SHORT LOCAL NEWS OF GENERAL INTERI RECENT HAPPENINGS CITY AN? COUNTY. # uoangs or People in Which Sections of Lancaster Cou: ^ ty Are Interested. Amos Flynp left Sunday for N ille, Tenn., to take a busl course in Draughns Business lege. Mr. E. Everall who has bee toad health for a long time Thursday night, and was buried day in Zion cemetery. Lancaster cotton buyers wen tering 2 5c per pound for cotton morniug on the local market. J. L. Roberson and E. R. McC spent last week in Laucaster a Ing the Catawba Fertilizer Co.. ir interest of the International Agr tural Corporation. Mrs. Margaret Minter spent day and Saturday in Charlotte, I to see her son, Hugh Minter, passed through from Baltimor an army train. E. B. Langley and Barber F? eon, who have been working in ton, Ohio, returned home Fr Mr. Langley has been drafted ai waiting to be called Into service Dr. Wm. Dunn, his mother. Addle Faulkner, and Miss Marai Hood of Wildwood, Fla., wer? gi at the Hotel Royal Sunday. Dunn is an officer in the Ui States army and is on his wa Greenville on business. Mrs. Andrew Gregory and bro H. C. Horton, left for Wini Salem Saturday. Mr. Horton re ly won a commission as first liei ant at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga., ai spending his furlough at his 1 in Winston-Salem. ? Miss Florence Robinson left day for New York, where she Join Miss Ida Porter and pure the fall dry goods and milliner: Robinson-Cloud Company. Robinson stated she expected to a stock to equal, if not to ex< any previously carried by them A number of local people atte the .picinc and Confederate reu held at Dixie Friday. This is nually one of the principal p events of the county. The prin addresses were delivered by Ai L. Gaston of Chester and Claud Sapp. assistant attorney eenorn Columbia. The swimming pool will be t ed this afternoon and much int is already being created ove prospects. For the past we steady stream of enthusiasts been taken down to the ice plai watch its progress, and on Mo all was completed, bath house n equipped and concrete pool with ter from four to five feet in de] Mr. Robert A. Davis, brothe T. H. Davis, died suddenly Tl day, and was buried Friday Waxhaw, N. C. Mr. Davis was 1 73rd year, and is survived by sou, W. N, Davis, three daugh Mrs. H. Houston, Misses Jennie Hattie Davis. Mr. Davis was ai resident of I^ancaster, and is ki throughout the country. New Hope church will begli series of meetings Sunday, At 26th. Services at 11 o'clock it morning and > o'clock in the < lng. Rev. W. F. Sutton will elate. The public is cordially 1 ed to attend, and all members are Interested in the New cemetary will meet next Satu August 26th, for the purpoi cleaning off the cemetary. Announcement has been met the effect that the Thornwel phanage at Clinton, the C< Maxwell Orphanage at Green and the Epworth Orphanage n! lumbla will ask all the friend their various constituencies tc serve Snturday, October 13, t Work Day for orphan children, plan is simple and has been trie* a^veral years with great sue lTie Idea Is that on this special every friend of each institution devote the income of the day 01 proceeds of labor done that da a contribution to the orphan and girls. We'are sure the scl will appeal to many of our peop Kk,'" ? ^'/ THE LA I The common battery system ' 1 I which the Lancaster Telephone d I Company has been installing for sev OT eral months was cut In Saturday * >01 ' niKh* about 10 o'clock, and took I ^ ^ j about an hour and a half to cut all ^ I the wires ovei. Work was begun jj.jj IN Monday morning by the Telephone Company taking off all of the cranks ^ and all numbers over 359 will be 1 AU changed. This is what Lancaster n ' g has been needing for a long time, and It is hoped that we will get bet- , Charlo ter service in the future than in the ash- past. Mr ness o visitin Col- The marriage of Mise Brantley McCrorey of Staunton. Va.. to Lieutenant Lance Chaffee Ballou of Mrs n In Providence. R. I., which took place lhe died at home of the bride's parents at Sun- noon on August 18th. will no doubt ,'oh meet with interest here. Miss Mr- Lancai Crorey is a former Lancaster girl, P I'll ? of. though has made Staunton her home this *or the l,a8t several years. Lieuten- u ant and Mrs. Ballou will go to Ayre. Mass.. where the former will be statloned. Mrs. J. T. Thomasson and j an(* arty daughter. Miss Margaret Thomas- 1 u^il" son attended the wedding. 1 the I is visi Icul- . * ................. Mis ^ I spend! Frl- SOCIAL NEWS. ? >j. c. E- ( who '* +>+++++ + + iting 1 e on On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Nathan Hirsch celebrated their flf- a teenth anniversary or "Crystal Wed- va. !rgu" Ing" at their home on French Can- 8treet_ Music of choice selections! ... Mis and with varied instruments was , i H i q ? ? 1 JU 18 rendered. Telegrams of congratula- Bay ' tions received from Buffalo and New York City added much interest to Mrs. the occasion. At eleven o'clock the ?aret married guest were invited into the Stolj jests dining room, where an elaborate Dr. collation was served, while the uited young people enjoyed the same in ' " .. . ,, her b y to the hall. burg. PHIPPS AND McCOY SENT UP. T. ( ther, ?_ iting 1 ston- Ciet Five Years for Conspiracy urday, cen*~ Against Government, j ten- Mrs id Is Hig Stone Gap, Va., Aug. 17.?W. ter rei lome Phipps and W. V. McCoy, Virginiu day. mountaineers, charged with conspiracy to enlist men to destroy Mrs Sun- arms and munitions of the United Rober will States government, were convicted Chera :hase in federal court here today and senf for j tenced to five years in the peniten- Mis Miss tiary at Atlanta. The Jury was out visit in i buy less than an hour. liams. ceed, It is understood appeals will be taken. Before sentence was pro- ^ ^ nounced McCoy and Phipps admit- ^ Q e nded ted the charge brought against them inion hut said that three men. strangers an- >n me lomuiuniiy, naa come to mem dren : lcnlc with money and other promises and ()f clpal persuaded them to attempt the thur things charged. Government offl- Rey le N. cials are confident these men were son ()j .1. of Germans. Mr{J , Evidence tended to show that they had been paid $10,000 to recruit an army for the purpose of burning Kpen(j >pen- property, principally railroad turnet ere8t bridges. !r lta As an added inducement for the a raising of men they were promised Wylie ^ave $30,000 for the destruction of three Lecon nt to bridges. " lay , | Mis FIVE VESSEIjS OVERDUE. i Frida: i wa- i where pth. llelieved to Have Keen Destroyed by ' pie }r 0f Time Bombs. j burk hurs- A paciflc portf Aug. 17.?Five ,eston near ships, three American, one British, n k'8 and one Japanese, are overdue at one this port, and have been practically goinK iters, given up by their owners and agents. ' and Mariners say they believe the ves- ^ 1 old sels have been destroyed by time Knza^ iown bombs placed in the cargoes by en- gaiU(j emy agents. This theory was strengthened today when a sailor \y. D lts employed near this port told of hav- spent iguat (ng seen fragile bottles containing at the 1 th? acid, taken from cargo powder sven- cageg# where they had been placed j ??" in such a manner that the breaking turn* nvit" of the bottles would have ignited where who the powder. Hope yjjg overdue vessels are the rday, American schooner Wlnslow, Amerl- Shake se of can 8auing ship R. C. Slade, the ( (ng h American schooner Betuga, the Japanese freighter Koto Hira and the Mr* le to pritish freighter Walruna. Franc I Gr- j their mint; Advertised letters for Week Endlna day. wood Aug. 18. I J) 17. Co- Mrs. Hnttio Strain, (Jeo. Palmer, Mr. Is in Miss Lahe Roughe, Mrs. Anner Hal- )ot, N > ob- lings. Miss Josephine Mirkerson j,jH as a Miss Lomn Kin?. J. J. Bradley, Mrs. caster The j, j, Bradley, Jomina Ilradle, Miss d for Josie Wright, Mikle Curry. Mrs. Mrs rcess. jammie Jreazy. (Mark McKeown. turne< i day Rev. kK. W. Walker. Miss Lilly Wal- panic* will ker, Miss Marre Waulder, Mrs. D. C. Cureti r the Trusdale, Mrs. Jas. P. Thompson, iy as 3. E. Starnes. j. ( boys When calling for above letters caster heme please say advertised. Chart le. Jas. F. Hunter, P. M. jn th? NCA8TER NEWS TUESDAY, ! Miss El ' C.. and \ PERSONALS. 1 Douglas a | Graham t I 1. Cowan spent Sunday in Rock Misses ; Eandingh been visit tr_i_w? i . I prt Van 1. . ?uo. n.ui&ui Byi'ui oaiuraay ? In. 0 Mrs. H k P. Johnson spent Monday in ^ren, Mis tte, N. C. Coley. an o motored I and Mrs. W. S. Patterson are g in York. Mrs- 1 0 tors. Hel< k. w Miss HeU . N. Hirsch and children spent ?? A ....... ten days ?ek-end in Kershaw. n Riddle spent a tew hours In Mr" an< Bter yesterday. children, p Elinor, ai iide N. Sapp of Columbia spent mountain eek-end in Lancaster. ? I Dr. an . J. L. Driscoll spent Saturday Mrs. Jas. unday in Charlotte, N. C. i ^u''a Elii ?o I Milling c s Louise Sowell of Rock Hill dayting Miss Olivet Blackmon. 0 i J. L. I s Ila Roddey of Columbia is j from Nev ng ner vacation at home. cities \vn< Q j and wint Harper of Honea Path is vis- Departme his brother. W. F. Harper. o I Dy. am i. John M. Madra is spending nieces, M le in Richmond and Danville. ; of Winrs I Atlanta. 0 | Marion. s Margaret Hood, of Wilwooil. s the guest of Miss Lula Lind- 1 Mrs. J. I Atlanta, o i of Colum ses Meta Stoll and Sbyl Comer ck Hill are visiting Mrs. C. F. Cregoi ?o? KKR> s Virginia Taylor is visiting rother, John Taylor, in Rich- *orni<*r I 0 Ashevil Hicks, Jr., who has been vis- W. Kern, in Marion, returned home Sat- t?r from His death o oning. i. J. T. Thomasson and daugh- Mr. Returned from Stanton, Va., Mon- to a local rest and ?o? developed i. Robert Eddings and son, sixty-seve t. Jr., arrived Saturday from w. s Ethel Perry of Abbeville Is ?rh# ig Miss Laura Gilbert Wil- Pleased to one dread been able O that 1b ca s Jane Tucker Fisher of Co- j Squires'cc a is the guest of Miss Dorothy Catarrh M acts thru I lutes 01 i O th? founds and Mrs. W. L. Steel and chil- Ju'tiftion"ai ire visiting the former's moth- . "H1 faith lrv t 's. Mary Steel. Catarrh \ Hundred E * ? to cure, f and Mrs. M. W. Rankin and ~Aeth, are spending the week at if na a as guest of E. E. Cloud. C ch; W. Boykin of Charlotte, N. C., DILS IN ASHL\ Hnatltutlonal treatment. Hall's ediclne Is taken Internally and ASSISTANT SECRETAItl the Blood on the Mucous Sur- WaahlnslAit tnir 1- r he System thereby destroying W asnington, Aug. 1,.?( itlon of the disease, giving the Ouslev. of College Station. T? ength by building up the cot>- _ , , nd assisting nature In doing its Ravui )tul A. Pearson, of Am 9? Half's wore nominated today by Pr icuit.iio mfi iney oiter un? Wilson to be assistant Seereta >ollars for any cas? that tt falls .... j lend for list of testimonials. Agriculture, under provisions r * ^ SP- To,e<1? food survey law. 1 by all Druggist, "sc. * ?? * * *? For School CI Billikens" Fo The Shoes That Haven' Feel of them?note how soft they refully made. Note also, that there rt of the shoe. Compare the shape tural shape of the child's foot. They' ance for the little toes to get crampet aw as nature intended. If every mot these unusual shoes, a Billiken woulc High and low shoes for children, n Price?according U lobinson-Cl Lancaster's Leadin A^A a^A 4^4 A^A 4^1, 4^4 A4 yy "y * 7 c m/i/ifi ience and 3 ye Hulls in sacks is just one of th< things that have been done to mak< n improvement over the old style ' AN MAAft CKcyp COTTONSEED 1 IULLS V LINTLESS itting them in the barn and easier to meai td. It keeps them clean and mates you "age?not as bedding. uckeye Hulls sell for much less than loos us money to sack them but we believe tha 'ou use this product to best advantage i ther Advantages of lint No trash or dust, ue. They mix well with other food lhage to They take less space in th barn. :tter as- Every pound goes farther. tianola, Mitt., tay: keye Hulls and are very much pleased 'hink they are superior to old style nd to deTclop the ensilage odor, wet the hutU t before feeding. It is easy to do this bj d morning for the nest feeding. If at any tinx iown at least thirty minutes. If you prefer t< half as much by bulk as of old style hulls. if Mixed Feeds Free for every combination of feeds used in th< to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat ibes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions foa end for your copy to the nearest mill. zkeye Cotton Oil Co. o**. * Greenwood Little Rock MmmphU Jackton Macon Smlma 1 SAYS lUSSO-KVMAMA.V TIBER ATTACKS BROKE Berlin. Aug. 17.?Attack I yesterday by Russian and ie Par- jan forces north of Fokshanl ndleted ^ha lower Sereth river on ith the nianian front broke down ur intend- Teuton fire, according to th< ynolds. statement issued today by t n, shot man war department. ten the j nds for A <\\R!> OF THANK t. We wish to extend our h ES. gratitude to our kind friei larenc<> neighbors and friends who n x., and ed to us so devotedly In th< es. Ia.. sickness and death of the esiden' wife and mother, tries of May Heaven's choicest b of th-- rest on you all. G. E. Mc And C iildren r Kiddies t a Nail. are?how pliable?ho1 isn't a nail used in an of "Billikens" with tl 're exactly the same. N 1 or injured. They ca :her knew the true wort I be on every foot, lisses and growing girl: ) size. 'JL 1 oud Co tg Store. V VVV r y I t e t k ' e t a I. c I r > i V DOWN :s made Rumanand on the Ruider the 1 official he QertJ leartfelt ids and ainistere recent beloved dessings DOW hildren. x x T X X V * ? I I ' t x I * | IV ? ft X u Y h t s. i i 1 2 x 2 = ? X X X I ++I j