TlecommeriifeiTby A Doctor Cothram -?2 found Dr. T. E. Cothram is a welt-known express {harmacist of Alexis, Ala. And when wore c e gets bilious or needs a purgative* p , medicine, what do you suppose hoi does T Out of his, whole big stock of 8now"w liver medicine he selects and uses around Granger . Liver Regulator. He says tale tr. .VThere is none better." That's a Hp0iim, sfretty strong endorsement, don't you J think, from a man who knows all thpy ,lJ about the merits of the different medi- youth-t cines on the market? Granger Liver their v Regulator is purely vegetable, does or not gripe nor irritate the delicate lin- re 8e ".*1-J. ???"-J-* . - Iinjc vi wo Bwmaca and bowels and ettch 1,1 always gltW quick and pleasant re- cent ab cults. It is the best system purifier |Bh- to known. Your druggist can supply , ' you?26c for large box. Accept nc ^ams substitute. There i _ ' Ing he: THE CHRISTIAN MOTHER. 8he hn' Baptist Courier. marrlei thousat Our religion is one thing, our explanations and interpretations of ~~ ny, savi our religion are things quite (lit- .. ferent. These last can go to pieces, lllcuow call for reconstruction, be amended, ?g00givts Tllnnptiona r?f ' - ..U... turn ^ ?fH source. The religion of a pood jj(> s mother is about the best and the girl no most wonderful thing the earth ron_ gp^jj tains. As we write we recall one. watchli She had to raise a large family, not jjjra ln only under adverse conditions, hut uneXpe under conditions quite alien to all wjtb j, tfcat she herself grew up in. At al- j Ag u most the beginning of her married cover j life she found herself in this situa- _ certa tion; and. after a year of useless re- |n belling, set about to counteract the jj?m an evil and secure all the blessings of heaven and earth for her increasing "How family, notwithstanding her clrcum- with Btanfes. And she succeeded, not gbe hel only for every child of hers but as ?Qf ( well for herself. She developed a to me, character of firmness and gentle- against ness, of poise, and humility, of, around common sense and salntliness. of jov beauty and seriousness, that Is beautiful heights beyond all description. Every one; failed t that is with her for only a few days a long comes to feel a very profound rev- balcon; erence for her and when her name is bright i afterwards mentioned in their pres- light, once they listen and have something told hei to say of their own accord. Those stretch) who have known this good woman tween 1 for many years know that she is "Den what she is because of her religion, wonder It would be about as easy to deny how yoi the reality of religion in her life as a little, it would be to deny the reality of He ti sunshine in the life of a flower ggr- ltad rei den. live enc +- osophlc Yellow complexion. pimples and self, disfiguring blemishes on the face or said, f body can be gotten rid of by doctor- due hei ing the liver, which is torpid. HER- "Hav BINE Is a powerful liver correctant. whlspei It ourifles the svntem stimulates the snntlno vital organs and puts the body in fine on his. vigorous condition. Price 50c. Sold as elu? by all dealers in medicine.?Adv. hills. 1 ? wanted Not only will a sow raise a littler miseral of pigs, but a mortgage at the same ipnid m time. Danny. I am granted "Div< Rush Printing u cotfrtro a Specialty ^ - - "1 JV HO JOttU I trlod Are You In a meTt! Hurry For That Printing of vo.r.Jp Yours? It could ground WATCH IIS SPEED UP him th ? the pei horrid, We Do Printing In the Twinkling of an Eye (tobeli ? 4 ' * < ; ' ft. THE LANOi LOVEj know how crlml dence can be?" 'body tegan slftglng TostPs I MYes.. De 4y" and Denny Dubois looked Iooked'at him | the club ballroom at the rapt a d<.ar Hm Ion on the women's faces. They j ^ rtUM, ertalnly sentimental creatures. . .. he chaperons, old ladles with hlte hulr and diamond collurs . . their throats to hide the tell- jjim." ices of the fingers of time, had I " , ^ far-away expressions as If I ? r?,KU oked back across the years of e a 1 Ime and love-time, when all *on n .er ,. kept him? rorld was young. Now, men nslble, he reflected. They lived T^e ay as It came. To be remlnls- j to a y?un8 fe,1( out sentimental things was fool-1 aear^hlng the r< stir up vague. h^Morgottea hopeful look. 1 was suicidal to contentment, and she vas PhllUpa Barton openly wtp- Bm,,e that mlghi r eyes. Everybody knew that I orchestra began i loved Ben Andrews and hud d?nce(i right aw 1 old Smlthson for his hundred They danced id a year. Why did she ullow then, steering h< to think of Ben, wondered Den- th?t fateful gal ?Kely, trying not to pity her. a little alcove, f od-by to Summer,'" rung the ?n<> flowers. H young voice of the tenor; his. She wn by, good-by.'" I cause he had c< > suddenly something In the old ' Rlow In her eng . like the hand of a magician, spark In his hea tack the curtain of the years, j "I love you," nny saw Jane Hamilton us she Into the world-o >ked on that last night he had | vor of maturity, r. His eyes had a vacant, far- dear?" She sh; ook, and he leaned forward In warm young hen lr as If he were trying to dls- j as she lifted th le fieuros In his llfp'n iironw i hnir, T.ifn ?ni/n ? more clearly. with deep convl< t are we waiting for, oh, my heart, I want t irt, you are tonight me straight on the brow, In the Chicago i part' "? milled as he thought of his Sea as S on the fresh young lips of the ; had loved too well. Ah, how A represent* loved her! i States Bure-u c od-by to hope?' " ! taken the worl try snapped the cord thnt had 1 closer co-operal once more the days of his i tanners, and nm il love. Bah, he thought! Ito-1 of skins of aqun and Ule dreams were for the ductlon of leat y deficient. He would play the lend all posslbb ike a true sportsman, with no velopment of tli for the might-have-been Issues j ton, Del.; Newi Boston, and var aw the pretty little Pavenant been visited for ross the room and started to in touch with i to her. She was evidently pared to take h ig him, for she was smiling at getlcally. As' < her eager, happy way. Then products develo ctedly, he came face to face to the fishing c lue Hamilton. of Interesting I sual, she was the first to re-1 market skins, herself. He had always taken The bureau 01 in amount of grim satisfaction an opportunity knowledge that she had loved tlonal samples < d had suffered as much as he fishsklns, which en they parted. able progress Is rare you? Have you this dance nlng of these p anybody? I can Rive It to you." d out a bit of gold-edged paper. q^P | course you will give this dance " he heard himself saying Thp Hoosler his win. Then with his arm northward pas, her. the fragrance of her benutIful con wafted him back again to chnnced to he r, he had dared to climb but n, ,n The NeWH , o reach. He guided her through or corn cro|) w]) French window out on a little tance of this rce?" Somehow, he could not 1 ,lH reaso1 te clinging, sweet little Jnno n'a"y "ke ' on with the sordid grind of njnl sllH wunt>4 t<] om and lawyers with their In- knows that questions of life. "Poor child !" J change tomo quietly. ist couldn't stand It. He was. ' ~ ? >us, he watched me all the time.! To make oi and tried to gain grounds for pour a pint of v but he was clever and outwitted! spoonful of sail fvery turn. And then, oh. Den-! When the wate ie sighed audibly, "I made up slowly sprinkle rid to give him grounds for dl-' rolled oats and -and I succeeded." 1 minutes. Then sued you for divorce?" Denny hours and strain not believe it. "On what of scalded milk, s?" he demanded. with vanilla in't unfit to full* nhoiit It f for A ft*\V inillllt ir." she said, handing so neai and add to It, t at lit* caught the fragrance ol molds and set rfunie In her hair. "It was al! harden. but I uin free now, free as air.' what ground did he sue/' per PrOITI1 [Jenny. re was a lawyer, quite a gooc Tour son Is I of mine, and he helped me. \V< "Yes, hut tt'i round together and 1 appeare< years, and still i love with him so that?oh, yoi ttan Register. \STEK NEWS TUESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1917 PKW HINTS AHOUT THK HOUSE, nal circumstantial eft ?? .... - _ If jelly 1r not firm, let it stand in nny so quietly that ana Intently sun. covered with bits of window . glass, or piece of mosquito netting 1 come to see me soon I ? , .... , , for a few days. Never make jelly nts In the Valencia. . , , , , , . * . * . . on a damp day or a cloudy one. if J looking, big blond in .... v. ? , _ ? ... you want it to be firm and clear. Let a stroll over that . . _ ,. . I?on t let the bids of glass get in the at I would like to meet ... jelly. iced them and fled. So I . . A Hatting Kecipo. it to little Jane Hamll- . . . ... ... Chloride of lime will prevent ruts mage In his heart had .# , . . , . . . . ;f put down their holes and spread about where they appear. enant girl was talking #w but her e*e8 were Makes Thein~Brand New. >om with a youthfully Four tablespoonfulB of bran to a s rhey came to rest on qUart Gf water makes an excellent smiled a welcoming wagh for gjlk 8tocklngs Rln9e weM t mean anything. The bu( (lo nQt wrlng press out and dry . Aloha Oe and Denny |n ghade tl ay with her. ? around the room and ivach and l/cinons Itather Scarce. C ?r carefully away from *p0 ren,OVe peach stains soak in b llery, he led her into mj|k 4g hours if colored goods, if on icreened in with palms white goods rub with lemon juice er little hand trembled and sa|t e s childishly happy be- ti )ine back to her. The !f T1l|s Docs Not succeed, Ent More e er blue eyes kindled a Onions Wipe a knife used to cut onions he whispered and put with a damp cloth and rub it with b Id declaration the fer- coarse salt, and odor will disappear. "Will you marry me, a yly consented, all her ()Ur Kinpty Hot ties Not Tliat Kind. rt quivering In her lips d. ? . ? crr .-mens ciean vinegar ~ lem. "I am going to water bottles better than anything 11 are of you," he vowed, ei8e< tl ?tlon. "Oh, little sweet- a o keep you always aa Another t'se For Corn Meal. " Maria Crawford K*111 pin cushions with corn meal ' American. and the pins and needles will not * rust. n ource of Hides. I've a Height Newspaper. ' itlve of the United After a stove has been thorough. a ?f Fisheries hns under- ly blacked, it can he kept looking s of bringing about well for a long time by rubbing it K tion among fishermen, with a newspaper every morning. j v inufacturers in the use n itlc animals in the pro- |n This Case t'se a Padded News-! \ her. The bureau will paper. j < a assistance In the de- Hy padding the ironing hoard with ' ils industry. Wllmlng- newspapers in a slightly convex I nrk, N. ,T.; New York, orm. it will give better results in lous other points have sponging and pressing. the purpose of getting 1 tanners who are pre- Where Is the Alcohol? \ mid of this work ener- Windows may be kept free from < lemands for the raw ;,.t> an,j polished by rubbing the f p, visits will be made >;iass with a sponge dipped in aleaenters for the purpose hoi. Ilshermen to save and + Whenever You Need a General Tonic f fisheries recently had Take Grove's. 1 to examine some addl- The Old Standard Grove's Tn?oele?? . if leather tanned from chill Tonic is equally valuable as a , Indicate that consider- General Tonic because it contains the | , , . . . .. . well known tonic properties of QUININIi being made In the tan- an(j iron, it acts on the Liver, Drives rodUCtS. out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and ' Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. ' Real Army. ? Limited was speeding |f" ' ' ' t many of Indiana's g _ - _. iflelds. A traveler p 'tiding a recent edltorlan our country's bump- I Ich set forth tli? ltnpor- | 'f -m"****"*" op in defeating the en- |;t\ j le aat a little girl, tdng!hlld fashion her own ' ncernlng what she suw AH-h-hl" you say, ow. The phrase, "Sol- X~X down goes thai "dfctnl1" c""Kht ST Cola, drained to the ad he turned from his , , h hlH oompiinion's P"re' wholesome joy le soldiers?" he asked. pleasure to the SoleS C the little one. "I call _ . , , , . _ ? . Be your own judge! T1 s and those," pointing . _ ' , ? Cola?resent the suggesti icks, ' are the tents. ? ws. Say "PI DRINK ' > mi H| BB 'ss differently, and X ly, and walk differ- ^ f ?A ?rk differently, but p fOf ff&GttHi ?es to wanting the |j 9 9*^*^*9 +9WI for their wives and X e all the same. i only time some >J truth Is when It la .A 8 / t a a. woman would X / I to hnve everything ?J? / I day Is because she ?4 A the styles would ^ I J hi? atmtal blanc mange V S * ; yf vater and a half a teA- \\V^Smy// t Into a double boiler. . #fl p In h^clnnlnif In hnll W4 ? \ W es. Whip jjp two eggs hen pour Into wet-cold \.\ "^A in a cold place to &??>!*" otion Slow. In the navyr PFPQI pAT A i alow progress; ? 1 dii Ol"V-V-lLi/l a sub-marine."?Chris 1 Recommend Ever Felt ;'|? mtrY"WM as"Y,y?y :? | T! Mrs. William H. Hincljllffe, No. 20 | cine HELPING TO WIN. The American Railway AsBOcialon through its special committee j^ry n national defense has Issued a cirular to all railroad men, the prin- ^ iples of which are certainly possi- ^ le of general adoption. In ( The committee points out that . very time the handler of a single 8Caj ruck in a freight warehouse p?*t? |0< xtra efTort into the handling of his ToI] uck, and thereby expedites just w . hat much the handling of freight, (jor e has done something to increase He effectiveness of the United States 1 ? cori nd bring it just that much nearer, a victory. Every time the crew of , and railroad locomotive adds fifteen , . abb liles a day to the running power of hat locomotive they will have done omething to put an end to the war. Ivery time that crew is extra careul in the handling of that locomo- j ive. and thereby keeps it just that or luch longer out of the repair shop. ]y , \ has put an extra punch into the fa^ liances of the United States being wol victor in the war. we( When it is remembered that the feci ;reat problem in connection with the d?>r rar is the supplying of food and 1 aunitions. it will easily be seen how be astlv important are these sugges- R. ions regarding the increase of eon ransportation.- San Antonio. Tex., the dght. en? wit he Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head as lecause ot its tonic and laxative effect. I.AXA- , . , ;i\'K BROMO QUININE is t>etter than ordinary " Juitiine and docs not cause nervousness nor fp,i iniciiiR in liead. Remember the lull nameauu oolt lor the signature ol E. W. GROVE. 30c. to The Proper Attitude. The proper attitude of n man toward ST woman Is not a very complicated affair. The fellow who admires her If she's beautiful, honors her If she la a mother, respects her If she works, has sympathy for her If she Is in dls- an< tress, and pities her if she stumbles rnr Is in n fair way to become a gentleman.?Houston Post. 10, :ing! "that's what I want!" And t glass of sparkling PEPSI- ( very last drop?a glassful of that makes you tinele with >f your feet. here is no substitute for PEPSIon. EPSI-Cola" at the fountain today, t crate from your grocer's for the ?it will gladden the whole family. fui 4k^t, N > BOTTLING C Lancaster, JS. C. aascwM?BCS zzzzzy "T^^zzTZmjmSsamm^^ 7 Peruna To , 11 c-m. WFUUC1 VrS tf Catarrh? tie St., Beverly, Mass., writes: "1 e taken four bottles of Peruna, I can say that it has done me reat deal of good for catarrh of head and throat. I recommend una to all sufferers with catarrh. > not think I ever felt much betI am really surprised at the k I can do. I do not think too h praise can be said for Peruna.** hose who object to liquiJ msdW s can proteure Peruna Tablets. HOW TO DRY TOMATOES. ing the Fruit May Be Done If Conning Is Impossible. Ilemson College, Sept. 14.?Tooes can be dried for winter ubo. loing this ripe, but not soft, ones uld be selected. They should be Ided and the shin removed, then ed and spread on trays to dry. uatoes contain a great deal of er and require plenty of eircula i of air. In died condition they f be stored the same as dried n. The quality of the fruit is , however, in drying tomatoes when possible it is more advis3 to can. ED OUT YOTTt HOGS SIX WEEKS EARLIER. n every lot of hogs on feed two three fatten quickly and actualist les than others. If all would :en like these, the entire drove lid be ready for the market six ks earlier and to save six weeks il is an item that you fully unstand. fhe hog that fattens easily must in prime physical condition. The A. Thomas Hog Powder is a ditioner for hogs. It keeps ir system clean and healthy and ibles them to fatten quickly bout falling a prey to the usual rases of hoes. The P. A. Tb.omHog Powder is not stock food. ; straight medicine, and we took agency because it enables you feed out your hogs much earlier. LANCASTER MERCANTILE CO. ATE GETS GOOD ROADS Fl'XD The federal funds amounting to 15,014 has been opportioned to nth Carolina for the construction ii maintenance of rural post ids. This fund is to be used thin tho fiscal year ending June , 1919. I i*n 1 T7T. l w ny you snouid drink PEPSI-Cola Pure cane sugar, carbonated spring water, Iruit juices, acid phosphate and flavoring?that's PKFSl-Cola. No mystery in its recipe; just a proper blending of ingredients ? a delightful, wholesome beverage, as beneficial as it is refreshing, as invigorating as it isthirst-quenching. Some people call it a' Liquid Confection"! It is the kind of drink you would make at home ?if you could I yy*,/- ?> . J OMPANY "r r Q f