F * 4 TheLancasterNews Lancaster. 8. C. (8KMIWKKKLY.) ^ r i "My Country 'Tin of Thoo, Sw??t Land ' of Liberty." I Published Tuesday and Friday BY THE LANCASTER NEWS COMPANY. Established 1852. Entered as Second Class Matter t Ootober 7. 1906, at the Poetoffice at ] Lancaster, S. C., under act of Con- i tress of March 3, 1879. i SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: t (In Advance.) i One Year 83.00 t Bia Months 1.00 t The News is not responsible for the ( views of Correspondents. 1 Short and rational articles on topics of general Interest will be gladly received. Tuesday, Aug. 21, 1917. KEEP CLIMBING. t Although your chance in life seems 1 small. T Rough the path and dark, f Don't worry that you're going to c fall. I But get a firmer start. c Slowly trudge on toward the goal, 8 Keep headed the right way, i Remember you can never win I Life's battle in a day. I Like climbing up a ladder, Ascending step by step, Keep your aim the highest. Lest your mission you forget. When at last the top is gained ^ Thank God the task is done; I Look back upon the steps you've f climbed, c The battle nobly won. _ t ?James Alwyn Lathrop. ^ Men may rnmc and men may go. ' but The News goes on forever. . c Siam has declared war on Ger- i many. Will she draft the twins? \ + i t The South has increased its food s production 25 per cent?and is winning the food championship. t ' a Uncle Sam has loaned Italy anoth- r er $10,000,000. At ten cents a yard a that r/ould buy a lot of spaghetti. * Ten billion dollars more for war. Pinckney had it a bit low when he : talked about "millions for defense." , K .? ? ! i A poultry raiser says he keeps e this motto on his henhouse: "An j egg a day keeps the hatchet away." t ? I ii Among "Ways to cut food cost," ! t printed in woman's magazines, we v fail to find a word about eating 0 less. n * 1 t Following are members of the t medical branch of the Odd Names n Club: I)r. Organ, Illinois; Dr. 1 n Croak. Boston. 1 n . 1 t Those young men in Florida who a shot off their trigger fingers to j ^ evoid the draft can never point with f, pride to their records. I p There ought to be a mighty bright j heaven for editors and managers of p the newspapers for they catch? (the other place) on this side of the d river. n .? ? h Government flgureB show that the v amount of money In circulation in i< the United States is $46.53 per capt- c ta. Every caput in this office, from t the office boy down to the temporary r editor, is wondering where he comes j in. v . a Prosident Monocai has offered the |i "United States a training camp in b Cuba. It seems to us that this offer c affords an opportunity to solve tho ' It difficulty of quartering the negro s soldiers in the training camps, un- 1 h less the negro soldiers prefer to t cainp somewhere in the North. c li Not. because any scarcity of coin, i not a hit of it?but as a patriotic | c duty and as a necessary qualiflca- i tion of the editor, we have adopted ? a flourless day, a meaHess day. and r a sugarless day for each week dur- n Ing the war, and if necessary, wo will cut out more of such nonessentials as flour, meat and sugar. Lot r these go to the allies?newspaper I men live on wind anyhow. t TH A HOSPITAL. FOR LANCASTER. THJK Wo believe this county can sup- Pop port a hospital and we believe there warri, ire enough public-spirited men in ^ Lancaster who'are able and willing to raaise the money necessary to annex round and maintain a good hospital, seas i We lack the necessary leadership to tratloi bring about the necessary co-opera- .. . ?Af #% ??. a(? Uaaa T nil ..?UA pi V/ LI \/L V/U I CIULCUD. LiOl 3 C* I I UU11C in this worthy cause and carry it to J1cace iuccessful conclusion. conaid 4, care, t and ii OUR RECENT EDITOR. tivee 1 We regret that Mr. Watson Bell, :he recent editor of The News, has caslon levered his connection with this paper, as we much appreciated and a wor will greatly miss his valuable ser- Aus rice, but we are pleased that as edi- will di or of the Spartanburg Journal, he But it will find a large field for his ability, many >ersatility and good sense as an edl- sure, j or. Mr. Bell made many friends in up he his community, and did most efll- demni dent work as editor and manager when >f The News. He leaves Lancaster demni vith our very best wishes for his man I tuccess and prosperity. die ha ed cor sider THE MAN WHO TRIES TO DO land SOMETHING. will n Henry Ford, who originated and[War K inanced the Peace Mission which so ; ^ lignally failed, now believes that the test way to peace is to crush Kaiser- But sm and Militarism. He says: "We con to nust prepare to go to the end of the States itruggle without letting hatred will si reep in our hearts, every man, wo- Justici nan and child to put all energy into rushing militarism." Mr. Ford is now making 20,000 tir plane cylinders of steel for the ^ i;overnment, 1,000 per day, at a . boon t >rice to be fixed by the government. rord gets there. '"d d' in pei * exhibli FOOD ADMINISTRATION AT ligioui WORK. and 11 multip At the request of Herbert Hoover, forum J. S. Food Administrator, the New educat fork Coffee and Sugar Exchange ture a ias suspended all trading in sugar nient 'utures. This action is the result ideals >f the economic situation caused by we ho he enormous demand for sugar and nf hig] he under supply, and the danger of Rut th price inflation through speculation to say n futures in these abnormal times. cident The organization of a fifty million house iollar corporation to take over if Betwei lecessary, the wheat crop of 1917, South vith the hope of stopping specula-! Thief ion and stabilizing prices on a just ; said at itandard. I turnin The task of the food adminlstra- f'Kht c ion is enormous and complicated. , fu't. h ind it is fortunate that the govern- I faster nent has so able and efficient a man '? .s Herbert Hoover at the head. the Ya + | on the and 01 CSOOD AS WHEAT. j and Pf The United States is expected to P?ssibl ;row an enormous crop of wheat for ' war w' !>18, and South Carolina is expect- nenr ' d to Increase her wheat crop for so,no h 918, by not less than 37 per cent, 'he cot "o make this wheat, the farmer who The s alert will be looking out for the show 1 iecessary seed and fertilizers and these ? rill begin the necessary preparation tury a f the land for a good yield. We will ot undertake to tell the farmer how o do it. as he knows how much beter than we do. Hut we venture to dvise the importance of a big yield j >f wheat to meet the world-wide denand for bread that will be heard In ^ States he land next. year. ,There is a guar- | Jitee that wheat shall bring $2.00 ; flOTnp 1 ier bushel next year, and at this One gure there ought to be some profit 'he res f good iand, good seed, good pre- cently aration with fertilization, be used ! some < n Rood time on these clay bottom j ese in mds of the Piedmont. Japane What a pity the people of Europe until o not like cornbread. They are tg- men, a lorant and do not know what they i wives, ave missed in life. Why. we could pan fo /hip Germany with our corn crop, ried tl f our European allies would eat graphs ornbread. The dynamic energy mony, hat is in good cornbread, could ties m oute the German hosts. But Euro- apart >eans won't have our corn, they Now t hlnk they cannot do without wheat, wamt t nd we must humor them and ship sweeth t to them and eat our own corn and as it v ie satisfied. The European thinks | by mei orn is fit for the horse and such ing th Ike, but they do not have the horse mony. ense to eat cornbread. Why. as full irethren, it makes our mouth water tofore o think of the pood old corn dodgers I nize tl ooked just like a Southerner knows and re iow to do it, and muffins with eggs former n the hatter, and corn meal hatter- (tlir en akes with butter and molasses, and Hterac nush with milk, and corn meal these lurnplings in the greens not to ( removi nention corn pone, and corn mush j agreed it hog-killing time, and big hominy nient) ?um, um. weddlr These Europeans "don't know erythii tothing" about good things to eat. brides ,et them have the flour bread, we'll friends ake corn meal?occasionally. States E LANCASTER NEWS TUESI POPE'S PEACE PROPOSAL. ie Benedict's proposal that the + PRES countries consider peace on aula nf nn In l.v? a ?.] ? ? 1 A A A A A A UV >uuuuiuum auu uu -----atlons. the freedom of the an international court of arbl- Of course, a. leaving other matters to be made "splen ed in a spirit of Justloe in a tra,nJnB caIU , , . read their 1: conference, deserves to be ? ton Post. ered and answered with great is it comes from a high source, H, i no doubt prompted by mo- "The war to serve humanity. George a few s will probably furnish an oc- a'lie8 have r< for some clamor for peace in se* ou* the matter t Id weary of carnage. zen trla, Bulgaria, and Turkey oubtless welcome the proposal. He 1 is not very probable that Ger- a major a feels that her final defeat Is York troops and she may not wish to give Sunday and 1 r hopes of annexation and in- reason.?Gre? ties of which she had a taste she wrung a billion dollar in- ? ? Some 11 ty from France in 1870. Gerhope of world dominion will ! There has rd. Russia in her disorganiz- done < idition may be inclined to con- ('owPens 8im'' peace, but as we see it. Eng- ,anhurg. and France and the United States ' late the Boocl ot consent to a draw of the J ,he improver ame at this time, when their that one is gathering for the overthrow i ca"?d to it t iserism and militarism. streets. Gaff ? we can trust President Wil- , Tliic state the case of the United and her allies in a way which guess land all tests in the Court of tliat was e, Liberty and Humanity. to 8ecure 6ee General * governor aski THE COl'RT HOUSE. suitable place a camp. We venerable court house has Thlckety. M he scene of many interesting be depended l amatic incidents, in war times. ?GafTney Lei ice times, in celebrations, in tions, in fairs, in shows, in re- Mnkln s and educational gatherings , . .... , . ... , We are inf< 1 political battles and in the ii~,i . . * I ers in some ] lied contests of the legal! ... .. . . . selling their r The court house is a great , , . , . , , . .. low the cost I or, and in imposing architec- , . .. ? . , . feed them un nd convenience of arrange. . . . , make anothei should represent the best . . _ ,. . .. .. . wisdom of thi or the times, and some dav. , . . . ,, . next spring v pe to have a building worthv , . , - , . the reach of ti mission of a court of justice. , . . . means.-?Laur us is not what we started out We wished .to tell of an in- ' that occurred at the court Hmt < steps at the close of the War "Eat chlckc 0n the States, as told to us by advice of the Carolina's greatest jurist. Massachusetts Justice Henry Mclver. He1 we like it but the close of the war when re- 1,0 roosts higl g home and longing for the "P on the top ?f a pine tree and to eat a his- was when a m is company disbanded at LanJ the Pror and the men, preferring not ')Ut the spurr re a good gun in the hands of tocrat now set nkees, smashed many of them tal. and kno' stone steps of the court house man who wrii reasionally one would go ofT. to go right on ipt. Mclver wondered if it was over a deal t e for him to go through the bill. Eat eh thout being killed and to be so We are savin lonie and then he killed hv cake.?Sparta darned fool beating his gun on - in nousp steps. | The 1 steps of the court house still 1 Bible i he nicks made on then, by none other 111 inldiers more than half a cen- i books, vritt KO stretching ovc i turies, contal + i prose, prophet JAPAN. nit ions, entrcs I glympse of t Tar as Count Ishi speaks for |hp future. that country .has a more at gundry tim y feeling towards the United | npr apftke ,n than it has entertained fori fatherg by t ! these last tim of the grievances of Japan is His Son."?J friction of immigration. Rethis. government has relaxed Soldi >f the rules governing Japan- Soidiere of imigratlen. There are many Rnd Qf the n< tse on the Pacific Coast and bp permltted recently most of them were stat6f county tnd like other men they want prov|ded the i It la said to be legal In Ja- | wh|ch they h? r man and woman to get mar- | cratlc party < irough an exchange of photo-1 made fulj pro. i and a certain prescribed cere- j goldlerg of th, although the contracting par-1 Jn primary ,ay be separated many mllee Enquirgr at the time of the marriage, he Japa on the Pacific Coast, o get married with their ^ learta in Japan, holding hands This Frencl vere, across the Pacific ocean, hard one to i rely exchanging photos and go- burg Journal, irough the prescribed cere-1 and have the brides come over ! Silent fledged married folks. HereTT . a . , For some i ITnele Sam would not recog. not hear so r le legality of such a marriage. ... . Kmg about. h< quired the eeremonv to be pe?> . . , . ,i. I nor how mue 1 here in accordance without ? . , it ..i than jome o istonis. [resides there was the ..... , . , . conscription < y test which excluded many of . .. VT i n . i son. ?Picker brides. Now Uncle Sam has , ed the literacy test and has| (a kind of gentleman's agree- A burglar i to recognize the Japanese at $1,000 fro lg as legal. This makes ev- last Monday, ig lovely for the picture erably more and grooms and the old time here. So ma ihlp of Japan for the United they are too i has been restored. ?Peffersonlai PAY, AUG. 21, 1917. ?; ?a??b S COMMENT. 1 Trained Worn Military RA all those Southern boya H B,MAJ.OEN.I did records'* at the j p ipa. If you doubt it, n| , I TV. ?? ~ IUIUO yayms. VUHIH"#- IICIC a can aid ow it stands. for the fron will end," said Lloyd-! 2. By j weeks ago, "when the ^ Vast nu to attain." And there ( citothin and when women + places of me Was Satisfied. pe(j pro nd colonel of the New of real service. Trained women landed In Spartanburg The immediate call is for com; eft Monday. There's a dou8 t() ri(jk in ungkiUed handa UVi1^ hospitals of the cities, and wo; . ? many nurses in civilian hospit load Work Done. actually been some' If the time come8 *hen v in the road through of caring for children must be e our last trip to Spar- nurserias must be found for ii we wish to congratu- called upon for this service ale people of that town on lent. We were satis- ___ ;e their attention was hey would work the EPIGRHYMES: ney meager. 1 ____ i"I think this war Is terrikety Proposed. ble," the Flower Maldea ? . . -said. "The Bible tells us Spartanburg now sees , . _ ... , 'that, by man. shall no man's not such a wonderful be ?hed .. Hpr Htnlwnrt a cantonment site. We j friend glanced 'round the shop, Wood has written the i then, gently, smilingly, chose ng him to And another violets, carnations red. a rosein South Carolina for the harmony of color that he 11. he might send it to loved because 'twas red and ayor Ike S^ith could white and blue ! "In CI RCUMSTAN . ,usual, he said, "I hold, with ipon to take care of it. |you thftt ppace ,s perfect Pnra. d?er- dlse; but read the Word again; perhaps 'twill ALTER your belle] g Bail Bargain. blood's not been shed In vain I" . .. . , Then, suddenly, there came a jrmed that many farm- crafjh, A drunkpn brutp burst ,n, parts of this State are ibe g#,|zed fbe frightened Flower aules at a price far be- Maid?spoke Insult's word of last spring rather than !sin. The stalwart man who loved itil they are needed to his flag, and peace, struck Just crop. We doubt the one blow?and there was blood, s as the price of mules a coward's blood! The friend ... ? , . ? , of I'eace spoke low: "Take these, ill probably be out of ? . , . our Nations colors, dear; forever farmers of moderate , kppp thpm pregged_ln Jialihurton ensvllle Herald. I |)ooki perhaps; your heart will do the rest; for there are certain 'atch the Hare. CASES when a tnan Just cnn't real ^ , ... ! the voice Inside him, crying, n and save beef is the , ,,,, _ , . . 1 "Strike!' "I m off, dear?to enlist food administrator or Robert Russi 'Tis a fine idea and "Circumstances njtcr eu?ea." where is the chicken? MWmmWWWWW l and the price is right, ,ropyriKht. ioit, by mt 't l'r?d Boreal limb with him. Time - .. an could buy a chicken I ? ecds of a day's labor, D ed and featured aria- I Aid GlVen Nati arns the ordinary mor- 1 . ft'H full well that the I Vr ill ilclStCIl ags his neck will have | 1 it nftpr flirtnor nnri nut 9 ? "*" By THEO n meet the poulterer's Prandeot Wi?coiii lekeu and save beef? ,11- ? K both by eating boe- ' . Wh>(; jnfluence wi? ,he W( nburg Journal. _ ^ What will woman sunragis Hook of I looks. We 8htt)1 not' of course- dif . a marvelous book- reallze that il bo more d te it?consisting of 6 6 and interest of the country ar en by 38 authors, will not be easy to raise money >r a period of 16 con-i zations, to hold public meetings ning history, poetry, somewhat the character of our lies, warnings, admo- ........ itics, promises ao.l a But the spirit of the time he beautiful world of people of these Tjnitcd States ii Heb. 1:1: "Clod, who Furthermore, men see th es and in divers man- their women. They see that t times past unto the m ordinary daily life, are jusi he prophets, hath in arg jug^ M gienerougly j, ies spoken unto us by _ . ,. ? ohnsonvllle Progress, 1 bchcve that wom -I- efficient, is doing her share to ers May Vote. women, when this government the National Guard this time only pretended to be jw National army will to vote In all of their They Dttn'i Exist, and national elections, \ye have yet to meet the ball ] aws of the states from er wb0 believes that all umpires til permit. The Demo-j bonest, or the lawyer who th >f South Carolina has tbat ajj juries are sane, vision under which the ? state may participate elections.?Yorkvllle Extremes. The lad who was rejected bj f. sweetheart because he had red www and by the army recruiting o ?U ? ' because he was flat-flooted was h Lens seems to be a tremeIy.. unfortunate, see through.?Spartan J A Sad Case. Are Samsons. ; A man who grieved for 60 3 eason or other we do'because a Klrl refused to marry nany youmr men brag- died the other day at the ape o >w much they can lift, How extremely healthy br h more able they are , hearts inast be. f their fellows, these lays. "There's a rea- Did Von Know That? is Sentinel, ^ The Chinese want more rallri whleh will mean more laboi stole a monkey valued American workmen? m a vessel at a wharf! During five years, Georgia In New York. Consld-' surfaced 6,3f>4 miles of road, or value up there than miles for every working day? ny cantering around At present, China has but < much trouble to swipe, miles of railroad for 400,00< a. ' Inhabitants? ? ? ien for the Work of ?f Qreatly Needed LEONARD WOOD. U. 5. A. * ! ! TT S re two ways, especially, in which women lie present crisis: orking in industry, thereby releasing men ^ t, and oining the American Red Crosa. mbers of women are now working in tha ply establishments making munitions, 1 the like, but the time is not yet here i need to go into the factories to take the n. But the time is here, not merely for ss to prepare, but to meet the actual test for the work of military relief are needed, petent nurses. A soldier's life is too prei. Nurses must largely be drawn from the men must be found to take the places of ads. romen must go into industry, the burden shifted from many mothers and homes or ifants. It is the Red Cross that will be Jpty QUIT YOl'K MKANESS. Put the hammer in the locker. Hide the sounding board likewise, Anyone can be a knocker; Anyone can criticise. Cultivate a manner winning. Thoujjh it hurts your face to smile And seems awkward In beginntng; He a booster for a while. J list for a solid satisfaction Drop a kind word in the slot And I'll warrant you'll get action On your effort on the spot. Kindness every time beats kicking; Mirth is better than a frown. And it isn't half so distressing If you give a little boost To the man the facts are pressing When the hens come to roost. ?Selected. 1 WISE Cil'V WINS. > This is the season of the year >B When advertising's slack, When many hold their copy till The cool, crisp days come back, at Except the merchants who are wise, ^ Who do a right smart trade f IH 1 By keeping ads. a-running when ! * It's ninety in the shade. ?Tom W. Jackson in Editor and Publisher. i.) - Ion by Women in War [ Day of Full Suffrage DORA M. YOU MANS It ud Woman'* Sufhag* Auociation I ir bavo on tho woman suffrage movement 9 ts do to help their country during the w&rf (continue woman-suffrage propaganda. Wf ifhcult than heretofore, since the thought e centered on the war. We know that it for woman suffrage, to create new organii. It will bo necessary, probably, to change 1 efforts. a fights on our side. The thought of tha s turned toward democracy these days, at their own patriotism is duplicated in he services of women in time of stress, aa t as essential as the services of men, and jst as faithfully and efficiently, an who allows herself patriotic, faithful, hasten the day of the enfranchisement of shall actually become what it has np to , a government of, by and for the peopl*. >1.,- !. EPIGRHYMES: i! i are j ( , ink* 1 ' Mad* seems to me as l , ] ; though our President's last | i "Note" (an' I'm a bit ashamed I I j ) to sey he didn't get my vote) l| i i > was writ a-followin' the line S ] | o' Devy Crockett's thought? j| hit i be wanted to BB BURB o'things B hair j ; afore he up an' fought. Both X fflcer i > YOU an' me ARB fool 1 ah fer te I "ex- | ! Jedge on lmpulae when we got, 2 i ' up thar at Washington, some ; | j j party decent men whose Job It ! | * Is te learn the RIQHT o' things, J t'. an' THEN to act. not on no ! ! J" cracker-barrel tnlk, but on "5 fears i * * % t' some cold, hard fact- I wouldn't * 1IU GO to Congress now, for I've r x sufficient brains te know I ain't >* oken K,,t brains enough tc shin' them * mental strains. An' I Jest think, * In Washington, when all Is done !g * an' suld, they knows what they're x! a-doln' when they nay, "Boys raads i. go AHEAD 1" Sol Jeat guess I'll J* ' r foi |[ tote iny gun?I uln't quite !? jj| sixty, yet; I ain't got much J* I i! te give The Flag, but all I got? S *; She'll get I ;S <>ur i > Robert Russell. 'x J' "Be sure you are right, then go ' * 1,000 j) ahead." )! )'000 (Copyright, 1017, by lat'l I'ttm Rarwa.)