ALWAYS SOMETHI] The natural inclination c being is to be constantly out for "something ne\v." tist, for new scientific d< the explorer, for unknown to unseen lands; the plea for new amusements; the c to\*s. The average woman i seeking, among other 1 styles in apparel and dres: and this store affords amp] ties for the discovery of 11 Every day something 11 to our stocks which make constantly interesting to this store. Beautiful Fall Garmc NEW Df ? PUT /Mfc-: /MTiK GASTON B. MEANS WILL BE with TRIED IN CONCORD. Bel Special Term of Court Ordered *he> case, by Governor to Convene on Card November 26. term NoV pose Concord, N. C., Nov. 6.?Gaston \ B. Means was remanded to Cabarrus P|gh county jail to await a special term crnol of Cabarrur county superior court apOCi on November 26, when he will be as r tried for the murder of Mrs. Maude ney A. Kin#, who met her death near apeci this city on August 29. pres? Argument for change of venue side, was finished Friday morning by So- conn' licltor Hayden Clement, speaking in that behalf of the State, and urging nulle Judge E. B. Cline to order the case moved (to an adjoining county be- t cause there was reason to believe a meR fair trial could not be secured in ^pnr| this county. Judge Cline, at the erno, conolusion of argument, decided Cami against removlr# the case from this from county, as he was not satisfied that tend ' an Impartial trial could not be had r(>tur here. ?>? The time of holding the trial Ru caused much discussion among LAR1 counsel. Solicitor Clement, for the or tw State, contended that It would take pletel several days to get all his witnesses per 1 here from distant States and that medl - - - - 27-incli Cotton Serges, pre Extra Heavy Quality Pla Wool Checks and Plaids, 3< 36"inch Solid Color Serges 45-incli Serges, plain and French Serges, Poplins an Broadcloths, 54 inches wid ?= CHANGF FIF VFN1IF R lr - ""',UL IU decli DIED BY THE JUDGE = ??? , the THE LANCASTER 1 ancasterD The Best Z THE DRESS IS THE - *, NG NEW. \ ^ ?f the human V \ / / 9|ffi? ^/fft/IHifflin 011 the look- \\/ /II' i jf//j|||ll|||\ The scion- V I 'Jfl||l|\ ivelopments; /'V* '/!l|! \ i and hither- j IT]--] sure seeker, 1/ i i~ ' hild, for new SMS | I j| I \ s constantly I jjy \ \ things, new I I v~\_ I J s accessories i/p?- ? i \\f e opportuni- &//] | \L cw things. ?V\ 14 ew is added v our displays visitors to $6 I _ >nts Can Be Made From Theses THE *ESS GOODS \ Come in and see the vast variety of the bewitching materials which ANE we have assembled here. They exhibit the weaves, designs and : hues which are now being used by wooly \ the leading dressmakers for the childr i creation of the apparel which will ^ j | be most popularly worn, and ex- ? ,n some cases, ha and that the governor of North 'llto ac*ual operation. Una be asked to order a special The war conditions, of court for this county on constant augmentation c tmber 26, for the special pur- doing business, accomp; of trying this case. dlcations of a tend telegram received from Ral- economy ?n the part o In the afternoon says that Got- are Kr?dually bringing r Bickett made order that the an ??tlrely new attitude al term of court be held here, ta,n Problems of their t equested by the county attor- The emphasis recentl of Cabarrus county. At this the necessity for curtail al term, Judge E. B. Cline, the number of delivery tr ?nt 'judge presiding, will pre- stores and for the elimii The term of court in Rowan as possible of unnecessai ty, which is on the calendar for merchandise has show week, has been ordered an- what can be done hv i d. concerted action and b slstant District Attorney John' adherence to a carefu ooling left with several of his Program. Not all sto from the New York office, forjrneans have as yet fallen :anburg, 8. C., where the gov-',he suggestions of the of their State was visiting Kconomy Board at Wasl > NVadsworth. The witnesses in far many cente Chicago, who were here to at- tlon appears to have b the grand jury Investigation, l)y the obstinacy of Just ned to their homes. concerns. Nevertheless centers the dally deliver b a sore throat with BAL- been reduced, a charge [)'S SNOW LINIMBNT. One delivery has been provlc ro applications will cure It com- stores have stiffened thf ly. Price 26c, 50c and $1.00 as to requests for spec >ottle. Sold by all dealers in j and various steps have cine.?Adv. ^ to lessen the amount ol JEW8 TUESDAY, NOV. 6, 1917. 'epartmen Place To Shop After All. MAIN THING IN WOMEN'S / Your Fall and White \ | should be built around y< \\ i Bo it behooves you to selec1 lih. duniiinig veivery and fabrics that look so well 011 en have been made up for 11s Char elightful coats for the little styling 0 wear this Fall and Winter, iniprov general 1 will notice that every one (l(j an se garments is a bit better shades, in Co; rou expected for the price? aiso jn ot only that, it is sensibly w?th fil broider >undly stitched and carries js extei ain stvle in the cut and the t[olls ai tie pnc ;hat every mother loves. :ed $1.00 to $16.50 +++++ out on approval and to induce cu < tomers not to have goods sent C. 2AD. + I>. unless they are practically su + they will accept them when dell + + ered. In short, a decided step h, been taken on a road which but loniist.) year or so ago seemed to be barn tant changes jong precedent and by the cor though once petajon between the various store Ible are now This in itself is much, but it pror consideration jseg to he Breatiy surpassed by pr ,ve been put gresa(ve stores in various cente within the comparatively near fi with their ture. Prominent merchants ar >f the cost of their managements are frankly a< anied by in- niitting that their minds are no ency toward turning toward still more radlci f consumers, changes. For example, when Ju retailers to two years ago the peonomist urge 1 toward cer- that "retailers can no longer affor maJness. -? - a tu iii.inf an nenverios Tree," ? y laid uopn ourselves felt that our suggcstlo Iment of the would And scant approval. Yet t< Ips by the day the Idea of making a charge ft lation as far deliveries Is prominent In the mind y returns of of many leaders In the dry goods an n merchants department store field. They fe< iccomplished that this would be fairer not only t y consistent the store, hut also to such of thel lly devised customers as help them to cut dow res by any expenses by taking goods with then in line with They point to the success whic Commercial has attended the action of chal lington. and rs co-opera-1 MARKETING llOflS. een blocked Beats burying them. Steve Hot one or two ver, Mt. Pleasant. Iowa, writei In other "Commenced feeding my herd c y trips have about 100 hogs B. A. Thomas' Ho for special Power over two months ago. Flft led for, the were sick and oft feed. Nearb ilr backbono herds had cholera. I did not los ial delivery, one?they are well and growln been taken fast."?Adv. 1 goods sent' liuncaster Mercantile. Co. i \ : more than the usual care, a \ sure that they show some < i fling, yet tremendously J touches that denote them a : common place. : To satisfy our custome , | incuts for distinctive dress > \ yet be bought at reasonable 1 we have exerted all our bu\ J in the big dress markets of and lead :n the showing ol which we now invite youi It speaks eloquently of oui combining originality of moderation of price. CO tOO CA .i/v IU 5E CHILDREN'S COATS R ARE GOOD NOW l FOR WEAR LATER ON. In a tlin 1 1 it Store i ITT1RE EXCLUSI Ml r mardrobe >ur dresses. t them with nd to make >f these tri- \*> important, s out of the rs' require- 11 es they can figures, for ring powers this season A visit to c l dresses to to.r?v<'?1. original 111 < i' attention. style attribui success in charm of ne . colorings aii< st\le witli interpret Fat you these 11c $2.5i ecently Created l Wonderful Va tiful St> ming little specimens of that play a big- part in the ing of your appearance in I. They are in all the ravord highly desired pastel ill fill ' 1 ' ... un (kuuuuuucc tu styles at-collars, Frills, Jabots; white and ecru trimmed Imy laces and delicate emies. The variety of choice isivo and excellent selecre assured you for such lites as quoted. 25c to $1.5 is- groceries which give lower price j those of their stores wherein ill r?: ery is not accorded to custoti than they quote in their other st as wherein delivery is made when a sired. Furthermore, as our rea< ^ well know, certain departre ll" stores of national reputation t B- adopted the plan of no free d< Q" eries In their underprice basem ?" and this method is now being lfl in force by other stores with wl u" we are acquainted in connection v 1(* their basement lines, iIn addition to this, the mana of a bic store in a ... l?l mc ATI 11 lit I gt Western center informs us that ^ suburb In which his home is aiti ,jj.ed all the local storea make a cha rc for delivery. Most of these sto of course, are groceries meat n . kets, bakeries, and the like, but r ' )r fact that they have been able [s make the charge and satisfy tl ^ customers, in the face of the c< (,| petition of the big stores in the n< 0 by center shows what concerted ir tion along even these lines can n complish. Another innovation which is x h being seriously considered by n tailers in various centers is the - troduetion of some system of re bursement to the store for the >- pense and risk which charge J. counts involve. This plan, like ?f charge for delivery, has aire g been adopted by certain stores y their underpriee basement. ' y thought of making the method of general application has grown 8 of the feeling, so general ami merchants, that the trade of nv of their charge customers is far I ts that are inimitable and I lesign?possessing every ! te so important to the ! rsonal appearance, Uich I leather ornamentations ;h ion's trend. Let us show w artistic achievements. 0 to $25.00 1 Neckpieces iriety of Beau- i rles 111 0 each s in valuable than that of cash custom?liv ors who buy an equal or even less S ners amount. They realize that the avOTPS erage charge customer is apt to feel de-! ^ers I that just because she is on the lent ' s*ore 8 books and is getting special iaye i privileges in the matter of time for ?_! payment. she has a right to expect ont i 8Pe?lal consideration in all other t' matters. Including even her attomnta lich to break 8ome of the store's most vith Ironclad rules. One step has already been taken 1Kftr In this direction, viz., the curtailing ment of the credit oxtended to cusjn tomers who are habitually slow pay. uat- The Dry Goods Economist does irge n?t expect that uniformity of action res, in regard to making customers pay iar- for deliveries or for having goods the charged will be brought about readto ily or at a particularly early date. iejr But In view of the attention the prorvm posals referred to are receiving ?ar- from leaders in the trade it is evi ,u.. | ?ient that there is something brewac-ling. In other words, we may he on I the eve of changes which, radical as low they may seem today will within a 'reasonable time be looked back upjn_ on as a mere Incident In modern ^ J merchandising evolution. ex ac- Put a porous plaster on the chest the and take a good cough syrup lnternady ally If you would treat a severe caso In of sore lungs properly. Get the dolThe lar size BALLARD'S IIOREHOUND one SYRUP. With each bottle there Is out la free HBRRIOK'8 RED PEPPER ang j POROUS PLASTER for the chest, any Sold by all dealers in medicine.? less Adv. jj 1 II 3 1 VE STYLES IN NEW j LLINERY ik mr M illinerv Salon is sure