The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 13, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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=' ? TheLancasterNews (SKMI-WKKKLY.) WATSON BELL, Editor. Publishe' Tuesdays and Fridays ai Lancaster, S. C.. by The Lancaster News Company, successors to The Ledger, established 1852; ThO| Review, established 1878; The Enter-I prise, established 1891, and entered1 li second-class matter Oct. 7, 1905. I the postofflce at Lancaster, S. C.. nder Act of Congress of March 3, 879. suuJHiHirnus run M (In Advance.) One Year 11.50 Six Months 7 5c fiews is not responsible for the vfeV$ of Correspondents. ,? flhort and rational articles on topics of general interest will be glkdly received. Friday, April 13, 1917. "My Country 'Tie of Thea, Sweet Land of Liberty." In all probabilty a spring chicken will this year be worth considerably natari flian its weight in gold. Judging from the way some men do business, old Shylock has come back to earth to stay awhile. Just about this season of the year the mosquito flock, most of them as large as English sparrows, begin the 1 1 ? o W.CI 111 VJIIIIII' J. o General Haig Is accomplishing wonders across the water but the Arm of Haig and Main will not stand very hlgli in South Carolina after April 25. We wish to felicitate the Spartanburg Journal over the addition to fha-t splendid paper of the full Associated Press news. Major Hooker will now issue a real newspaper. ? o ??me people we know are not content with opportunity presenting herI self. They want the old lady to slam them one in the jaw before they are willing to wake up. o- ? Here's hoping that the cost of "Plum Branch" suits won't go up much this year. All present Indications are that our summer wardrobe will consist of merely one seer sucker suit. o We sincerely hope ttiat t/he people of Lancaster will attend the meeting to be held in the court house tomorrow evening, at which time a Hen r'rnfta nrcanlfoHAn uH 11 Ko here. We again wish to remind our country friends that we. will appreciate letters giving in brief the news of the various communities. We are always glad to receive and publish these letters. The United States may have a chance during the present hostilities to see something of the horrors of war, but it will never be brought home to us as It has to the people of the foreign countries. * ??-? We would like to hear Marse Henry Watterson of the Louisville Courier-Journal express his personal 'iijAfiion about the Germans just at t.bia time. lie has said all he can in his newspaper, but some things can't . be printed. o ^ We reckon we are in pretty good shape to go to the war. After readin old Dock Evans' health column in the State we find that we are in I splendid shape except for having tuberculoala, heart diseaset gout, softening of the brain, rheumatism, lumbago, spinal trouble, bunions, bam eye sight and eight or ten other diseases. I ' '"Nii.. 1 OUR COUNT The assistant secretary of th< Corrections, Mr. Albert D. Oliphai tion to Lancaster, had no word of management of our county jail b; press some opinions about the ja paper. There is no use to make excuses ing. Lancaster county needs a ne one. We realize that with the war coincident, there is little probabil now pruirt houMP within the next I be built. The present court house and t 1100 years, approximately. Doesr have outlived their usefulness? v (:o OUR COUNTRY Just whose pen wrote the follov so splendidly represents the viewi we are reproducing it: "We believe in our country?th< believe in her Constitution, her principles for which she stands, past is secure. We believe in her [bilities?yes, more, her wonderful American people, their genius, th< believe in their honesty, their gei believe that nothing can stand in vancement and prosperity. We 1 "times of business depression" ar greater and more pronounced con lieve that in our country are now b the solution of which will be for t (:o OUR RED CI It affords this newspaper gcnui ment to the movement just launcl a Red Cross unit. The movemenl frage League of Lancaster and th due it for the organization, but r public is in sympathy with the It iriirht of ballot, the nublic must be work. Promoters of the plan for org; called a meeting to take place in ing at 8:30 o'clock. This meeting men as well will be heartily welcc the association. The ladies hope lance and if there is not, the peop verely criticized. There should b tomorrow night. The work of the Red Cross Sc comment. Its work for sufferinj in value from a monetary standp* since the United States has been We sincerely hope that the Lanca: largest in membership and the n any similar society in the State. Attend the meeting tomorrow part. (:c PATRIOTIC PR Inestimable benefit should re: launched in South Carolina for p an agricultural standpoint. The fact of the entire South, are slow try will shortly be face to face w plants every available acre in so conditions existing in Europe, b such conditions will come to pas [winter will verv sneedilv Hi.<nhii?f pie in South Carolina can't go hur everything we eat is imported f twelve months will see us confror tion we have ever seen. The que* demand and already it has become far greater than the supply, unle vote every energy to producing s of us are, from necessity, consunv therefore imperative that the pi planting the crop. Dr. VV. S. Cun ell, president of t and Thomas F. McDow of York, mittee in charge to address a me of next week, at which time eve home to the people the gravity is one of absolute importance to Lancaster county. It should appe poor and all alike should wish to 1 We hope that the attendance at r the building where it is held to i people in attendance will heed the We have said before and we n with the hoe is going to be of as nr tion of the present war as the mj / THE LANCASTER NEWS ? If RY'S NEED. I i State Board Qf Charities and nt, on his recent visit of inspec- h p criticism to offer regarding the h y Sheriff ftunter, but he did ex- 8 il building to the editor of this i for the present miserable build- ^ w jail and she will have to have w going on and the demoralization J lity of getting a new jail and a year, but eventually they must b a he present jail have served for 0 1't it seem reasonable that they J *> A 'TIS OF THEE. ? h ring lines we do not know, but it 1 9 of the average American that s United States of America. We s laws, her institutions, and the v We believe in her future?the i vast resources, her great possi1 certainties. We believe in the ti eir brain, and their brawn. We lerosity and dependability. We the way of their commercial ad- i relieve that what are termed t e but periods of preparation for * lmercial successes. And we be- h ieing worked out great problems, v he benefit of all mankind." c :) *OSS UNIT. f \ ine pleasure to lend its endorse- , hed here for the organization of ri b was started by the Equal Suf- u .! e League should have the credit T egardltess of whether or not the idies in their efforts to gain the in sympathy with the Red Cross v J* inizing an association here have the court house tomorrow even- ' : is not confined to the ladies but f imed and will be expected to join : that there will be a large attends le of Lancaster deserve to be so- , e several hundred people present: >ciety is too well known to need ? humanity cannot be estimated oint and the work that it will do plunged into war will be tripled, ster Red Cross Society will be the lost valuable in achievements of night and prepare to do your >:)? EPAREDNESS. suit from the campaign just reparedness?preparedness from people of South Carolina, and in to grasp the fact that this eounrith starvation unless every man mething to eat. We have seen f ut we are loath to believe that t is in South Carolina. The next ? i our minds of the idea that peo- 1 lgry. At present a great part of * rom other States and the next , ited with the most critical situation is merely one of supply and i evident that the demand will be ?ss the people of this section de- ! omething to eat. A great many ers instead of producers and it is i, roducers bear us in mind when ;i II he University of South Carolina, have been assigned by the com- j feting in Lancaster on Thursday;, fry effort will be made to bring of the situation. This meeting every man, woman and child in ;al to the rich man as well as the ' lear of the program mapped out. lext Thursday's meeting will tax ts utmost capacity and that the j advice of the speakers. iow repeat, the man in the field mch importance during the duraan in the trenches with the gun. ? FRIDAY, APRIL 13,1917. t r~ r | What Others Say B An Exception. As we go to press, Klngville so far las not reported a German raider , roceeding up the Congaree. But j [ingviile is an exception.?Columbia { tate. , ^ * i The Paper Was There. ] It was our good pleasure to see "he Lancaster News yesterday at llacksburg for a few minutes. He as looking real well.?Spartanburg ournal. j John Hart's Dinners. 4 Some time when you get blue and | egln to think that there is really scarcity of food in this country, run ] ver to York and take dinner with ] ohn Hart.?Spartanburg Journal. 1 The Difference. "The difference between the idamson Law and the American peo- ' le," says the Boston Transcript, "is ne of them is upheld and the other lelp up."?Orangeburg Times and >emocrat. * The Motor Car Industry. The automobile show to be held Id ipartanburg this week will impress he public with the great developnent of this industry in the city, 'he motor car having come to stay ong ago. is today a necessity and a reat factor in the commercial life of he country.?Spartanburg Herald. Preferable to Gaffney. Watson Bell, formerly editor of < 'he York News, left York and went o the "City of Success" because it as so lonesome in York. We don't lame him for that. Don't know how e stood it as long as he did. What t .re blame him for is his doing worse ) han ever?going to Lancaster.? 'herokee News. * Democracy Gaining. King George is a democrat already or the reason, if for no other, that >e has to be; and now that King 'i-tor Emmanuel has also congratunted the President on his great adIress In the cause of democracy, it ceins fair to assume that the 11a 1 an monarch is also a liberal m'nded Potentate.?News and Courier. In tlie l.lme Light. "Self praise is a poor press agent vhen it comes to making people be!eve it," says the Jacksonville TimesTnion. IIjs that paper never heard Pooseve1t> or Tillman, or Blease? The most unmitigated egotists are ?ften most successful in politics. They advertise themselves and the people ake them at their own valuation? it least, for a time. -Greenville Piednont. A Hint to Germans. If any man of German descent is it all doubtful about the opinions hat he. in the present emergency, should hold, let him acquaint himself with the works of the most brillant and distinguished GermanAmerican that ever lived in South Carolina, Francis Lleber, and not .train will he think toleration of a Fatherland ruled, not by its children, but by a man setting up in the twen-1 tieth century the preposterous claim 3f "divine right."?Columbia State. Good-Bye John Barley Corn. Out in Illinois a man crazed on whiskey, threw his wife and two ear-old child on a hot stove, slashed lis son with a knife and choked his 'Ider daughter. It is alleged he 'orced his wife and daughter to take' n washing to get money for him to juy whiskey with. We can't say that luch a cruel thing as this has hap- 1 jened in this section, but we do know i lot of people who have gone hungry md ragged on account of this stuff.1 lust such as this Is what has caused 3ld booze to fall so fast in recent rears.?Cherokee News. Our War Month. We think of April as a month of ihowers but. for this country. It has been signalized by Its entrance into rarlous wars. That is a curious fact. Six wars in which this coun iry engaged began In April, as foVlow?: The War of the Revolution \>?rm In April, 177B. The Black Hawk War began In \prll, 1831. The War with Mexico began In \prll, 1848. The War Between the States be<an In^Aprll, 1861. The War with Spain began In \prll, 1898. The War with Oermany begins In \ prll. 1917. The only other really Important ( Aar In which this country engaged, hat of 1812 with England, began in lune of that year.?Greenville Piednont. i s Our Scrap Basket i|j_ British Isles. ' Great Britain is an island in which ire located the countries of England ht Scotland and Wales. Ireland Is an 5C Island by Itself. These two large stands together, with the numerous ea small islands adjacent, constitute the le British Isles. , fli Look for the Best. er When a young man gets into a new place he meets the bad companions tt First. They float around on top, as it scum usually does. Good company cj is not so easy to get into. It has to be sought. The wise young man tc knows the channels through which a, tie can come in contact with respectable people. ??- hi A Wish for Each Day This Week. " Sunday?That the Sunday dinner won^t burn. p, Monday?That the spring fashions will be pretty. Tuesday?That this will not be a rnlnv ImrkworH nnrlnr Wednesday?That none of us may catch cold. Thursday?That we may have lots of early flowers. lt Friday?That spring may not bring tl 111 luck. b( Saturday?That everybody may take on new life. q ??? ci Did You Know That? b< Hawaii exports 2,000,000 cases of canned pineapples yearly? France In 1916 exported to the United States goods valued at $110,- '* 204,951 ,r The factory output of sausage in the United States is worth $60,000.- a 000 annually. 01 The Standard Oil Company has 81 $14|y<>0.000 invested in Roumanian ei oil properties. Madison, Wis., has 120 manufac- p' taring concerns which turn out $1,- " 250,000 worth of goods annually? Vani'ln, the flavor that makes va- (' nilla ice cream so popular, has been found in the leaves nnd roots of a c< iiuml er of plants? . h (t Non-Advcrtlslng Failures. Startling figures relating to failures in business and non-advertisers v were given to the Cincinnati Ad 11 Club recently by Jesse M. Josephs. ju of the Josephs Advertising Agency, i In his address on "What Should a ' Retail Store Spend for Advertising?'^' Mr. Josephs said among other things: iv "Figures I obtained from a financial I >< agency show that out of all the failures in one city during the year. 8b n per cent of the firms had not speni a a dollar on advertising. 14 per cent " spent about fifty dollars a year a L piece; not one had really advertised. Judicious advertising is founded on facts, figures and nrsearch. I want to warn you not to stand still in advertising If you don't advance every year your business is slated for the ti grave." n b Uncle Sam's Uniforms. ^ An act of congress, approved March 1, 1911, entitled "An act to o proteot the dignity and honor of the tl uniform of the United States," provides "that hereafter no proprietor, d manager or employe of a theatre or s other public place of entertainment tl or amusement in the District of Columbia or in any territory, the dis- tl trlct of Alaska or insular possessions v of the United States shall make or w cause to be made any discrimination against any person lawfully wear- u ing the uniform of the army, navy, revenue cutter service or marine J corps of the United States because of n that uniform, and any person making h or causing to be made such discrimination shall be guilty of a miade- g meanor, punishable by a fine not ex- a ceeding $500. n b Mucilage. ^ Mucilage is an adhesive substanco nreDared from the exudation* of v?- h rious trees and plants from linseed,'n marshmallow roots, onions, etc., by! the addition generally of an alkali h Holution. The ?amo result ean he oh- c talned hy long boiling water. b A aervleeable mucilage can easily be made from onion Juice. After fl a short boiling, a good sized Spanish e onion will readily yield on pressure! a large quantity of very adhesive s fluid. This product is used extend- a slvely in various trades for pasting q raper on tin or even glass, its tena-1 n city being surprisingly great and equaling the result of many of the n more costly patent cements. Some o of the cements sold by street fakirs t at 10 cents a bottle consist of noth- r ing but onion Juice and water?the bottle and cork cost a great deal d more than the contents.?-Grocer's d Encyclopedia. II iH Here and There; 3l ^ DID YOU KNOW THAT? ' WM A barge built for the harvesting tip on the Pacific coast gathers up 10 tons of sea weed on a trip? Land covers 29 per cent of the irth's area and 14 per cent of it is ss than 500 feet above sea level? Punch bowls of molded ice, with iwers frozen therein, are being irned out by some ice manufacturs? In Mexico there grows a tree called te "tree of little hands," because 's leaves look like the hands of a ?i!d? In Russia there are enough people ? populate Great Britain, Germany nd Prance, with a considerable umber left over? That a new heading device for sweating wheat is designed so that can be attached directly to the ont of the tractor? Swedish milkmaids are being dls laced by men who are taking up ork that was formerly regarded Ml urely for women? In a new form of electric fan vercal blades draw In the air from beeath and distribute it equally in all orizontical directions? Spain is studying its large deposs of peat, with a view to utilizing le material for the production of oth gas and electricity? Two inventors living in Portland, re., have patented an egg-shipping -ate so arranged that should an egg e broken, it will not soil the others? A German hospital uses a seriei of drrors to reflect beams of Mght free om shadows on an operating table cm an arc lamp outside the operat?g room? Fully nine-tenths of the magazine rticles on how to choose a husband r how to manage one are written by pinsters, according to one magazine litor? The Siamese have a deep-rooted suerstition about odd numbers, and in he building of their houses they rive to have an even number of winows and doors? " If a regiment of 1,000 men, with juipment of 60,000 pounds, marche? 0 miles^ it does as much work as '.borers raising a weight of 200,00 tons a distance of one foot To replace the familiar steam rol>r a gasoline machine has been de- S eloped which, in addition to econolizing on fuel, gives its driver an nobstructed view of his work? The^first successful example of the tographic art was produced' 120 ears ago by Aloys Senefelder, a Ba- ? arian, who produced a piece of mus printed by his process? Bucharest, the capital of Roulania has a nnnnlntlnn r>f inn OOO ml is said to be the gayest city in lie world. The Roumanians are a ,atin race and Bucharest is a deberate imitation of Paris? % SENSE AND NONSENSE. If you draw too much on the f'lare you may find your new leaf r u larked up before you turn It. When it rains pitchforks it may e just to help the farmer with hts ay. In life's harmony, woman insists n playing first fiddle or bursting up He orchestra. The smile that won't come oft' oesn't amount to much. It's the mile that you pass around that gets 4 lie candy these days. If you are honest in your convlclons, and have the backbone to stay 'ith them, your strongest friends ill sometimes be erstwhile enemies. A grass widow shouldn't effect eeds. When a man's faith in anything is udgment for picking a good investlent. When things turn out badly, e Hays he Just took a chance. Probably a large majority of men et more satisfaction out of winning bluff than on a full hand. By a new system of dieting food is leaaured by the cubic inch?probaly to make the patient believe he is ottlng a square meal. When a girl asks a man to teach er how to swim he might as well lake up his mind to support her. When a man gets to considering ow he wasted language during his ourtship days he makes up his mind o conserve words around the house. A man will tell how some woman irted with him Just as If ho wasn't qually guilty. If a Dinn can't propose to his weetheart without getting nervous >A. nd excited, he Isn't well enough aeuainted with her yet to think or larryinlg her. Woman smiles and says nothing as lan expatiates upon the superiority f the male over the fomale?that's he way the woman proves her supelorlty. . A Chicago man got put in jail 30 ays for kissing a girl. Why such llscrUnlnation? Many of us get a ife terra for the same offense. i