j i By ? PfcRE M A^H 1 fie? i Chew ft afte, \ PROFESSIONAL CARDS | Dr. M. R. Campbell Registered Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician. A\np??OM s; r Standard Drug Co., local repr# sentatlvos. Take your broken lense* and repairs to tbem for prompt and accurate work , DR. O. B. PRATT, Dentist. Hoars from 8:30 A. M. to 12:30: , s 1:30 to 8:30. Office Phone 285. Residence Phone 398. Office Over Lancaster Pharmacy. DR. J. REECE PUNDERRURK, Dental Surgeon. Office Hours: 8:30 to 12:30 A. M. 2:00 to 6:00 1\ M. And by Appointment. Phones: Office, 160. Residence, 16. Office over B. C. Hough. i |g| BUSINESS NOTICES11 afi WE HAVE materially improved oui store and pressing department and guarantee satisfaction in ever} department. Have us to press on< suit for you and be pleased. Clul rates, $1.00 per month, single suits, 25 cents. I.alnb Tailoring Company's Pressing Department , -y Phone 37 8. tf-April 10-np m FOR 8 A DP?Selected Pure Kinf Cotton Seed at $1.25 per bushel R. E. Thompson, ^Riverside, S. C 2t-pd. FOR SAliE?Call on me for Potato Cabbage and Tomato Plants. Re reived large lot Porto Rico, Nanoj Halls today. Prices rigni. Nic< plants on hand at all times. W. D Chambers, near L. & C. Deoot. 2t-np. WANTED?All the public schools o1 Lancaster county to see our line ol beautiful programs and invitation; V for commencement exercises. Lancaster News. 4t. yP" SAJJS?One horse, five yea re ft l ' old, weighing about 800 pounds. W. H. Mi lien. / *WW?TyTyK^ nrs^$ 3g^^H^HMHi|^^pnH|H^B ^Mfl & Bmf __ Mf^m &u!j wj W EM flIH * ; 1 ??S ^Pk ^L P F* o n HI o: 81 CI iLEYSk^il a EEZ3^4 r every meal GREAT MEETING NEXT THURSDAY. 11 o Preparedness Por War Is to Be jj Discussed by Lancaster t Citizens. j f ir Dr. W. S. Currell, president of the | j ('ntn of the way in which the direrlit counties of the State are caring or their prisoners. convicts and aupers. They indicate, too, defl-, lencies in prison and almshouse! lants and point the way to reforms lat should be made in management, j aneaster's jail, chaingang and almsouse will all be scored, and the cores and recommendations for inreasing them sent to the liflcinls f ho have these institutions in charge | nd to other interested citizens. The : im of the board is to get better fa- | j ilities in the Jails, chalngangs and ; lmshouses of the State and to help ? he men in charge of them to manage ; hem along the lines which modern, ^ xporience has shown to be best. 11 The Hoard of Charities and Cor-! ections is of the opinion that many r f the counties of South Carolina are' oo small to maintain by themselves j lmshouses which will be good homes '' or paupers and in which they can re j' eive the hospital attention which r hey need so frequently. The board ' ? advocating the consolidation of mi^ll county almshouses into district lmshouses in which paupers coming rom the counties in the group main- ' lining the almshouse can receive at ' he lowest cost a combination of the 1 ome and hospital care which they f cod. The abolition of the alms- f ouses in the counties with com- , aratively small populations and the ormatlon of district almshouses to are for paupers from several counles presupposes the re-classification f the present almshouse populat ons ?the weeding out of the feeblelinded. the epileptics and others no* 11 almshouses who ought to be in ther institutions?and the curailing of the giving of outdoor relef by counties so thnt money from he public treasury or supplies paid or by the public will be given to aupers outside of almshouses onlv I n eases of emergency whore torn-1 lorary relief is found necessary af-i er investigation. In each county the State Board of Charities and Corrections has ap- I minted a local committee of visitors , o aid it In its work. In Lancesler , his committee ia composed of the | lev. Hugh H. Murchison, chairman; 1 . T. Thomasson and J. E. Craig. Fearlessness a Virtue. From one cause or another we shrink from the responsibltty of avowing our deepest convictions. Partly it is from the fear of ostentation and singularity, partly from self-distrust and sincere humility, partly 1 from more unworthy motives. But i from whatever cause it may he, by ' so doiiib we wrenj; our friends.?B F. Westcott. Hastening the Time for Peace. "Little boy, little boy, you shouldn't I fight that way." "Hold off your peace talk, lady. ! One more punch on the noBe and fll have this kid ready to listen to you." Rust Prevention. To prevent rust gathering on an iron pan tlint is not often used, give it a coat of linseed oil and whiting mixed together to form a paste. ThiB ip easily removed when the pan ia to bo used for cooking purposes. ___________ Great Guns Man plant something to at. We have war with Germany and we will need something to eat. 1 win do my! part, if you will do yours. I j will furnish all the Cabbagej Plants and all of the Sweet Potatoe plants that you ran lse. So come in and give your orders and I will get :hem for you. J. B. Mackorell 1 OlvOSSAU W AH UPON I I f GK11MAN SUBMARINES. F (Continued from Page One.) /Vo XM)i milntuin her blockade with any decree of effectiveness. Mr.I. L Acrcc, E at the same pric In their calculations the president easier to handle, ind the shipping board have had the they do old style idvire of allied naval authorities imd olf4 s*y'e hulls an lave computed carefully the ability mb >f German U-boats to cope with I argo numbers of merchantmen. They Wr ire convinced that by building ships >f only 2,000 or 3.500 tons, and orclng Germany to pay with a tor>odo for each one sent to tiie bottom. when wet, mix so . Tt .. . ft.. ? , . that the cows ci lie United States can exhaust the re- clean in the barr 'ourcos of the submarine fleet foi it is easy to mea 'Iterating far from its liases. The w'th the other fe Jerman resources can be still furth- Hull# sell for sev? ... a11.n.1 i... ? ??- - T? " I---' . u.crts. feed the hulls dry, i If the blockade-running campaign ^ loes not actually end the war by do- how mucVt^fUd'fo. itroying German's faith in the U- Buckeye Hulls and copy to nearest null. >oat, to which her reliance was ^ TJli ransferred after hope of decisive vie- limlatf ory on land apparently had been ibnndoned, the administration is conident it at least will thwart the Ger- ????????? nan threat of forc'ng an early peace Sudden changes of >n the allies throurh a atarvallo,. an(, un<1(,r?ear l)rlng ' r with stufTec! up head, si Officials are fully alive to the dan- era, 8ymptonlI lers to this country which tnlttht fol- ,)r New Dig(.?v( ow such a peace, and have been ful- .. , .. .? , ,, . , .. ... . , , liof, this happy combi y advised of the allies need of sup- .. . , ? , , ... ^ , tiseptlc balsams clea )lles. Although the blockade is conlidered far from successful, they BOothc8 the irrltatod m eel that an effective stroke at it and whftt might have bee it the campaign of ruthlessness is co1^ *8 broken UP- Do a ... _ , ment when relief is f aire to have a telling effect and to . . ... . _ , . a. . A .. . , half cured-coid is dam Ornish the best means of translating ^ , x. ....... . Dr. King s New Disco1 luickly into deeds the nations great ... . , ., .... cold is gone.?Adv. )otentialities. OFF Foil PARIS. Wheeevw Yoa Need a ' Geneva (Via Paris), April 12 ? , J~k? " V' .... ,, . , The Old Standard Gr< Frederick C. Penfleld. formerly chin Touic is Jnited States ambassador to Austria. General Tonic because ind Allen W. Dulles, formerly third well known tonic properti ivcrotary of the embMay, have laft M^rU,1 Ku'richca"' or Paris. Builds up the Whole Sya *\ ROBINSON-C "LANCASTER'S LEA Ladies' Full Size Gowns of Long Cloth, broidery, either slip on over the head or 1 sleeves. Ten good styles to select from. E 75c. Special for this sale Children's Cambric Waists, all sizes 8c Lovely Camisoles, in Pink and White ej Kilet Lace, trimmed 85c j P.hilrlron'u (!utnhri/i Ponfo - v^.. .?V?. V??. +J IV A (111 tO) licatlj hemstitched and tucked, all sizes, 2 rj years to 12 years^ 8c Pair j Children's and Misses' Underskirts, ~ with lace and tucks to finish bottom. These garments are less than manufac- n turers price at 45c e: This Sale VT traordinary nity to buy well made c'0l^es' 1 This is i\ ' J Money Savin \\? W\m?unKerie a* )l I ( >ou could pur II q\^ ' \\t*LU*I >BAND . . V materials. LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS I Fine Cambric and Long Cloth and Nainsook Underskirts, with deep o flounces of lace and embroidery. Our S best $1.25 value. Sale price 87c Ladies' Underskirts, splendid wear- s ing Long Cloth and Crepe, with good fi lace or hemstitch finish. Just the skirt fi for service. Sale price 45c Beautiful Gowns of fine lingerie cloth, t with exquisite lace and medallions, slip- t ROBINSON-C ' ~ -ITTT T1" zste by cows 1 1 ? or in handling ^ y tothan, Ala., says that he would use Buckeye Hulls 4 ( '1| * as old style hulls because Buckeye Hulls are Or \ cleaner, and because cows do not waste them as *' * I hulls. He believes that at least a third of the f*. * t wasted by the cows and in handling. ^ THAN MAW tllc^EYF COTTONSEED ' HULLS UNTLCSS i thoroughly and uniformly with the other forage in't nose them aside. Being sacked, they keep ?. Being compact, concentrated, solid roughage, sure them out accurately and mix them properly ed. And yet with all these advantages, Buckeye rral dollars per ton less than old style hull3. results and to develop the ensilage odor, wet the hulle >e hour* before feeding. It is easy to do this by night and morning for the next feeding. If at any tune e, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to use only half as much by bulk as of old style hulls. look of Mixed Feeds Free ula for every combination of feed* uacd in the South. Tells iiuik, im iHiicuuiK, ior won. ucvcnocs give* direction* for using them properly. Send foe your e Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dept. K II hsm Ckntott* Inniod Jaekto* Little Bock hew Mm ?Wm~m'wmmssa=*~t SH=^!Sf temperature Sca'da, OallH, Scratches, Sores, spring colds Hurts, Screw Worms, are throat and ?. A, dose of 3ry is sure re- To make (he best cure for such nation of an- troubles, buy a pint of linseed oil, rs the head, |f yOU prefer a healing oil, or a embranes and pound of hog lard or vaseline if you n a lingering want a salve and add a 50c bottle of n t stop treat- parriH Healing Remedy. It simply Irst felt as a oan't be beat by any salve or linigerous. Take ment made. And see what you get very till your ?a fun pint for not over 60 cents. Farris Healing Ronredy is sold by us on the Money Back Plan.?Adv. QoiHjral Tonk Iiancaster Mercantile Co. D 8 ore's Tasteles: valuable as e it contains the Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System esofQUlNINR The Old Stand >rd general strengthening tonic, ie Liver, Driven orovk b T4.iTBi.888 chill TONIC, driven out the Blood and Malaria,eurlches the blood.and builds up the eyatem. 50 cents. '?? A true tonic. Por adults and children. 90c, LOUD CO.f I DING STORE" neatly trimmed, with lace or embutton down the front, with long Ivery one a nunusual value, worth 39 Cents GOWNS. Dainty Gowns of fine Nainsook, in ither flesh or white, with fine round Tread and organdie insertion, combined r? mul/o omnivo uaI^o run urith wash ibbon. A great value at $1.25. For his sale only 85c Soft Crepe Gowns, in flesh and white, leatly feather stitched, others handmbroideried. Special 83c is an exopportu A V \^^V/ Summer ' 1' nder- N ^, ii timely J \ \\ g Sale of | \ i ) less than chase the "TT \ \\ \ < \ \ i \ 'pi.u?.. a?a. \ ? ver and empire style, worth $2.50. ale nrice. ... $1 SQ m Ladies' Combinations and Teddys of heer Nainsook and Batiste, hemstitch nish. Others with lovely lace, either esh or white 75c and 90c This sale is an extraordinary opporunity to buy Summer Lingerie at less han you could purchase the materials. LOUD CO. '/ H