 18. Special $6.50 $4.00, $5.00 and $7.50 :s, two pair pants $10.00 II sizes $1.25, $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50 ants $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 IYS' GOOD UNDERWEAR s and Drawers. Ka<4i I UO ] Drawers. Each 75c jj Drawers. A speial value. Each $1.00 rers. Each $1.50 $1.50, $1.35 and $2.50 n Xuit>, 6 to 16. Each 75c NT OF FnL NECKTIES An extra good value Wide -Flowing End. Each 25c Fine large all silk Ties. Beautiful ? range of patterns. Every one worth 75c. Speacial each....50c j Some very line Ties in excluusive designs. Each $1.00 11 nod Kid (iloves. Good quality, tan, ? kid, made by Wilson Bros $1.50 Fine quality Gray Suede Gloves, silk i lined $1.50 Some very line Kid Gloves? $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Nice quality soft finish Handkerchiefs. Each 5c -rrmnti. r.<aeil 10c I h 20c I soft. Each 15c and 25c g 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 1 Pair 50c I Each 75c J h 75c 1 ndriod and soft cuffs. Each . . . $1.00 | nd colors, soft and laundried cuffs. I $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 1 )f Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps I 's and Hoys' Caps. These are styles and | appeal 25c, 50c, $1.00 | Cray and Black are the leading shades 1 $1.98, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 |