J2 THE KERSHA Will here ROLLI Starting this week, for wheat. ( ATTENTION 1 1AYI w lien you come to t< of scrap iron, or old junk and turn your > Morris Scwai White Street, Between Ga; TEUTONS DRIVEN OUT AGAIN I nable to Hold Trench Taken Fron French. Paris, Aug. 5.?Early today i heavy attack was made by the Ger mans on the French front to th south of Juvincourt, northwest o Rheims. The French line was pre served intact, the Germans beinj ejected from the single trench ele ments which they succeeded in en tering, the war office reports. The artillery activity in Belgiun is described as intermittent. No. Six-Sixty-Six This is s prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER Five or aix doaea will break any caae, -am if taken then aa a tonic the Fever will no return. It acta on the liver better thai Calomel and doea not {ripe or aickcn. 25< rnn nnn.i niTi.llH.Hi MONEY IN THE HOUTH Washington, Aug. 6.?The South em Railway Company paid out it the South $1.17 for every dollai paid to the Southern by people ii the South during June, 1917, ac cording to figures announced todaj by Comptroller A. H. Plant. During the month the Southeri Railway Company disbursed foi iabor, material, supplies and othei purposes, $7361.282 of which $5, 860,537, or 79.48 per cent, was paic to individuals and industries loeat ed in the South, this sum bein? $49,960 in excess of the total moneys contributed by the South foi transportation purposes. For improvements to its roadwaj and structures, the Southern spent $1,641,882.99 in June. 1917. ai against $713,383.33 during June 1916; during the twelve months ended June 30, $15,879,707.53 as against $8,556,432.08 in 1916. Results of operation, exclusive ol interest, rentals and other inromt charges, were as follows; Gross revenue, June. 1917, $7,143,682, an increase as compared 1916, of $1,378,911, or 23.92 pei cent; operating expenses, taxes and uncollectable railway revenue. $5,093,202, an increase as compared with 1916, of $956,000, or 23.10 per cent. Gross revenue for the twelvf months' period, $81,388,325, an increase as compared with 1916 of $10,281,587, or 14.46 per cent; operating expenses, taxes and uncollectable railway revenues. $57,056,872, an increase of $7,328,607, or 14.74 per cent. *?*? * * rov-o Ll^ (?f ^ .fa A I f TyveReityTd^J; 1 1 I "?>OHTtW4 ^Bt?*S? to the 77.* L UZ1ANNE 80metl Guarantee: we fin ._ ,. ^ . made //, after uainfi the content* of a can, you on ,ts 1 are not aatiafied in OUt QC every reaped, your a Can < grocer will refund My tout monev. farthei then yi And y reques IpaA^ the Reily?Taylor C Vy. . . w t ^ When calling for above, pleas advert'sed. Jai P Hnnfar P. THE LANCASTf ?? W LUMBER MILL I LANCAS1 after operate a Official List of f LR MILL We will exchange flour Serial No. Name XT no in*. I j 1897 Charley C. Ashley NO. 69 lOt. I > 1319?Joseph Mungj. . . I 1592?Alec Witherspoon ? J 672?Glenn P. Plyier. ??? 1363?Samuel T. Taylor. !194 0?John Kee * ' 949?Baxter Reeves . . T 1 A r\m ?riT\ m ,1350?Charley Robertson J PAP lylkP V I 1823?Belton Peay. . .. ~ j 393?William J. Hilton. ' 993?Joe Brown [?wn bring ?lon? n load 11306?Abruel S. Karesh. raiSs. rubber or other 1 "ia?TiaUman..' vaste into CASH. 1065?Ben Adems. . .. 851?Fred L. Still.. .. . I I rx I 1181?Marvey H. Faulk* *tz, Junk Dealer. ! B,ov,r/ 1490?Lesley Ingram.. 1 f\ 1 I HiPiPTrn 1811?Otis E. Mathis.. . y and Dunlap, LANlASlfcK. 1413? James M Bowers. ' 1767?Andrew Richardsoi J 158?William M. Green _______________. 778?Arthur E. Jenning 1?Robert F. Alley. . . IR0N1ZED PAW-PAW i :: I 105?Hugh W. Craw fort LEADS ALL REMEDIES 1553?Jim Sims.. .. P MI TY FOB NERVES 2 ]?^rthur ,Br?Wn-; * f ^1 yy 836?James L. Rushing 36?Jim Barnes 1387??Eewis M Adams ? ||?( ||VI FOR BIA>OI> 1491?Wade Islah . . .. - 1I\V/1 1 985?John Barnes.. .. 352'?Arthur Tucker. . . PAW-PAW l"z5'lf?cn??e.k * * * * * 456?Lee *N~ Sinclair. . 806?Jeff Maree FOR THK STOMACH. J??? *,,c Mi,!?7L?,' ' ' ' 2094?George Withers.. 1176?Mack L. Dees.. .. :i POWERFUL FORCES IX 1. 1717?Ulysees Klrkland. , L 416?William B. Caston. r ? , ? n. , ? , 617?William A. Faile., ' People in Charlotte have found 526?Willie T. Knight.. j great relief from stomach trouble, 609?Lemuel A. Carnes. I nervousness, weakness and general ?William E. Oareloi 1 debility. Ironized Paw-Paw builds; c ... ! 274?Alexander Nickols. up the body and strengthens It.j 1837?Will Thompson., clears the blood impurities, stimu- 948?William T. Hoblnso lates the liver into heulthy action, 1288?John C. llinson.. ' corrects constipation and steadies Twitty. . - .u 1 \ 11 . w . 1719?T J- Mosier. . .. the nerves. Daily and hourly the 135??John sterling.. .. 1 demand is increasing, giving univer- 1821?George Peay. . .. r sal satisfaction. Ironized Paw-Paw 2038?Hart Morrow.. .. 1 does all and more than is claimed*, 1*?*? . rt>'fchton M. Thre | 1154?J. R. Mungo. . .. ror 766?Henry Harris. . . . ' If your food distresses you. if you 724?Luther M. Funderl are constipated, have headaches. 2086?George J. Stalling? 1 dizzy spells, are nervous and get the Reece Blackwell. . r ., , .... 511?John Carnes.. .. blues, just get a taste of Ironized 2ft- ? ..(i jonp8 1 Paw-Paw. You'll find all the dis- 1908?Charley Crawford.. agreeable feeling passing away he- 1576?William P. VanLar ' fore you leave the store. Do as 9*9 Clinton , , , , , 342?John Stevenson., scores of your neighbors are doing? 8fi)) clarence E. Threati ; get a bottle of Ironized Paw-Paw and 994?John T. Hunter. . bid your liver and stomach ailments 1 4 60?James R. Shannon. r good-bye. I want every chronicj fx! Ernest F. h un'Wli , , , , , * f.i.6?John R. Knight.. , dyspeptic to come in and try this, 24!?Arthur McMullan.. r?*nieuy. i wani rne man or woman 40? Isaac Barnes. ' who can't sleep and is despondent to 1527?Dave P-Hle-son Jr. come in and trv this remedy. You'll Henry L. Mas#y. . . . . .. - .. . 572?John L. Henderson. ? never go back to the old-fashioned 10ft__Arthllr cauthen. . medicines, hots of business and 1076 Yancy Bvrd * professional men find Ironized Paw- 11.18?Charley S. Small.. Paw enables them to do more and l*r,7 John D. Glenn.. ., p 216 -\Vvlie Mcflriff } b(',,er w,,rk' 11 appn,s to 1745?Robert Cunninghar every fibre, tissue and bone. Begin 1309 William Knox.. on Ironized Paw-Paw today so you ' 1168?Eugene G. Catoe. . can join the army of converts next 214?Luther L. Long.. . [ week. Your drug*,., prob.b,y keep. it. but if he doesn't come to the g4?j Walter T. Taylor. Standard Drug Co. 864?Henry Truesdale. . Ironized Paw-Paw. price $1.00. 1492?Willie Jackson. . .. | Formula on every bottle. Mail or- lg-jj?CurUs* Tliornpson* ders promptly attended to. Inter- 91g Robert T. Ellis.. state Drug Co., Inc., New York.? 1590?Sydney B. Robertso ! Adv. 533?Thomas J. Neal. . . 1159?James Shaw 1 .1529?Oscar C. Robinson. Continuous Performance. 1370?York L. Wilson.. . A Chicago phyckdnn says girl ba- 1297?George F. Blackmo Mes begin to talk earlier than boys. H4?A. T. Dees Yes. and you can bet your life they ' are in for the last word, too.?Hous- 1!? /T" ' bll,!p8 # p ? 1984?Marcellus Springs., ion tost. ]487?AVaUer II Hendriv ?????????? 13 5 9 Janus 11. Truesdal 61 ? J. Albert Beckham. 1 8f?4?John Thompson.. 630?Amos Adams.. .. iPVi"ii'^nTiiiiiVTT\ ' 618?K J Fn,le i 1 684 ? M. vS. KniRht.. .. ^ i 1829?Isom Thompson.. . |<4-Y? I . /^T T A " Li 9 V^V/l' 9 86?John Rush _ _ ^0 1505?R. T. Mohley. . .. \A CkYL D liAnn 209?Minor J. Knight.. .yidlVv VJVJW* 1110?Jud Lln?le i ^ 777?William Izzard.. . 33?James Raskins. . y Ji/i JL V/ \JL> 1480?William R. Milliard 1935?Chnpelle F. Hood., 1671?Richard H. Belk.. 32?Richard Barnes. . our grocer will make good to you, 954?Ira B. Small. . . . last penny. We knew you expected 1 f?S3?Willie Robertson . . hing unusually good in a coffee when loll (? '< Hjeckwell.. * . . . . . _ 1348?Renjamin Raley. . st had Luzianne in mind. So we 2104 Jerry G. Knight.. Luzianne so good that it will stand 1564?Luther Ttate. . . . )wn feet, without apologizing, with- ? R; Fowan . .. 1 j \ \rr\rt u ^?Charley S. Caskey. knowledging any rivals. YOU buy 7S8_ Pred s. Hancock.. :>f Luzianne. If you can't honestly 1278?Patrick F. Uardnei at Luzianne tastes better and goes 0S6" WoH,y Williams. r than any other coffee at the price, \ ^Wright. . .' ou are entitled to your money back. 2074 John Oant. . our grocer will give it to you upon 1 470?John T. Catoe. . . . ,t. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. a'wi'go.V 1559?Frank Thompson.. =3^ -~|yr|_, ^ g* 529?Rufus Miller.. .. T III lEZi J 1498?Wlllia n R. Lowry. jj If^^l I I 64?Olin Wren Connor. IJ1L II 282?Cornish Wltherspoc 224?Edward J. Meeks-. . __ ^ ? 1835?Patterson Thompso ompany, New Orleans sis?Ben phinips.. .. 1534?Zed Robertson.. . (Contln # e saf I ine uti?? bombardment of the Entente lines' M. I last nifrht In the Hnlleheke resrion SWS^? MWH'i' ]R NEWS FRIDAY, AUG. 10, 1917. rER'S HONOR j legistered Men and Their Order of lity for Military Service. Address Order No. | . . " Van Wyck, S. C., No. 1 *. ?95 ] ivgrsnaw, s. i; 796 Stoneboro, S. C 7 97 Lancaster, S. C., No. 7 798 Kershaw, S. C 7 99 Riverside, S. C 800 1 Heath Springs. S. C 801 ( Kershaw, S. C., No. 5 802 Heath Springs, S. C.. No. 2 .. 803 ' Kershaw. S. C., No. 3 804 Lancaster, S. C., No. 3 805 Kershaw, S. C 806 Stoneboro, S. C 807 Lancaster, S. C., No. 1 808 1 Taxahaw, S. C., No. 1 809 1 Lancaster, S. C 810 j ?nberry . Kershaw, S. No. 3 811 Kershaw, S. C., No. 2 812 | Heath Springs. S. C.. No. 1 .. 811 Heath Springs, S. (\, No. 3 .. 814 j Heath Springs, S. C., No. 1 .. 815 i Stoneboro, S. C., No. 1 816 Lancaster, S. C 817 s Lancaster, S. C., No. 6 81 S Lancaster, S. C 810 Lancaster, S. C 820 Lancaster, S. C 821 1 Lancaster, S. C Son Taxahaw. S. C.. No. 1 823 Heath Springs, S. C 824 Kershaw. S. C.. No. 2 825 Lancaster. S. C S?r Lancaster, S. C 827 Lancaster. S. C 828 Heath Springs. S. C., No. 1 .. 829 Stoneboro, S. C" 830 Lancaster, S. C., No. 3 831 Lancaster, S. C 832 Lancaster, S. C.. No. 8 833 Heath Springs. S. C., No. 1 .. 834 Lancaster. S. C., No. 7 835 . Lancaster. S. C . 8.3fi Van Wvkok. S. C 837 Fort Mill, S. C., No. 2 838 , Taxahaw. S. C.. No. 1 839 ! Lancaster, S. C., No. 8 840 I Lancaster, S. C., No. 2 841 Taxahaw. S. C 84 2 Lancaster, S. C.. No. 5 84 3 . Lancaster, S. C., No. 8 844 ' rk Lancaster, S. C.. R. F. I) 84f> . Lancaster, S. C 84ft ' Lancaster, S. C 84T [ Lancaster, S. C., No. 3 848 n Lancaster, S. C., No. 8. . . .* . . 849 I Kershaw. S. C., No. 2 850 j Lancaster, S. C\, No. 8 851 Lancaster, S. C., No. 8 852 Kershaw, S. C.t No. 2 853 Heath Springs, S. C., No. 3 ..854 Waxhaw, N. C.. No. 3 855 att . . . - Lancaster. S. C.. No. 7 856 Kershaw, S. C.f No. 3 8 57 Lancaster. S. C 858 >urk . . ..Lancaster. S. C 859 i Fort Mill. S. C., No. 2 860 Kershaw. S. O.. No. 2 861 Lancaster. S. C!.f No K 962 Lancaster, S. C 863 Van Wyck, S. C\, No. 1 864 idinghant. Heath Springs. S. C 865 Lancaster, S. C\, No. 2 866 Lancaster, S. C 867 t Lancaster. S. C 868 | Lancaster. S. No. 8 869 Lancaster. S. C., No. 6 870 iurk..t . . Lancaster, R. C.. No. 2 871 Lancaster, S. (V, > ?".. .. 872 :.ancaster. S. ?"* 873 Lancaster, S. (' 874 Heath Springs S. n 87 5 Lnmnster, S. C . No. 2 876 Tradesville, S. C 877 i Lancaster. S. C 878 j Jefferson. S. (\, No. 2 879 Kershaw. S. No. 5 880 Lancaster, S. C S81 Lancaster, S. (' 882 n Stoneboro. S. C., No. 1 . . . . 883 Kershaw, S. f? 884 Kershaw, S. C.. No. 5 885 LancaRter. S. C 886 Van Wyck, S. C.. No. 1 887 Taxahaw, S. C.. No. 2 888 Taxahaw. S. C., No. 1 883 Lancaster. 8. C 890 j | Heath Springs. S. C 891 , Uancaster, 8. C 892 I Lancaster, S. C., No. 5 893 Heath Springs, S. C 894 n Pleasant HSU. S. C 895 Lancaster, S. C., No. 5 896 ; Kershaw, S. C., No. 3 897 Heath Springs, S. C.t No. 1 .. 898 ) Kershaw, S. C 899 n Heath Springs, S. C 900 I^ancaster, S. C\, No. 6 901 Lancaster, S. C 902 Kershaw, S. C 903 Osceola, S. C 904 Heath Springs, S. C 905 e Kershaw, S. C 906 Lancaster, S. C 907 Lancaster, S. C 908 Taxahaw. S. C , No. 2 909 Lancaster, S. C., No. 1 910 Lancaster, S. C 911 I Lancaster, S. Q., No. 3 912 J - Heath Springs. S. C 91 :t Lancaster. 8. C., No. 3 9J 4 I Heath SprinRs, S. C 915 Lancaster, R. C 916 Taxahaw, 8. C.. No. 1 917 Lancaster, S. C 918 Lancaster, 8. C 919 I Heath Springs. S. C 920 Van Wyck, S. C 921 Lancaster, 8. ('? No. 2 922 Lancaster, S. C., No. 4 923 Heath Springs, S. O 924 . Heath Springs. 8. C.. No. 1 . . 925 j Kershaw, 8. C., No. 5 926 I Kershaw. 8. C 927 Lancaster, 8. C 928 Heath SprinRs, 8. C., No. 1 .. 929 Lancaster, 8. C 930 Lancaster, 8. C., No. 3 931 I^incaster, 8. 0 932 Kershaw. 8. C 933 Lancaster, R. C 934 Osceola. 8. C., No. 1 935 Lancaster, S. C., No. 3 936 Fort Mill, 8. C.. No. 3 937 Taxahaw, 8. C.. No. 1 938 Lancaster, 8. 0 939 Lancaster, 8. C 940 Heath SprinRs, S. C 941 Lancaster, S. O., No. 5 942 Heath SprinRs, 8. C 943 Lancaster, 8. C 94 4 ?? l^incaster, 8. C 945 Lancaster, 8. C 946 n Lancaster, 8. C., No. 3 947 Lancaster, 8. C 948 Kershaw, 8. C., No. 2 949 ued on Page Three.) "" fcMAUlf to. CP kWW VMW mc 8uM*I.O,N.V Arci jt tne United states. The urea of Alaska Is ;'?SH).884 square miles and of the United States, exclusive of Alaska and Insulnr possessions, Is 3,610,484 square miles. SOUTHERN INDUS Charlotl Ar? t A J. WI 1 uuil^ iUCll ctllll > A Higlrclass School at A strong faculty. Advantages of City an Running water, electri Opportunity given to s expenses bv work. Writ Rev. J. A. Baldwin, ? ** V y ! OUR CO DEFEI V V V v We are looking forwar< 2 those who have gone, and 1 ? > WELCOME HOME MEMB ? GUi y y At the same time, our c best wishes to those who in the great battle of Thrift Waste, and through a Bant strong wall of defense to r We Gladly Welcome Army o The First Na LANCAS1 CHAS. D. JONES, Presid E. M. CROXTO: J! An Ambition anc f J THF. needs of the South are ide f S ?t the Southern Railway i the (rowth ' J tbc upbuibtlnr of tbc other. / , The Southern Railway aakt no farori f accorded to other a. A I J The ambition of the Southern Rallwa y i unity of intereac that la born of c?-operati / the railroadii to aee perfected that fair and I I merit of rallroada which Inciter tbc co f aseneini to teallre tba t liberality of treat V / to obtain the additional capital needed for tl *1 enlaryrd faeiiitiea Incident to tbc demanc I aereicei and. finally? To take Ita niche In the body politic f other treat Induarlea, witb no more, but | rlebta and equal opportunities "The Southern Servei Southern Ral Mm * i , it 'you reel "blue," "no account," I Ir.?y, you need a good cleaning out. IIKwKINK Is the right thing for that purr osc. It stimulates the liver, tones up the stomach and purifies the bowels. Price 50c. Sold by all dealers In medicine.?Adv. TRIAL INSTITUTE, te, N. C. ? UI11C11. very reasonable rates, id Country. c lights, steam heat. i tudcnts of helping to pay e for Catalogue to Charlotte, N. C. y y v UNTRY'S | AIDERS ?? i this week to the return of ' those who will soon go from $ ?**A?* ?/x 4- <* Anil A x coponoc tu uuij o Coii* -j ? : / 1ERS OF THE NATIONAL VRD. : ?? 0 jfficers desire to extend their V their daily lives are fighting > against Extravagance and t i i Account are building up a Ijl neet every requirement. # Recruits to Our Vast f Savers. J ? itional Bank i ER, S. C. ent. N, V. Pres. and Cashier. \ i a Record i Vv ntical with the nrrda S | (uoccM of one utui J A I I?do (pedal prirllere not , tr f Company li to aee thai i ? on bftwrci the public and ?^ rank policy In the Btanape- ' J nfidence of (orerninentil , X went which will enable It , J he anjuleitlon of better and I fur Increaacd and better S I of tha South alonralde of J with equal iibcrtiet. equal ?the South." 1 way System* ^