IBs You are cordiall * 5 silion of the neu j^j Dress Goods ant P* Kacli season 5? come here first and h Features of t NEW FALL MILL BE This showing of the ea ery fashions will be of |B every woman who wishe tative information on th< JH styles. Entirely new idea: ^B seen in chenille embroid ments with hatbands H | Combinations of cheni H bright colored silk, tlnse B aMtr.h. heads and the t B some of the most novel B in feather novelties burn | in id i and ostrich are 9R I The newest shapes ten 3 rather high, soft erowni 9h " with military visors in r H B Colored i? 11 and lone m I A MP A CTCD TM I L,rtMV/rtJ 1 L,l\ UI f | "The Best Pi wmtmmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 ? freely used. The colors f I those in direct and contri niony with the new fall t H Here in a display v H for it includes most season. Waists to be re? ) be worn on the outsid gg collar effects are in v jfi pronounced. Sheer s B silk Jersey and fine i H broidery, stitching or H inonizing shades are H darker tones to matcl n tates. S t*HK EXHIBI1 B NEW FALL D] Bj All of these are copies ations? adaptations from M master designers whp ki B COmDliah voiir PVorv Hr? IM 1 Only the choicest of el Bjfl 3 ations and wool dresses Kg 1 display. The styles, i H? i mini? effects and colors ai K4 i description. It Is a n M I showing, that awaits yc 9 selection, and we invite HI these dresse.s in full coi 5 complete satisfaction. (Sj| MEN'S SOFT DKIUiY HA JMU FOR thr NEW HEASC DDI The first fall days hrl jO 4 their quota of new hei J- wear styles for men. 1 Vvf new arrivals in both a and derby hats have aire? arrived and made the > selves at home hereHat Headquarters, j Fresh new blocks. 1 Yy , cellently made. Featur - chiefly blocks and di browns and a sprinkling greys. Every hat unifoi ly and reasonably price ????? -r-? ? ~ THE LANCASTER NEW I-/.-J^s^vi^s&cO^Bw^w jP^y^ "Jv1 ^^MPPkvA b^H Wonderful Fall Open y invited to attend on Wednesday and \ lest and most favored Styles in Women I Accessories, for Fall and Wiuter 191 i our opening display of Women's Wear become see and examine fashion's newest fads and fan After many weeks spent in cai HK blossom forth on the opening davs .INERY tions of the world's foremost styl iosi interesting l"b,e ibwwwii*. rur approval and , New trimmings, veils, veilings, you to inspect bags, and hosiery are here and show lfldence of your new and bold ideas. Hee them n these low costs. TS TUB NKW I.INKS IN HOHIEIIY AND I'NDKWGAl *N. Our new hosiery lines for fall are a choice lot. The lnK lisle, fibre silk and pure silk hose were never better, a(j_ range In sizes and colors. "he The n?fw underwear can be depended on to give the oft wear and satisfaction and Is of excellent workmanship t idy i* rials. We recommend your attention to these sen sm- values. -at irly Millin- WE WANT YOU A interest to !8 authorl- ???????????? SMART X'KW DESIGNS ? new ' ? IN STYLISH COATS. 9 Si.r0 to 1)6 Every newest style to be found in the most ti ered orna- iouable fall Coats are in this premier show to match. Every woman and miss should see them if onlj llle with satisfy their curiosity as to what the favored st; 1, tapestry are to be. Your first gaze on the many new model! asset Torm Ye!our, Hoh woolen, cheviot, broadcloth and E trimmings. liah and Scotch mixtures, will bring an appre t coq, nu- tion of the time and thought we have spent in prominent. selections. Practically all of the new Coats ct , . , , the entire dress, or & least reach to the skirt h ( OWfh" They have a slightly' less fulness than last y ' ?e ier but with ample lower width to give a graci p?rm9Q flare. \ few extreme models are made quite i e,lve! row and on very straight lines. Sleeves are hi vorea are an(j roomv whiie belts and large collars are as ng. r- tured. Browns, greens, grapes, khaki, taupe ipparei. army blue are the most prominent colors. OUR FIRST SHOWING UfcSHj Many New Style Waists H0 rhich every woman will he pleased to examine H^^ every favored Waist creation of the new fall 5 worn under the waistband and new types to C e of the skirt are the notable features. Choker u^\ 1 ogue, and frills and Jabot effect are also very ]\u dlk crepes, crepe de chine, lace, net, chiffon, cotton voile materials with trimmings of embeading in contrasting color or in lighter barthe better modes. White, flesh color and the i the suits, as well as bla< k are Fashion's di< HI ' OF NEW IDEAS IN DRESS ACCKSSC RFSRl^S AND TRIMMINGS. of the latest ere- Many unlQue ideas have already the hands of their way to our counters ready for low how to ac- inspection. a# requ reraen . ^ neckwear the high and closed Ilk, silk combin- seems to be favored and several are in this fall fancies may be seen here. nT varied beyond Elaborate embrold.rie. la glo.ea a TUESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1917 4 I r* ' lLa. j >M? M ing and Style Show Thursday, September nineteenth and i 5 and Misses' Coats, Suits, Dresses, 1 7-1918. is more interesting because of the fact that < icies as well as the latest modes of the mo eful searching and selecting, our entire stor< 5 in a picturesque display of the cleverest [? directors. LL TO SEE THE NEW THINGS. THK NKWBST TENDENCIES IN EXCLUSIVE SUITS This showing of the new fall Suits wil , ?"0 mand the attention of every fashionable t yjes for only what is new and never before sh any other women's wear establishment is c j in ?tallording throughout is of the beat. Ing- The styles are largely tailor-mades having cia- lengths from Just above the knees to withir our inches of the skirt hem. High, normal an >ver gated waistlines are equally noticeable. lie em. fects; butterfly and straight tailor-made a ear, and collars varying from the simple notch eful large draped style are in vogue for fall. Sk lar- on simple lines, with some pleats securely s irge to give the narrow silhouette. Colors most I fea_ are rich dark browns, navy blue, greens, and khaki and tans. Fur fabrics, plush, velvet. cloth and braids are the trimming tendenci ^s C 3n IV f1-e Th.i tollnr.morla ,,,...,1 1 II I^ M r~? some very novel Skirts tlj U U*"-?1 inier display. While th? vcrpr? rr-zOTlHim dressy styles which sho' 3(S)iri^n(Gn H Ul a very long tunic. Tail, ^ y UV^LnJU| at the waistline. Clust? s? >. p?v duced. Helts and pock, (0)1^?^ rfl Average length is mostl ?n ?J M ,wo >'ar,'a which gives 1 ^ /^V (r* fLI IH I terfore with walking. ] ?yj^SvLnJlJskirt. Tailor-mades in ^^^^Ek3Q| wool jerseys, worsteds models, the taffel >1(1 KS FALL APPAHKIj FOK THE LITTL FOLKS. foun(l Coats and Dresses. Accessories too, are your ready in large assortments. As Outfitters to children our reputation is quite well effect established so it will suffice to say that pretty our garments for the younger rolks have received the same careful attention as make those for their elders. We will show splendid assortments of hand- fine quality, design and workmanship in many garments and accessories of every wanted ow at size. Bring the children to see these fall styles. z #. KALI. FASHION'S IN MEN'S SIH cotton. The new shoes for fall are here, Gentlemen. Wide a feature that shines right through their style, men want in shoes?quality first. most in We feature many new lasts of such well ind ma- Tteyonlds, Bostonian, Robert Johnson and isonahle Teirys and Godmans, in dress and work shoes ately to reach each individual's purse. APARTMENT STOl lace to Shop After All." * ' * ' ' I || Hi i ,|| m -'U* fiKfltWLMWi* 3_ Combined ^ jit twentieth, an interesting expo- ||*f ^aisfs, Skirts, fi/Iillinery, Silks, ||| I 'very woman has larned that she can lfij| re conservative lines. HaiB crea- THE NEW DRESS FAB- ||| ESI WHAT THE WELL "SHOD" \V(?fAN B| .' WILL WEAR THIS FALL. gg| The trend of style In footweir for the 8B1 coming fall and winter will be towards |H9 eight-inch boots of a natural design and ?| 1 not of a weird patterning. Regardless of 99 fi this, however, shoes will be Just aH pretty Hj 8 as they ever were, but the prettiness will HI k be confined to one color, in a decidedly I trim pattern. All will have narrow toes Wj 9 with vamps 3 1-4 to 3 3-4 inches in BH | length; in cloth, leather and combinations ^19 of both cloth and leather. Cuban and 9B 5 Louis heels adorn the greater part of {^91 those which have so far been shown. Why VjgByj not come to see them? >ES. BIKX'8 FALL SI'ITS AND BMI Their quality Is COATS. 5|?9 | and that's what UM j The now snasnn la UUBJ R New clothes are needed and known makes as your new suits and coats n Rand, Craddock- are now here in the most \ )vn i. Priced moder- attractive styles you ever f [4 saw. America's best mills y )r~\ls wove the fabrics. Amerl- ' \ ca's foremost tailors de- r "vJk 1"^ ^1 signed them, and this city's K V\/ Lt busiest men will wear them. / Vt , ^ all moderately priced. i " Sizes Regulars, Stouts and Slims. - _ . - RICS AND SILKS. FOR THE FA Mi SEASON. gi ?? Here you will see most every 19 newly created fabric that is being H developed for the fall and winter H seasons. High-luster surfaces con- HB 11 com- tlnue in crepes and satins, while M| woman, , several new and important crepe jjjl own in novelties such as crepe lisette and in view l'ondine are in general favor. Ml In tussah, a new feature Is a com- |H Jacket bination of wild silk with harsh ? a few wool known as toile marocaine. In \ d elon- Pile tanrics, veivets, panne velvets lted ef- an(l velvet brocades on satin and SO ileeves; chiffon grounds are most prominent. to the F"ur fabrics, wool brocades, mateirts are lasses, woolens, jersey cloths, burelititched lfts an*l broadcloths are also favor- gSu favored (>d for dressy and semi-dressy cos- CSgl taupe, iuiubb. ;>ew novemes in siik and ' VH5 ^ broad- satin combinations are in high |??j 9 UK FASHION THKN'D tfi PARATE SKIRTS. | ominate here as in the new suits, but also w in silks and velvets are shown in this pre- , ? simpler models are favored, there are also I a a low drapery suggestion at the sides, or K ] aided modes are in pleated effect or shirred 5 1 ? ?r pleats with panels are many times intro- n ets of self material are notable features. H W y just below the shoe top and width about :he straight-line silhouette and does not in_ &jj f3? i Materials depend upon the character of the IN serges and gabardines; Tor sports wear, ram and novelty woolens are shown; in dressy H H Las and a few velvets are the most favored. II