THE LANCASTER NEWS TUESDAY, BERMUDA IN FOOD CRUSADZ TO MAKE~SARI Government of Island Colony Urges There Is Only One Farmers Not to Rely Further on an Buffalo. N. Y.?Adv. enter under question 1 an estimate of the usual value of his stock on hand and return the form. SKI.KCT BREEDING Hotels, restaurants, commissaries STOCK WITH CAPTION of railroads. steamship companies clomson> College. Sept. 14.? E and industrial concerns, and of q^ere j8 an increased interest in schools, colleges, hospitals, sanitar- S()U(h CaroIlna for breeding stock, lums. correctional and other public Hors are e8pecially in demand. Muyinstitutions. and other large users p).s shou,d be caut!ous in selecting of food and feed niateiials are re- and thus avoid having animals ofT quired to repe . heir holdings ,n (ypo an(, breefl characteristics. whether large oi ~ .tall. ybe gejection of good sires is of vital The blanks may be obtained by lniportance as the sire is ..ha,f the writing to Fred W. llofmann, herd .. Many hogg are belnR offerpd Field Agent in Marketing. Clemson Rt publJr galeg Th,s ,g R good way College. S. C. disseminate good livestock and - unfortunately it is a means of rapPiles Cured in 6 to 14 Days idly scattering poor animals. There Your druggist will refund money if pazo oDnortnn'ties to bu\ both ~ood ointment fails to cure any ense of Itching *lr oppori un.iu s uu> uoi.i ?ouu Blind. BleediugorProttndimi l'lles in 6to 14day* anil bail stock, therefore purchase the first arnlicmlo". ai--? and Rest. 5<< ... , only those animals that possess the] * esential characteristics of tlie breed CORN A IKIjDS (iltKATER and are known to lie free from disFROM WEED-STORED SEED oase. Actual tests prove that carefully stored seed corn will yield as much ... , , IN THESE DA l S. as 18 more bushels to the acre than seed from the ordinary storage of 1 m ?" Mmu!,u,uu' the corn crib. This would mean al- fa,mer can(,? is nothing?the * most double the yield for some! hardest thinK for bim lo llm,Ke is!, 'I folks. , .success. I WE WILL BE GLAD To Have I vou I r-AI I IMQDCTT V/jrsii 4* j aiiu iiiiji JUV/ 1 t i ?? our ? NEW LINE OF t t UP-TO-DATE STYLES f , % ? s v \ = in = i LADIES COAT SUITS, \ COATS IMILLINERY. !| _ HIRSCHS BUESI Importance under present conditions of Ann, as she was wl Increasing local food supplies. The of age, done Into < high prices of imported foodstuffs, inet photograph am which are likely to be still further In- black walnut, the p creased In the future, add very great- the mantelpiece, I ly to the cost of living, and at the that she should hi present time It Is a patriotic duty for the east wall near all. to do their utmost to Insure the give her the east practice of economy In every depart- over the niautelpii rnent of life. difference what pi< "Heretofore the farmers of the col- on the south wall, ony have depended too much on im- have had It. ported and too little on home-grown And so It Is wltl foods. The present aim of every farm- After we have ci er should he to produce as much food what to plant the I for his fnmily nnd live stock as he can proceed to the gni grow with economy, and to have a sur- mains In the house plus to sell. By so doing he can great- rendy for school. . ly reduce his own cost of living and sore, and feeling tl at the snme time lessen the colony's de- a return visit f pendence on Imported foods. The high rheumatism, we am jost of imported foodstuffs should In- is done; the seeds irease the demand for local grown She comes out ti 'oods, and a market would seem to it won't do at all. he assumed, especially for jmtatoes, thought we were gi ioth Irish and sweet, nnd pigs." what she wanted. 1 nasturtiums when ilRDS WOULD CONSERVE FOOD should have been. The poppies were ; the house and the; If the Eastern states alone could fence. And we h irlng hack the quail, the rose-breasted tilas the space she 1 grosbeaks and other bird benefactors clilna asters. Notl hey would save $l.r>,000,000 a year In She might have he price of materials used to kill po- to have trusted us ato bugs* Will have to be tic Charles P. Shoffner of the Liberty Anybody who has c Sell Bird club made this statement, the up mignonette sce< 'hlladelphia North American states, planted knows how Je made a plea for the birds as a lose his temper wh' nenns of conserving the nntlon's food l? submitted to hi ?sources. on? wiiy to pliint n "If Pennsylvania had but one pair that is to let the in >f robins to the acre," he said, "the drds would consume 3,000 tons of In- PLANTS MILLIC sects a day. The nation loses $1,000, H)0,000 a year through ravages of in- pinntliar plans fo sects which the birds can eliminate. rorosts allotting 3 "Next year the country must douhh ^j,,^ for ?lis yi ts crop output to feed its army. It is j necessary, therefore, to have tine hest I commliiloner 'rops we can obtain, and the way to ! delphlH ROCord stat >htaln them Is by bringing hack the 1 these frtM,s for ti?. j l,77.r?,000 trees will Mr. SholTner explained the Impor- Qf chnrge to priVa tnnce ??f erecting bird houses to take oori>onit|,ms mteres the places of the thickets, the hollow ; A1,nost 400,f Toulon, the Mediterranean seaport proportions that tl lot far from Marseilles, and therefore entirely concealed i ar distant from the scene of wur. dies seem to rise < Hut the war Is to this district the t"he dainty caves, nost Important source of Its prosper-j ty. For its chief product Is those j Popular Iny, long-lasting flowers known as American chewlr Immortelles." They go, In vast quan- ,nK into one ot wai Itles, to decorate the graves of French men are reported c loldlers. In early spring the fields chewing gum. A n lanted with them are densely carpet- ment of comuierc rd with the blossoms?associated in ?' *^18 ^uvv e*crci everybody's mind not with life, but we on,y *? after i vlth death?which are picked in early ?' chewing gum t< Doming, before the dew is oft the each ftre Bteadlly f ground, and shipped, via Toulon, to the old and y?on8 ill parts of France. The people of - loads of gum to True Friendship. I trenches because i '"e are all Inclined to lean too much1 ?* trcno e >n friendship; to depend not on our ,oye<^ to BI,1? e HI iwn souls for strength, but on the doing someth ng, itrength that comes from other souls. ?^en ?m *n,m" w Ho the building in process of erection a fat'or PH ^ 1 ius many props to support It; but as ?ni* consequen y t nears completion prop after prop is deman or gum. knocked away, and It Is secure only is It rises firmly In Its own foundn:lon. No friend cnn bear our burden ? ?mn . T or u?: the moot ho ?m do l. to holp """a t0 ?D(* ? ., restaurant; no rr js to bear It well, prompting us to en-. h leavor by his sympathy and wisdom. w", " , ,' . , . , .. . but a real lunche< [f we have so used friendship that we . .. ? . , . .. . . , grape fruit and lave lost the power to stand alone, wel B .... cream. And there juve misused It. , t ?, tain. * ci uayo m ? * him, for he said: Use of Soy-Bean Oil. Wh . |t Soybean oil ha* been studied with wa,ter ftnd ( ?ther oils In a series of experiments . . . , . ... x? m w plained the hostes nrrled on by the office of home eeono- * ? retorted th( Dies and found to compare favorably MpTe 'been (> .Ith the won common culinary table T takn ,he ? rr.'",' ii<' *^"rou*t yon pay the ca.hle rlth which lt is assimilated. SEPT. 18, 1917* DEN PROPERLY GOLFERS TO DO THEIR SH Way to Do It Right Young Mon Whooo Names Aro o Leave It All Prominent In Tournamanta Wl Missus. Be With the Colors. ar as man Is con- What effect war will have ce hanging pictures. American golf is a question th leither to hang the easily answered. At first blush t< his wife's relatives, that war will practically kill Ame asturtlums. the pop- golf dut..ig the continuance of h tuft, to her satisfac- ltles seems like evil tidings, but ied both and have consideration and reflection a d ays the Detroit Free ent aspect Is revealed. One need to look to the home of the royal nd Aunt Elizabeth ancient game to perceive why A tien seventeen years can golf, by which Is meant g< cravon from a cab- coinnetltlons niiiomr the rnnklntr J frutned in genuine ers. must surely be no more roiuinent place over peace returns, says Golf Illustr :he uilssus decides The officials of the basebnll league ive been placed on declaring that war shall not ! the window. If wo them close their gates, but' thut wall she must go example which golf cannot and wl ece. It makes no follow. There nre no gutes to clo cture gets the spot golf save the clubhouse door t some other should the golfer will shut behind him he goes forth to serve his eountr; l the garden seeds, lure of the links kept the golfe irefully agreed on home In Britain and none will trouble begins. Wo them here. The organization ant! den, while she re- chlnery of the game'will be carrU to get the children by the members beyond military At lust, weary and but the younger men, the men v mt we have Invited names 1111 the first flights In the rom Inflammatory nainent rosters will be with the c tiounce that the Job if the nation needs them. It was ure In. Britain nnd It will be so here. > Inspect the work, would not be golf were anything It is not what she to happen. ting to do; It is not BOOTING crooks new sp I ?'? ? to have been near "B-ioting the pickpocket" bids y are by the hack to be. me the national pastime u live given the zln- the police Interfere, says n corres] md selected for the ent at Buenos Aires. Pocket pb liing Is right. on street cars has become a known better than nulsnnee nnd a local newspape to do the work. It fered a novel method of combn me all over again, the thieves. ver tried to gather "One of the tricks much prnetl il after It Is once It explained, "Is for one perso quickly a man will stoop In the doorway of the car 1 en that proposition his shoe lace or to pick up sonn in. There Is only Ject. Thus he obstructs the r garden jn-operly? incuts of the victim whose pocket issus do it. emptied by the stooper's assocl Brief and vigorous action Is host. )NS OF TREES 'H>IU"nK person into the enr out mercy. He will express sur| hut this Is better than being robhe r the I'ennsyUan a pjnn was un immediate lib 800,000 forest tree provo(j SUf>b good sport that the si >nr s reforesting op- s|pn 0f ft genuflection In the i I approNod b> ! or- WJ,y cf u street car Is generally tin Couklin. the 1 hlla- nnj now genuflector to lan ;es. In addition to 8tnnjjy on np fours |n the mldd state forests ahout iin- iusi?\ lid ena or ngnrs nnv be distribute! r?c and p,,nce Hre threaten! ie Individual* and lntt.rf,.ro Meanwhile the plckpo ?tiyl in reforest ng. jjrp devising other tricks aud ar be used by water | celvln(! few of tlu, kicks. rsting barren v;a- . ich boroughs and The Mis,jng purBe. elr wuter supply. Qn hoard u warship which wi although probably tbe thick of the battle of Jutland be planted b> any wjjs w enn- tbelr mess and many more were i The reasoas art wounded. Among these latter, w nd shrln "age o le chaplain of the grand fleet, of t te i epar m? n ^ sailor whose leg was so much it m scrost op cb?. tered and lacerated by a spllnti ~~ ~~ shell that there was nothing else 1 ur#! . but to amputate It above the nt tl *' rt* aur#n ; The poor wounded man was prac fe' j ere are ^ unconscious from loss of bloo :uia e < on- the surgeons were not able to tell nesting. The can- of ^ p^ntlons before open t i> ? ng u or* s0me hours later he recovered a rs, >ut ? ' r P sciousness and found himself ennd os a\e >een fortl,h|y tucked up with the s ate until round the , . ' , .... . . dressed and bandaged. Whet 1 1 u r<* 1as (iri,n,t I learned what had happened he 1 ate grotto of white ( ^ an agQnlzed cry N() not fo on s a ion in o ; crippling he bad undergone; hit imeter in each case. I '8? lown and hardened ..Where.g mv leR? For .evln.H igg> pn 1> ??s "n find my leg, somebody 1 It's cot a mimuiure, similar. inoney ju the Htoeklng." Lite caves. Streaks | been added to the' Garden Out of a Swamp, iris forming on the | Hlram wixon. formerly of Au the wax as it me ts. n,an who added hundreds of jive grown to sue 11 snn(js nf dollars to the wenlth ri ie candlesticks ure! neighbors. Is dead, the Detroit ind the lighted can-. Htates wixon years ago conceive jut of the roofs of doing gardening in Aui swamps, which comprise many i He was regarded as at least mild ized by War. sane when he \^ent Into the s> tg guin Is develop* nQ(j cienrPd u place for a vegt 's blessings. Welsh-1 gUrden. Farmers and scientists p razy over American <.onC|U8iVely that nothing couh pport of the depart-1 rajRed successfully because of thi e says that loads ( ter nn(j t^e nature ?f the soil ser can be sold If . \yixon tept on despite ridicule. 1 he uiurket. .IMecee ( raised a bumper crop many c > retail ut a penny f0powe<] tils example and In tl hiding favor among j large part of the awanap waa alike. I quered. Wixon worked out a dra Wales are sending ^^me t,y means of a sefles of i their men In the which he stocked with carp. Th along certain llnee, gyew to immense size and also i soldiers are not al-, |0 |D(on)e id they have to be JO they Chew gum. Hlg NegllQsnos. orklng In the muni-, "Grand avenue was Jammed lot dare to smoke, motors an(j street cars, and ther< another enormous n flre run jUHt nH j tried to cross I plained sktinpy little Mr. Meek, ? ! literally took my life In my i to Pay. and?" ind his mother had "Yes, and probably that was leon at a rutber nice where you lost the package of lere sandwich and s,?e(l," Interrupted his wife. "I ci t n * (hn or,<* ? truHr you to bring anything hom >n that began with Kansa* City Star. finished with Ice was to he a matinee Not on the Map. at la what hurried Parmer Brown?Look here, m "Isn't It time to go? the war map you sold me uln't co ing for?" "To pay Shopkeeper?Really! IIow do t some change," ex- know that? s. "That's not the Farmer Brown?My hoy has wi e small boy scorn- home and says he's Just going t? ut lots with mother, com loiter. But I'm banged If 1 ; with you and then fln(| the place marked on the mi r."?New York Sun. London Ttt-BIt*. Keep ! i>e necessary to scale down crop esI ma- j timates was also promoted by ruon mors that preliminary returns to a *** J Southern authority Indicated a fall'tom^ 'nK P?'nts 'n ihe crop's olors ' eomiitlon since August 25. As soon so In n9 ,he demand from shorts slacken. Qolf!?d, however, the market developed : else 1 renewed weakness under a belief :that the recent better weather ' would hasten picking and lead to ORT increased spot offerings, which of- H J ferlngs were further prompted by fair 'he weekly report of the woather nless bureau. Recent rains burled the pond-I top crop prospect in Texas. Prices eking made new low ground for the seagreat son during the break In the middle r ?'"|of the week. The news from both Austria and Russia was considered ce(j I encouraging and there appeared to n to b? a h?P? In some quarters that io tie Germany's reply to the pope's peace e ob- proposals might posibly open the nove- way for negotiations. It was fears nre rd that expected rains in the East'"V*' orn belt would delay picking and Kick . .. with US 8 W U,) movement as a revise, RU,t ?' whlch It might be difficult ,1? | to fllll September or October spot t. It engagements. January sold up to light-| 20.65 this afternoon or about 110 door- points above the low level of the [? slg- wppk hut broke sharply, closing at ,'1 ln" 20.12 compared with 20.16 a week le of ago. e r*- ?. f llg to ; * r rkets Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System e re- The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVH'8 TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the blood.and buiIda upthesysl tern. A true tontc. For adults and children. 60c ! + ln LANSING DISCUSSES and i ?euiy SWEDE V,S ACTS. tr in | ?? * sudly SwwIInIi People Not Held Accountarrltes | 1,1?* for Unneutral Cabin* by wns Swedish Minister in *^at" j Argentine, sr of! to do Street Journal. knee. Washington?The United States tlcal- does not hold the Swedish people to d, so account for the unneutral acts of I him | the Swedish minister in Argentine, ding. ; according to Secretary of State Lancon"'sing. Whether or not the United com lRtat08 y,as information that the Swet ump i 1 he Government was a party to the iroke'P'ot, Secretary Lansing refused to r the' say. 4 cry If the disclosures mean that Sweden will he dragged into the war, sake, the first stnn must hn talion V>? ? 11 my government against which the of_ fense took place?Argentine?Secretary Lansing stated. It also was reijU8 pointed out that unneutral mess>hou 08 wore sent over great Britain's ,f i,ifl cables. News The United States has not asked d the I Sweden for an explanation, Seererellus tary Lansing admitted, although he teres. Kavo strong intimation that an ex,y ln" planatlon was expected. Vnble ?ecretnry 8ft'^ Unlroved States Government's statement il be waH first Intimation that the Are wa-|Kent'ne Government had of the un, hut'neutral acts. When! it hers j ______* me P"con Wood's Seeds lnagc ?? >onds | a. idded | Rosen Rye j 1 m i 11 ??? The most vigorous growing and productive of Seed j WHH Ryes. Stools out better, su.. ex. perior Quality of grain, and destined, in our opinion, to hand fake the place of all other Rye. ? Wood's Fall Catalog innot | ... O n , e.ives full rtcscrinflon and infnrma- KM tion, and also tells about the best fil SEED WHEAT, OATS. \ 5 later, RYE, and Other Seeds 8 rrect. ?of pajj Sowing. .... ?g i you |R Write for Catalog and prices of |ffi rltten any Seeds required. H? 9 lie- ' tt ' 7" T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. " . SEEDSMEN, Richmond. Vt. B ' UNUSUAL COTTON PRICK MOVKMKNTS it?0"* **u>',nK During Week Stimulated by Increasing Complaints of Crop Deterioration in South west upon New York, Sept. 14.?There have at is been very violent price movements ? nay In the cotton market during the rlcan past week. The declines of the oar08t"* Her month doubtless left a much t'jjj U|e?n stronKer technical position and this ^ ' e?~ was reflected In an early week acouly I an(j I tlvity. which carried January conmor). I tracts up to 20.67, or about 80 ilflng 1 points above the low level of last nlnv- ! SatuTdav. Buying was also stim until ' hluted by Increasing complaints of ated. i crop deterioration and report of (8 are , ,in advancing spot baslR, particularmake jy Jn southwest, if mrt Eastern belt advices Indicated In heavy shedding, which some attribchich ' u,e<' Partly to lack of potash in ferwhen Jtllizer issues. More damage by boll f. No weevil was reported in central belt rs at sections and the fear that It might