The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 10, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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SHOW LOCAL NEWS ' ? OF GENERAL INTEREST RECENT HAPPENINGS IN * CITY AND COUNTY. Doings of People in Which All Sections of Lancaster Couni ty Are Interested. The Lancaster County ^Equalization Board met in Lancaster yesterday to W .. ? I * ,i" 11 nuoavi luuiiud uuniuenn. l.lllie OUT of the ordinary came up for attention t at yesterday's meeting. r Miss Rosle Todd of Lancaster left 1 Saturday for Concord, N. C., where * she has accepted the position of head milliner for the Parks-Belk Com- 1 p&ny. Miss Todd has a host of ( friends in Lancaster. 1 t Paul Moore, clerk of court for Lan- ? caster county, left yesterday for Co- r lumbia where he will today attend t a meeting of the York Rite. This is r one of the most important Masonic f meetings of the year. Lancaster churches were filled with f attentive audiences Sunday morn- j ing for the Easter service, notwithv standing the very unpleasant weather. In most of the churches special services were held and the congre- 8 tions enjoyed the morning. c g Magistrate John L. Caskey yester- ^ day turned over to the county treasurer the sum of $113.20. this beihg a the receipts from fines and costs lm- ti posed by the magistrate during the a last quarter. This is a smaller sum i, than is usually handled by the mag- ti istrate during a quarter. q Last Sunday morning was one of the most decidedly unpleasant Eas- r' ter Sundays that Lancaster people ? ever saw. By 10 o'clock a thunder j" t< storm arrived and throughout the I morning the rain fell in sheets. La- J tar in the day the rain ceased but all j~ day Sunday was a dark and gloomy I day from^ a climatic standpoint. I_ Bids will be opened in the office of j M the Treasury Department at "Wash- y .ington tomorrow for the erection of Lancaster's handsome Federal build- F ing- The building is to cost approximately $55,000 and will be one of n the nicest postofflce buildings In the State. It 1s presumed that work on Its construction will be begun im- 11 mediately \ after the contract is awarded. fi Adam M. Ganson of New York has been spending a few days in the B' city. Mr. Ganson has built up a splendid reputation as a contractor, s] He erected the Pennsylvania Union Station in New York City and the ( j Flatiron building in New York, two of the biggest structures in the world. Mr. Ganson has a number of J friends here and was cordially welcomed to Lancaster. s] J. L. Driscoll, manager of the ,, I-ancaster Department Store, left this morning for New York and other |? Fastern markets where he will buy' rwl^ ! * I ? 1 -? ' - ' * aMiuiuuuai iii?*rcii;iiiaise lor tne " . uier trade at hia establishment. Mr. P Driscoll says that the business done by his store this spring has been y pleasing in every respect. He says tj that his summer line will be complete to the last detail. N At a meeting of the Confederate * ' veterans of Lancaster county, held Saturday, it was ascertained that flf- a teen members of Dixie Camp No. fi 1172, U. C. V., will attend the State Re-unlon to be held in Chester on April 26 and 27. Miss Onie Belle ^ Duren Is >sponser for the local camp and the following ladies have been effected maids of honor: Miss Dora Porter, Miss Marie Caskey and Miss ci Craig. M John T. Stevens of Kershaw, J. C. Cook of Iauicaster and T. Y. Williams of lancaster have been named by Governor Manning as three of the i( 100 delegates from this State to at- aI< tend the fifth annual meeting of the United States Good Roads Assocla-jai tion, which meeting will be held in|di ltirmlnghain, Ala., April 19-21. Ill Is probable that one of the three delegates from this section will at- , -tend 10 Superintendent Wessinger of the h( I>ancaster public schools is planning Q x to put* in operation a form of physical inspection for the local schools. ^ The children will be supplied with ^ cards and the parents will be asked to fill out these cards, the records to show what contagious diseases each cr< child may have had. It la believed M the new system will be of real benefit in preventing the spread of dls- h, eases In the schools. d . TH Lancaster cotton buyers were, offering 20 1-4 cents per pound this norning for cotton. Very little wan )clng offered here today. Governor Manning has written a etter to Sheriff John P. Hunter of Lancaster directing his attention to he fact that all county officials ihould be on the alert for labor igents. German spies, etc. In reply o the letter, Sheriff Hunter wrote he Governor yesterday that he would >verlook no precaution and that any abor agont or representative of a oreign government will receive a varm reception should he land in /ancaster. On next Saturday evening at 8:30 here will be in the court house a nass meeting of men and women of Lancaster county called for the purpose of organizing a Red Cross ^hapter for Lancaster. Miss Folln "orter of Columbia, registered Red 'ross nurse, will be present to direct he organization of this local chap-, er. All patriotic men and women re urged to attend. Your country leeds you. Join the Red Cross and lelp towards the conservation of hunan life, and the alleviation of sufering. Chief Orr of the Lancaster police orce was engaged yesterday in soiclting subscriptions to a fund with rhich to purchase a large United Itates flag for the top of the city tandpipe. The chief raised a sufllient amount and last night a teleram was sent ordering a flag 8 feet y 15 feet. In addition to the flag. spotlight will be turned on the auk every night and the plans now re to put three large red, wlilte and lue electric lights on the top of the ink. The last undertaking will reuire about $10 and Chief Orr says hat he will be glad if patriotic citlens will contribute to this fund. The ity is oertainly doing its part in delonstratlng that I^ancaster is inansely patriotic. II1 PERSONALS 1 li | G. M. Plyler went to Rock Hill ?sterday. Malley Ferguson has gone to Great alls on business. Arthur Culp of Columbia is vising relatives here. J. Roy Cunningham wan a visitor i Rock Hill tlais week. Cantzon Moore has returned home -om Edgerooor. Miss Maude Moore of Kershaw pent the week-end at home. H. E. Vincent of Charlotte is pending a few days in the city. M. F. Reid of Laurens was in the Ity yesterday for a few hours. C. C. Cleveland of Rock Hill spent psterday in Lancaster oij business. O. D. Curry of Charlotte has been pending several days in Lancaster. H. J. Gregory of Darlington spent laster with his uncle, W. T. Gregry. Frank Cunningham returned ome today after a visit to Great alls. E. M. Stanton spent Sunday in ork county with friends and relavea. Mrs. Walter G Taylor of Rhodhlss, . C.. is the guest of Mrs. L. P. lyburn. G. Q. Watson of Rock Hill spent few hours in the city Sunday with 'lends. Mrs. A. B. Glasscock returned ome Sunday from the Rock Hill Inrmary. Joe Holman of Richmond, Va., is pending several days in Lancaster i business. T. W. Andrews of Charlotte spent [onday in the city, a guest at the oyal hotel. Miss Louise Ludwlck of Winthrop OIODO crmn? ?V. r. ... I. V. ??l ft ivDu opvtiv HIV/ n wri'CUU Willi iTlISn janita Sowell. J. A. Piper of Greenville was roong the visitors spending yesterly In the city. E. Jordan,, a well known cotton *aler of Charlotte, N. C., Is spending day in the c'.ty. Mrs. A. J. Roddey has returned >me after a visit to her son at reat Falls. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thomson and jnily spent Piaster with her parents Darlington. Miss Edith HofTman of Wlnthrop liege was the week-end guest of rs. Julius Ahrens. Mrs. Ia>la Crawford has returned wne from a visit to her sister in larlotte, N. C. E LANCASTER NEWSTUE ' * W. B, Cauthen, Jr., of Columbia, spent Easter at home. j Dr. W. W. Fennell of Rock Hill was a visitor here on Saturday. Dr. R. L. Robinson of Due West College spent Easter he're with relatives. Miss Janie Green of Savannah, Ga., is visiting her brother, John T. Green. A. J. Gregory Bpent Sunday with his wife, who is visiting in Winston- j Salem. N. C. Rev. H. R. Murchison after spending Sunday at home returned to Co- j lumbla yesterday. Taylor Mobley of Heath Springs spent the week-end with his grandfather, S. D. Taylor. Miss Nell Patterson of Charlotte, N. C., Is the guest of her brother. Rev. W. 8. Patterson. Miss Von Allen Glasscock has returned home after a visit to her grandmother In Rook Hill. ? '* ' ' ' Mrs. Julius Ahrens and daughters, Louise and Caroline, left-Saturday for Charleston. Hon. J. Harry Foster of Rock Hill spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. C. R. Foster. Mrs. J. C. Montgomery and children of Charlotte, N. C., are visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. D. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Snipes return-. ed home from Columbia Saturday,! where they spent their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith of Columbia are visiting Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gregory. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Patrick and son have returned home after a visit to the former's parents in Rock Hill. Miss Kate Reid, who has been ' teaching near Bethune, has returned home, her school having closed. I Miss Ola Blackmon of the Pleasant Plains section is spending several days with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Casjkey. Misses Nell and Sadie Blackwood and Ruhie Stroup of Charlotte, N. j C\, are the guests of Mrs. E. B. Huggins. Mrs. Anson Lindsay and little son, Anson, Jr., are visiting Mrs. Annie Crawford Lindsay and Mrs. Charles King. J Miss Pauline Marion of Winthrop college spent the week-end with her grandparents, Judge and Mrs. Ira B. Jones. W W. Boykin of Charlotte, N. C., spent the week-end with his family at the residence of Judge Ira B. Jones. i Malcolm Williamson of The Presbyterian College of South Carolina, I at Clinton, was at home for the weekend. , i Miss Myra Cornwall, with her grandmother, Mrs. Jim Cauthen. has returned home from a visit to Heath Springs. J. N. Caskey left last night for | Rock Hill to visit his sisters, Misses | Annie and Carrie Caskey, at the Rook I Hill Infirmary. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Manship of Hartsville have been spending several days in the city, the ghesfs of Mrs. M. S. Witherspoon. Mrs. Samson Paul and little daughter of Beaufort are expected to arrive in the city this evening for a visit to Mrs. Paul's father, Paul Moore. Mrs.t A. P. Mcl.?ure. Miss Helen . Mackey, Mrs. R. P. Horton, Miss EIfreida Poag and A. B. Glasscock were visitors at the Rock Hill Infirmary i on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Poag, Miss Sudie Neely and Tom Beaty motored to Rock Hill today to attend the Russian Symphony Orchestra at Winthrop oollege'tonight. ; * * + NMW YORK STRUCK MINE. The American Hleanior New York thin morning struck h mine somewhere between New + York and Kngland and wax + badly damaged, according to re ports received in l^ancaster this afternoon at 1 o'clock. It is said + + that there was no loss of life on i + the steamer and that it did not + wink. |' How's 'Sis ? ! We offer One Hundnjl pollers Reward for any cannot be ffve yeani? ^<f PjaJWm the I moat rellabljYffr ehhtqfrail'a S Catarrh Medkaft)^to|pMfeii s^n from the^N^S^Q0E(Hf>nTk^yp flraAfter you haw tAhteflalfi Catarrh Medicine for wMflort tWoia-of will ee* a inrat lmprofSK*E51C-*<#r general health. Start nMrl awfcftarrh Medlelno at once and nt lAarcatarrh. Send ] for teetlmonlala. fees 1. r. J. CHENEY 4c JO., Toledo. Ohio. Bold by all DruerF? is. 7V. , - HMp| | :SDAY, A?RM,19n | M |[ IB 1 SOCIAL NEWS \ | SOCIAL CALENDAR FOR WEEK-END : Gladys M. Jones, Social Editor, Phone 44. Wednesday, April 11? Miss Mary Hood. Young Glrl'8 Bridge Club. . Thursday, April 12? Lancaster Equal Suffrage League, Chamber of Commerce offices. 4 p. in. + Ann Jackson Chapter U. D. D. C. MR. CREIGHTON IS TO BE MARRIED. Invitations have been received here to the marriage of Miss Hortense L&wson to Mr. James Boyd Crelghton, at Trinity Methodist " church. Darlington, April 18th. Mr. Creig^ton is of Rock Hill and a Urother of Miss Martha Crelghton. MISS WITHERS PCM >N WAS THE CHARMING HOSTESS. Miss Annie E. WltherBpoon entertained Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Paul Pratt of Hackensack, N. J. The invited guests were: Mrs. Paul Pratt, Mrs. R. E. Wylle, Mrs. Ernest Moore. Mrs. H. R. Murchison and Mrs. A. B. Ldndsay. EASTER EGG HUNT SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Miss Nannie Hill Moore gave an Easter egg hunt to the members of her Sunday school class at tier homo on Saturday afternoon. A jolly search was enjoyed by each of them, and especially as to which should find the lucky egg. Miss Rutn Mackey with a careless look into ag old tin can and a cry of ecstacy neetled not to explain just which egg she had found, and was given a basket of lovely eggs as her reward. MRS. CUNNINGHAM WAS THE HOSTESS. Mrs. M. C. Cunningham gave a lovely party in honor of Misses Louise Ludwick, Obera Walker and Izma * Gault of Winthrop college, the house < guests of her sister. Miss Juanita < Sowell, at her home on Saturday cf- , ternoon. Several games of progressive rook at the five tables proved fcliss Juanita Neely the winner of the prize, a box of stationery. 'A delicious salad course, mints, and ices were served. In which the green and white color scheme was cleverly portrayed, also in the house decorations of pot'plants and hyacinths. Easter biddies were the cunning favors of the afternoon. MISS HOY KIN GAVE . AN RASTER PARTY. Miss Elizabeth Boykin of Charlotte, N. C., entertained about fourteen friends at an Easter party at the home of her grandparents. Judge and Mrs. Ira H. Jones on Saturday afternoon. The lawn afforded a spacious playground, where varied games were played, including a peanut race, in which Miss Elizabeth Laney was winner of first prize, a basket of Easter eggs, and Miss Lena Jones a booby, a nest of little eggs and - chickens. Yellow and white was the attractive color scheme carried out n decorations, Easter favors and refreshments, consisting of ices and cake. ?o? THE COTILIjIOX CLUB HAD EAHTKR DANCE. The Ij&ncaster Cotillion Club gave their Eaater dance at the Mackey Opera House last Friday evening. In honor of our nation and the present crisis, a military aspect pervaded the hall, Including both decorations and music, which was furnished by Schumacher's Orchestra of Columbia. The grand march was led with both grace and skill by Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Jones, Jr., and was followed by a card dance. The out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Paul Pratt of Hackensack, N, J., Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith of Columbia. Misses Florida Langston of Darlington, Virginia Taylor and Jean Lindsay of Camden, Elizabeth Hudson of Charlotte, N\ i C., iMary Ix>cka Barron of Due West 4 college, Unth Dlllard of Spartanburg, 4 Izma Gault, I.oulso Ludwick and Juanita Sowell of Wlnthrop college nnd Katherlne Taylor of Hickory, N< * C.; Messrs, Murphy of Charleston, 1 Jack Watkins, Vernon McDow, ClyIurn Taylor and. Nettles Mnrisay of Camden, "Hub" Dangston and H. J. rcregory of Darlington. Fred Starr of \ugusta, Qa., David Herman ot nanrmrryr^iini "IH4I" Eaeley, Kennedy plakeney of Kershaw. Heady To CJo. It is understood that Watson Bell has offered his services to the United 3tatee. He says he he prefers war to matrimony.?Tugaloo Tribune. # ' - . * I I I.. I.., II 1. . , r 5 | \.5-1 j(j^ I ^ 208,320,000 gallons of Cream were sold in the t~-h United States in 19L6. fllpf i -i- -i" _ _ _ ?W.-. ||3g|| More than two gallons to each person. Nearly $3000,000 for Ice Cream. Looks extravagant, doesn't it. ; l|f| "One phrt^jfcPtfet xftifl^-'Vnd ktfc pint of corn IB!! js|||| meal per day will nQgp any d^jfcMti&perfect health, f|lli| |||| growth and enjoyment:** 'fluff M&M A pint of our Ice Cream will equal in food value fpjps nearly three pints of best sweet milk. We serve this season only the best that we can 7iP] buy and in a wayag^5eaF Bniiitary^s possible. "HE ALTH Y JpLKS." We furnish BlocfoBfeam, anv^ldjr. on twenty- |||PfS four hours notice. * TRY OUR PEERLESS CREAM JUST ONE TIME 'ttl - ^AWCtnTi LancastewtfMymacy Open Every Niijht Until TO O'clock. ^ rt, '" ~ \ ; 5 ijl ' t * n A ntiT/i /v?* ? - | KUblNSUN - CLOUD CO. | | LANCASTER'S LEADING STORE. 't* 7 & Lancaster's greatest sale of Suits and Coats will ? & begin here Wednesday morning. We will offer & ? every garment at less than invoice price. We wish ? to close out these to make ready for lingerie and y wash dresses. ?|? ? All of the most^appiiHvyed spring colors and J? ? styles are % ? Kverv Suit aSj 4 C/^QHVy hj$/d in this sale. Fine Poiret Twill and Gahamfne Suits, $25.00 ? and $27.50, sale price $17.50 <? V T y Beautiful Tailored Suits, in the most desired y y colors and fabrics, $22.50 values, special 9 sale pricftr,. ^T^k, $14.75 |> ? T " UTF7T * jL All Wool Sorgefeffits?flF?tMie popular colors, | $12.50 values^i^WK . ^ . $7.75 ? f - ~?i 4 * AN OPPORTUNITY YOU CANNOT AFFORD V ? TO OVERLOOK. ^ Fine Velour Coats, tailored by expert design- J V ers in the best colors, $25.00 Coats reduced Y ? to $16.98 ? ? Women's Fine Wool Poplin and Gabardine X ? Coats, cut very full, showing large pockets, X ? 48 to 50 inches long, worth $18.50, sale X price $12.50 X A Women's three-quarter length Coats of the A S best noiWtal nprl ^7Tr4+*njpi?hip worth $10.00, | s!""1' $5-75 % i A few three-ouarfcir i . . - uiTfy" <lim stMICl 4& J4 colors. Kxro\>\umtki^v^\U2^J^V^- $3.50 Each ?L r Tliis is the final reduction inr-hpts and Coats, ? t and evefy one should avail themselves of this ^ J ^reat opportunity. JL I PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE I COUNTY PLANNING FOB S I Lj- SCHOOL COMMENCEMENTS E I Are asked to'4^ftee^cmr line of beautiful In- ffi I vitations a I * TOWatsrbisTER NEWS. S SMHHHKHnnHnHnnnMBCHMHflHIH