4> > TheLancasterNews . (SEMl-WKEKLV.) WATt'ON BELL Editor. IPubllshe* Tuesdays and Fridays stt Lancaster, S. C., by The Lancaster INewa Company, successors to TThe Ledger, established 1852; The Review, established 1878; The Enterprise, established 1891, and entered second-class matter Oct. 7, 1905. t the postofllce at Lancaster, 8. C., nder Aot of Congress of March 3, 879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: (In Advance.) One Year 11.60 I Six Months 76c -?= - ? : The News is not responsible for the 'views of Correspondents. Short and rational articles on topics of general interest will be *ledly received. Tuesday, April 10, 1917. ""My Country 'T's of The?. Sweot Land of Liberty.'' Those of us who took 'em off too - arly have a delightful cold to remind us of the fact. A statesman is a man who is the 'leader of the party you belong to. ) Traders of the other party are cheap j politicians. Winter appears to be a shameless | *i*td when she kissed the cow. Njiil'.. . : _ THE LANCASTER NEWS THE FOLLY OF IT. People of Lancaster are again impressed with the fact that it does not pay for an automobile to take chances with a train. For the last several years the railroads have been appropriating thousands of dollars annually in an effort to avoid accidents at grade crossings and it appears that they have accomplished but little. The accident of last Sunday, in which Lancaster people suffered serious hurts, should serve to bring home to us all the folly of people in automobiles taking chances with trains at crossings. ^ _ 1 1 il i. ll i:^ ^ ...ill we Sincerely nope luai tne time may conic wiibu uui peopie win learn to take more precautions and to use more care, but it seems that that day must be a long way off. (:o:> OBEY THE LAW AND? It appears to us that the foreign born citizen now making his home in the United States, or for that matter, those of our owrt f citizens feeling a sympathy for Germany, will do well to take cognizance of the advice given by Attorney General Gregory. The Attorney General advises the aliens that they are in no danger in this country if, "you obey the law and keep your mouth shut." It may be that some people will not exactly approve of the Attorney General's words, but nevertheless it sums up the situation better than any other words would. If a man be a loyal American citizen, he will not be willing to utter treasonous remarks about this country and this government and if he does utter them he should expect to be punished and in nine cases out of ten he will be punished. (:o:) AS TO LABOR AGENTS I I We are glad to note by the daily press that Governor Manning has offered a reward for the arrest and conviction of men who are soliciting labor in this State in an effort to entice the farm hands to other States and into other work. The situation as regards labor in South Carolina has become critical and it has grown more so within the last week, following the declaration of war. Many of the young men will certainly have to leave the farms and enter the service of their country and if we sit supinely by and permit Northern labor agents to take our negroes, it will mean utter ruin to many farmers. The average farmer does not need to be induced by an offer of reward to catch these scoundrels who are soliciting our labor, but possibly the reward will appeal .to som^ of the mercenary of the State and result in so many of them being jailed that the remainder will leave this section and leave it for good. We certainly hope so. (;o:) THE FLAGS ARE HERE. Thfe average citizen of Lancaster cannot keep from feeiing his pulse stir as he walks up Main street these days. From every sTore the red, white and blue flies and the patriotism manifested by the city in decorating the street signs with American flags has certainly not passed unnnoticed. An American citizen with a soul so dead that he can pass an American flag without emotion is almost an undesirable citizen and should be treated as such. In this connection we are reminded of the fact that there is a law, or that such a law formerly existed, demanding that every public school in the State display a South Carolina flag from the flagpole of the principal school building. There is no such flag in Lancaster and we do not recall just at present that we ever saw a State Hag above a school building, but that does not alter the law. We venture the assertion that many Lancaster school children never saw a South Carolina flag and would fail to recognize it if they did. Now would be a good time to have a South Carolina ~ * V. ? ? ? ?1 U . . I I ,1 : ~ ~ 1 A llrtlj /~? I ?? _U 1J I i.1 ii?g piatcu on mu ntnuui uuuumg, out v^iu uiury snouiu ue mere as well. (:o:) PRODUCER AND CONSUMER. Elsewhere in this issue of The Lancaster News appears an interview given out ir Columbia by Richard H. Edmonds, editor of the Manufacturers Record of Baltimore, in which the Baltimore editor tells the people of the South that the South in particular and the whole country in general is face to face with starvation if the planters of this country fail this year to produce food crops. Mr. Edmonds cites facts and figures and probably he is in better I position to compile accurate data on this subject than any other man in the country. No man can read the interview without being impressed. i\lr. Edmonds makes plain the fact that the situation is very serious and he begs the farmers of South Carolina to pay little attention this year to cotton, but instead to devote all !their energy and activity to producing something to eat. We sincerely hope that every Lancaster News subscriber will | read with care Mr. Edmonds' interview and after they have read | it, that they will be guided thereby. The United States is a great icountry but it is now face to face with a situation almost as acute jas that of the days when the Civil War was being waged and fully as much responsibility devolves upon the farmer in the present crisis as upon the men who will be in the. trenches fighting for the American flag. The man with the hoe can do as much service for his country as the man with a gun. m TUESDAY, APRIL 10.1917 i 1?r? I HI What Others Say 11 | A Funny Man. A funny man is Mr. Fay, ^ Most puzzling that I know. He wants a war declared today I And the other man to go! ?Barnwell Sentinel. Peace at a Price. <] The more we learn about the hap- t penings of the past two years the { more are we convinced that the presl- ( de&t has stood for peace at a mighty , I big price.?Greenwood Journal. t Ldtt>e of Either. The few senators who oppose a war resolution have both the courage , and the discretion of the Jersey bull , that tried to butt the lightning ex- i press train off the track?Greenville j Piedmont. i I An Able Man. Congressman Lever has held the chairmanship of the committee on agriculture longer than any other i Demoorat. and has accomplished more than any other two men that have i headed this committee.?Columbia Record. j Turning of the Scale. Yes, we firmly believe that the entrance of American into the means j the turning of the scale. We would not have anybody think we regard it as a light task; but we believe Amer- s ica is equal to any emergency?Yorkville Enquirer. ] V Train Teddy??Never. Colonel Roosevelt says that four months from now he will be ready 1 to carry that division across, but while that time is pretty short, li.' would probably allow of his taking ! the course of training prescribed for j ] prospective othcers.?Columbia State. * * Well, K ft her Way. What's the matter with Lancaster? Friend Hell is trying to alter its fabled slogan, "Lancaster Leads," to [Lovely Lancaster, which is, no doubt. ? sweeter sounding, but none the less inapplicable. Must have sMpped a : cog some where.?Kershaw Era. l An Awful Creature. 3 What'do you think of the man who would take the paper for a year ] .and then say "*'1 never wanted it." < You might not know what you think 1 about him, but if you have any imagination you know what we think < about him.?Orangeburg Times and I Democrat. , . ( "Bill" Caldwell I weaves. We are sorry South Carolina Is to < lose W. F. Caldwell from the newspaper field. He has been with the I News and Courier bureau in Colum- j bia for a number of years, but goes ( to Washington with the Associated I Press. He is a very capable man, ? nnd we wish him well.?-Newberry Observer. t Old Man II. C. L. The present high cost of living is < likely to have one good effect. It is going to make for lively enlistments i in both branches of the government's military service. In the army and ravy you get free food, free clothes, free medical attention, and you like- i wise draw a salary. This cannot be ] said of any employment in private life.?Rock Hill Record. i ( erinan Kultur. We are at war with a nation which i sinks the hospital ship laden with i maimed and sick and wounded, which i strikes from under sea the vessel on 1 peaceful mission and flying the flag of a neutral nation. We are at war i with a nation whose ruler is bloodmad, who would baptize the world in j gore, who would start the blaze that | would burn a uuiverse to ashes, if it < would further his own desperate desire for more power. It will not be a ' skirmish, this war. We are at war| wun a great power. We will win but : not without great shedding of blood and spending of treasure.-?Monroe Enquirer. * A Iteuutlful Tribute. A citizen suggests to us that wo istart a movement for a fund to- send it he veterans of Kershaw county to 'the annual reunion at Washington 'th-'s summer. This will probably be Ithe last reunion the old fellows will) >ver have and It would be .a beautiful tribute to these gallant old men who i are fast passing away. Many of the towns of the State are taking the matter up starting subscription cam-, paigns to send their veterans on. W? ' hope the people of this county will get in line with the other towns. The | Chronicle will receive donations to this fund and see that it is properly j applied. The citizen suggesting the movement tells us to call upon him ; for three dollars and this paper will give a like amount.?Camden Chron- I Icle. 1 f .t ~ f I' I f li 111! Our Scrap Basket 8 This Is a Joke. One of them?"They say Miss rytts has teeth like pearls." The other?"I shouldn't wonder, or she is dumb as an oyster." No III-Luck. There is no such thing as ill-luck, rhe man or woman who is always mlucky generally is so because he >r she does not grasp chance when it romes. Luck is wholly a matter of naking the most of our opportuni;les. Iowa's Farm Machinery. v Iowa farming implements are worth more than the farm implements of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Montana. Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada combined. Prom the New Dictionary. A Watch Word?"What time is t?" A Scrap of Paper?A prize fight waged in the newspapers. A Stinging Retort?The bees. Fresh Country Butter?A young ;oat with half-grown horns. A Sunset?A lazy boy. A Chicken Sandwich?A pretty girl seated on the sea-beach. A Wish For Fach Day Tills Week. Sunday?May everybody try to make somebody else happy, Monday?May the strawberries last a long time, ruosday?May the mali ran bring us good news in a letter. Wednesday?'May the flowers be prettier than ever this summer, rhursday?May as many as possible be happy today. Friday-?May we get through with the week's cleaning in a hurry. nmuniay may ine powers inai o? lower food prices soon. Did You Know Tlu?t? The;nialene pas is better than actyler.e for weldinp? St. Paul candy factories consume 1,000 000 pounds of supar yearly. Ur'ted States loaned about $300,P00.000 in foreign countries last rear? The laboring classes of Seville live principally on vegetables, with an occasional meal of dried fish and oread? Cameo-cutting one of the moat anient of occupations, has just befen introduced into the United States? Ciarden Hints. Sow seed in Btraigh rows, not too Jeep. Radish, lettuce and onions should be covered only one-quarter to half an inch deep; cucumbers and melons about one inch; corn, peas and beans two inches. Pack soil firmly over seed after covering. Don't sow seeds too thickly. Potato peelings can be used for seed. I)o not sow beans until all danger of frost is past. Ileets may be sown as early as the eround is in condition. Lettuce may bo sown at intervals. Cabbage should be sown in a well prepared spot and transplanted in (he garden when large enough to handle. Plant onion sets early in the spring. Swiss ehard should be sown early. A back yard garden cultivated for the first time should be well spaded at least a spade deep. The soil should be turned over and left to sun for a few days. A light dressing of wood asheB or air-slacked lime will correct acidity. One Cent's Worth of Electricity. One cent's worth of electricity will do the following things: Operate a sewings machine two hours. Keep six-pound iron hot fifteen minutes. Heat electric curling iron fourteen times. Percolate four cups of coffee. Lift 100 gallons of water 100 feet. niva llrrKl of ? Vilf ^ nhiK Wi no inuuinn for one hour, Toast broad for six persona. Operate luminous radiator fo> eight minutes. Warm baby's bottle twice. Cook Welsh rarebit in chafing dish. Keep heating pad hot two hours. Heat eight-inch electric stove eight minutes. Operate twelve-inch fan two hours. Vulcanize four automobile tire patches. Keep foot-warmor hot one-quarter hour. Raise passenger elevator five stories in a minute Operate electrl griddle eight minutes. (Calculating current at 10 cents per kilowatt-hour rate,) + I 1 I II I III " s iH Here and There' US Slushy Htanzae. When a girl starts to painting her ^ face, You may know she has entered the race To get her a man, Any kind that she can, In any old way, time or place. This Is a Joke. "Do you think the time will ever come when there will be no money 1n politics?" "I can't Bay," replied the other, "but it won't be our fault Lf it doesn't. We have done all we could to remove all we could get our hands on." Did You>Know That In Lapland men and women drees exactly alike? Aada contains one-third of the land surface of the earth? Fernando El Cano, of Santa Roea, Cal.. says he Is 116 years old? That the finest pearls are produced in the Persian gulf and about Ceylon? The deaths from accidents In the United States aggregate 35,000 per year? Thnt in the last five years our National and State law makers have passed 62,550 laws? That the sky Jark and the wood lark are thought to be the only birds that sing as they fly? If the sea should rise one twentysixth of It's depth, one-half of the land vyould be under water? Candle lamps bright enough to be used on bicycles . and motorcycles have been invented in France? Smoking in the dark is no pleasure?not so with kissing a fair damsel. Everything has its place? If your conscience is active, it i makes precious little difference what |church you belong to? I George Washington was never licked until they put his picture on a postage stamp? A news item tells of a man taking liiis twentieth wife, having been divorced nineteen times. He's letting I w trouble take Its course? Men who can't manage without a j wife will find that they don't manage with one? * Swearing off continually is a bad habit? The less a man knows the more stubborn his argument. That's what everyone thinks when he gets mad because the other fellow refuses to be convinced? In women's shoes it is a case of the survival of the smallest? The books that are found In runining brooks must be "racy" stories? A crazy person thinks those around him must be dippy? What's the use of being dignified and sedate just to please your wife if it takes all the pleasure out of life* for you? While a woman makes a good deal of fuss about it, she admires the man who has gumption enough to put his foot down once in a while and say things shall be so and so? Man may lilse to pass his affections around, but he will insist that J those who receive any part thereoi give all in return? There are some so ignorant that it jis no embarrassment to them? There's nothing so difficult about being a family man. First get your 'wife and the rest will come to you rapidly enough? Some folks waste as much time telling you how busy they are as it would take to do the work? When you see a woman throwing balls at the nigger babies at a street carnival and knocking them down every shot, you have a curiosity te see what condition her hubby's features are in? The French fishing fleet of Newfoundland, caught last year ?3,294,428 pounds of cod? There is more real pleasure in getting $2.00 that you do not expect than in getting many times that amount that you have labored fatth: fully for? The man who knows himself must ismile over the way he has fooled |those who compliment him, but the j pleasure may he marred by wonderling whether the compliment was a 'deliberate lie? What puzzles a woman whose experience with a bank account has been brief Is why. they show her _ ?i I alanco In red figures oftener than In black? Poker Is really not a game of chance. There's no chance to be a winner If you stick to It? You never realize how many things a wife will forgive a hubby who loves her until you try it awhile? , An heiress and a hairless title 1 sometimes go together? I A census of the financial condition I i of the newspapers of the country a shows no change? a