The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, September 21, 1917, Image 1

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: wr. t jj * * \ . ? ?. ' The Lancaster News i * VOL. 12, NO. 86, SEMI-WEEKLY. LANCASTER, S. C.. Fl{| DAY, SEPT. 21, 1917. $2.00 A YEAR URGE WAR BOARD QUAKERS OF BUSINESS MEN SACRI MANUFACTURERS WANT LOSES LIF COMMITTEE FORMED. SAVE CIT Preferential Treatment for the at ^eP' Industries Whose Products C limax in 1 A ir?i i ? * /\re vnai in war. rr'ma Atlantic City. Sept. 19.?Crea. Philadelphia tlon of a great war committee of l^at gunmen ; business men representing all ',ut* been brou branches of industries to deal di- in a Hepublicai rectly with the government in war Ward followed purchases was proposed in a resolu- ^ay of George tion adopted today by the manufac- man, who wenl rers' section of the war convention A. Carey and J of American business men. A gov- tant district a ernment purchasing agency to take were made on over the functions of the war in- wan said to be dustrles board and the pui chasing small riot last departments of the army and navy can club, whic also was recommended. being sent to a Two business men's war commit- Carey, who tees would be made up of represon- ter campaign i tatives from every industry fur- |0r the Keput nisbing goods to the government, council from the representatives to be named by making the r the industries. The resolutions car- ni? ' ."I V? Hi-fi II rying the proposal for. its rreation with a saml lis will come before the f\i 11 convention an attack was f riday. I>ollceman Ei Renewed demands were made at was shot. sectional meetings today for a war , , Jacob .Masci price policy that will mean the . , rested on the same prices for private purchasers .. . 1 1 policeman, has ? as for the government and for a . ten statement, priority law that will give the gov- ^ ernment authority to cut off sup. , ' .. . t brought here l? plies to non-essential inustries. . ?r Jersey Citv to Must (Jive Power Now. .. . , Mascia denied W. J. Stackhouse. of Springfield. ... . .. * although the Ohio, and other speakers who ad- . . 1 identified Mast dressed the manufacturers meet- ? , John Coste ing, declared the power to deter- ?.. . Citv, who ws mine the priority of manufacture or ... , . with being ? sale must be given immediately if crjme admiUf it hopes to wage war successfully. po,ioe thj "Preferential treatment must be ... .. with other me accorded those industries" said Mr. . primary. Thi Stackhouse, "whose products are vi- . . ? . , statement fror tal to the conduct of the war." ,(Tir . We were bi If business does not sell its prod- , ,T .. K known as Ldt ucts at fair prices, Mr. Stackhouse .. v.r the Fifth War said, the government will force pric- joj. j)e?tac)1 ? es down. n ,. .. * , Both Mascia Resolutions to be introduced to- ., said, wore a 1 morrow will demand that the gov- ... . , button holes a ernment, before it goes further ' . .. ? marq of alleg< with price fixing, make arrange- otjier eit ments to deal with the labor situa. isador Sten tion. I^abor. speakers declared, legislatu forms the base of production cost. graj^ at j and can not be ignored in setting up lant'jc rity ol prices the government and the pub- ,irp wwfe r'egp) lie will pay for goods. Forced ar- derb ftnd bitration of labor disputes also was home advoeatei. Walter S. Clifford, director of the Council of National Defense, indors- . .... ... ? t'tHHI 1 Ij ed the idea of business men 8 com- j ancaster js mittee to speak for industry in Mr"I( s Ha) transactions wun tne Rovornment. business on ac Had there been a complete organ!- npas rfiquIrlng zatlon of Industry at the outbreak fjon th)n of the war, the mobilization, he said .... . ? , could do a fin* . would have been far easier. _ . .?n., ter, especially Commercial Economy. . of compensatioi Commercial economy formed the topic of one section of the conven- ~ tlon today. Albert W. Shaw of this meeting Chicago, John H. Fahey of Boston, what has aire; and others said that If wasteful dtl towards doi methods were not eliminated in bus- essary store Iness, the government would step in the number ol and pass laws of regulation. At dress and In c WE CANE CREEK 1 ASSOCIATION MET AND f Wednesday night a mooting of Mian Crelghton Cane Crook Community Fair Asso- demonstration elation wae held at Cane Creek of loft-over dls school house. Representatives of monstration M Riverside and Cane Creek schools the men out to were present. The date of the fair corn and give was set for November 8th. The fol. seed corn sole lowing executive committee was so- The followln lected: meetings: Mr. J. Roy Cunningham. Chair- Wednesday, man. Thursday, Se Mrs. Hazel Cunningham. Friday, Sept. Mrs. L. F. Culp. Friday, Sept. Mrs. Charlie Slstare. Wednesday, Mr. Wade Draflln. Thursday, O Mr. Rufe Crockett. Friday, Oct. A series of meetings have been A bread clu planned by Miss Crelghton for the has been orgi Home Demonstration Clubs. At grade at th< these meetings Mr. R. W. Qraeber School wtth Mi , J IN COP LANCAS1 m HIMSELF: ^ "e trying to y prosecutor. Banquet Gi Wednesc iblican Club Finds ? r Ler tilling at Polls in ry Election. LARGE CRO TO G1V1 , Sept. 19.?Charges', ind fraudulent voters! ght here to take part1 Wednesday n 1 primary in the Fifth the 19th, a patriot! the killing here toA. Eppley, a police- *:'veI' lhe "=ve.ily-SH L to the rescue of Jas. National Army re] H- Maurer. an assls- caster.8 st,cond QU( ttorney, when attacks mem. ine outbreak oeieciea uraii A the culmination of a Thursday morning night at a RepublL d|>ew Jackson, whei h resulted in six men ! . . trained, i hospital. , , , , . The drafted boys 1 had engaged in a bitngainst Isaac Deutsch h?use at ' ? rln?k, w tlican namination for fed a line and marche the Fifth Ward, was Opera House, where ounds of the polling j trJolic occaslon w e was knocked down | 'opera liouse was be ig. At the same time i made on Maurer.ia"ie lndiei >plev intervened and Cross." Pictures of and the noted goner a of Jersey City, ar- olutionary and Ch charge of killing tlio|llUUK aroUnd this g confessed, in a writ,. . .. "Old Glory hanging according to the po- ( and 1!? others were tore. When the b( from New York and | door of the opera h vote in the primary., Ughered to the tabl that he shot Eppley.|of the ?Red Cro89 , Inttpr hnfneo Ho Hlo 1 la as his assailant. f?r seventy-six. die, also of Jersey' w?'is arranged and I is arrested charged citizens of the town m accessory to the contributions to K,vt d also, according to , , . _ . . ^ i w \ m .3 'ul send-off. it he had been hired n to take part In the Af,er s?PPer musi e police gave out a hy the I^ancaster o a him saying: [consisted of Mr. j rought here by a man tie Neck.' to vote in 7 d. We were to vote G. Otis Mobley. and Costello. it Is! Robert L. Hlackn ivhite ribbon in their . . .. ,. .. , , , Willie Knight, is the distinguishing ad hired voters from j Stanley Williams. ! Will S. Adams, n, a member of the, re, telephoned Mayor ; Ethell Maree. atter's cottage at At-1 George W. Culled targing that the po- i ansible for the disor-1 Julian H' Harrl8" :ing him to return A Hoyt Hailey. William L. White. Robert L. Sistare. UMBER WANTED. John K* S,eelewithout a plumber, j Will M. Benett. rper having quit the Isaac Thomas. ?count of other busi-1 Walter R. White. his time and atten-! ,, c Henry P. McMani k a good plumber 3 business in Lancas-1 Fred Harrl8' now in the absence Edward C. Gooch. n. Edward H. Steele. Walter Threatt. it was pointed out John W. Massey. ?dy been accomplish- Glenn P. Plyler. ng away with unnec-, William J. Montgc deliveries, reducing . . _ _ ? . . John T. Bailey. ' women s styles in >ther directions. ^ illiain B. Ummi ______ ! James L. Ballard. rw wv J wn Daniel C. llan is. I tAIR Ira L. Hinson. 1XED DA TFS J""* ISVL.D Uf\ I CO John D. Paulkonb David P. Roberts. will give a talk and j W" Connie Bowe?on the preparation ! Martin L. Stalling hes. During the de- J. R. Shehane. r. Graeber will take: Frank p Be? > a near-by field of ... o a _ ?4i .1 Rodney Harris, a demonstration in! ction. I Ralph H. Hammon g is the order of the' _______________ Sept. 19. Elgin. L?w R?Oulatin( >pt. 20. Pleasant Hill N*W York 8tate h 91 rv. ir u,?n? I regulating the posses 1 8' * scientists am 28, Oraigvllle. ; Ajj laboratories and Oct. 3, Rich Hill. | must take out a stati ct. 4. Antioch. i propagating, possesslr 5, Unity. dealing In any germs b and cooking class! ments. The purpose inised in the tenth | firms falling into thi s Kershaw Graded *<>n* "fceiy to use thei IM Martha Creighton Purposp ER TELLS THE WAV is DIER BOYS GOODBYE Tt GOVERN IV iven in Mackey Opera House T0 E lay Night to the Men Who m. Tl l_ m* iU. S. Will 1 i inursaay iviorning. J ? by ( omF WD ASSEMBLED AT DEPOT " THEM A ROUSING SEND-OFF Washingtc eminent tod ight, September Poag, Maney and Ben Hirseh, R. p08sj|,]p <,et( Ic banquet was Thomas Beaty and Mr. McDermid. olfic Coast s . njen o{. the Then the smoker and speeches were pay half of begun by Rev. \V. S. Patterson, who rompanjes i presenting Lan- 10 ner rent offered a short prayer followed by , ota under the ; w? u ? e(' shiPs- s j Rev. Hugh R. MurchiSon. who intro- whoHe p)ant| ct." who left dured Judge Ira B. Jones, followed ,.rs js jn pr, for Camp An- by Hon. R. S. Stewart. er the wort e they will be Roddey Bell, who was one of the Pay on drafted boys, also made a short talk ,l1"' Pr"s,"'( were report net at the court followed by Mr. W. G. A Porter t- ? 1 Mr. Hurle here th<-y form- The local ministers of Lancaster j board postp (1 to the Mackey made a short farewell talk to "Our'to the coast ! this most pa- Boys" who have gone to serve their s,:,r' on as held. The country. The Star Spangle Banner1 nar< ( I hor in San autifully decor- v as then played and every person in j empiver s of the "Hod the house rcu?e and began to sing an agreeinei the Presidents this wonderful song. . mandeered als in the Kev- Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock " ' '' A ' lo < MTei :il Wars were the "Drafted Boys" all met at the -yj(, nurll reat room with court house and were escorted to day with Sa ; over each pic- the train by the Boy Scouts to the ' tib ials of t >ys entered the tune of the fife and drum, under of Babor. i.iun^ m*;y were tne leaership of Srout Master John I ' ' Portland an e by the ladies H. Pong. A large gathering of points and " Covers were friends and relatives of those young they might 1 The banquet men were at the depot yesterday proposal linanced by the morning to witness their departure, ,,u"('erR* ..... .. . To avoid of Lancaster by bid them good.bye, and cheer them a proportioi s them a cheer- on to victory. companies The following are the names of government ic was rendered the boys who were called to the present offoi rcbestra, which colors and left on the 8:55 train for In""> than t . , | plied to th< rnd Mrs. John Columbia: the pay men (AMKS OF DRAFTED MKX. profits are 1 nl cost of e Roddey Bell. 1 borne by th ion. John W. Wright. How The cost Clarence C. Crimmlnger. : ply Qnly (Q E. C. Bridges. ' | ion commai AllgllSlUS wrignt. mem 10 nas will not art Claude M. Steele. nallv by th< lge. Lonn,e S- for these o Joseph S. Hunter. wage increa James J. Horton. j to pay cost William C. Perry. ' profit or on n nt.n... i The total ? William C. Wallace. ment is ( John N. Whitaker. boar(1 offlcl? William Spence. portion of 1 Algie Vlck. taking over Arthur Threatt. tion. C. jE. Tiller. is. Willis F. Ballard. Inetru Accuracy William Sealey. eary qualiflc Ernest D. Barton. business glr Lewis E. McManus. 'rora,tlJe to\ heard the otl Charley Knight. answered th Alvin R. Jones. Mr- X. there Ben Rollings. WaDt *? 8*? you think he >mery. Carl T. Duren. girl, this is I Henry E. Sowell. telephone.' >nd. Lorain C. Ferguson. rmmww* r\t Judson L. Whitaker. ' THE Dt a i ?? licu j\. VJtiI inuu. Robert R. Culp. Strait Parks. erry. Ray V. Falle. We have n , . _ _ . boys who le Docton C. Outen. , . ? , tember 20th William E. Farmer. Columbia Daniel C. Hinson. j of whom th Jack Garner. * ' We know Cuthbert Gregory. j cestors of or ? ; Thomas, son William C. Mehaffey. 1 r|on Thom!|i d. William C. Crimminger. i The Thomas _ General Mar Fox," of the B Oerms. Practical Enough. father was r as a new law certainly got a shock yesterday," cool, quiet, sion of disease confided the broker to a friend. "A Caesar. He 1 experimenters, young man telegraphed me from .. whpn a ? experimenters Maine that he had married my young. before ?? daughter.- ; tho n??y. * ig, handling or 'Great heavens!** returned the oth- ! onfederate i of deadly ail- 9r. "Well, all you can hope for now Isaac Tho is to prevent |a that he may turn out to be a prnc- Meynardie, < > hands of per* tlcal business man." I was an ofilc m fordrn,,1U,loU8 "Oh," interrupted father, "I guess His epauletti OPENED UP BUR I SETTLE SHE I IENT HAS PLAN FEAR !ND DISPUTE. Pay Increase Granted Rumai tanies Not Making Germ ) Per Cent Profit. >n. Sept. 11*.? The gov- Homl ay opened the way for *i 11oiy lenient of strikes in Pa- YPres shipyards by offering to most lr any wage ino eases for infantr: making not more than tack OI profit on command* er- usua' ! an Francisco builders in mn,t? s a strike of iron work_ Herli ogress agieed to consid- cipe<J cer's dein ;nds for more cost sharing proposal e Is for settling the strike wood* 1 ed bright. river L snips unuer consiruc- j a calle manufi .. businef merits of Precision. factory is one of the most neces- wanted atlons of the present-day Indlani I?or so it would appear T^e lowing conversation over- noticed tier day In the park: "So I his tlm e 'phone, and he said, 'Is nnothei ?' and I said, 'Yes, do you facture him?' and then what do answer said? He said, 'My dear darned not a telescope; this is a "Nop -Manchester Guardian. 'he dar IAFTED SOLDIERS THEIR FIGH ] o doubt but that ail the His ft Lancaster on Sep- late He , for the training camp was thi , have brave ancestors the Co ey are justly proud. with K the history ,of the an- He is s le of the boys?Isaac C. age an of the late Francis Ma- best in* i, of Ridgeway, S. C. he sei family was related to Capt. t ion, the noted "Swamp from tt Revolution, and Isaac's peratel) lamed for him, and was who wi but brave as Julius State, i ran away from Anapo- limb: nere boy, and went Into served here he fought in the We War. but bel mas' great-grandfather, boosted >n his mother's side, warlike er in Napoleon's army.! May ?s and Cross of the l*e- lc boys _ i I, -ii 1 Tl " SH GUNS MAKE I WARM FOR Ml INFANTRY ATTACK IS IMMINENT. linns in Moldavia Take an Positions?Two Sublines Reported Sunk. burdment by the British arof the German lines in the sector in Flanders continues itense. but the.-r lias been ac y movement in force. An at? n a larger scale than the aily raids probably is immin apparently :s much exerover the evident increasingof shells from the British uns. From the Ilor.'holst northeast of the to the .vs. on the Reign-French borarlin reports the British lire n destructive. r 1 pi i .Aiarsnal artillery increased its volf shots to drum-fire several As on the front in Glanders tols. there has been no raa ^rations on the French por the Western front. At sevints from the Aisne valley trie tli" French have made Into the German defenses, too. the expenditure of am.. mi is great. Italian Gains. Italian- have been made ac_ a the Trentino front. In a d movement near Garza no. r Trent, the Itaians raptured isoners. Austrian attacks on Insizza plateau continue, hut 1 Cardona's men have held \ for no gains. Rumanians continue their ol in the mountain region >: Foikshani. Moldavia. At c the Austro-German defeitf i wi mi. i in- IVu 111.1 II 1.1 nn v;i * height. Rerlin reports that imanians, at first successful, riven from the positions, snt- V heavy casualties and losing MS. American steamer Paltur'a, If? tons, owned by the Standil Company, has lieen torpewith the loss of her ornateght members of her crew, sinking of two German subs is reported unofficially fr ?no y. One was sent to the hot 7 an armed merchantman and her was accounted for by widest rover. Identifying Himself. ncle manufacturer has hia soentrained to leave the office after r has spent ten mlnntes of th* tcturer's time, and call up thej *8 mnn on n tolophone from thai nnd sny the manufacturer 1*1 In the plnnt, according to th?] ipoiia News. I faithful secretary the other day, that a caller was overstaying i e with the boss, so slipping to - telephone, called up the manor's office and said to the on? Ing the phone: 'Tfnsn't thatold bore gone yet?" e," came hack the reply, Ttr. ned old bore." AND UNG ANCESTORS maternal grandfather, the iv. E. J. Meynardie. D. D., p first chaplain appointed in nfederate army?went out ershaw from Camden, S. C. till remembered for his courd devotion by some of thorn in Lancaster county, whom ved. He carried the late iVilliam DePass, of Camden, le hold when he was so des/ wounded; also Col. Leltner. as afterwards secretary of although he had lost one there were many others he likewise. do not believe tn boasting, ieve the boys should ho with a knowledge of the deeds of their ancestors. God bless our noble, patriotwho bavfl tn Mrrm !>* oonferreel again to- * on ad indefinitely a tiip has bel which he had intended "a'S s today. Agents of the ,,me ? ?f the department ?f laFrancisco reported that ani' s and men seome.1 near ^or op' it and work on th com- on s>iips might tie tesnmcel ?'!)' P" ays. LoTair Other* I'l.ue, I lev confe>rr"d .main to-i"''10, mucl CJnmpers ami either! n ,,r ne Amprjojin r * ]or?iilon ! Tomorrow he will gi\e| the strikes at Seattle i tive 01 id other Pacific coast j^onvar indications were that oas* ol be settled on the basis of -0ft pr I made to San Prancisco the J Genera being compelled to pay them i of wane Increase? for' The making big profits on !t>n?ivc contracts, however, the ^*'st ?. r specifies that profits ofjtackinl en per cent, must be ap- *'s nea r> government share of *ured i t. In cases where trie high the entire addition- were xtra pay grants may he f<M'ing e builders. prison* It Would Apply. The sharing proposal will np- ot 3.4* vessels under eonstruct ir(l G: ndeered by the govern- doed, ten their completion and an(' ect ships ordered o igi- The ? government. Contracts marine over such exigencies a< Norwa; ses. either under a plan torn it? plus a percentai/e of the ot a fixed charge basis. British cost of the new arrange, estimated by shipping lis as only a smad p othe expense incurred in ^ Mi i rotsrv