The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 13, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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IT JH6RT LOCAL NEWS P'f OF GENERAL INTEDESt RECENT HAPPENINGS IN CITY AND COUNTY. Doings of People in Which All Sections of Lancaster County Are Interested. Lancaster cotton buyers were of fering 20 1-2 cents per pound on the local market this morning for the best grade of cotton. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Robinson are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby boy at their home. The young man made his appearance yesterday morning. Rev. H. R. Murchison, pastor of the Lancaster Presbyterian church and R. T. Beaty, an elder of the church, will attend the meeting of Bethel Presbytery at Great Falls next Tuesday. So far as is now known, no business out of the ordinary will be before Presbytery at this session. Colin Murchison. the little 11year-old son of Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Murchison. has been brought home from Columbia, following an operation for appendicitis in a Columbia hospital. Friends of the little boy and his parents will learn with pleasure that the operation was entirely successful. Ulman Wilson, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilson suffered a broken arm Wednesday night about 8 o'clock when he attempted to crank an automobile. The injured hoy was taken to the Lancaster Pharmacy, where the bone was set, and he is now getting along as well as could be expected. J. S. Fischel, who has been connected with the I>ancaster Pharmacy for some month*, has resigned his position, effective May 1 and will leave Tvancaster. He and Mrs. Fischel will visit relatives in Chester for some weeks "before locating. During their stay here Mr. and Mrs. Fis, chel have made many friends and an / these regret their departure. Rev. E. S. Jones of Rock Hill, presiding elder of this district^ will conduct the service at the Lancaster Metliodiat church next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Immediately following the conclusion of the service, Mr. Jonea will conduct the quarterly conference. Methodists of Lancaster are much interested in the con fcrence. The Lancaster News this morning received the following telegram from L. C. McPadden, captain of Company H. 1st South Carolina Infantry, which is located in Rock rtol: "Coanpany H, First South Carolina Infantry, has been ordered under arms. Urge all men to come to Rock Hill and enlist as we need more men. Please give this item all the publicity that you can in your paper." Rev. Hugh R. Marchison of Lancaster, who is a mem beg of the auxiliary committee on tl*> Civic Preparedness movani'-v of South Carolina, has Deen appointed by the Central Committee to deliver two ad' " . dresses in other towns in behalf of the movement. Mr. Murchlson will go to Sumter on \pril 18 to address a meeting there and to Chesterfield on April 20 for a similar address. Wednesday was navy recruiting day in South Carolina and Lancaster 'was expected to furnish 15 recruits to the United States navy but unfortunately no recruiting officer had cached the city and accordingly there was little Interest taken locally in the day. It is expected a recruiting officer will be here within the next few days, since the local postoffice has received information to that effect. Paul O. McCorkle, former congressman from the Fifth Congressional district, spent a few hours in Lancaster Wednesday with friends. Mr. McCorkle says that he never knew before he got into politics that he had so many friends all over tho district. He says that he will never forgot the kindness of the people of the Fifth district and he is convinced that they are the best people in k,, the world, bar none. A number of people are evincing decided interest in the meeting to be held in the court house tomrrow evening at 8:30 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a Red Cross Association in Lancaster. Present indications are that the attendance will be large at the meeting tomorrow night and that the new society wltt start off full of enthusiasm and zeal. A cordial invitation has been extended to the entire public to attend this meeting. J THE Rev. D. W. Kellar, pastor of thelMethodist -church, has perfected I , plans by which from this time on the -I Bible Class of this church will hold its meetings in the Star Theatre every * Sunday morning at 10 o'clock instead of in the church as heretofore. *Mr. Kellar says that he hopes to increase the membership of the class > to at least 100 before July 1 and he believes that his plan for holding the 1 class In the theatre will help to bring about the desired result. ^ Some excitement was created in Lancaster late Tuesday afternoon s when a report was circulated that a man had kidnapped a baby boy. It li turned out that Ernest G. Swicegoot, who has had some domestic difli- i vulties, had attempted to take Ills child away from the mother. He secured the bov and had county Jail when Sheriff Hunter took a hand and forced the man to return ' the child to Mrs. Swlcegoot. The man fh the case has just completed a chaingang sentence, having been con- v victed of housebreaking and larceny. Lancaster people became much ex- t ercised Thursday afternoon over a c report that the Kaiser had been assinated. The report was first re- t celved here over a cotton wire and it ^ was ascertained from the Western Union office that similar reports had been heard on its wires. Lancaster t people were much in hopes that the t' report was true and they did not hesitate to so state. They were dis- 8 appointed this morning when they ^ learned that the report was without foundation. J Pupils of the Lancaster Graded c school are confident that representatives of the local school will win one ^ or more prizes at the Catawba Ath- j letic and Oratorical Association which holds its spring meet in Chester tonight and tomorrow night. Tom ' Funderburk will deliver the declama- h tion for the local school, his subject being, "The Kvils of War." Freddie b Knight will compete in the recitation k contest, Julian Ross will represent Lancaster in the pole vault contest ( {and TheudaR Faile will compete in ^ the high and standing jump contest. Prof. II. G. Bowman of the faculty of the local school will accompany the G istudents to Chester. A telegram received this morning I j: from Congressman W. F. Stevenson advises that all the bids for the construction of Lancaster's new post- w office building were too high and that therefore no contract for the A1 erection of the building was let. The t jtelegram advises that new bids will w be asked. This is a sore disappointment to Lancaster people as most local folk had hoped that the building w would be in course of construction n within the next few weeks. The total appropriation for the Lancaster k building is about $55,000. The bids s were opened by the treasury depart- c, ment in Washington Wednesday. With approximately 20 councils p represented, the first district council, 8 Junior Order United American Me- b chanlcs, met in Lancaster Wednesday night. The district is composed of y Lancaster and Chester counties and j almost every council had one or more q representatives in attendance. The address of welcome was delivered by (j R. S. Stewart of the Lancaster bar a and the response was made by J. P. q Nisbet. The next convention is to be( held at Heath Springs on the second f, Wednesday in July. Before adjourn- p ment the council unanimously adopt- h ed the following resolution: Be it resolved that we the delegates of this j| convention heartily endorse the ac- q tion taken by President Wilson and n atari A rp? H v onH A a nffor /\ur services in whatever department he may call us. I, Acting upon request of Solicitor J. r K. Henry, Sheriff J. P. Hunter has ( forwarded information to the solici- * tor's office relative to Harry Pettitt, alias Harry Dond. alias James ScanIon, alias James Rooney, alias New '' York Harry. It is understood that fl the solicitor will at once take steps r v to secure a requisition for the man and have him brought back to T^an castor to stand trial on the charge of *' having in his possession nltro gly icciinc. dynamite caps and safe blow|ing tools. Lancaster people will re ^ member that Pettitt was' arrested by | Van Wyck citizens on January 8, 1008, and tried in Raleigh, N. C.. on the charge of cracking a safe tn . a postofflce. He was convicted ann < sentenced to serve a term in the . Federal prison at Atlanta, Oa., bur I made his escape. I>ater he was ar- ( rested in Pennsylvania and returned 1 to Georgia. His prison term will ex- , plre on April 27 and when the doors open to give hloi freedom, a I-anras- i ter county officer will be there to ! take the man in charge and bring htm back to this county for trial. ; LANCASTER MEWg :FB~' rn 1 PERSONALS 1 m Elmer Sowell is visiting his sister n Blenheim. J. J. Blackmon returned home yeserday from Chester. J. S. Brown ot Atlanta, Ga., spent esterday in town. Byrd Miller of Columbia spent 'hursday in town. R. D. Izard of Columbia spent Vednesday in town. Mrs. W. H. Millen is visiting her ister in (flfcarlotte, N. C. i Mrs. L. A. Watts has returned to er home in Baden, N. C. L. J. McDonald of Charlotte is in he city today on business. j. a. uogers ot Charlotte spent a: ew hours In the city yesterday. I Herman Greer of Chester spent a ew hours in the city yesterday. j Mrs. W. P. Bennett and Miss Ruth IcDow visited in Rock Hill thi8 . eek. C. B. Gladden of Chester is among he visitors spending today in the ity. W. A. Emerson of Charlotte is in ( he city today, a guest at the Royal otel. J. S. Davies of Chester was among ^ he visitors spending yesterday in he city. T. B. Clarkson of Gaffney has been' pending several days in the city on usiness. Miss Riuth Riddle is attending the unior-8enior reception at Columbia allege. Mrs. Wylie Q. Caskey has returned ome from a visit to her niece in leath Springs. W. B. Carson, who has been teachig at Fork Hill left today for hia ome in Saluda. Mrs. Boswell Plyler, accompanied y her husband, went to John Hopins this week. Mrs. Robert Mackorell and son are he guests of her parents, Mr. and Irs. J. M. Riddle. Mallie Ferguson spent Monday in Ireat Falls on business for A. B. Fer uson & Sons, Tailoring Co. Miss Zudie and Otis Jenkins of 'ageland were the guests of Missca lyrtle and Alline Wallace this eek. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McLure and Irs. Mary H. Barron were visitors at he Pryor hospital in Chester this reek. Mrs. M. J. Perry is expected home )day from Rock Hill infirmary, here she has been undergoing treatlent. I Russell Sparks of Gaffney. a well nown shoe salesman of that place, pent yesterday and today in l*anaster. L. B. McDaniel of the B. F. Collier 'ubllshing Company^ has been pending a few days in the city on UBiaess. Mr. and Mrs. Md McCutcheon, Mrs. Villle Moore, Misses May Moore and ames were the guests of Mrs. W. T. iregory this week. Mrs. F. H. Shirfiey and little aughter, Margaret, of Westminster, re visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. arlstadt Williamson. Mrs. Walter Taylor left this week or Kershaw to visit her brother in [ershaw before returning to her ome in Hickory, N. C. Judge Ira B. Jones, Geo. W. Wil-, &ms, John H. Poag, O. B. Bartlett, I !. D. Jones and Miss Kffie Stogner lotored to Chester Wednesday to stand court. E. E. Cloud of Rock Hill, a prom | lent merchant of that place and a aember of the flftn of Robinson-' loud Company of Lancaster, spent osterday in the city on business. 1 Dr. J, Reece Funderburk. Thur-' )w Gregory and Ben C. Hough will save Lancaster tomorrow evening or Baltimore, Md. They expect to eturn about Wednesday of next 'eek. David Herman, John D. Wylie, I,eonte Mackey, Malley Ferguson, Oeo. \ Poovey, Thurlow Gregory^ Heeco J 'nnderburk and Hen C. Hough at-' anded the Faster dance at Monroe, I. ('., on Tudaday night. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward i for any case of Catarrh that cannot he . :ured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferer* for the past thlrtylve years, and has become known as the moat reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement in your general health. 8tart taking Hall's Qatarrh Medicine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send Cor testimonials, free. F. J. CHENICT * CO.. Toledo. Ohle. Sold by all Druggists. TSc., Jkasw-""" " 0 EDA?. APRIL 13, 1917. rn I SOCIAL NEWS I S \ 0 SOCIAL CALENDAR 0 . FOR WEEK-END * Gladys M. Jones, Social Editor, Phone 44. Friday^ April 20? * Mrs. J. H. Witherspoon, Fri + day Afternoon Book Club, 4 0 0 p. m. * Miss Pearl Miller, at the resl 4* dence of Mrs. L. C. Lazenby, * Sunday school classes. * Saturday, April 21? 0 0 Miss Georgia Derrick, Mission + 0 Band. + U. D. C. MKT LAST THURSDAY AFTEItNOON. The Ann Jackson Chapter of t'le U. D. C. held its monthly mooting at the home of Miss Jennie Lee Sherard on Thursday afternoon. An interesting program on the Battle of Shiloh was carried out ? o? EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE IN INTERESTING MEETING. The Lancaster Equal Suffrage League met on Thursday afternoon at the Chamber of Commerce othces. After the minutes were read, the roll call was answered with "news of interest." MISSIONARY SOCIETY MKT ON TUESDAY. The Methodist Missionary Society held its monthly social meeting at the home of Miss Ethel Cauthen on Tuesday afternoon. A most interesting program on the Kingdom of Korea was carried out in full, and several musical selections were rendered! Hot chocolate and Marguerites were served. ?o? ROOK CIA'II MKT VVKDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Mrs. (loo. VV. Williams charmingly entertained the members of the Chesterfield Avenue Rook Club at hot home on Wednesday afternoon. The patriotism of the hostess was shown by the many American flags, which so effectively decorated the piazza, hall and rooms. After a number of games of rook, delicious ice cream and cake were served. MISS HOOD HOSTESS TO ItKIDGK ("IATI. The Young Girls' Rridgc Club was delightfully entertained by Miss Mary Ilood at her home on Wednesday afternoon. Two tables of players participated in the games, and the prize, a deck of cards, was won by Miss Margaret Moore. A salan course was served. . Misses Katherine Taylor of Hickory, N. C., and Rutn McCardell were the guests besides the club members. ?o? EI* WORTH LEAGUE HAS KEEN REVIVED. The Young People's Missionary Society held a social meeting at the Methodist parsonage on Thursday evening for the purpose of re-organizing their Epworth League. Officers were elected as follows: Hacker Billings^ president; Miss Willie Held, vice president; Miss Guy Skipper, recording secretary; Miss Iva Nisbet, corresponding secretary. Jephei I'aile, treasurer. These meetings will be held on Sunday evenings and are for the purpose of taking care and studying the devotional, social, charitable and missionary life of boys and girls. Hot chocolate, coffee ana sandwiches were served. ESTABIJMH HKADQUARTKKH FOR HOSPITAL UNIT. Through the interest and patriotism of Col. Leroy Springs the front of the Chamber of Commerce office will be turned into surgical supply headquarters for the Lancaster K?d Cross chapter. Mrs. S. L. Allen, who is a registered nurse, has consented to give lessons in elementary hygiene and home care of the sick and dietetics, and Dr. S. L. Allen will give the lessons in first aid. On Saturday evening at 8:30 at the court house. Miss Follin Porter of Columbia, one of the four Hed Cross nurses of ennlk I 1 ?1 1? umuiiuii, nun in*" limy une w no is ready to go to the front, will organize a Lancaster fled Cross Unit, at which bothVmen and women will he given a chahct to help in this great cause. A Ladies Kxchange was also organized with headquarters at the residence of Mrs. H. H. Kester. Mrs. John M. Madia was elected treasurer of the league. After a most interesting program, the league adjourned to next hold a patriotic meeting at the residence of Mrs. R. R. Riddle, vice president, on Thursday., April 26th. CARD OF THANK*. We wish to thank our many friends for their numerous kindnesses and heartfelt sympathy during the Illness and death of our beloved mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. . I JUST | 1 THINK | 9H| 208,320,000 gallons of Cream were sold in the silli United States in 1916. i ; \ More than two gallons to each person. Nearly $3000,000 for Ice Cream. ffijPif Looks extravagant, doesn't it. :tff$ BUT LISTEN. Dr. Harvey Wylie says: gjiiSlS "One pint of sweet milk and 1-2 pint of corn &g| meal per day will keep any child in perfect health, Pjijf ti-ii, growth and enjoyment." Sfe A. pint of our Ice Cream will equal in food value f|||||l "XXT nearly three pints of best sweet milk. We serve this season only the best that we can ||j^; buy and in a way as near Sanitary as possible. "HEALTHY FOR LITTLE FOLKS." We furnish Block Cream, any color, on twenty- mfp fllll four hours notice. I|| TRY OUR PEERLESS CREAM JUST ONE TIME pjj; H Lancaster Pharmacy I Open Every Night Until 10 O'clock. +fh.: ! rf ' !'::f 'i IT: ,# = III iiAnirnM? ?^ 1,1 IIHUMbKY AND UNDERWEAR SPECIALS. 11 Our stuck of Hosiery and Underwear is ! ; very large at this time and by buying these |? goods in advance we are prepared to offer II very attractive prices. \l |l 50 dozen Ladies' White Lisle Hose. Nice smooth hose. | Just the hose that is in great demand at this time. j SPECIAL PRICE 15c and 25c. II 25 dozen Ladies' Black and White True Shape Silk tlose. | j No better hose on the market today. Price, 65c. j j OUR SPECIAL PRICE 50c. j Big lot Children's Plain and Fancy Sox. Many different a Patterns to select from and sizes 4 1-2 to 5 1-2. jj SPECIAL PRICED AT 10c, 15c and 25c. S | 40 dozen Men's Plain Black Hose. Positively cannot be || bought today for less than $1.25 dozen wholesale. !| OUR SPECIAL PRICE 10c PAIR. Big line Men's Silk ar\d Lisle Hose in wide range of 11 colors. ? SPECIAL 25c, 35c and 50c. ji 15 dozen Ladies' Gauze Vests, good full size and taped H! neck. |!S SPECIAL PRICED AT ONLY 8 CENTS. ^ ||| % Big lot Ladies' Lisle and Silk Vests, all sizes to select | ] j I f rmn. Ill j| i SPECIAL PRICED AT 15c, 25c and 50c. Hj Ladies' Out Size Gauze Vests, sizes 40 to 48. Just the I n vest for stout ladies. , \ \; SPECIAL PRICED 10c, 15c and 25c. ;< 1 THE J. T. WYLIE CO. III. y 1 PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE B B COUNTY PLANNING FOR * B B SCHOOL COMMENCEMENTS B n Arc asked to call and see our line of beautiful InH vitations and Programs. S ^^^^^^^^^TH1^ANCA8TE^EW^^B , n-irf - ? ...... ? V*