__4 TheLancaster N ews Lancaster, S. C. (8KM1-WEEKLY.) "IKy Country Ti? of Thoo, Swoat Land of Liborty." Published Tuesday and Friday BY THE LANCASTER NEWS COMPANY. Established 1852. Entered as Second Class Matter letober 7, 1905, at the PostofBce at Lancaster, S. C., under act of Convr - _?v, i 1 o - Q 11 coo V/4 iUOl VU V, A u tr. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: (In Advance.) One Year 12.00 81a Months 1.00 The News is not responsible for the views of Correspondents. Short ai.i rational articles on topics of general Interest will be gladly received. Tuesday, Sept. 18. 1917. The United States Court, in session at Rock Hill. S. C., has a full docket which Judge Johnson Is at-, tacking with energy. + The United States has recognized the Carranza government, in Mexico, as the rightful government. The, restoration of order in Mexico seems j to be steadily progressing. + The Kaiser offers $75 and three months vacation for the first American killed or captured. This looks like German courage needs stimulation when up against the Sammies. -+ With the great Italian General Cadorna pressing his victory at San Gabriele and the threatened tood shortage in Austria-Hungary it looks dark for that country. + The Kaiser says: "England will keep up the war. An obstinate nation." Well, the Kaiser will soon find out that Uncle Sam is rather obstinate when he gets his back up. + Last Friday night, as reported, a troop train on the Pennsylvania j Railroad, near Mungo Junction.] Ohio, was fired on and four soldiers wounded. In the recent reorganization of the French Cabinet, Paul Painleve is premier. This is a guarantee that there will be no abatement in French determination and energy to conquer. + "Little do ye know your own blessedness; for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labor."?Robert Lois Stevenson. . The government of T'raguay having heard of plans to sink the eight German ships interned at Montlvedo took possession of the ships. The crew of one ship resisted and the Graguayan. marines forced their way on board and arrested them. We don't know who is doing the , editorial work for the Lancaster News but we hope he keeps it up.?; News and Courier. "Praise from Sir Hubert is praise indeed.", Thanks. It appears that the department of [ State is negotiating with a view to have Japan divert a large amount of her ocean tonnage to the Atlantic to aid in supplying shipping for the Allies and that Japan has expressed willingness to do so. . + The rise in the price of silver has been phenominal due to the world wide demand for It. caused by the mine shortage and the hoarding of gold throughout Europe. The price Is around $1.00 per ounce, a rise of 32 cents per ounce. While silver ts not yet on a parity with gold the approach to it tends to make the memory of Bryan's 16 to 1 platform less startling. i ' ' I . TH We call special attention to Dr. his i Thayer's notice of the union meet- purp< ing, Moriah Baptist Association, at late , Tork Hill church, September 28 and King , 29, and to the splendid program couni ; mapped out for the occasion. groui . inate Theodore Roosevelt the other day servi promptly accepted an invitation to Meac .take a flight in the new "Liberty amot Motor" airplane during a trial tost listei J and soared over 5,000 feet, moving at a speed of about 100 miles an AXC hour. When he waa landed on terra cto firma he was delighted with his trip The J and declared the machine "great." cord* . * Hone i The pink boll worm through In- that fested seed has come across the Mex- agre? 1 ican border and government experts ers t at Hearne and other parts of Texas socie are busy destroying infested stalks imrnt and seed. The importance of an ef- or su fective quarantine against seed in_ servs ; fested with the pink boll worm can carrj not be overestimated. time, fenst The sudden death at his home in shaii 1 Florence. S. C., last Thursday night jy u | of Hartwell M. Ayer is not only a' 0jfice heart-rending bereavement to his devoted family, but a great loss to. his community and State. He was editor of the Florence Daily Times. t,jona a sterling man. an earnest worker have in the cause of education, and full' 0atjo of public spirit. i Mrs. 'tie II At a recent meeting of the Hond j., flub in New York, Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the City National, Hank and member of the Genera 1 . willlt Liberty Loan Committee, declared urale himself very optimistic as to the sue- j)ors cessful flotation of the second Liberty Loan and expressed great con- goon fidence in the leadership of Secre- j tary McAdoo and the government's n.sj(i, policy. who * phon A stall correspondent of the New labor York Times writing from the battle ?ver front where the Italians are striking . the Austrians hard and successpi ese fully, says that Italy does not need men. having 4.500,000 In the field. <;kk but needs coal, airplanes and above! Ke all cannon and more cannon. With Swed these needs supplied he declares that tiplie Italy would crush Austria. Uncle ed tc bam, please take notice. ?! "" His It is stated that the losses caused i by the operations of German subma- ce"?' rlnes during the last eight months amount to over 4,500,000 tons of (,i8h shipping. This loss Is enormous. arr'% but still it is less than the Germans symP tf* red set out to accomplish, and the submarine evil seems to be abating, ',,Kat while the preparations to meet it "ir1 employed in supplying the transpor- '(,re tation shortage so keenly felt at nnnu this juncture? view class o ? | Solicitor Hayden Clements of tho 11 ; 15th Judicial District of North or('ei Carolina has requested the coroner P,0,? of Cabarras County, N. C.t to re- ter 0 open the inquest over the death of Mrs. Maude A. King. who was mis- 'on terlously killed near Concord. N. C., ' August 2ft, the jury having recently wou' rendered a verdict that the death ,)Ut j resulted from an accidental dis- m<>nl j charge of a pistol. It is claimed tl,? 1 that evidence of foul play has been . The butlers of the society and equipment, mu present such defaulters week. in va8t proportions nder pain of expulsion from is for ships, more s i."?Law Notes. need will finally 4 I merchant marine KED CROSS WORK. America in the fro e following additional subscrip- conimerce. The j to the Red Cross Knitting fund has a thousand s been made since the last publi- struction and far n n: Dr. R. C. Drown. $5.00; maturing for the R. C. Brown, $2.50; Miss Bet- cers and seamen, rown, $2; J. H. Witherspoonn. lnited States will i ); Mrs. J. Perry, $1.00; Mrs. ocean commerce in Nance, $1.00; Dr. J. H. | 'n the mean tim er. $1.00. Total. $14.50. The for a11 the skill, e th:i? ??,? ?, _.. ig ami nnorai response is most v *-*"??? ?* fully appreciated by the mem- meel ,he demands of that organization. The knit- ,at'onwool Is slow in arriving, but everybody who will help knit THAI jc supplied by applying at the t ? ? . n 11 If everv wish were lince of Mrs. John 11. Poag. If every hope cai is in charge, by call or teleII every seed we e. Willing help in money or A lovely blossom is eagerly accepted, for what- If every day were the Ited Cross may succeed in And every one ... . , , There'd be no swec \ the demand for more is ever There'd be no jo nt. | * If we knew that t MAX INTKKil'K IN MKXICO. Would be just lit vidence of German intrigue and ^ not one foucl ish violation of neutrality mul- *S"? care to 8P?'I : Xo doubt and no r a. Secretary Lansing has caus- No heartachefl a > be published the following: I Then vain were all nperial Legation, Mexico, to We'd crave the J Excellency, the Imperial Chan, We'd sigh for saci We'd long to fei [er Folke Cronholm. the Swe- And we ghould yw charge d'affaires here, since his The blessedness al here has not disguised hi* For more than on athy for Germany and has en- That came and i . .... Adown the years \ into close relations with this The tears that w ion. He is the only diplomat Detro igh which information from a le camp can be obtained. More- 8MII. he acts as intermediary for of ... , . , . Horse would Ii diplomatic intercourse between ...... "What branch o location and your Excellency. | you polnR to be in e course or this, he Is obliged to man Saturday of i si'sonally each time to the tele- been accepted by tl i office, not seldom quite late ^or ,',t' army, .... " 'Splain dat. Be ght, in order to hand in tho ... , swer, I don t xi rams. you. [err Cronholm was formerly at "Will you be ig and at Tokio and was re where they walk. < dble for the preliminary ar. wfiere they tide? "Dey ain't tol' n mients which are to be made . , j . ? want in dat cav r; ho representation of his country lo t)e bothered wk tch case. Before he came out ; starts to retreat."he had been in charge of the ilate general at Hamburg. Herr shouM The college girl holm has not. got a Swedish, but , _ . R ' summer visiting he a Chinese order at present. I . country, and had are to submit to your Excel- find that she coulf the issue of the patents until bluing, but no 'bn nd of the war, should the docis- ( Filled wtih delis tl?- favnmt.In to mw man ritoho/l homo vv, ..1/ DUftftunuuii. i 1 MM,,VU """" would mean that the matter to her aunt' Rut looked at her In d be communicated to no one ?My dM|> .. flho fl the recipient and his govern- ^avP asked him f< t, and even to them only under first place."?Jack leal of secrecy; while the publln of the bestowal of the decora- . ? ,I>I ! Pearson s Weekly, would be postponed until the A fpw (layfl ago , of the war. very charming yoi should be particularly grateful four.wheeler, 1her< >ur Excellency if I could be fur- ?'? ?? J,lst a8 3"' . , , . . # .. noticed that the 3d with telegraphic news of the . . . ... ? cllned to he frisky >wal of the decoration which I jje waH jumping SEPT. 18, 1917 d in view of the ing his tail in a way that alarms lied above. her: she was a timid little thing. ron Eckhardt " 80 sho atldressed a few words I the ancient Jehu; 11 top of the ex"I hope," she said, smiling brav ons in Argentina ^ "that you will not run away wit ell for Sweden's me/? The cabby sighed mournfully. "No. mum " he renlied. "I have HANT MARINE. wife and seven kids at 'ome a need of the time ready!" it marine. Our io busy .Inc. th. M-courwin,;. eloping railroad Everybody. Magazine. .. . . , . An old farmer, driving near a go the interior or , . . course, stopped to watch the gam he importance of ..What?8 that?" he demanded cur I States merchant ously. "Golf." was the reply. "Wai vershadowed and to try your hand, uncle?" "Don wed to fall into m'nd It I do," declared the farme e demand, of the cUmb"" down The s" him a few points and Anally 01 is awaking Amer- p0tnted a flag on a hill 250 yar< error of not fos_ away. "At the foot of that pole terchant marine, he said, "is a little hole. The o hortage in trans- Ject is to *>ut this bal1 ln the ho with the smallest number ( r injurious to the . , ? t , .. , 1 strokes. The farmer took the clu and now that ajRhte(j for some time, and then 1 lecessary supplies go a whale of a stroke. The ba st be transported soared with a mighty swish. It fe , the crying need . . . _ hips. Out of this come the great which will place ? nt rank in ocean V I _ I v' I B hips under con- i^k#\/\/AlAA caching plans art ? training of offl- ? \fter the war the w no doubt conduct _ _ __ _ her own ships. r\wjT ] e the crisis calls X w A * W JL (XJ nergy and speed can command to of war transpor- ouits ai ^? All Th granted. I ? ine true planted grew. " e arc showing a ?unny Dresses, in the new were wise. t in honey. Priced $7.48, $11.95, ys to prize. omorrow , .. te today. Beautiful line o i of sorrow, WCai\ ill tllO 11CW S our piay. plum, navv and bla< nisgiving. 1 nd no fears, >riced $6 our living. oy of tears. ?????1????? red sorrow, We a *e showing si the rain. Suits ill the HOW {1 irn to borrow of pain. very latest styles. Priced $17 5?. 522.5 ve treasure e have shed lit Free Press. ^y(, jlaV(> just l*et J^T dies' All Wool Cot ? shades. Bell'ico" arc Priced $10.00, $12 ?" asked a York \ negro who hasi ??????? *e selective board ___ ... , We will have on < >ss," was the an- the most complete ?.iy Oder,land Children's Coats w< in the Infantry,; , .. , or In the cavalry, I-jcldlOS ( oats, ill i shades. ie yet but I don't; _, , being no taxi In O II I. r? was getting in she UCllO Ml I Ul horse seemed in- pj about and swish- * ? y? .... , , - 11,' ; tf d short, bounced, rolled and .wound up a hand's breadth from the objective to ?a phenomenal shot that made the experienced players gasp. By George, I missed it!" the farmer exh claimed. T BOY AT FORT MILL a SHOOTS HLS SISTKR I- y Accidental . Discharge of . Shotgun > By Fight Year Old Child Costa lilt tie Girl's Life. Fort Mill, Sept. 12. ?Frank If Stamper, eight year old son of Mr. e. and Airs. j. oiauiper, wuu men 1- on the plantation of Dr. T. 8. Kirknt patrlck about two miles from Fort^ i't Mill, accidentally shot and almost r. instantly killed his sister, Flora re Stamper, aged about 12 years, the ie accident happening about 9 o'clock is yesterday morning. It appears ," that the boy was trying to breach b- the gun to unload it when the weaple on discharged, the charge entering >f the body of the girl. Coroner J. b, H. McManus came over from Rock et Hill at noon and empaneled a jury ,11 whose verdict was in accodance 11 with the facts given herewith. Showing DF11 Dresses, id Coats is Week beautiful line <>f Serge shades for fall. $15.00, $16.95 to $22.50 p fSilk Dresses for early hades of taupe, brown, ck. >.95 to $25.00. some beautiful Coat J . _ a. .. 1 .1 11. I milium snaues ana me | 0, $25, $32.50 to $45.00. eived a full line of Lait Suits in all the new .48, $14.95 and $18.50. iisplay this week one of lines of Ladies' and 3 have ever shown. all the new leading t f.50 to $65.00. and Misses' Coats, a it to select from. 2.95 to $6.50. No two alike. Wonf the leading colors and 2.48 to $7.50. ! SWEATERS!! .etc line of Sweaters for is and Ladies. )8c to $5.95. Walkup Co. Cash For Less. 10NE No. 13.